In Istanbul a girl is stabbed by robed assassins. In Sunnydale,
Buffy tutors Dawn on fighting--which will come in handy because
Dawn is starting school at the new Sunnydale High, built on the
site of the old one, which is above the hellmouth. In England, Willow
talks with Giles about her powers, says everything is connected,
and the hellmouth will reopen. Anya has a lack of interest in granting
vengeance wishes. Dawn is attacked by zombies in the school's basement.
Buffy dives in to help--and runs into a disheveled, insane Spike,
who tells Buffy the zombies are controlled by a talisman. Buffy
sends Xander to get rid of the talisman, then leaves Spike to rescue
Dawn. Xander breaks the talisman and the zombies disappear. Later
on, the new principal offers Buffy a job as a outreach counselor
and Buffy accepts. Down in the basement, Spike is tormented by a
being that morphs into prior villains--and the final morph is Buffy,
telling him the coming struggle isn't about right or wrong, it's
about power.