About our Episode Pages

Basic Episode Information

Here's a brief explanation of some of the information that we collect about the episodes as they air:

  • Reviews - several of our talented members (hi Tara and Pet!) write reviews of the latest episodes to air.
  • Spikefeed - the lovely Dori has access to the Wildfeed. Rather than replicate the wonderful work that other Wildfeed reporters do, Dori concentrates on the Spikey parts of the episodes. Some of our members have suggested that Dori writes such wonderfully evocative summaries, she could have a career writing porn :-)
    Starting with Older and Far Away, Dori's mini-Spikefeed will be posted to the website (usually around 5:30amET). The longer Spikefeed will be added when it is available (generally mid-afternoon).
  • Ratings - we rate the episodes on 3 factors, all out of 5. The Enjoyability Index looks at how much we enjoyed the episode; the Redemption Index looks at how positive or negative the episode was in terms of Spike's redemption; and the Shipping Index (yes the names were all just to set up that one rather pathetic joke) looks at how positive or negative the episode was in terms of the (romantic) relationship between Spike and Buffy.
  • Episode Analysis - we discuss the episode's significance in terms of various factors including redemption, the 'ship and the overall story arc. Responses are then collated for the website.
  • Brief Episode Summaries - Michelle has compiled a brief description of each episode for the pages.


Episode Analysis

Some questions to encourage discussion:

Spike's Evolution/Redemptive Journey

1. Has Spike changed, grown, or regressed during this episode? In what ways?

2. How does Spike's portrayal in this episode relate to other episodes? In what ways is this illuminating?

3. Did anything about Spike surprise or dismay you in this episode? Why?

4. Did anything in this episode suggest that Spike has made progress towards redemption? Did anything suggest he is further from redemption? Did anything suggest he may already *be* redeemed? Why?


Spike's Relationships

1. What did this episode have to say about the current state of Spike and Buffy's relationship?

2. How did the events of the episode encourage or discourage healthier patterns in Spike and Buffy's relationship?

3. What did you think of Spike's interactions with the other Scoobies? Did anything change, grow, or regress in his battle for acceptance?


Seasonal/Series Themes

1. In what ways did the events of the episode contribute to the maturation ('oh grow up') and accountability themes of the season?

2. How did this episode elaborate on the themes of acceptance and balance articulated throughout the series?

3. How did this episode contribute to the understanding of the Big Bad and his/her significance to Buffy, Spike, and the Scoobies? How has it changed our perceptions of good and evil in the Buffyverse?

4. What is the importance of this episode in the season's arc? in the series' canon?



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