Buffy spats with Spike the morning after their night together.
Amy introduces Willow to a warlock who uses magic like an addictive
drug, and Willow turns into a magic junkie. While Buffy, Xander,
and Anya continue their half-hearted attempts to solve the mystery
of the diamond-eating frost monster, Willow offers to take Dawn
to a movie, but instead takes her to the magic crack house. When
Buffy discovers Dawn is in danger, she enlists Spike's help and,
for a change, they manage not to spat. A demon attacks Dawn and
a still magic-buzzed Willow, and their attempt to escape in a stolen
car ends in a crash. Buffy and Spike arrive to save the day, and
while Buffy kills the demon, Spike looks after Dawn. Later, a horrified
and tearful Willow swears off her addiction to magic, and Buffy,
also feeling guilty, swears off her addiction to Spike.