Episode 6.07 - Once More, with Feeling



Joss Whedon


Joss Whedon


6 November 2001


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A demon causes Sunnydale's citizens to reveal their secrets in song and dance. At first it seems harmless, but the gang soon discovers people have danced themselves to death. Buffy reveals she feels frozen. Anya and Xander reveal their worries about getting married. Dawn reveals she fears nobody cares about her. Tara learns Willow used magic on her. Giles reveals he's keeping Buffy from facing her responsibilities, and Spike reveals to Buffy that beneath his friendship seethes a frustration and desire to be more than friends. When the demon kidnaps Dawn, the gang goes to rescue her, and Buffy reveals the truth that her friends ripped her from heaven. Buffy nearly dances herself to death, but is stopped by Spike, who give her some sage advice about living. As the rest of the gang, stunned by Buffy's revelation, continues to sing, Spike leaves. Buffy, wanting to feel alive, goes after Spike, kisses him, and strikes a spark at last.


What we thought about this Episode:

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