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latest news ** Want your fanfic updates emailed to you? Click here. ** 8/1/06: I've updated the next chapter of For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story. You can read it here. 7/28/06: I've added the next chapter of Forever Again. You can read it here. 7/26/06: I've updated the next chapter of For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story. You can read it here. 7/22/06: I've started a new "short" series called My Darkness. It's going to be a darker piece set to a series of prompts from my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompt: Enemies. I'm also just about finished with the next chapter of Forever Again and Alric's Story. The winners have been announced at the Fang Fetish Awards, and I'm tickled pink that Lost in Time won runner-up for Best OC for Alric as well as winning for Best Saga. Huge thank you to the judges and the person(s) that nominated me. And, the nomination fairies are at it again - this time at the Love's Last Glimpse Awards. The Bet, The Substitute, and Save Me have all been nominated. Someone also nominated me for Best Author. So, thank you! 7/17/06: I've updated the next chapter of For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story. You can read it here. 7/14/06: I've written a new short story called Last Ride Home. Set post-NFA. You can read it here. 7/10/06: I've updated the next chapter of For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story. You can read it here. 7/7/06: I've written a short PWP piece called Forbidden Fruit. You can read it here. 7/3/06: It's Monday again, which means another new chapter of For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story. You can read it here. I've also written a post-NFA piece entitled Halloween Done Right. It's for my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompt: Relationships. You can read it here. 7/1/06: I've finally got the next chapter of Forever Again updated. You can go here to read. Also, the nomination fairies have been at it again. Lost in Time has been nominated at the Lost in Spike Awards for Best Long, and Most Original. Someone else (besides me) seems to like Lindsey and Tara together. Devil's Paradise has been nominated at the SunnyD Awards for Best Angst, Best Pairing (Unconventional), Best Plot; someone even nominated me for Best Author - they're judging now, so why don't you take a minute and go vote for your favs! And finally, the Lie To Me Awards are holding their "Best of the Best" round. Lost in Time is up for the Endless (WIP) Award and the Big Bad (Spike) Award - they're also in the voting stage. Ok, that's all for now. Back Monday with an update to For Love of a Wolf - remember it gets post here first (usually a day or so before it hits the archive sites). 6/26/06: I've got the second chapter of For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story now updated. You can go here to read. Also, I've finished up my short story, Consummation, an alternate ending to The Girl In Question. It's based on four prompts from my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompts: Wet, Champagne, Cuddle, and Heart. 6/19/06: I've got the first chapter of the Lost in Time sequel, For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story, now updated. You can go here to read. 6/16/06: I've added a bunch of prompts to my Spangel Kink Table. In the Dark Days Fade Away-verse: Lips, Heated, Toys, and Wet. In a new ficlet, Childe of Mine: Strangers, Kiss, and Candle Wax. And, in another new ficlet, Long Journey Home: Submissive, Throat, Blood, Relationships, Phone Encounter, Role Play, Bad, Satin, and Ring. Now that I've completed my "Spangel" assignment, it's back to the Spuffy for a while. I've made a tentative outline for the sequel to Lost in Time, tentatively called For Love of a Wolf: Alric's Story. I've also got the rest of Forever Again to finish up. 6/6/06: I've added the last chapter of my short fic, Save Me. Go here to read. (Yes, there will be a sequel at some point!) ^_^ 6/5/06: I've added the second chapter of my short fic, Save Me. Go here to read. 6/4/06: New fic added entitled, Save Me. Set during Lie To Me. What happens when an evil blond vamp and the Slayer are trapped together with no means of escape? In a word, snark! Go here to read the first of this three-part story. 5/28/06: I've finished up the last few chapters of Devil's Paradise - chapters 8 & 9, and the epilogue. 5/27/06: I've added the next chapter to Forever Again. You can go here to read. I've also added a fic called Devil's Paradise, featuring Lindsey & Tara as the main couple, with Darla and Anya along for the ride... if you're so inclined. 5/23/06: I've added another two prompts to my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompts: Foreplay & Strained. Combined together, they create the ficlet, Consummation, a Spuffier ending to The Girl In Question. Enjoy! 5/18/06: I've added two more prompts to my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompts: Breast & Throat. This finished up the ficlet, The Bet. 5/16/06: I've added another prompt to my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompt: Thrust. Again in The Bet-verse. Just two more to go. Oh, and I've been adding goodies to my drabble page here. 5/15/06: I've added two new prompts to my Spuffy Kink Table. The prompts: Ice & Oil. Still in The Bet-verse, though it'll be wrapping up in another few prompts. Also, I've got another chapter of By the Emerald Light (co-written with Redwulf). You can read it here. 5/14/06: I've added the next chapter of Forever Again. You can go here to read. Also, sometime last year, Redwulf and I started a fic called, By the Emerald Light. I'm a closet Justice League Unlimited fan, and the Pup and I were chatting on Yahoo when this plot bunny grabbed hold of both of us and wouldn't let go. Well, with school being out for the summer for me, I'm trying to clear up a few things. So, hopefully we'll get this one wrapped up and stamped complete real soon. And, can you believe it? It's only PG-13! Wanna start reading? Go here.
disclaimer All fanfic listed on the "My Fanfic" page are the property of SpikesKat, a.k.a. Kat. As such, they may not be archived elsewhere without permission. Fanfic listed on the "Fic Recs" page belong to the individual authors listed by each title and should not be archived/removed without their express permission. All BtVS and AtS characters belong to Josh Whedon, Mutant Enemy, et. al. No copyright infringement is intended.