Welcome to Blood Ties Awards

Welcome to Blood Ties Awards. This is an awards site that's dedicated to the authors of all fanfiction that focuses on the relationship between Buffy and Spike.

This site was created in the hopes that we are able to give something back to those authors who have kept the relationship and the show alive even though it has ended :(


Fics Nominated: 7
Best Author Nominations: 0
Total Nominations: 17



17 Nominations uploaded!

Keep those nominations coming!

Hey all...RL has finally given us a chance to update, sorry about the delay... :o)

We are now (finally) taking nominations for Round 5! Nominate a fic and support the authors and the fandom!

Please note we have changed some rules and categories. Please read before nominating!

As always we are looking for new people to join the Blood Ties Team either as a judge or to help with graphics and layouts.
If you are interested, please let us know...our contact details can be found here.

We've finally got the Winners for Round 4 decided and posted! Check em out by selecting winners over on the navigation panel.

Round 5 Nominations will open late on Saturday 25th February. (Aust time +1000GMT)

We'd like to apologise for the delay in posting the round 4 winners. Unfortunately RL has temporarily delayed the process and we were unable to complete all the awards on time. However, things are being dealt with as quickly as possible and the results will be posted this Friday. Thank you for your patience.

13 Nominations uploaded!

Nominations for Round 4 have now closed! Thanks to everyone who has nominated!

Good luck to all the authors who have had their wonderful fics nominated this round!

It's now up to our panel of judges to decide the Winners!

You can now start voting for your Readers Pick here.

30 Nominations uploaded!

Round 4 Nominations will be closing soon! So get those last minute nominations in!

The Orginal Plotline category is FULL, and the Romance Category only has two positions left!

4 Nominations uploaded!

Well a Happy New Year to all!

We've all been a bit busy over the Summer Holiday period and haven't been able to update for a while. We're very sorry about this! :o(

But, I've finally found the time to do it...yay! :o)

49 Nominations uploaded!

Keep nominating your favourite fics!!

3 Nominations uploaded!

12 Nominations uploaded!

29 Nominations uploaded!

Winners for Round 3 have been decided. Click here to check them out! Congrats to all winners and runners-up.

We are now taking nominations for Round 4! Nominate a fic and support the authors and the fandom!

As always we are looking for new people to join the Blood Ties Team either as a judge or to help with graphics and layouts.
If you are interested, please let us know...our contact details can be found here.

Please note we have changed some rules and categories. Please read before nominating!

Voting for Reader's Pick is now closed and the winner decided. Thank you to all of you who voted.

The Sarge and Spuffyfan now have LiveJournals...you can reach our pages through the contacts page.

Winners for all categories will be announced 21 Dec 05 (Aust Daylight Savings Time +11:00 GMT)

Round 4 Dates have been posted.

WOOHOO!!! We won another award! Best Awards Site at Stinky Yak Cheese Awards! Click here to check out our award!

Wow! Long time no update...Sorry about that guys, but RL caught up with all of us badly the last few weeks!

Nominations for Round 3 have now closed!!

31 Nominations uploaded!

Readers Pick voting will begin tomorrow (11 Dec 05 Aust Time) and will run till 19 Dec 05. So come back from tomorrow and have your say!

13 Nominations uploaded!

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6 Nominations uploaded!

18 Nominations uploaded!

Squee!! We WON an Award! The Welcome To The Hellmouth Award at the Lie To Me Awards! Thanks so much and congrats to all the Winners in Round 5 @ LTMA!

Voting has begun at Stinky Yak Cheese Awards. We're nominated in the Best Award Site, Best Couple Site & Best New Site categories. Your support and your VOTE would be greatly appreciated! :o)

41 Nominations uploaded!

There were a few problems with our nomination form. We had left 'Drama' out as a possible category to nominate in, also when people were nominating a fic for 'Best Ep Re-Write' our nomination e-mail was telling us it was a nomination for 'Best Drama'.

As a result all fics previously nominated for 'Best Drama' have been moved to 'Best Ep Re-Write', as the nominaters had intended. We have also now included the 'Best Drama' category on the form.

We hope this hasn't caused too much inconvenience!

8 Nominations uploaded!

39 Nominations uploaded!

Nominations for Round 3 are now open to nominate fics! There are some changes to the categories for this round, so don't forget to check them out before nominating a fic. Also please remember to read the rules. You want your nomination to be counted!

Also, we are still looking for people to join our staff as either a judge or to help with the graphics. The more we have the better, so if you are interested please contact us.

Round 2 Winners have been announced!