"A New World"

Written by: Jeffrey Bell Original Air Date: May 6, 2002

Things pick up where they left off at the end of "The Price" with Connor's arrival in the lobby of the Hyperion. He aims a stake firing weapon at Angel and greets his father.
Connor says hello
Groo and Gunn take defensive positions, ready for action if necessary.

Angel yells at them to wait as Connor fires a couple of stakes toward him. One hits Angel in the shoulder, he deflects the other with the back of his hand.

Groo tosses his ax toward Connor.

Connor deflects it with the sharp, curved blade attached to his forearm. He ponders the response to his actions a moment.
Angel realizing it's Connor
Angel realizes it's Connor as he says his name.

Connor fires a few more stakes in Angel's direction.

Angel hits the floor and dodges them.

Cordelia tosses Angel a sword to defend himself with as she retrieves one for herself and stands back in the doorway to Wesley's office with Fred and Lorne.

Groo and Gunn attempt to assist Angel in the fight but Connor takes them on as well.
fighting it out
As Angel and Connor fight, Angel tries to reason with him, trying to get him to stop fighting and talk.

Connor isn't interested in anything but the fight. He knocks Angel to the floor and attempts to stake him but Angel uses his sword to block the stake from hitting its intended target. He kicks Connor up into the air, leading to a backward somersault that results in Connor ending up on his back on the floor. He jumps back to his feet as Groo and Gunn encircle him, along with Angel.

Angel suggests everybody be calm.

Connor would rather fight.
Connor gets the pointAngel holds the blade to Connor's throat
Groo takes a swing at him, Connor knocks him across the floor. As he continues fighting with Angel, Gunn takes a swing, Connor knocks him to the floor and heads over to finish him off.

Angel hits him in the back with the sword's handle, knocking him off of Gunn, onto the floor on his back. Angel tosses the sword aside and punches Connor

As Connor raises his curved blade, Angel grabs his arm and holds the blade's point to Connor's throat.
Angel pulled out of the sun
Angel realizes what he's doing and backs off. He extends his hand to help his son off of the floor

Connor backs away from him then runs out of the hotel into the sunlight.

Angel tries to follow but is pulled back by Groo and Gunn just as he gets into the sun. They tell him they'll continue the pursuit.
Connor takes to the street
Connor runs into the middle of a busy street.

Gunn and Groo look on as a confused Connor barely avoids getting hit, numerous times. They try to get to him but can't get a break in traffic to get into the street.

As a city bus drives by, Connor leaps up onto the back of it and departs on its roof.

Angel prepares to find Connor
As everyone returns to the lobby, Angel asks if anyone got the number of the bus.

Gunn got it, he offers to make a call to find out the route.

Fred figures she can get that information faster online.
Cordelia mentions the vision
Cordelia tells Angel the fight was the vision she had the day before.

Angel reminds her she didn't mention anything about Connor.

She tells him she only saw him (Angel) in the vision, not Connor.
Gunn makes a point
Gunn wonders if Angel is really sure the kid was Connor just because he greeted him with "Hi, dad."

Angel is sure.

Gunn points out he was just a baby a few weeks ago. He's having a hard time believing he came back as a teenager.

Cordelia sums up the reaction with, "Tell me we don't live in a soap opera."

Lorne is more concerned with why he came back than how he grew up.

Angel figures Connor came back because he found a way to escape Quor-toth

Lorne concedes that's a possibility but he wonders if Angel is sure Connor said "Hi, dad and not, you're dead."

Angel thinks the kid is angry and afraid. He's sure he can reason with him when he gets the chance.

Fred comes back into the lobby from the office.

Angel asks what she's found out.

She hands him a piece of paper and tells him the bus runs all the way to downtown, ending up at Union Station.

Angel heads for the tunnels and suggests someone take the surface streets.
noticing the rift problem
Cordelia tells Gunn and Fred to start with Union Station and work their way back. Before she can finish her instructions, another electrical discharge lights up the lobby. Cordy figures this isn't good.

Fred thinks the rift to Quor-toth must still be open.

Lorne reckons they should close it before something else comes through.
Cordy tries to close the rift
Groo suggests to Cordy that with her new powers, perhaps she can seal the rift.

She offers to give it a try. She walks into the center of the lobby, raises her arms, waves her hands and commands the rift to close.

More electrical discharges indicate no success.

Cordy figures she gave it her best shot.

Fred tentatively offers they know someone who might be able to help.

unn tells her no, he already went to Wesley, they can't do that again.
Lorne offers a solution
Lorne says he knows someone who knows someone who might be able to help them but it will be difficult.

Groo wonders if he needs protection to make contact.

Lorne says it's not dangerous but wonders if anyone knows sign language.

Cordelia doesn't think they should all leave the hotel as long as the rift is still open.

Groo picks up a sword from the floor and offers to remain behind to keep watch on it.

Cordy decides to remain with Groo. She tells Gunn and Fred to hit the streets.
Fred comes to a realization
Fred realizes Gunn's earlier comment about having gone to Wesley meant he went to him to find a way to save her from the interdimensional slug invasion ("The Price").

Gunn acknowledges that's true and tells her Wes made it clear he didn't want them asking for help again.

Wes gets a visitorWes watches Lilah walk in
Wes answers a knock on his door and opens it to find Lilah standing on the other side.

She says she didn't call because she figured he'd just tell her to "go to hell" so she decided to take a chance and stop by. She wonders if he plans to invite her in.

He assures her he doesn't.

She walks in anyway. She looks around the apartment, noting the absence of get well cards and flowers.

Wes tells her he finds her presence there amusing. He knows she's come to offer him a job.

Lilah feigns sympathy with Wesley's situation, having dedicated his life to something and then having the people he tried to help turn their backs on him.

Wes isn't buying her act. He tells her to get out.
Lilah makes an offer
Lilah isn't anxious to leave. She notes what Wes has to offer; his knowledge and intellect.

Wes figures she's more interested in his knowledge of the inner workings of Angel Investigations.

Lilah tries to tempt him with Wolfram and Hart's collection of mystical, occult and supernatural reference material which, she points out, is the best in the world. She brings up other benefits of being an employee of W&H; medical, dental, retirement plan.

Wes assures her he isn't interested.

Lilah figures it was worth making the offer.
Wes gets a gift
Lilah pulls a book from her bag and hands it to Wes. She says he'll have some reading material to occupy himself while he's unemployed.

Wes looks at the book, noting it's a copy of Dante's Divine Comedy.

Lilah says it's just the first part, The Inferno. She notes it's not a first edition, more like 1500's, but tells him it's in the original Tuscan. She asks if he's read it.

Wes tosses it aside, telling her he's read it many times.
Lilah figures he's familiar with it then as we get a brief primer for those who haven't read it. Lilah mentions it's a guided tour of the underworld, the nine levels of hell.

Wes observes that it's descending concentric rings based on the severity of the sin.
a parting shot
Lilah says she remembers at the bottom of hell, the devil is frozen in ice. She also remembers he has three heads and three mouths which are reserved for the worst sinners. She can't recall who is in the center mouth, who is the person in all of recorded history deemed to be the worst sinner. She asks Wes to remind her.

He quietly answers, "Judas Iscariot."

Lilah finds it interesting that the worst place in hell is reserved for betrayers. As she leaves, she suggests Wesley not pretend he's too good to work for W&H.

Connor continues his ride on top of the bus for a bit, nervously taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds of LA. After a brief trip, He leaps off of it onto the sidewalk.

Angel on his cell
Angel is in the sewer tunnels on his cell phone with Gunn. He asks if Gunn and Fred have found Connor.

Gunn says they haven't, but Connor is leaving a trail.

Angel asks if he's hurt anyone.

Gunn clarifies he's left a trail of people who noticed him. A kid wearing animal skins riding on the roof of a city bus apparently gets people's attention in some parts of town.
Fred, Gunn
Fred returns to Gunn's truck and tells him she's found two more people who've seen Connor.

Gunn tells Angel Connor is still headed downtown.

Angel doesn't figure the kid will ride the bus all the way into downtown. He thinks he'd jump off somewhere less populated.

Gunn asks if Angel wants him to come back and pick him up.

Angel declines, saying the sun won't set for a few more hours yet. He tells them to keep following the trail until they lose it, then let him know.

Gunn wonders what happens if they don't lose the trail, if they find the kid.

Angel answers that his son is alive, he wants him to stay that way.

Connor hears an argument
Connor hears a woman arguing with someone. He peers over the side of a bridge and sees a young woman below but can't see who she's arguing with. He leaps over the side of the bridge to check things out.
Sunny, Tyke
Beneath the bridge, the woman, Sunny, is offering some CD's to a guy, Tyke.

He tells her they aren't worth anything.

Sunny continues to beg him to give her something for the CD's.

He tells her to get lost, she's embarrassing herself.

Connor moves in for a closer look, staying out of sight.
Tyke responds to Connor's arrivalConnor confronts Tyke
Sunny is still trying to get something out of Tyke.

He tosses the CD's aside.

She starts pounding on him.

He grabs her and tells her she can work that off.

As he tries to shove her into his car, Connor approaches.

Tyke suggests Connor get lost.

Connor makes no move to do so.

Tyke notes Connor's "chamois" clothes, finding that amusing. He points to the necklace of souvenirs Connor is wearing and asks what that's about.

Connor answers it's made up of "things I killed."

Tyke isn't impressed. He whistles and is suddenly joined by several associates, one of whom is armed with a crowbar.
Connor gets hit
Connor turns, the guy with the crowbar hits him with it.

Tyke approaches a seemingly unconscious Connor, rips the necklace from his neck and orders his guys to get rid of the kid. He walks back to his car, takes off his coat and lays it on the trunk.

As crowbar guy takes a final swing at Connor's head, he opens his eyes, rolls out of the way, grabs the crowbar and hits the guy with it.
Tyke turns a gun on Sunny
Tyke backs off and watches as Connor takes on his crew. When he sees Connor getting the best of them, he pulls a gun.

Sunny throws the car door open just as he fires, knocking him off balance and sending the bullet off target, into one of Tyke's own men.

Tyke aims the gun at Sunny but before he can fire, Connor knocks it out of his hand. He flips Tyke over on his back, onto the roof of the car, knocking him out.
Connor takes a trophy
One of the other guys starts to get up, Connor pulls a small knife and tosses it, embedding it in the guy's hand.

As Connor goes to retrieve his knife, Sunny gets out of the car and checks Tyke's coat pockets, finding cash and drugs. She grabs the coat, sees Connor is about to slash Tyke's throat and tells him not to do it, the police are likely on the way, they have to get out of there.

Connor starts to leave with her, stops, then goes back, cuts Tyke's ear off and takes it with him.

Tyke regains consciousness, screaming.

Connor tells Sunny he won't be forgotten now.

Groo guards the lobby
At the hotel, Groo stands guard with his sword as more electrical discharges crackle in the lobby.

Cordelia sits on the steps, watching. She wonders if he gets a stiff neck standing like that all day.

He assures her his training provides for such things. He says he once encountered a herd of "Burbeasts" and since they'll mate with anything that moves, he found it necessary to stand completely still for eleven days and nights.
Cordy muses over boring tales
Cordelia says Angel takes that patient approach to things as well, she doesn't get it, she's not the waiting type.

Groo says he's sure Angel has told her of his many exploits.

Cordy replies he's tried but all that 'back in the day' stuff just bores her.

Groo gives her a look.

She tries to recover, assuring him Angel's tales are boring but Groo's are exciting and impressive. She assures him he doesn't need tales to impress her though, she's impressed with who he is.
Cordelia reassures Groo
Groo points out she mentions Angel a lot.

Cordelia says it's because Angel has needed her the past few weeks with everything that's been going on but she thinks Groo needs her too. She moves in for a kiss.

Groo pulls back, suggesting he really should be keeping watch on the rift in case something comes through.

Cordelia would rather kiss. After a moment, Groo pulls back again and tells her he thought her affection for him had waned.

She kisses him again and looks up at the rift just in time to see a bolt of energy discharge that knocks them both to the floor.

Gunn, Fred
Gunn talks to the cops who are investigating what happened under the bridge. He then joins Fred who tells him Connor was seen jumping off the bus a short distance from there.

They move around the corner and join Angel who tells them he knows Connor was there, he knows his scent.
giving info to Angel
Gunn tells him what he heard from the cops, a drug deal went bad, somebody got killed. They caught one of the guys who identified a local as the one who did the shooting.

Fred wonders if that means Connor was there but wasn't involved.

Gunn figures he was a part of it, there was lots of mayhem, one of the guy's got his ear cut off for a souvenir.

Fred is repulsed by that.

Angel reminds her Connor grew up in a hell dimension.
Angel makes a plan
Gunn asks how Angel wants to handle it.

He tells them to go back to the hotel, it will be dark soon, he'll find Connor.

Fred wonders if it wouldn't be best if they kept looking together.

Angel thinks he'll have a better chance alone. He figures Connor is confused being alone in a strange place. He doesn't want to scare him off.

Connor checks out the surroundings
Sunny leads Connor to an abandoned motel. She thinks his fighting skills are impressive, she wonders where he learned that stuff.

He tells her he learned it in Quor-toth.

She thinks that's someplace in Mexico. She opens the door to one of the rooms, interrupting a junkie doing his business. She apologizes and closes the door, telling Connor a lot of people hang out there. She leads him up the steps and makes conversation, asking what he did for fun in Quor-toth, how he spent his time.

Connor answers that he hunted.

She's not surprised to hear it.

Sunny opens the door to one of the rooms, they both go inside. She lights some candles.

Connor looks around the wrecked and cluttered place, asking if that's her home.

She answers that it is for the night anyway. She says he's welcome to stay there as she takes some packets of white powder from Tyke's coat pocket and puts them in her pants pocket.
Sunny, Connor
As Connor looks around the place, Sunny digs through a pile of clothes left behind by someone else and suggests he dress in something more appropriate. She hands him something to wear. She pulls some junk food out of her bag as he changes.
Sunny, Connor in mid-clothes change
Sunny asks if he was really going to kill Tyke.

Connor answers that he was hurting her.

Sunny says it's good he didn't kill him.

He asks why.

She turns to answer and notices he's in the midst of changing clothes, currently standing on the other side of the room, naked. He doesn't seem to think there's anything odd about that.

She casually looks away, saying she doesn't need trouble with the cops.
Sunny, Connor share dinner
She munches on a chocolate snack cake as Connor finishes getting dressed. She asks him if he's ever had one.

He shakes his head no.

She invites him to take a bite

He does, smiles, enjoying a new taste. He notices a spoon on the table and picks it up, telling her he recognizes it's used for eating.

Sunny stops him and tells him that one isn't for that. She pulls a small bag of white powder from her pocket and says that's what the spoon is for. She gets it from Tyke, it's medicine.

Connor asks if she's ill.

She says it's different medicine, it helps her when she gets sad.

He asks if she's sad now.

She smiles and says she isn't as they continue to share what passes for dinner.

Gunn, Fred arrive back at the hotelCordy, knocked out
Fred and Gunn return to the hotel. Fred figures Angel is right, that Connor is alone and probably scared.

Gunn didn't think he looked too scared when he was kicking ass.

Fred thinks they should have gone with Angel.

Gunn agrees that would have been a good idea, especially now that they know what Connor is capable of.

They enter the front door to the lobby and find both Groo and Cordy unconscious on the floor.

Sunny, Connor have a chat
Sunny relaxes after finishing the meal. She muses she has food, money and a place to stay, this has been a pretty good day. She asks Connor about himself, why he's in LA.

He answers he came to find his father.

She says she came to get away from hers, she thinks parents should have to take a test for fitness before having kids and if they're "drunk or idiots or evil" they shouldn't be allowed to have any.

Connor says if they're evil, they should be killed.

She thinks on that a moment then notes he doesn't say much but she likes what he does say.

They look at each other briefly. Sunny moves in and kisses him.

He looks a bit surprised, not sure exactly what that's about.

Sunny pulls back briefly then kisses him again.

Connor figures it out this time. He returns her kiss. Things start to get a bit intense.

She pulls away and tells him she'll be back.

At his apartment, Wes takes a moment from working on his computer to page through the book Lilah left. He studies one of the illustrations a moment, then slams the book shut.

Connor wakes up ready for a fight
At the abandoned motel, Connor wakes with a start to the sound of sirens. He reflexively pulls a knife with each hand and looks for the danger. He notices he's alone and calls out for Sunny.

When she doesn't answer, he starts searching the place for her. He hears a noise and calls out for her again. He gets no answer.
Connor finds Sunny
Connor opens the bathroom door and finds her, slumped over the tub, a hypodermic needle sticking out of her arm.

He kneels beside her and gently tries to wake her. He notices a packet of white powder on the floor and picks it up. He realizes she's dead. He turns toward the door and comes face to face with Angel.
Angel arrives
Angel sees Sunny, notices the drug paraphernalia and grabs Connor's arm. He wants to know if the girl shot him up.

Connor jerks his arm away and tells him she didn't.

Angel tells him they'll deal with things together.

Connor says it's too late as he walks past Angel.

Angel follows after him and tells him he's sorry about the dead girl. He wonders if she was a friend.

He gets no answer as Connor is focused on looking for something.

Angel figures Connor probably doesn't think this dimension is any better than the one he left but he wants to help.
Angel tries to get throughConnor
Connor finds what he's looking for. He picks up Tyke's leather jacket and smells it.

Angel wants to know what he's doing. He takes the jacket from him.

Connor demands it back.

Angel wants to know who he's tracking.

Connor tries to take the jacket. Angel holds him off. He goes through the pockets and finds drugs. He realizes this jacket belongs to the guy who gave Sunny the stuff that killed her and that Connor intends to go after him. Angel wonders what Connor intends to do.
things get tense
Connor's answer is "punish."

Angel knows he means "kill."

Connor tries to take the jacket, Angel stops him.

Connor tries to punch him.

Angel grabs him and throws him against the wall, pinning him there. He just wants the kid to listen.
Angel, Connor
Connor isn't interested as he turns the tables, throwing Angel against the wall. He releases him, grabs the jacket and tries to leave.

Angel grabs him and again pins his back against the wall, telling Connor he's going to listen.

Connor's response is to punch him.

Angel grabs him and shoves him face first against the wall. He holds him there, telling him he won't let him leave and get into more trouble. He wonders if Connor understands that.

Connor agrees.

As soon as Angel releases him, he bolts for the door.

Angel grabs him and throws him to the floor.
Connor wants to be called StevenAngel reacts to "Steven"
Angel apologizes, telling Connor he doesn't understand how things work in this dimension.

Connor thinks he understands things just fine. Sunny was kind to him, now she's dead.

Angel says his name.

Connor snaps at him to stop calling him that, saying his name is Steven.

Angel's expression is one of stunned realization.

Groo, Cordy
At the hotel, Gunn is asking what happened that put Cordy and Groo unconscious on the floor.

Cordelia doesn't really know, she says they were just standing and talking then a flash and they were knocked down.

Gunn wonders if something else could have come through the rift.

Cordelia reminds him she was unconscious. She wouldn't know if something came through or not.
Fred shows what she found
Fred comes into the lobby, announcing she found some information on the beast Connor killed when he arrived. She says they usually have a mate.

They all look toward the sound of crackling as more electrical discharges occur in the lobby.

Cordelia notes Lorne should have been back by now with the friend who was going to close it for them.
Fred thinks Wes should be calledCordy disagrees with Fred
Fred hesitantly offers there's another expert they can consult.

Cordelia asks her if she knows someone else who can help then realizes Fred is talking about Wesley. Cordy doesn't think Angel would agree to it.

Groo smiles a sarcastic smile and says that they must always consider Angel, he's their leader, they have to obey his wishes.

Cordy gives him a look, not sure what that was about.

Fred doesn't think it's logical to sit around with an open rift to a hell dimension in the lobby when they know someone who can help. She decides to call Wesley. Gunn stops her.
Lorne returns
Lorne arrives with his lady friend, Mistress Meerna. He apologizes for the delay but explains she's a tough woman to find.

They all look to Lorne and notice the woman is no longer standing next to him, she's coming down the stairs into the lobby.

Lorne says he's been dealing with this all day which is why it took him so long to get back. He explains it as a "side effect of dealing with dimensional magick." He thinks "a lasso and some crazy glue" sounds good about now.

Angel tries rational discussion
In the motel room, Angel agrees to call Connor Steven, saying it's a good name, though not Irish. He knows things haven't started off well between them. He asks if they can just talk a minute.

Connor keeps eyeing the door, looking for an opportunity to bolt.
Connor offers no answers
Angel pleads with him not to run, saying he lost him once already, there's much he needs to know. He asks Connor if he's okay, what it was like in Quor-toth.

Connor doesn't answer.

Angel asks if he had any friends, then realizes that sounded a bit foolish. He didn't mean friends exactly. He realizes Connor was in a hell dimension not summer camp. He tells him he's sorry, he tried to get him back, he tried to come after him, he would have done anything, he just couldn't find a way in.

Connor quietly says he found a way out.

Angel realizes that and says he should have tried harder, he shouldn't have given up, but Connor is there now and that's all that matters. He wants to know everything about his son and what his life has been like. He figures Connor probably has a lot of questions for him as well.
Connor, Angel
Connor tells him he has no questions, his father told him everything.

Angel takes an emotional hit with the "father" mention and informs Connor that Holtz isn't his father.
Connor wants to see Angel's vamp face
Connor gets angry and punches him, telling him not to say Holtz's name. He knows everything he needs to know, Holtz told him that Angel is "a thing that kills and drinks blood." He knows he's a vampire.

Angel wonders what Connor knows about vamps.

Connor lists the ways they can die. He wonders if he left anything out.

Angel doesn't answer, clearly trying to keep his emotions in check.

Connor goes on, saying he also knows Angel has a second face, the one he uses for killing. He wants Angel to show it to him.

Angel doesn't comply.

Connor insists on seeing it as he slams his fists into Angel's chest, demanding he show the face he wore when killing Holtz's family.
Angel shows Connor his game face
As Connor swings a punch, Angel stops him by grabbing his arm. He calmly morphs into game face and tells Connor that's what it looks like.

A stunned Connor steps back from him saying, "that's what you are."
morphing back into human face
Angel says it's a part of what he is. He hopes it's a part Connor can accept one day.

Connor says Angel would have to kill him first.

Tyke and a couple of his cronies enter the room, suggesting the killing part sounds like a good idea.

Connor makes a move toward Tyke, Angel stops him.

Tyke asks for Sunny.

Angel wonders if that's the dead girl in the bathroom.

Tyke motions to one of his men to check it out.
Tyke and associates
Tyke asks Angel who he is.

Angel answers he's Connor's father

Connor doesn't like it.

Angel tells him to let him handle things. He suggests to Tyke they talk things out, telling Connor that's how things are done, there's no need for violence.

Tyke's response is to punch Angel in the face. Tyke wonders if Angel said "no violence" then suggests he speak up, screaming that he doesn't hear so well anymore as he points to the huge bandage covering the wound left by Connor's cutting off his ear.
Angel attempts to mediate
Tyke's associate returns to the room and tells him Sunny is dead.

Tyke figures his problem is half solved.

Angel offers to work things out.

Tyke wonders if he can give him a new ear.

Angel casually suggests he might consider wearing a hat to cover it up.

Tyke thinks shooting them would be a better solution. He notices Connor wearing his jacket. He demands it back, saying that whatever Sunny didn't use better be in the pockets.

Angel tells Connor to give Tyke the coat.

Connor makes no move to comply.

One of Tyke's men enters and announces the police have arrived and they're looking for Tyke.

Groo, Cordy, Gunn watch Meerna check things out
At the hotel, Mistress Meerna checks out the pentagram on the floor. She hopes it wasn't an attempt at dark magick to close the rift.

Gunn points out that it was an attempt at dark magick to open one.

Fred asks if she thinks she can close the rift.

Meerna answers that's not what she's concerned about. She wonders how it opened in the first place, saying there are no portals to Quor-toth and there's good reason for that. It's not a place anyone should ever go.
Mistress Meerna
Fred wonders if there aren't any portals, exactly what is in the lobby.

Meerna answers that it's a "tear in reality, big cosmic no-no."

Fred steps back, Meerna says something punched its way through and she has no desire to meet it.
Meerna prepares to do the ritual
Meerna approaches the others from behind, startling everyone who had just seen her standing in front of them seconds earlier.

Lorne brings her a bowl with supplies for the ritual and asks if they should leave or take cover.

She says the ritual is pretty routine. She takes the bowl, recites an incantation over it, the rift flashes, crackles, then all is quiet.

She announces the rift has been closed.

Cordelia asks if she can tell if anything else came through it.

Meerna says she doesn't know and she's not interested in staying long enough to find out. She leaves.

Angel, Tyke
At the motel, the police are swarming over the place, checking it out room by room.

Angel figures with one dead body under the bridge and now Sunny's in the bathroom, things aren't looking real good for Tyke. He tells Connor a violent approach always ends up badly as he takes a swing at one of Tyke's men. Fight ensues as Connor and Angel take on Tyke and his guys.
Connor gets grabbed
The cops outside focus on Sunny's room as the fight inside continues.

Angel yells to Connor that they have to get out of there.

One of Tyke's men grabs Connor and holds a gun to his head, saying he intends to get out of there.

Angel asks him to use him instead, pointing out he's bigger, he'd make a better shield.
Connor, Angel  hit the floor
The police break through the wall. The distraction allows Connor to get free as the guy starts shooting at the cops.

Tyke and the others also start shooting.

The cops answer with a barrage of gunfire.

Angel knocks Connor to the floor where they remain as the place, as well as Tyke's men, get shot up.

As the gunfire continues, Angel directs Connor to head for the window and get out.

Connor gets up and darts for it. As he jumps up onto the window ledge to exit, a cop bursts through the door and aims his shotgun at Connor.

Angel gets up and puts himself between the officer and his son, taking the load in his back. The force of the shot knocks him to the floor.
Connor freezes at the window
Connor pauses to look back at Angel, not sure what to do.

As the officer prepares for another shot, Tyke starts firing, driving the cop out of the room.

Angel looks up and shouts at Connor to go.

Connor makes no move to leave, just seems frozen at the window.

Angel gets up and gives him a shove as they both tumble out the window together.

Connor, Angel
As Angel and Connor run down the street, Connor asks Angel if he needs to stop for a minute.

He says he'll be fine. They hear police sirens.
Angel tells Connor he can come back to the hotel
Angel drags Connor to hide by a van as the squad car passes. He starts to move on, then realizes maybe he does need to stop for a moment after all. He asks Connor if he's hurt.

Connor shakes his head no in response.

Angel tells Connor he's welcome to come back to the Hyperion but he won't pressure him to do anything.

Connor declines the offer.

Angel lets him know if he needs a place to stay he's welcome. He just wants to know Connor understands he's not alone.

Connor tells him he understands that but he has to go. He takes off.

Holtz is back
Connor runs down an alley and meets up with Holtz, looking much worse than when he left this dimension, who greets him with "Hello, son."

Connor responds, "Hi, dad."

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