"There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb"
Cordelia looks on the severed head of the Host, crying. She asks for forgiveness for her pardon leading to this. She doesn't much like this place anymore. She wants to go home. Lorne's eyes open, he tells her he's with her on that one. Cordelia shrieks. Cordelia continues to scream in one long note. Lorne says it's okay, she needs to get it out. When she doesn't stop, he figures she's gotta take a breath sometime. He finally begs her to shut up, pointing out he can't exactly cover his ears. As Cordelia looks on, still not sure what's happening, Lorne explains that his people can survive decapitated, until their bodies are mutilated. He assumes there must be a backlog in the mutilation chamber, they haven't gotten to his yet. He starts to suggest they move quickly when the doors fly open and two male servants enter. Lorne shuts up and closes his eyes. Cordelia turns her back, putting herself between Lorne's head and the servants. The servants ask if she's all right, they heard screaming. Cordelia is grasping for an explanation, making it up as she goes along. She tells them the noise they heard was just the meditation she does, it helps her focus on affairs of state. She shrieks as an example. One of the servants instructs the other to remove the "traitor's head" from the presence of their princess. Cordelia stops them, telling them she likes it where it is. She wants to defile it some more. She turns toward Lorne's head and spits on his face. She tells the servants she'll keep it around to spit on, when she gets bored with that, she'll make a planter out of it or "maybe a candy dish." She tells the servants to leave. They oblige. After the doors close, Cordelia apologizes to Lorne for spitting on him as she retrieves a cloth to clean his face. She tells him she had to think fast, things have been unsettling for her. Lorne understands things have been difficult for her, and shouts that after all he only got decapitated. Cordelia realizes things are disturbing but she doesn't figure his yelling at her is going to solve anything. Lorne tells her to put his head in a bag and take him to the mutilation chamber. Cordelia has no idea where that is. Lorne tells her he can just sit there and die or she can "find someone who knows!" Silas is being served by one of the servants who just left Cordelia. Silas asks what mood the princess was in. The servant tells him she seemed very upset. Silas is pleased to hear it. He plans to add more heads to the collection so the princess will understand who runs things. He instructs the demon captain of the palace guard to send a hunting party after Wes and Gunn. Silas asks the captain if he knows what Angel is. The captain knows he was responsible for tearing apart two of his men. One of the priests explaints that Angel is a "van-tal", a creature that drinks blood. He tells the guard it can only be killed by fire, decapitation or a wooden spear run through its heart. Silas ponders that a moment and thinks perhaps all three would be a good plan. The captain assures him he'll run a spear through the demon's bum. Silas points out that a cow's heart is in its chest. The captain is disgusted by that. He and the other guards depart. One of the priests tells Silas the AngelBeast saved a runaway slave from a rightful beheading. He violates their laws and their culture. Silas says it's worse. He gives hope to the others. If one cow can be free, they will start to believe it's possible for all of them. He asks the servant present, Markalla, if that isn't so. Markalla responds that it is as it has always been, their lives belong to the priests. Silas affirms that's true but now runaways become rebels, portals open to places the priests have not decreed them. As he's talking, he's fingering a device in his hand. Silas goes on to say that even slaves who are supposedly loyal to him give drawings of the sacred devices to the enemy. Markalla is looking more than a little nervous. He assures Silas that isn't true. Silas tells him not to be concerned, he did Silas a favor. The cows need to know what can be done to them at any time. Silas turns to face Markalla and points the device toward him. He pushes a button on it, Markalla's collar detonates, blowing his head off. Silas instructs the other servant to clean up the mess. Silas turns away and says all of the cows can be done away with at once, if necessary, as he uncovers a larger device and runs his hand over the center of it, lighting it up. At the rebel camp, Wes and Gunn have their heads locked into beheading stocks, their hands tied behind their backs. The rebel leader announces they've been sentenced to death as collaborators. Wes denies that, saying he and Gunn aren't even locals. One of the rebels instructs the beheading to take place on his count of three. Wes asks Gunn to forgive him, he should have kept his mouth shut. Gunn says it's okay, he has a plan. Wes is relieved to hear that. He asks what the plan is. Gunn tells Wes that they die, Wes goes to hell and he spends "eternity in the arms of baby Jesus." Wes isn't exactly buoyed by that plan. As the count reaches three, the executioner prepares to drop the ax on Wesley. He's stopped by an arrow shot into his chest. The palace guards ride down into the encampment and attack. Wes and Gunn stand up, their heads still locked into the stocks, hands tied behind their backs. They do what fighting they can given those limitations. At Fred's cave, Angel wakes up. Fred enters, announcing she found some berries, they're good for sweetening the "oatmeal." She sits by a pot hanging over the fire and admits it's not really oatmeal, it's grain and thistles but with enough berries in it, it's not so bad. As Angel gets up, Fred notes that she hopes the skins were comfortable enough. She seems to remember a place where there were beds one could sleep in for hours. Angel tells her it was fine as he walks over to the pool of water and looks on his reflection. Fred doesn't seem convinced. He wonders if he snored as he dips his hand in the water and brings it to his face. Fred tells him she doesn't remember any snoring. Angel is glad to hear that. Fred continues that there was a lot of caterwauling though. She shrieks as an example. Angel apologizes. Fred says it's okay, sometimes things build up and you just have to get them out. She does it too, there's nobody there to hear. She dishes up some of the oatmeal from the pot and brings the bowl over to Angel. She says he'll get better with some rest and tending. Angel doesn't think so. Fred doesn't understand why not. Angel says she saw what he became. He quietly says that it's bad back where he comes from but here -- he stops. Fred notes that everybody has demons. Angel doesn't say anything. Fred turns her back to Angel and faces the cave wall, saying that yes he has a beast inside but she knows what it's like to be "squirrely and a freak with no one to --" She halts that train of thought, jumps up, faces Angel and asks if the food tastes like oatmeal. She forgets how things are supposed to taste. Angel takes a bite of it and assures her it's fine. Fred shouts "Tacos!" Angel jumps. She apologizes for startling him. She loves tacos, she wonders if they still have them back home. Angel smiles and tells her they do. Fred is happy to hear that. She says she's been trying to make an enchilada out of tree bark but not having much luck with that. Back at the palace, a female servant enters the throne room, having been summoned by Cordelia. Lorne's head is still laying on the platter. The servant kneels in front of Cordy who pulls her up and assures her she's just like her. The servant asks if she's really like her, "the light that shines in the darkness upon the land?" Cordelia wonders if that's what they really call her. She tells the servant she's been loyal to her the past two and a half days and addresses her by name. The wrong name. The servant gives her name, Marelda. Cordelia says she knew that, of course. Marelda says of course she knew that, she shouldn't have spoken up. The princess should now have Marelda's tongue cut from her head. Cordelia wonders what's with all the mutilation in this place. Marelda offers that they don't really have much for entertainment. Cordelia asks if Marelda can keep a secret. Marelda assures her she can. Cordy instructs her to take her to the mutilation chamber. Marelda tells her she can't do that. Cordy wants to know why. Marelda explains that it would bring shame to the kingdom if anyone were to see the princess in such a place. Cordy thinks on it a moment then instructs Marelda to remove her clothes. Lorne's eyes open wide as he looks on. Back in the cave, Angel is standing in a shaft of sunlight filtering through to the interior. He notes he can't do that back home. Fred wonders why not. He explains he catches fire, "part of the beast thing." Fred shyly offers that it's better for him here then. Angel acknowledges the good of the sun part, but there's also the thing inside that tried to tear his friends to pieces. He looks at the writing on the cave wall, sounds out some of the letters, recognizes it. He tells Fred those were the words they used to open the portals. Fred says they aren't words, they're "consonant representations of a mathematical transfiguration formula." Angel looks at her a minute, then says that's obvious. Clearly, he has no clue what she's talking about. Fred goes on to say that she used to believe saying the words would open the portal. Angel tells her that's how they got there and it's how they'll return. Fred doesn't think so. She's been saying the words for years but nothing ever happens. It doesn't work on this side. Angel tells her it does work. He explains that a Drokken and one of the warriors got through from this side, someone had to have opened a portal for them. He thinks maybe Fred did manage to open a portal, she just doesn't know where. Fred isn't convinced. She believes the priests are the only ones with power. Suddenly a palace guard jumps Fred. She screams as he takes her down to the ground and more guards flood into the cave. Angel takes the guards out and lastly comes up against the captain who spears him repeatedly. Angel's eyes glow red. He fights off the change, refusing to let it happen. The captain skewers him again with the spear. The captain realizes Angel's still alive so he must have missed the heart. He prepares to spear him again when Fred comes up behind him and knocks him out with a large rock. She looks at a bloodied Angel and begs him not to die. Back at the rebel camp, the battle with the palace guard ends. Bodies are strewn about. One of the rebels approaches Wes and Gunn, noting the guards didn't come for the rebels, they came for them. He wants to know why. Wes tells him they came after them because they know they'll try to rescue the princess from mating with the Groosalugg. Another rebel points out that would fulfill the prophecies and consolidate the priests' power. Gunn tells them that they don't want that to happen anymore than the rebels do. The rebels realize they are on the same side in this and free Wes and Gunn. Rebel guy says they fought alongside them in spite of being bound. He's ashamed they almost beheaded them. Wes understands they were just doing their job. Gunn looks at him like he's nuts. As Wes and Gunn head out of the camp, the rebels cheer them. Gunn figures the first order of business is to find Angel. Wes agrees. Gunn points out that the last time they saw Angel, he had a 'rip out your guts now, ask questions later' sort of look. Wes wonders what Gunn has in mind. Gunn believes the rebel's cause is one worth fighting for. He figures that's pretty much what they do. Wes asks about Cordelia. Gunn points out that if they're going to take on the palace, they'll need help. Wes figures help could also come in handy if they have to restrain Angel. Gunn points out that the rebels did a good job in the day's fight, but they're no match for the Covenant. He doesn't want to leave them to get killed. He figures he's done that enough. Back at the cave, Fred is tending Angel's wounds. He wakes. She smiles and notes he's a fast healer. He says it's an advantage to being a beast. Fred replies that he isn't, he didn't change during the fight this time. Angel tells her he was afraid that if he did, he wouldn't find his way back. Fred tells him he's not a beast. The captain of the guard, who is tied up in the corner, laughs. He tells Fred they'll inscribe that on her bones when Angel tears her apart. Fred looks back at him and says she'll just roll him [the captain] off the cliff into the Drokken gully, like she did with the others. Angel says he needs to talk to the captain as he gets up and approaches him. He wants to know what information the captain has about the princess. The captain wonders if he's talking about the "filthy cow bitch." Angel coldly assures him if he uses those words again, he'll tear the captain's face off -- slowly. The captain says that once the princess mates with the Groosalugg, she'll be executed, just like the traitor Krevlornswath. Angel is barely keeping himself under control as he asks if they killed Lorne. The captain tells him they decapitated him and mutilated his body. Angel shoves him down and tells Fred he has to go. Fred is worried. She reminds him it's dangerous. She's afraid he'll get killed. Angel tells her his friends need him, he's already lost one. Fred pleads with him, it's dangerous there, it's safe here with her. She's afraid they'll kill him and he'll turn into the beast. She realizes things may not necessarily occur in that order. The captain has managed to get to a small knife concealed behind his back with which he works at cutting the ropes binding his hands. Angel tells Fred his friends are in trouble. Fred reminds him about the beast, she knows he doesn't want his friends to see him like that. She's not afraid of it like everyone else is. The captain has managed to get free and slashes at Fred with the knife, cutting her arm. Angel shoves her out of the way, turns the knife on the captain and kills him with it. He rushes over to Fred and checks the wound. He assures her she'll be okay. Cordelia, dressed in Marelda's clothes, enters a dimly lit room. She sees body parts stacked in the room and drops the bucket she's carrying. Lorne hollers. Cordelia apologizes as she lifts his head by the hair from the bucket. She points his face in the direction of the body parts and asks if anything looks familiar. Lorne notices something at the same time Cordelia does. She asks if that isn't his suit on some of the body parts. Lorne knows it is, but he can't figure out why he's still alive if his body is in pieces. He pauses a minute looking on the body parts, noticing the foot has five toes. Cordelia hears a noise and hides. She sees someone enter in the shadows. She whispers to Lorne, asking if he minds if she hits the intruder over the head with him. Lorne minds. Groo calls out to the princess. Cordelia is relieved as she comes out of her hiding place. Groo tells her he's done a bad thing, he's betrayed his vows but "he" was her friend. Cordelia wants to know what he did. Groo explains that he stole Lorne's body and put his clothes on another one to fool the guards. Cordelia is touched that he did this for her. She assures him he didn't do a bad thing, he did a very good thing. She throws herself at him, embracing him in a big hug. Lorne's head is still in her hand. As she hugs Groo, Lorne's head gets slammed against the wall in passing, coming to a rest against Groo's backside. Lorne appreciates the firm bum. Cordelia pulls back and raises Lorne's head to Groo. Lorne thanks him for what he's done. He wants to know where his body is. Groo tells him the body was smuggled to the farm of Lorne's mother. Landok will meet them and transport the rest of Lorne home. Cordelia is impressed with Groo's heroics as she hugs him again, and yet again unintentionally slams Lorne's head into the wall as she embraces Groo. At the camp, the rebels are discussing strategy. One points out they don't have the wealth or the power and they don't have a plan. Another suggests they storm the gates. Wes and Gunn approach the gathering. Wes tells them storming the gates would be suicide. He tells them that a battle against a stronger opponent can only be won through guerilla warfare. The rebels don't know what he's talking about. Wes explains they need to create a diversion, then attack at several different points at the same time. While the enemy is looking ahead, they should attack from behind. One of the rebels figures that's the time to kill Silas. The others agree it's a good plan. They make Wes their leader. Wes isn't keen on the leadership thing. He explains that he was only making suggestions. The rebels point out that Wes knows the princess, he fought well, he's hated by the Covenant and he has a plan. Besides, their leader was killed in the battle with the guards. They figure Wes will make a worthy replacement. As the crowd cheers Wesley, he wonders why he keeps getting put in charge. Gunn assures him he doesn't have the answer to that. In the cave, Angel finishes tending to Fred's arm. He asks how it feels then tells her it's best if she not move it for awhile. He tells her he needs to go. Fred understands he has to go help his friends. She tells him he's a good man. Angel leaves the cave. Fred wistfully looks after him, then retreats further back into the cave and sits down. Angel comes back in, realizing he has no idea where he's going. Fred smiles and gets up, she'll show Angel the way. Back at the palace, Groo tells Cordy he'll burn for disobeying the Covenant but it was worth it for one moment of her "intimate touch." Cordelia jumps to her feet and assures him that was an accident, it was dark. He looks at her, not sure what she's talking about. Cordelia realizes he was referring to the hug. He smiles and nods. She smiles back and laughs. She admits it was nice. Cordelia manages to bring her mind back to business. She figures the priests need someone to defy them, they're evil. Groo says it's not his place to defy authority. Cordelia reminds him he's Groosalugg, the "Brave and Undefeated". She wonders if it's not his place to stand against evil, whose is it. Groo says he does what he's told to do, he's not a real champion. Cordy figures it's about time he became one then. She assures him that what he did for her and Lorne proves that he is a champion. Groo tells her he's not worthy to lift her burden. Cordelia assures him he's more than worthy, then asks what burden that is, exactly. Groo tells her that on their wedding night, when they get together -- Cordelia realizes what he's referring to, smiles and says she figures there will be some burden lifting then for sure. Groo explains that the prophecy says that when the girl with the visions comes and mates with the Groosalugg, the Groo's demon blood will absorb the visions, they will pass to him. Cordelia isn't happy with that news. She doesn't want to lose her visions, she uses them to help fight evil. Groo assures her he will use them for the same purpose there, to fight evil. Cordelia doesn't want to give up the visions. She says she likes them. She's not fond of the pain part but she's not ready to give them up. Groo tells her she's all human, she's not meant to bear that burden. She's still not willing to give them up. She says they're a part of her. She realizes now that they're an honor. Cordelia goes into vision fit mode. Groo catches her before she hits the floor. In the vision, she sees AngelBeast attacking Groo. At the rebel camp, Wes is explaining the plan. The Groosalugg is their most formidable opponent, they need to find a way to lure him out of the palace. He asks the others if the Groo has to accept any challenge that's made. Rebel guy says that's true but the Groo can't be defeated by any man. Wesley says they can consider how to defeat him later. First, they need to get him out of the palace. He points out on the map to the others where the attacks are to take place while others scale the back walls where the defenses are weakest. Gunn says he wouldn't spread the men so thin if he was leading the assault. Wes pointedly tells Gunn that he's the one leading the assault. He asks the rebels about the killing device. Rebel guy offers a drawing of the device, telling Wes it sends a signal to all the collars. Gunn asks what kind of signal. One of the rebels informs him it blows the heads off of the slaves wearing the collars. Wes figures if Silas knows he's losing, he'll use the device. They need to secure it before that can happen. Rebel guy isn't sure how they're supposed to accomplish that considering how well guarded the palace is. Angel walks into the camp with Fred, pointing out the lack of adequate security. The rebels brace for action. Wes assures them it's okay, Angel is a friend. Rebel guy sarcastically notes it's good they were so alert. Gunn tells him it's Angel, "he does that." He looks at Fred and asks how she did that. Angel introduces Fred and says, "she does that too." Wesley recognizes the name, connects Fred with Winifred, and asks if she's the girl in Cordy's vision. Angel introduces Wes and Gunn to Fred. Wesley explains that the others are rebels, they've joined their cause. Gunn says Wes was made the leader. Wes figures now that Angel is there, he can take the role. Angel says he can't do it, they know what happens to him. He apologizes for what happened, ashamed for attacking them. Gunn says it's a crazy place, the sooner they all get out of there, the better. Angel offers that Fred may be able to help with that, she's knowledgeable about portals. Fred doesn't figure she's all that knowledgeable as she launches into some technobabble about portal structure that ends in her pondering slavery being no fun, unlike breakfast. Wes and Gunn just look at her, then at Angel who explains she's been there awhile. He says he has bad news about Lorne. A couple of rebels announce they have captured a "warrior of the Deathwok Clan" as Landok enters the camp, each of his hands around the neck of a rebel. A large basket is slung over his shoulder. He shoves the rebels aside. Landok tells Angel he won't fight him for saving the slave. It's forbidden to fight while doing a sacred duty. He says he was bringing his cousin home when the two rebels tried to stop him. He removes the covered basket from his shoulder. Angel tells Wes and Gunn he was trying to tell them that Lorne got decapitated. They're stunned by the news. Landok casually tells them he has the head in the basket, as he removes the lid. Angel, Gunn, Wes and Fred approach and look inside the basket. Nobody has much to say. Lorne speaks up, causing everyone to jump except Fred who looks on curiously. Lorne wants to know why no words of praise. He's disappointed. Nightfall at the camp. Wes is sitting in front of the fire, lost in thought. Gunn approaches and points out that the men Wes is sending to create the diversion are going to die. Wesley knows this. He stands and tells Gunn that if they try to keep everybody alive, nobody will end up alive. He orders the rebels to move out. Angel asks Wes what he wants him to do. Wesley tells him to go to the village, challenge the Groosalugg and kill him. Angel isn't keen on the plan. He can't kill the undefeated champion without changing into the beast. Wes knows this. Angel tells Wes and Gunn that when he fired them it was because the darkness was coming out in him. He didn't want them near that. He says what comes out here is "10 times worse." He thinks Wesley knows if he does this, he won't be able to come back from it. Wesley believes he will. They know he's a man with a demon inside, not the other way around. He believes Angel has the strength to do what's necessary and come back. Fred offers to accompany Angel. She knows how to prepare the challenge torch. Wesley assures Angel he'll come back. Angel and Fred depart. Gunn asks Wesley if he really believes that Angel will be able to come back. Wes says he needs Angel to believe it as he packs up and heads out. Back at the palace, Groo asks Cordy if he can get her anything. She wants him to stay with her and whatever happens, not to fight "a big, ugly, pointy demon with green skin." She know what it will do to Groo, she saw it in her vision. Silas enters with guards and other priests. He instructs Cordelia and Groo to get on with the com-shuk. Cordelia wants to know about the wedding. Silas is tired of waiting. He wants the com-shuk done now. Cordelia doesn't figure it's likely to happen with the crowd of guards and priests looking on. Silas thinks she needs a little motivation. Before he can do anything, a priest enters and tells him there's something he needs to see. Silas departs. The priest leads him to a window overlooking the square outside of the palace. Angel enters the square carrying the challenge torch. He plants it in the ground and announces his challenge to the Groosalugg to mortal combat. Fred mouths the words as Angel speaks them, obviously pleased he remembered to say it right. Angel adds that the "spineless coward" should come out and face him. Fred isn't happy with that. She fears that remark is just going to make the Groo angry. Cordelia asks what's happening, who's yelling. Silas tells Groo that a challenge has been issued. Cordelia frantically says no, he can't fight. She had a vision. Silas informs her the kingdom's honor is at stake. He orders Cordelia to be silent as he leads the Groo out of the throne room. The priests close the doors. Cordelia can still be heard shouting for him not to fight. Groo asks Silas who has challenged him. Silas asks him if he loves the princess. Groo says he does, more than he thought possible. Silas tells him if the challenger wins, he will ravage and abuse the princess, and when she has no screams left, he'll kill her. His motivational speech works. Groo is hell-bent on killing the challenger to protect his princess. Outside of the palace, someone shouts that the Groo has been challenged. He will fight in the village square. Several of the palace guards head out, leaving only a few behind on duty. Wesley directs the rebels to their positions. Shortly thereafter, a voice shouts that rebels are at the south gate. More of the guards depart to stop them. Wesley sends in the distraction, knowing they'll be cut down. As the rebels charge in and get themselves killed, Wes, Gunn and the others rush the back. Gunn and some of the rebels scale the wall as Wes and others slam the door with a battering ram. In the village square, Groo walks up to the torch and puts his hand on the flame. He holds it there. Angel looks on and asks Fred if the Groo doesn't feel pain. Fred tells him he does, but he's the Groo, he overcomes all things. She wishes Angel good luck. The Groo informs Angel he's about to die. He picks up a large battle ax and comes at Angel with it. Angel fights mostly defensively, pretty much getting his butt kicked. As he and Groo go at it, Fred looks on. Groo gives Angel a kick that sends him flying backwards through the air several feet. He ends up flat on his back. Fred rushes to him and tells him if he keeps holding back, he's going to die. Angel tells her he's "not holding back, holding on." In a hall of the palace, Silas is informed the walls have been breached by the rebels. Wes and Gunn come running down the hall and see Silas. Wes directs Gunn to get him. Guards flood the hall from the opposite end, engaging Wes and Gunn while Silas gets away. Fight ensues. Wes and Gunn defeat the guards. Silas enters the antechamber where Cordelia tells him he has to stop Groo from fighting. She saw it in a vision. The beast is going to kill him. Silas backhands her across the face, sending her sprawling to the floor. He blames her for everything that's happened. He grabs her around the throat and pulls her to her feet. He tells her she's wrong if she thinks she can destroy their way of life. He's more than willing to kill all the cows before he'll let that happen. He uncovers the device, letting her know he's deadly serious. He throws her into the bookcase, knocking her out. In the square, Groo and Angel are still going at it. Angel still pretty much getting his butt kicked as guards look on. As Angel gets up from another knock to the ground, Groo throws a binding, weighted on both ends. The binding wraps around Angel's wrist and secures him tightly to a pole behind him. Groo approaches with determination. He beats Angel down and then some, letting him know he's not going to get a chance to hurt the princess. He continues beating him, calling him an animal. He stops for a moment and looks down at Angel who looks up and morphs into AngelBeast. Groo is stunned. The guards' horses spook. AngelBeast throws out his free hand and sends Groo flying backwards through the air several feet. He jerks his bound hand free and goes after Groo, leaping on top of him. Wes, Gunn and a couple of rebels enter the antechamber. Silas informs Wes he's late, as he prepares to use the device. Cordelia is behind Silas, getting her bearings back after having been knocked out. Wesley tells Silas what he's about to do isn't necessary. Silas knows this, but he's going to do it anyway. Cordelia picks up a sword laying nearby and swings at Silas' head, decapitating him. She's tired of listening to him. She asks if the priests stay dead without a head. The rebels nod. Cordelia is glad to hear it. She tells the others they have to get to the village, the Groo is facing a terrible beast, she saw it in a vision. Wesley informs her the beast is Angel. Groo and AngelBeast go at it on the ground. AngelBeast ends up in the dominate position. He shoves his hand against the side of Groo's face, pauses, then morphs back into Angel. He tells Groo they'll find another way, he's not an animal. He extends his hand to help Groo up. Groo punches him. Cordelia comes running into the square shouting for them to stop. Angel wonders what part of his being noble Groo didn't understand. Cordelia puts herself between them and tells them to stop. She faces Groo, her back to Angel, and says that she loves him. Angel is confused. He wonders if she's saying she loves him? Cordelia responds, "not you, dumbass, him! I'm in love with him!" as she embraces Groo. Cordelia shouts to the guards to lay down their weapons, Silas is dead, the priests have been defeated. She tells them any guard who harms a human from now on will have her to answer to. She hugs Groo and asks if Angel hurt him. She asks for medical help, pretty much totally ignoring Angel. Lorne is at his mother's house with Angel. His head has been reunited with his body. He bids his mother a curt farewell and heads for the door. Angel stops him, wondering if maybe there isn't something he'd like to say to his mother. Lorne is thinking not. Angel doesn't think she's that bad, she didn't leave Lorne's body on the maggot pile like he thought she would. Lorne tells his mother good-bye and thanks her for storing his body on the lice pile instead of the maggot pile. He turns to leave. Mother starts to sniffle, saying she thought her son was lost to her forever, but he came back. Mother launches into another diatribe about Lorne bringing even more shame and dishonor on his family as she spits in his direction and continues ranting. Angel figures it's time to go. As they leave, Mother slams the door behind them and behind the closed door directs Numfar to do the Dance of Shame. Angel figures all families have their problems, Lorne's more than most. Lorne says he didn't believe his psychic friend when she told him he needed to come back there but then he realized he had to because he always thought that he'd have to. He knows now he had to come back to find out he didn't have to come back. He hates it there. He doesn't belong. He thinks he belongs in LA because nobody belongs there. He figures it's the perfect place for him and Angel. As Angel and Lorne head down the road, Lorne starts to sing "Over the Rainbow". A couple of villagers on the road grab their ears and fall to their knees in pain. Back at the palace, Cordelia is carrying a large ax. She tells one of the priests she's had a vision. She's had two, actually, and in one he gets to keep his head. He asks how he can serve her. She tells him to take notes. He writes as she dictates. She tells him from now on all of the citizens are to be considered equal. Slavery and religious persecution are to be outlawed. She raises the ax and smashes the collar detonating device with it. Wes, Gunn and Fred enter. Fred is now cleaned up and dressed well. Wesley says they've figured it out. Fred says she was opening portals but she didn't know where. The priests' books were needed for the formulas to figure it out from this side. Cordelia figures that's good news then, they can go home. Gunn says they just need to take the books back to Angel's car and have Fred say the words. The priest objects, pointing out that the books are sacred. Cordelia gives him a look. The priest thinks they should definitely take the books, of course. Cordy tells Groo he's in charge, things won't be easy. Groo doesn't understand. Cordy asks Gunn to explain it. Gunn tells Groo that simply saying people are free doesn't make them free. There are races who despise each other, some people getting work they don't want, others losing what little they had. He says there will be social upheaval, perhaps even riots. He smiles and wishes Groo luck. Cordelia tells Groo he'll do fine. He says it concerns him but not as much as -- he wonders if she has to leave. Cordy says she doesn't want to go, she's going to miss his eyes "and the majesty thing" but she has a job back home that needs to be done. She says it was fun being his princess. They kiss. Groo wishes her well as Cordelia departs with the others. At Caritas, the portal on-stage opens, Angel's car comes through landing in the middle of the club. Lorne says he was considering remodeling anyway. The gang enters the gates to the hotel courtyard. Cordelia assures Fred they have tacos everywhere, along with soap. Gunn thinks the portal jumping is kind of cool. They could sell it to a theme park and make some money. Angel walks up the stairs and opens the doors leading into the lobby. He looks around and says, "There's no place like --" He stops short when he sees Willow sitting on the sofa in the lobby, her expression one of despair. The gang stops in their tracks as Willow stands up, her eyes locking with Angel's. Angel says her name, knowing something is wrong. Willow says nothing. Angel looks at her and says quietly, "It's Buffy."
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