"Through the Looking Glass"
![]() As Wes, Angel, Gunn and the Host are brought before the monarch, they're surprised to see it's Cordelia. She tells them she was made ruler, clearly enjoying her new position. Wes sees this as a good thing. Cordelia notes that her throne could use a few more cushions, but she's not one to complain since it is a throne. Wes clarifies it's a good thing because she can release them. She casually ponders the possibility. ![]() The Constable asks if they should kill them now so she can eat them. Cordelia lets him know that isn't likely. She's looking for some groveling. Angel looks sternly at her and says her name, not in a pleading way, in a "get over yourself and end this" kind of way. Cordelia is ready to do just that as she orders the guards to take the prisoners' heads off. As the guards draw their swords and prepare to execute the order, she dismisses them with "kidding!" The Constable offers his opinion that it's not wise for her to allow dangerous criminals to roam freely in her presence. Cordelia figures she needs to be more authoritative as she orders the guards to leave. They abide by her wishes as they depart with the Constable, leaving Cordy, Wes, Gunn and Angel alone in the throne room. Gunn, Wes and the Host smile and run toward Cordelia who smiles and stretches her arms out in greeting. They rush past her to the food laid out on the table behind her and partake of what's available. Angel asks her what happened. She says she got jabbed with hot pokers for awhile then she was made a princess. ![]() Wes comes over to her, packing a handful of grapes, and says he doesn't think that makes much sense. Since humans are nothing more than slaves in this dimension, he doesn't understand why they'd make one a monarch. Cordelia pulls some grapes from the bunch in his hand and acknowledges she doesn't get it either. ![]() The Host gets it. He assumes she had a vision. Cordelia confirms that's true. The Host explains that it makes sense now. There's a prophecy. Angel sarcastically notes that sounds great, considering how well those usually go. The Host sits down on the throne and explains that priests, the Covenant of Trombli, have run things in that dimension for a long time. They teach of the coming of the "cursed one", a Messiah. Cordelia walks up to him and slaps his foot off of her throne. He gets the message and gets out of it. She sits back on it. The Host goes on with his explanation. The Messiah will be the one with "pure sight" who will restore the monarchy. Wes asks what he means by "pure sight". The Host says it means the one with a direct link to The Powers That Be. That would be Cordelia. Gunn laughs, finding the Cordelia as Messiah thing amusing. Cordelia isn't amused. She figures it's possible. ![]() Wes realizes that the priests believe it to be true and since that's the case, they may have a chance of surviving long enough to find a way out of that dimension. Cordelia asks how they got there. Gunn tells her they got in the same way she did, used the book to open a portal. Wes says they've misplaced it. Cordelia wonders which he's talking about, portal or book? Gunn tells her it's both. Cordelia doesn't know anything about portals, but they do have books. She tells them the priests used some in the ceremony that made her the monarch. Wes says he needs to see them. Cordelia notices Wes seems to be in a hurry to get back to the "Cordelia's not a princess" dimension. Gunn notes that even with the books, they'll still need to find a dimensional hot spot to get back. Wes calls out to Angel and notices for the first time that he's been standing in front of a full length mirror. Cordelia looks toward the mirror and gasps, surprised to see Angel has a reflection. Wes says the metaphysical laws of this dimension are different. Gunn tells Cordelia that Angel can walk in the sun as well. ![]() Angel is preoccupied with his hair, fussing with it. He wonders if it looks that way due to portal passage. Cordelia assures him it always looks like that. Wes suggests that Angel and the Host check out the streets, see if they can document any portal activity, while he searches the books to see if he can find an incantation to open one. ![]() Angel continues fussing with his hair, wondering why nobody told him it looked like that. Cordelia tells him he looks fine. He wonders if she's just saying that. Wes drags him away from the mirror. He tells him to go with the Host, talk to his family, track down Landok, see if they can find some portal information. ![]() The Host isn't fond of that plan. He doesn't see why he'd want to intentionally talk to his family. Wes reminds him it's either that or risk never being able to get back. The Host sees the logic in that. He beckons Angel with "Come on, gorgeous. You can stare at yourself in my grandmother's glass eye." On the way out, he tells Angel that as long as they're in the home dimension, he prefers to be called Lorne since "To the people of Pylea, a host is just one more thing to lay your eggs in." Angel and Lorne depart. Wes asks Cordy if she can get them access to the books. She doesn't see that as a problem, after all she is the princess. ![]() The priests are gathered, not thrilled with the new princess. Silas reminds them they all agreed that she has the sight. One of the priests, Barshon, reminds him that not all of them agreed. He doesn't see why The Powers would choose such a low being to be their vessel. Silas says the why doesn't matter, she's the sovereign now. She cannot be harmed before the "com-shuk." If she survives that, Barshon can have her head if he wants it. ![]() Angel and Lorne jump off a pony cart on which they've hitched a ride and approach Lorne's clan, who are gathered playing fighting games with each other. Lorne calls out a greeting as he and Angel approach. A large, husky demon of Lorne's type looks up, surprised to see him and not in a good way. The demon walks up to Lorne and tells him it has hoped for a long time to see his face again. Lorne figures it's lucky he showed up then. The demon spits in his face, telling him he has betrayed his kind and shamed his family. Lorne thanks his "mom." Angel's reaction is to look surprised and mouth the word "mom?" as all indications up to that point were that this demon was male. Lorne's mother tells him that every day she curses the day he was born. His father was right, they "ate the wrong son." Lorne figures they've had enough fond remembrance time. He just wants to ask a couple of questions, then he'll go. He asks if she noticed anything strange when he first disappeared five years ago. ![]() His mother says she noticed lots of feasting and celebration, his brother Numfar did the "dance of joy" for days. She calls back to Numfar to do the dance of joy. He obliges, jumping around like a marionette on crack. Lorne notes as an aside to Angel that he said they didn't have music, he wishes he could say the same about dancing. He turns back to his mother and asks if she noticed anything as he describes the appearance of the portal when it opens. Mother calls back to Numfar to stop the dance of joy. She tells Lorne to take his cow and leave. Lorne figures that's a no. ![]() Landok approaches and tells her that Angel is no cow, he owes his life to Angel's bravery. Mother is surprised Landok is familiar with "Krevlornswoth's cow". Landok tells her he is a warrior, a killer of the Drokken, as brave as he's ever known. Mother says he will be welcomed and honored then. She instructs Numfar to do the "dance of honor" which he does. It looks exactly like the "dance of joy." Lorne figures it's time to go, but Landok has other ideas. He instructs the others to get Angel attire befitting a warrior. They remove his coat and pack it off, replacing it with a cape made of animal skins and hang a beaded necklace around his neck. Angel calls after them not to use wire hangers on the leather coat. He's uncomfortable with the whole thing until he sees his reflection in a mirror that's been brought by one of the clansmen. He kind of likes what he sees, as he takes a moment to once again fuss with his hair. Landok tells Angel he'll be the honored guest at the village feast where he can relate the tale of the Drokken killing. Landok, Angel and the others depart, leaving Lorne looking on as Numfar continues his demented puppet dance. Lorne groans, notes this is the homecoming he always dreamed of, and follows after the others. ![]() At the palace, Wes looks through books stacked around him. Gunn wonders if he really understands any of it. Wes notes the language is similar to other demonic languages he's familiar with but large passages seem to be missing. He notices the cover of the book Cordelia is looking at and takes it from her. On the cover is stamped the image of a hart ("hart" as in European red deer). He points out that the hart is a symbol often associated with rural mysticism. Gunn notes that all of the books have animals stamped on the covers. He figures they're probably the demon equivalent of fairy tales. Wes figures out the missing passage problem. The books are written in three parts. No one volume is complete without the other two. Cordelia figures he means a trilogy. He explains it's not quite like that. He points out that the passage in one book continues in another and concludes in the third. The rhythm of the structure indicates when the reader needs to continue to the next book. Gunn wonders if there's any information on portals in any of them. Wes doesn't know, it will take time to decipher the text. Cordelia's getting bored. ![]() Wesley says he does find references to the "cursed one." That perks Cordy up and gets her attention. She wants to know what it says about her. Wes reads, "com-shuk." Cordelia wants to know what that is. Wes notes it seems to be a verb. Cordy wants to know what it is she's going to do. Wes continues reading, saying whatever it is, she'll do it with a "Groosalugg". She wonders what that means. Wes doesn't know. Gunn thinks it sounds like something obscene. He suggests they find someone who understands the books and have them explain it. He thinks one of the priests would be a likely candidate since the books belong to them. Wes closes the book and notices the animal stamped on the cover, a ram. Gunn tells Cordelia she's been going on about being the princess, he figures she can just order the priests to translate the books for them. Wes closes the third book and notices the animal stamped on the cover, a wolf. ![]() Cordelia figures Gunn's suggestion is a good idea. She's a princess, she doesn't have to take a vote, she can just order it done. Wes rearranges the closed books on the table, lining them up next to each other. Gunn notices the animal images stamped on the covers; wolf, ram, and hart. Their expressions say the others come to the realization at the same time (Wolfram & Hart). Wes isn't sure the priests can be trusted. ![]() In the village center, Lorne is off by himself drinking while Angel regales the villagers and their children with his tale of chopping off the hand of the "evil lawyer beast." The crowd applauds his storytelling. Angel is happy, smiling. He walks over to Lorne who reminds him that they should be getting back to the palace. Angel's smile fades. He says he really doesn't want to disappoint the children who are enjoying his stories. ![]() Lorne figures Angel enjoys being seen as a hero without the annoying moral ambiguities that dog life back home. Angel acknowledges that yes, it is kind of nice. Lorne says that he knows how it works. They see you one way and pretty soon you become that image of yourself. He knows this because he knows how they see him. He wants to go. ![]() Landok approaches and tells Angel he must come and tell the story of the one who could take himself apart and reassemble himself at will. Lorne sarcastically notes that's a good one. Voices are heard shouting from the village square. Landok tells Angel it's time for the "bach-nal", Angel will swing the "crebbil." This is obviously some kind of honor. Angel happily agrees as he and Landok return to the square. Lorne finishes the swig he was taking from his mug and realizes what Landok just said. He follows after, trying to get Angel's attention. At the palace, Cordelia storms into the throne room, followed by Wesley and Gunn. She's not keen on going back to where they'd be slaves. She doesn't see any positives in that. Wes explains that there are forces at work they don't understand. They can't know who the priests are or what they serve. Cordelia tells him he can go if he wants to but she has to stay and be a princess. Wesley reminds her part of her duty is to "com-shuk with a Groosalugg." Cordy figures that's got to be better than shoveling manure in a stable. Silas enters the throne room, accompanied by two other priests. He asks if things are all right. Wes says no, Cordy says yes. ![]() Gunn asks Silas what the deal is with the Groosalugg. Silas asks Cordelia if she's had a vision. Wes sees an opportunity to get some answers and tells Silas that yes, her majesty has had a vision. He suggests the priest be honest in answering the question because she'll know if he isn't. Gunn offers that it's not wise to lie to the Messiah. Silas believes Cordelia has had a vision of the Groosalugg because "it has been summoned from the scum pits of Ur." Cordelia not much liking the "scum pits" thing. Silas tells her it will arrive before nightfall, everyone is anxious for the monarch to "com-shuk with the Groosalugg." ![]() Cordy says of course everyone would be excited. She points to Wes and Gunn, telling Silas they didn't even know what the "com-shuk" was. She wants Silas to explain it to them. Silas explains the "com-shuk" is a mating ritual. Gunn reminds Cordy that he'd said he thought it sounded obscene. ![]() Cordelia tries to play it cool, telling Silas that's great. She hasn't had a good "com-shuk" in a long time. She gets up from the throne and heads for the exit telling Silas she's going to go out for a bit, she wants to get it a gift. Her exit is blocked by the two priests. Silas tells her she can't leave the palace, for her own safety. There are rebels nearby that could pose a danger to her. He tells her the palace guard has been doubled. Cordelia mulls that for a moment as she heads back to her throne. She asks Silas to let her know when the Groosalugg arrives. He assures her he will. She directs the priests to leave. After the doors are closed, Cordy tells the others they need to get out of there. In the village square, Lorne continues to try to get Angel's attention as villagers lift Angel onto their shoulders and parade him around the square. The crowd chants "swing the crebbil!" Fred is brought toward the square. Angel is set back on his feet on top of a low wooden platform in the center of the village square. ![]() As the crowd continues their "swing the crebbil" cries, Angel is handed a huge battle ax. Landok tells him to swing it swiftly and true, then they can eat. Angel looks down to see Fred has been placed before him, her head lying on a block in a position to be lopped off by the crebbil. ![]() Angel realizes what they expect him to do. Lorne's mother shouts for him to lop the cow's head off. Fred mutters "make it quick" over and over again. Landok tells Angel that swinging the crebbil at the feast is a great honor. It's not one Angel intends to indulge. He takes off the beads and cape and quietly asks if they expect him to kill Fred. Lorne's mother shouts that the cow is a runaway, a scavenger that comes down from the hills and steals their food. Angel figures she was probably just hungry. Landok wonders if Angel isn't going to swing the crebbil. Angel pulls Fred to her feet and tells Landok he will if he's forced to. Lorne takes a swig from his mug, figuring this isn't looking good. ![]() Angel tells Fred to back up slowly. The villagers begin to rush Angel. He takes a couple of them down when Lorne suddenly breaks into song. As he sings, the villagers grab their ears, scream and drop to their knees. Angel and Fred steal a horse and make an escape. As Angel and Fred make their escape, a chariot carrying two guards enters through the other end of the village. One of the guards extends a club and hits Lorne with it. ![]() Wes, Gunn and Cordelia are sneaking down a hall of the palace. Cordelia's arms are loaded down with valuable trinkets she intends to take with her. Cordelia tells Wes that if he ever finds a way to get them out of there, she wants to find herself in a dimension where some demon isn't trying to impregnate her with its spawn. She wonders what it is about her, if she puts out some kind of "com-shuk me vibe". ![]() Wes opens a door in the floor, revealing a pool of foul smelling sludge. This is their escape route. Cordelia is thinking mating with the Groosalugg sounds less repulsive. Wes tells her the sewage system empties out beyond the palace, it's their only way of getting out. He suggests she hold her breath. Cordelia wants to know why they can't just use the front door. Gunn wonders if she really believes she can get her "booty" through the front door. Cordelia takes offense. Gunn points out he was referring to the "booty" she's carrying. Cordy says she just wants something to remember her reign by, she doesn't think that's so wrong. Gunn drops down into the sewer sludge. Wes extends his arms to assist Cordelia in doing the same. She tells him to go first. He descends through the opening. Cordelia drops one of her trinkets and stoops to gather it up. Silas walks up beside her, accompanied by priests and a couple of guards. One of the guards shuts the door leading to the sewer. Silas notes someone must be talked to about leaving that door open. He tells Cordelia the Grooselugg is coming. Outside of the palace, Gunn and Wesley exit the sewer drain. Wes tells Gunn Cordelia didn't make it out. Gunn wonders what the plan is. Wes suggests they find Angel. ![]() Angel and Fred dismount the horse. Angel doesn't think they were followed, he suggests it may be best to continue on foot. Fred stares at him a moment, notes being saved by a handsome man from monsters, bids him good-bye then takes off running. Angel follows after her. ![]() Fred enters a cave. Once inside, it's obvious she's been living there for some time. Angel follows her in. She picks up her glasses and puts them on then picks up a piece of chalk and begins writing on the wall. Angel looks around at the walls of the cave and notices the symbols and letters that have been drawn all over them. He cautiously walks toward Fred, assuring her she doesn't have to be afraid of him, he wouldn't hurt her. He sees his reflection in a standing pool of water and stops a moment to look. He smiles a little then walks around the cave as Fred frantically writes on the cave wall. He asks if she doesn't want to talk to him. She doesn't. He wonders why. ![]() Fred talks quickly, nervously. She says she doesn't want to talk to him because one of them isn't real and she thinks it's him. If that's the case, then she figures she lost her head back in the village and she's dead now. If she's dead and he's not real, she doesn't think she should be expected to have a conversation. That's too much pressure. Angel says that's okay. He asks what she's doing. Fred looks around the walls at the writing and tells him she thinks she saw it in a dream. Angel realizes she's been there a long time. She says she's always been there. He finds some personal things, picks up her driver's license. Fred said she dreamed she had a name. Angel reads her name, Winifred, from the driver's license. ![]() Fred runs over to him and takes the license from his hand. He realizes she's the girl from Cordelia's vision. Fred doesn't know what he's talking about. Angel tells her they called her Fred, she was studying to be a physicist. Fred says that was in her dream. Angel tells her what happened, that she disappeared from the library five years ago and it's not a dream. Fred isn't so sure. She wonders if her head is still on and he's real then. He assures her both are true. Fred gets more agitated. She doesn't want it to be real because Angel is nice and he saved her. She says bad things will happen to him there. Bad things always happen there. Angel tells her everything will be okay, he and his friends will get her out of there. They're working on a way to get back. Fred doesn't believe there is any way back. Angel says they can get back if they can open a portal. ![]() Fred tells him "she fell through a portal." Angel asks who she's talking about. Fred tells him about the girl she couldn't save because she got arrested. She's worried something bad may have happened to her. Angel realizes she's talking about Cordelia and assures Fred that Cordy is fine. He tells her Cordelia has been made a princess. Fred is a bit surprised. She tells Angel they didn't do that when she arrived there. She thinks that's nice for Cordelia. Back at the palace, Cordelia is seated on her throne, surrounded by guards and attendants. She's thinking that a suit of armor might be more appropriate attire for a first date. She doesn't want to seem too easy. She thinks maybe it would be best to take things slowly; a few dinners, some casual conversation, then in a few years if things work out, they can consider something more serious. Silas announces the Groosalugg's arrival. Cordelia wonders if it might be better if she wasn't there. She gets up, but is prevented from leaving by one of the priests. She sits back down. ![]() A humpbacked, horned beast enters the throne room. It's carrying a bag over one shoulder and a small statue in one arm. Cordelia is thinking death looks better than the alternative at this point. ![]() A young, good looking man follows the beast into the throne room and instructs it to put the things down somewhere. He approaches Cordelia, takes her hand, kisses it and greets her majesty. Cordelia looks to have changed her mind on the death as the preferable alternative option. ![]() Angel and Fred are hiking through the countryside. Fred says she's never been to the palace before but she's seen it, sitting on the hill, watching her. Angel tells her they need to find his friends. Angel hears the sound of hoof beats as he pushes Fred to the ground and shields her body with his own. A couple of guards approach. They ride past and turn to take another pass. Angel tells Fred she might see something scary, but she needs to remember he's her friend. She nods in understanding and runs to take cover by a large boulder as Angel takes a stand in the open preparing to take on the guards. ![]() One of guards takes a swipe at Angel with his sword as he rides by, but misses. As Angel turns to face the second guard who's now approaching, he morphs into something quite different from the usual. He changes into a green, spikey faced demon with industrial sized teeth and wickedly long, sharp fingernails. As the second guard passes, AngelBeast leaps and pulls him off of his horse. He has the guard on the ground, brutally attacking him. AngelBeastl rips the guard's leg off, then feeds off of him. The other guard remains on his horse and leaves in a hurry. AngelBeast raises his head from his feeding and looks toward Fred who cowers against the boulder, mumbling that bad things always happen there. ![]() The demon growls and moves toward Fred, blood and a bit of the guard's flesh hanging from its mouth. It stops to smell around Fred's hair and face. Suddenly, only something the demon senses gets its attention. It takes off, leaving Fred behind. ![]() Back at the palace, the Groosalugg is telling Cordy that he was nothing more than an animal to his people. He wonders if she can see why. Cordelia admits she doesn't get it, she thinks things look good from her perspective. The Groosalugg considers her compassionate to ignore his obvious flaws. Cordelia doesn't see the problem. ![]() He approaches her and take her hand, touching it to each of his "flaws." His mouth is the wrong shape. His arms bulge oddly from the muscles within. His heart is in the wrong place. Cordelia gulps as he puts her hand to his chest. She's enjoying the tour. He pulls away from her, much to her disappointment, and continues with his story. His imperfections became more obvious as he matured. The Covenant determined there was cow's blood in his veins. Cordelia points out that's no big deal, she's all cow. The Groosalugg says she's beyond that, she's the "transcendent one" because she's been cursed by The Powers. He explains that to his people, to be part cow is to not be whole. He couldn't do anything to prove his worth. He wasn't capable of performing his "husbandly duties" with the women of his tribe. Cordelia ponders that a moment. He tells her he's only anatomically fit to mate with humans. Cordy figures that's good to know. He goes on to tell her he was cast out of the village, isolated from his people, forced to make his own way alone. Cordelia empathizes, telling him her parents got busted for tax fraud and her trust fund dried up. The Groosalugg says he looked for a way to end his suffering. Cordelia responds with "get out" as in "no, really?" Those present take her literally and head for the exit. Cordelia calls after them to wait, the Groosalugg can stay. The others leave as he remains behind. Cordelia tells him to go on with this story. ![]() He tells her he entered every contest of courage and strength he could find, hoping he'd lose to someone and be killed but he couldn't even do that right. He won every match, defeated every beast he fought, including the Drokken. It seemed he was unstoppable. The Covenant had no choice but to bestow upon him the name of Grooselugg, which means "The Brave and Undefeated". Cordelia is impressed. The Constable enters the throne room accompanied by two guards who have Lorne bound and gagged alongside them. The Constable tells her majesty there was a disruption at the bach-nal, the prisoner is ready for her judgment. Cordelia hasn't taken her eyes off of the Groosalugg to notice who's been brought before her. She continues to stare into his eyes as she tells the Constable to deal with it, she's busy. ![]() The Constable orders the prisoner's execution. Cordelia finally looks in that direction, sees what's what and tells them to wait. She runs toward Lorne and tells the guards she's giving him a pardon. She asks Lorne if he's okay. He looks appreciatively at the Groosalugg and observes he's not doing as well as she is, apparently. He wonders if she wants him to call the guards back so she can borrow the cuffs. Cordelia gives him the bum's rush, telling him he's pardoned as she pushes him out the door. He asks where Wes and Gunn are. Cordelia says she's sure they're fine and shuts the door in his face. Gunn and Wes are hiking through the woods. Gunn thinks they're lost. Wesley says they're not, they've been following the sun, heading west, back toward the village. Gunn asks which sun as he points out there are two of them. He's convinced they're lost. ![]() Wes holds his hand up, indicating silence, as he listens to something. Gunn wonders what's up. Wes tells him they're being hunted. Gunn takes a position behind Wes, his back to Wesley's back. They scan the area. They hear the growling as AngelBeastl appears on a large boulder above them and leaps down on them. Gunn wants to know what it is, as they both manage to separate and get up, one on each side of Angel. Wesley backs up and trips over a fallen tree, landing on the ground. Angel heads for him. Gunn picks up a rock and throws it at Angel, hitting him in the head with it, getting his attention. As he turns toward Gunn, his back to Wesley, Wes notices the tattoo on the back of his shoulder through a tear in his shirt. He recognizes it as Angel's. Angel jumps Gunn and rips into him. Wes shouts his name, trying to get through but not having any luck. ![]() From a short distance away, Fred puts her hand into an animal skin bag she's got over her shoulder. She pulls out her hand, covered in blood, and raises her clenched fist into the air. AngelBeast smells the blood and stops his attack on Gunn. He follows the scent as Fred leads him away. Wesley goes to Gunn and helps him sit up, noticing the bloody gash in his chest. Gunn wants to know what happened. Wes tells him the girl just saved them, from Angel. Gunn notes something weird is going on. Wes thinks he knows what it is as he gathers up some mud to pack Gunn's wound. ![]() Wes believes that Angel's demon self has been sublimated somehow by the effects of this dimension, only his human self has been present to that point. Gunn asks if Wes means the walks in the sun, the reflection, that sort of thing. Wes says that Angel apparently accessed his demon for whatever reason but now he can't find the balance he would normally. The demon has now totally overcome his human self. Gunn wonders if what attacked them was what exists inside of Angel all the time. Wes confirms that's the demon in its pure form. He asks Gunn if he can walk, they need to help Angel. Gunn gets to his feet. He and Wes start to head on when they're surrounded by a bunch of human looking types who drop from the trees. Gunn figures this is just what they need. ![]() ![]() Fred leads AngelBeast into the cave. She sits nervously and watches as he slowly approaches her. He sees his reflection in the pool of water, stops, growls and slaps at it, then just looks at himself as the realization sinks in. He morphs back into his human face, throws himself back from the pool of water and falls to the ground, shaking. As Angel lies on his side, quivering, his back to Fred, she approaches cautiously. She slowly reaches her bloodstained hand toward his face, but pulls back before touching him. ![]() At the palace, night has fallen. The Groosalugg is finishing up his life story, Cordelia is hanging on every word. When he's done, she tells him he's a great Groosalugg but she's not his princess, she's not anyone's princess. He notes that she does have the curse of the sight. Cordelia acknowledges that she has visions but that doesn't make her a princess, just strange. The Groosalugg doesn't understand. ![]() Cordelia says where she comes from she's about as far away from being a princess as you can get. She tells him she's an actress. He doesn't know what it means. She explains that it means when she's fortunate enough to get the job, other people tell her what to do, where to stand, how to move, what to say. The Groosalugg thinks she means she's the concubine of her village. Cordelia thinks on that a moment and acknowledges it feels that way sometimes. She tells him about her last job, saying he wouldn't believe the thing they had her wear, it was "tiny, skimpy, exploitative ..." She pulls her straps up and looks down at the outfit she's got on , noting it was nothing like what she's wearing. ![]() The Groosalugg wonders why the people of her village can't just look at her and see she's a princess. Cordelia smiles and says she isn't. He thinks otherwise, the Covenant says so. Cordy tells him it what they say doesn't matter. He offers that she speaks it herself, with her carriage, her beauty and the compassion he saw her show earlier to one of her people. Cordelia points out that the compassion was shown for a friend of hers. The Groosalugg offers that if she shows the same to everyone, she can do good things. Cordelia thinks that's a nice dream, but it's not reality. He wonders why not. The priests are gathered in a room. Silas enters telling them the princess wants parchment. One of the priests wonders if it's part of the cow mating ritual. Silas is irritated, saying that she wants to make proclamations, she thinks she can do some good. The priest assumes this means the "com-shuk" hasn't occurred. Silas thinks the princess needs to be sent a message. ![]() In the encampment of their captors, Gunn and Wes are tied up. The men talk over a plan to send a message to the princess by storming the palace. One of them points out they would be wiped out in a matter of minutes. The other figures that would send a message. Wes calls out to them, trying to get someone's attention. Gunn thinks Wes should be quiet. Wes offers that he thinks he can help them. The men don't trust Wes and Gunn, thinking they're spies. They tracked them coming from the palace. Wes assures them they aren't spies and if they want to get a message to the princess, he and Gunn are the perfect way to do that since they're friends of hers. The men are incredulous. Wes says he can prove it if the guy will check his wallet. Wes directs him to his pocket, tells him to remove the wallet and open it, revealing a picture of Angel, Wes and Cordelia. The rebels realize he does know the princess. Wes suggests they write up a list of their demands and they will deliver it personally. The leader thinks that's a good idea. He instructs one of them to write up a list so they can stuff them in the mouths of their severed heads and mount them on poles outside of the palace windows. Gunn wonders if he mentioned how happy he is that he left his people in LA so he could come there to die. ![]() ![]() At the cave, Fred gets some water from the pool and walks over to Angel who's lying on his side, facing away from her. She quietly asks if he's okay. He doesn't answer her. She says it's okay, he doesn't have to say anything, she's accustomed to quiet. After a moment, Angel mutters, "they saw it -- they looked right at it." Fred asks what. Angel answers, "the monster, they saw what I really am." He says he can't go back, not ever. Fred tells him it's okay, he could stay there.. ![]() Back at the palace, Cordelia is finishing up another proclamation. She tells the Groosalugg this one will free slaves and outlaw polyester. She knows they don't have polyester yet, but she's a forward thinker. Silas enters the throne room, accompanied by two priests carrying a covered platter. Cordelia informs him they didn't order anything. Silas orders the Groosalugg out, addressing him as "cow". He leaves. Cordelia tells Silas he can't talk to the Groosalugg that way, he's the "Brave and Undefeated." Silas informs her he is only called that because Silas says so. ![]() Cordelia calls out for "Groo" but he doesn't return. Silas tells her the Groosalugg understands the way of things. Cordelia tells him the ways are going to change. Silas isn't impressed. Cordelia hands him the parchment with her latest proclamations. He snatches it from her hand telling her she's foolish. Cordelia reminds him who's wearing the tiara. Silas says The Powers placed their gift in her, but she has no authority there. Cordelia points out she is the princess. Silas responds that the princess is like the Groosalugg, a tool of the Covenant, nothing more. He tells her she will do as she is told. She tells him they can't force them to do anything. He snaps at her, saying if she's told to shut up, she will do so. Cordelia indignantly responds with, "Pardon me?" ![]() Silas wonders if she feels she's done enough pardoning as he lifts the cover from the platter revealing Lorne's severed head. Cordelia looks on, horrified.
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