"Dead End"
Lindsey wakes up, turns off the clock radio, shaves, opens a dresser drawer, retrieves his prosthetic hand and puts it on. He opens the closet, chooses a tie from one of the many pre-tied choices hanging within. He takes a moment to look wistfully at a guitar stored in the back of the closet. In another part of town, average guy enters the kitchen, greets his wife and kids, urges everyone to hurry, they're running late. The wife and kids leave, the guy lags reading the newspaper while he retrieves the book bag one of the kids left behind. He walks over to the counter and picks up a large kitchen knife. At the office, Cordelia does the vision thing. She sees average guy plunge the knife into his eye. She falls to the floor. Angel, Gunn and Wesley rush into the office. Angel asks her what she saw as the vision continues, showing bloodied average guy lying on the floor. Angel asks her again what she saw. Cordelia doesn't answer, just sobs. In a conference room at W&H, Nathan Reed is conducting a meeting with other lawyers, discussing where they are at with various cases. He asks about a specific case. Lilah assures him they can tie it up in court forever, the client won't lose any dividends. Lindsey offers that they shouldn't, they've already looted billions since deregulation. Nathan asks Lindsey if he's suggesting their client admit that. Lilah snidely comments on that great idea. Their client can admit what they've done, go to jail and the firm never gets paid. Lindsey ignores her, telling Nathan that litigation isn't good PR for their client. If they cut a deal now, give back half a billion, W&H take 20%, it's a win/win situation. Nathan says he'll consider both Lindsey's and Lilah's suggestions. He asks what's going on with Angel. Lindsey doesn't offer anything helpful. Lilah tells Nathan that Angel is "doing better", back working with the others, he's no longer spending all of his time alone focused on trying to kill them. She looks at Lindsey as she says the last part of that statement. Nathan asks when Lilah and Lindsey are to meet with a client from Lycor. Lilah takes a moment to check her calendar but before she can answer, Lindsey tells Nathan when the meeting is scheduled. Lilah isn't happy. Nathan tells them their division will be reevaluated on Friday. He'll meet with them then. The meeting breaks up. Lilah doesn't appreciate Lindsey stabbing her in the back. She reminds him the reevaluation will result in one of them getting promoted and the other getting cut, literally. Lindsey isn't concerned about it. Nathan asks Lindsey to meet him in his office. Lilah looks on, concerned, as Lindsey meets with Nathan. Nathan tells Lindsey he did good work in the meeting but he'd like to offer some advice. Nathan realizes that Lindsey is bitter about losing his hand and he understands his attitude toward Angel would reflect that but Nathan tells him it's not professional to make those feelings public. As he's talking he places his hand on Lindsey's shoulder for a moment, Lilah notes this from outside the office with a look of concern. Nathan tells Lindsey he's made an appointment for him and hands him a business card. He also took the liberty of clearing Lindsey's calendar since the appointment will take awhile. Lindsey asks about the appointment. Nathan tells him he'll see what it's about when he gets there. Back at the office of AI, Cordelia is trying to relate what she saw as the others listen. The guy in her vision seemed normal enough, at least until he gouged his eye with the knife. Wes asks if she knows where this happened. Cordelia only knows what she already told them, it was in the kitchen of a house or apartment. Gunn gently suggests she needs to narrow it down some. Cordelia is getting testy. She tells Gunn it was a nice kitchen, she doesn't know anymore than what she's told them. Angel says they'll figure it out. Wes decides they can start by calling hospitals. Gunn wonders if they're supposed to call and ask if an uncle was brought in after stabbing himself in the eye. He reminds Wes they only give out information to relatives. Angel and Wes look at Gunn. Gunn realizes he just bought himself the hospital calling part of the job. Wesley will check out the morgues. Angel will check with other demons on the street, see if anyone has heard anything. Wes and Angel leave, Gunn picks up the phone book. He asks Cordelia if he can get her anything. She just gives him an annoyed look in response. He figures she'll say something if she needs anything and sits down at the main desk, ready to start making calls. In an exam room at a clinic, a nurse finishes checking Lindsey's blood pressure. Dr. Melman enters, introduces himself. He checks the chart, notes that everything looks fine and tells the nurse to give Lindsey something that will relax him a bit before they start. He asks Lindsey if there are any questions. Lindsey wants to know what this is all about. The doctor asks if Lindsey's employer didn't tell him. Lindsey says he didn't. The doctor notes they have an odd sense of humor. He explains that W&H are the primary source of funding for the clinic. They provide primary care for many of the employees but they also do other things that they prefer to keep quiet. Lindsey tenses up a bit. He wants to know exactly what W&H want done to him. The doctor tells him not to be concerned as he prepares to give Lindsey an injection. He says W&H think very highly of him, which is why he was elevated to the top of the "transplant list." The light dawns on Lindsey as he looks at his prosthetic hand. The doctor confirms that he's about to get a new one. In the operating room, the doctor takes a hand and stitches to Lindsey's arm. The doctor asks the whereabouts of the Pockla, he's waiting. The nurse notes the Pockla has arrived. A hooded figure with long nails and gnarled fingers appears and glides toward the operating table. It takes some powder, says some words in a language only it seems to know, then sprinkles the powder over Lindsey's new hand. The incisioin nearly heals, leaving only a small scar behind. The Pockla glides back toward the door and disappears. Back at the hotel, Gunn is still on the phone with hospitals, pretending to be a family member trying to find info on anyone who might have been brought in having suffered a knife wound to the eye. Cordelia is behind him, dusting. Angel comes in, asks Gunn how Cordelia is doing. Gunn says she hasn't said much, just started the cleaning frenzy around noon. Wes comes in and announces he didn't come up with anything. Gunn and Angel offer they got the same. Wes says they need more information. Angel suggests they need to get Cordelia to go over it again, see if she missed anything. Wes thinks that's a good idea and Angel should do it. He prepares to leave. Angel reminds Wes that he is the boss now. Wes agrees that's true, so he's telling Angel to do it. Wes and Gunn step back a ways. Angel approaches Cordelia, attempts to make small talk. Cordelia asks what he wants. He tells her they need some help, they aren't making any headway. Cordelia figures it's probably too late, the guy she saw is likely dead now. Angel says they can't be sure of that and even if that's so, there may be others they can help. Cordelia just wishes the pain would go away. She asks what Angel wants her to do. He asks her to look at the vision again. She says that's all she's been doing but she'll try again. As Cordelia remembers the vision she relates what she recalls. Average guy picks up a knife. She thinks he had kids. She remembers seeing a book bag on the table with the name of a school on it. She finally gets the name of the school and passes that on to Angel. He asks her if there's anything else. She tells him she just keeps seeing the same thing as the vision of average guy lying on the floor and a bloody knife occupies her mind. She starts to cry. Angel tells her to get some rest, Gunn and Wes will look into it in the morning. He asks if he can get her anything. She wants to know why everyone keeps asking her that. Lindsey wakes up and stares at his new hand as he flexes it a bit. He turns off the clock radio, washes up, goes to the closet and retrieves a tie. He looks at the guitar in the corner. He takes a moment to sit down and play it awhile. At the offices of W&H, Lindsey is shaking hands with a client introduced to him by Nathan Reed. Lilah walks in, Nathan introduces her to Mr. Kraigle as well. Nathan offers his office for their meeting, assures Irv Kraigle that he's in good hands then departs. As the client heads for the office, Lilah and Lindsey lag behind. She notes his new hand, saying that the firm must think very highly of Lindsey since that operation is pricey. The Shaman alone would run them about a quarter of a million dollars. Lindsey reminds her they have a client waiting. Lilah figures Lindsey is feeling secure that he's got things wrapped up. Lindsey assures her he wasn't thinking any such thing. Lilah can't believe she lost out to Lindsey. In the meeting, Kraigle is insisting his company did nothing wrong. Lilah explains it's not about right or wrong, it comes down to how much a jury might award. Kraigle wants to know how chocolate can cause cancer. Lindsey points out that they sold the chocolate in a tin that leeched a carcinogen into it. Kraigle insists they had no knowledge of that. He blames it on the Chinese since they were the ones that sold them the tin used. Lilah assures him he has nothing to worry about. If the case ever gets to a jury, and she doubts it will, the jury will be chosen by W&H or "enchanted" by them. Kraigle wonders why nobody takes responsibility for their own failings. It's the fault of the Chinese company, not his. Lindsey says it's actually an offshore company that split from Kraigle's 6 years earlier called Drizon. This appears to be news to Kraigle. Lindsey goes on to say that Drizon provided the containers, Kraigle's company just filled them. Drizon is responsible. So if the plaintiffs want to sue someone, that's who they'll have to go after. He also notes that Drizon is headed for bankruptcy. Kraigle thinks this is a great idea. He asks Lindsey if he's getting everything written down as he notices Lindsey has been writing obsessively on a legal pad while they've been conversing. Lindsey seems to notice for the first time that he's been writing as he looks down at the legal pad which is filled with "kill" printed over and over again by his new hand. He looks uncomfortably at his hand which continues to write. As Lilah and Kraigle continue to discuss the case, Lindsey puts the pen down. When his hand tries to write again, he tries to hold it down with the other one. He finally excuses himself and abruptly leaves the office. At his apartment, Lindsey is sitting at the desk, a pen in his new hand, waiting for it to start writing. He pokes at it with his finger a few times. When that doesn't elicit a response, he retrieves a letter opener from the desk drawer and begins poking at his hand with it. He stabs at it a few times, drawing blood, but nothing happens. He take the letter opener in his new hand, holds it up and stares at it. At the hotel, Angel accepts a delivery. He puts the box on the desk and begins unpacking it. Cordelia comes over and asks what he's got. He tells her it's lunch, he's hungry. She reminds him he doesn't eat. He says he can, he just can't live on it but sometimes he gets a craving. Cordelia wonders if he got a craving for everything as she notes turkey, ham and beef sandwiches, soup, salad ..... she asks what's going on. He tells her he forgot what she liked. She wonders why he didn't just ask her. He says she didn't like everyone continually asking her if she wanted anything so he didn't want to ask again. Cordelia appreciates the thought and offhandedly tells him she loves him (said in a familial sort of way). Angel smiles. She tells him he should smile more often as she heads back toward her desk, food in hand. Cordelia stops a moment, she remembers something from the vision. She tells Angel the guy was happy before the knife incident, happy about the eye, like it was something new. As Angel ponders that, Wes and Gunn enter. Wes says the guy's name is Joseph Kramer, he has two kids that attend the school Cordelia identified from the name on the book bag she saw in her vision. Gunn says the kids didn't show up for school the day before. The mother called the school and said they were leaving the country, her husband got a promotion. Angel asks if they have an address. Wes says he and Gunn were already there. The place has been cleaned out, from top to bottom. The carpet was still wet from having been cleaned. Angel figures this was done to get rid of the blood. Gunn says they missed a piece of molding as he takes it out of his pocket and puts it under Angel's nose. He asks if he wants to smell it. Angel says he'll take his word for it. Wes asks what they know. Cordelia says not much. The guy is gone, the family is gone. Someone has a lot of power to make things just go away so quickly. Gunn figures they're at a dead end. Wes thought they had more information than that. Angel offers there's only one thing left to do. Cordelia's reaction, "God, no." Wes knows Angel is referring to the karaoke bar. Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia all agree, there must be another way. Wesley implores them to "think dammit!" At Caritas, the Host looks on appreciatively as Lindsey sings onstage, accompanying himself on guitar. For a nice change of pace for this place, the boy actually can sing. Angel, Wes, Gunn and Cordelia enter the bar. Cordelia is suggesting Angel choose something short to sing. Angel says he was thinking "Stairway to Heaven". Wesley doesn't even want him to joke about that. Cordelia is surprised to see Lindsey onstage as the others notice at the same time. The Host comes over to them and asks if Lindsey isn't fabulous. Angel is surprised Lindsey is there. The Host informs him Lindsey was a regular until his hand got chopped off but it appears he now has a replacement. Cordelia, Wes and Gunn are all impressed as they look on. Angel isn't. He asks if they really think Lindsey is good. Cordelia shushes him. She wants to hear the music. The patrons at the bar seem to be enjoying the performance, the one exception continues to be Angel. He thinks Lindsey should pick a style and stick with it. Wes shushes him. The Host tells Angel not to make him ask him to leave. Lindsey finishes the song, the crowd applauds. Cordelia joins them in applauding. She tells the Host that Angel can't follow that. The Host says it won't be necessary. The Host approaches Lindsey, tells him it's good to have him back and offers him a drink. Lindsey tells him he's got a hand that wants to kill someone, maybe even himself. He wants to know what the Host saw. He needs help. Angel laughs and suggests he start with his singing. Cordelia looks annoyed, slugs Angel in the arm and walks over to Lindsey. She tells him she knows he's evil and all that, but she thought his singing was "amazing." Gunn and Wesley add their compliments. Angel wonders if everyone is drunk. Lindsey asks the Host what Angel is doing there then asks Angel what he's looking at. The Host reminds him no violence allowed in the club. He tells Lindsey that Angel is there for the same reason Lindsey is. Lindsey's not getting it. The Host tells them it's the two of them, one case, "all coming together in a beautiful buddy movie kind of way." Lindsey isn't believing he's got a murderous hand and is expected to work with the guy who chopped off his hand in the first place. The Host asks if he's the only one who saw "48 Hours" then tells Lindsey he only offers the information, what Lindsey does with it is his choice. Lindsey sets his glass down on the bar and heads out, telling Angel if he sees him outside of the club, he'll kill him. The Host notes that resentment is an ugly thing but he hopes Angel is over his because Lindsey is the key to the case they're working on. Gunn asks if they shouldn't be following Lindsey. Angel remembers Cordelia said the guy in her vision had gotten a new eye and notes Lindsey's now got a new hand. Wes offers that they should find out where the transplants were done. Gunn figures they should be following Lindsey. Angel picks up the glass Lindsey had set on the bar and says what they need to follow is Lindsey's new hand as he looks at the prints left behind. He wonders who the hand originally belonged to. At night, in the darkened offices of W&H, Lindsey uses his pass card to enter Nathan Reed's office. He sits down behind the desk and enters Nathan's password into the computer. He calls up the personal information center, then opens the file on Lilah Morgan. He looks at it briefly, then closes it. He does a search on "Fairfield Clinic." Angel enters the hotel and tells the others he got the information. The hand belongs to a guy named Bradley Scott. He served just over 2 years in Soledad for embezzlement and was paroled last month. Gunn asks how he got the information. Angel reminds him he is a detective. Cordelia takes the information Angel got and goes to the computer at her desk. She asks if the guy had a life before prison. Angel doesn't know, he figures she can check that out. Wes is impressed. Angel says sometimes you just follow your instincts. Wes wants to know how Angel got into the NCIC. Angel doesn't know what that is. Wesley tells him it's the National Crime and Information Center. Angel says it's a long story. Gunn tells him they have the time. Angel says when he was in charge nobody questioned his methods or his singing. Cordelia offers that he's right on one out of the two. Angel finally cops to hiring a private detective who has a friend in the police department to get the information. Wes reminds him that they are supposed to be the detectives. Gunn says they also are supposed to have the friend in the police department. Angel tells them they did, she got fired, move on. Cordelia finds something on Bradley Scott and relays it to the others. While Bradley Scott was dumping bonds on the black market, he was employed by W&H. Wes wonders if he's still alive. Angel says he only reported to his parole officer once, then apparently disappeared. Gunn figures he went to jail for W&H, they waited for him to get out than killed him and gave his hand to Lindsey. He figures they must think highly of Lindsey. Lindsey is still at the offices of W&H. He approaches the file room, sees a light on and someone already there. He keeps his distance and watches, seeing Lilah going through the file cabinets, removing papers and putting them into her purse. She's also got a gun in there. Lindsey quietly departs. In a dingy apartment, a guy is watching television when there's a knock at the door. Lindsey identifies himself and says he works for W&H. The guy cautiously opens the door and lets him in. He checks the hallway after Lindsey has entered to see if anyone is with him. Lindsey assures him he came alone. The guy says it's just a habit, he sees a lot of lowlifes in his line of work. Lindsey understands that's the case for parole officers. Lindsey wants to talk off the record. He tells the guy he had a procedure done at the Fairfield Clinic. He knows the guy has done things for W&H in the past, he doesn't care about any of that, he just wants to know where they get the body parts from. The guy asks Lindsey for the code. Lindsey doesn't know what he's asking for. The guy says if Lindsey is who he says he is, if he works for W&H, then he'd know the code. Lindsey tells him he works for W&H but this isn't his case, he doesn't know the code, he's willing to pay. The guy hits him, knocking him across the room. As Lindsey starts to get up, he gets hit again. The guy has Lindsey pinned against the wall, a gun held to his head. He wants to know what the game is and he wants to know now. Lindsey assures him there's no game, this is a personal matter. The guy bids Lindsey adieu but before he can pull the trigger Angel breaks through the window. The guy takes a shot at him, Angel disappears. The guy has Lindsey by the neck, the gun pointed to his head. He drags Lindsey to the window and lets the intruder know he's about to shoot his "friend." Angel appears on the landing outside of the window. He wraps a rope around the guy's neck, Lindsey gets free. Lindsey is irritated, he wants to know what Angel is doing there. Angel offers that maybe he was saving his life. Lindsey doesn't want or need his help. Angel thinks Lindsey needs to work on the gratitude thing. Lindsey doesn't figure this is Angel's business. He demands to know why Angel isn't trying to kill him. Angel tells him he's on a case and assures Lindsey that not everything is about killing him. The guy says he can see Angel and Lindsey have "issues", he offers to leave so they can work it out. Angel pulls the rope tighter around his neck. Lindsey yells at Angel that he's choking his lead. Angel tells him he's acting immature, if he wants to get anywhere he has to learn to play nice with others. He tells the guy he'll loosen the rope, he expects him to tell everything he knows about Bradley Scott. Lindsey doesn't know the name. Angel informs Lindsey he's the previous owner of Lindsey's new hand. He suggests Lindsey should pay closer attention. Angel loosens the rope a bit, the guy says he won't say anything. Angel can kill him but W&H will do far worse than that. Angel asks why he would kill the guy (as he morphs into vamp face) when he could feed off of him for a month. The guy turns enough to get a look at what's choking him, he's unnerved. Angel runs his tongue over his fangs and asks Lindsey if he can taste that "butter fat?" as he pinches the guy's neck. Lindsey's response, "You are really gross, you know that?" The guy decides to tell what he knows. Bradley stole some bonds and went to prison. When he got parole, W&H made sure he was assigned as his parole officer. Angel says that according to the files, Bradley was a no-show but he knows the guy saw him. The guy says he only saw him the one time. Lindsey figures he's the one who took Bradley to the clinic. The guy says he didn't take him there, just to some address he was given. He doesn't know what they do there and he doesn't want to find out. Back at the office, Gunn and Wesley look in on Cordelia who's sitting at the desk, her head laid down on top of it. Gunn and Wes quietly withdraw. Gunn notes that the vision hangovers seem to last longer, like they won't go away until the issue is resolved. Wes tells him that she inherited the visions from Doyle but he was half-demon, there's no way of knowing how they affect humans. He tells Gunn what happened last year with the endless visions and that Cordelia ended up in the hospital nearly insane. Gunn doesn't figure she's anywhere near that point. Gunn and Wesley hear Cordelia's voice from the office, she's asking Angel where he is. They rush in, certain she's losing her marbles, only to find her on the phone talking to Angel. She tells him she's fine, just get the job finished. Angel and Lindsey are in Angel's car headed for the address the guy gave them. Angel tells Lindsey that recently a guy picked up a knife and plunged it into his eye. He figures the guy went to the same clinic as Lindsey. He wonders if Lindsey's hand has done anything strange lately. Lindsey simply glares in response. Angel notes that Lindsey doesn't seem to be very happy. Lindsey is irritated. He knows Angel is in save-a-soul mode these days but he at least used to "throw down" with his enemies. He sarcastically asks if Angel wants to share now. Angel knows it must be a tough load to carry, losing Darla and even the battle with him in a way. He figures he doesn't have a focus for his rage anymore. He's not missing the irony. Lindsey seemingly has it all, but the more he's got the less he has. He wonders if he's getting through. Angel tells him to keep moping, he's good at that. Angel pulls up in front of a building, he and Lindsey get out of the car. Angel opens the trunk and asks the parole officer, who is bound and gagged, if the building across the street is where he took Bradley. The guy indicates that's the place. Angel pushes him back into the trunk and slams it shut. As Angel and Lindsey walk across the street to the building, Angel asks if Lindsey is familiar with the place. Lindsey says he isn't. Angel figures if it's fronted by W&H it probably has all the latest high tech security in place. Lindsey says he doesn't have his laptop. Angel doesn't know what he's referring to. Lindsey clarifies that if he expects him to override the security, he'll need his laptop to enter the codes. Angel thinks that sounds like a lot of trouble, he suggests they just fight as he raises the battle ax he's carrying. Lindsey raises his arms defensively, thinking Angel intends to attach him. Angel suggests Lindsey might want to stand aside, then tosses the ax through the front window, shattering it. They take on the security guys present and dispatch them in short order. Angel notices a section of the floor is hollow. He shoves a desk aside, moves the rug and opens the trapdoor beneath. He and Lindsey descend the stairs. They enter a room filled with large, glass fronted chambers, occupied by naked bodies equipped with oxygen masks. Some have body parts missing. Lindsey asks what the place is. Angel figures he already knows, a place to harvest spare parts for recipients like him. Angel points out the "befores" on one side of the room, those whose bodies are still intact, and the "afters" (or more like "durings") on the other side, whose bodies are not. This is what W&H are about. He wonders if this is something to be proud of. Lindsey takes it in, obviously upset by what he sees. Angel notices a symbol on the wall, he recognizes it as being the symbol of the Pockla. Lindsey asks what that is. Angel tells him they're demon healers. Lindsey recalls one being in the operating room when he got his hand. Angel points out that the hand probably belonged to the guy across the room, "or what's left of him anyway." Lindsey looks at the guy in the chamber and walks over to him. He recognizes him as someone he worked with in the W&H mailroom. He hadn't connected the man with his name before. Bradley opens his eyes. Lindsey says his name. Bradley weakly implores Lindsey to kill him. Lindsey is visibly shaken. Bradley begs him to do it. Lindsey turns to Angel and asks him what to do. Angel tells him he knows what he would do but this decision is Lindsey's. He urges him to make it quickly, whatever it is, he expects W&H backup will be arriving in force soon. He tells Lindsey they have to help the ones they can as he breaks the glass fronts of the chambers on the opposite side of the room and assists the occupants out. Lindsey stares at Bradley a moment, quietly tells him he's sorry and disconnects the chamber's life support. He looks at Bradley briefly, his eyes welling up. Lindsey trashes the place as Angel releases the valves on several large oxygen cylinders stored in the room. He directs Lindsey to get the people they could rescue to safety as he ignites some papers and tosses them down through the trapdoor, into the lab below. As Angel runs out of the building, a massive explosion and fireball destroys the place. At the hotel, Angel asks Cordelia if she's still suffering vision aftereffects. Gunn and Wes look on. Cordelia says things are better. Wes senses she's not saying everything. She says they're taking a toll but she figures it's part of the job. Everyone looks on sympathetically. In a conference room at W&H, Nathan Reed is conducting a meeting. He says reevaluations are never easy as they "lose" one of their own, but they also provide hope for the future as they promote another. Lilah is squirming, sensing the ax is about to fall on her head. Nathan tells her she's contributed a lot and he knows she's tried her best ---- before he can finish, Lilah panics and grabs her purse to go for the gun inside. Lindsey stops her before she can pull the gun from her purse. He tells her he was clearly the one chosen. Nathan acknowledges that's true. Lindsey tells Lilah the job could have been hers but she didn't have what it takes. He raises his new hand toward her face, causing her to flinch. Lindsey laughs and says nobody in the room has what it takes, only him. He figures Nathan knows he gave him an "evil hand." Nathan sits expressionless. Lindsey says things have been crazy, he's been writing "kill" over and over, there's just no knowing what could happen. Nathan expects the security guard to do something. Before he can, Lindsey takes his gun away from him and shoots the guard in the foot with it. He laughs and fires several rounds towards Nathan who barely flinches. Lindsey says he just can't control his "evil hand." He's flattered he was chosen but if he had been making the choice, he would have chosen Lilah. The reason being that she's logged a lot of hours gathering files on all of their private misdeeds; stock manipulations, offshore accounts, etc.. He figures if anything ever happened to Lilah and those files got back to the Senior Partners, they'd devour everyone in the room. He tells them Lilah is perfect for the job, he's unreliable and besides he's got "evil hand issues" and he's bored. He tells Nathan he's leaving and if they want to chase him, go for it. He holds his hand in front of Nathan and reminds him of "evil." As Lindsey walks past Lilah, he wishes her luck and grabs her bum. She jumps. He shrugs, reminding her that hand is "evil" and leaves the office. Nathan instructs the minutes of the meeting be amended to reflect Lilah's promotion. Outside of his apartment building, Lindsey heads for his truck, his guitar and a duffle bag in hand. He puts them into the back of the truck. Angel is standing behind it, leaning against the tailgate. Lindsey suggests if Angel is there to kill him he'll have to get in line. Angel admires the vintage truck. He tells Lindsey back in the 50's everyone thought life would be very futuristic by now, sort of like "The Jetsons". Lindsey wonders if Angel is planning to talk him to death. Angel says he just came to say that sometimes things work out differently than you thought they would. He's sure W&H aren't too happy losing him. Lindsey says they can try to come and stop him, it will be fun. Angel isn't sure that's a very healthy attitude. He asks Lindsey if he's headed back to where he came from. Lindsey says it's something like that. He hopes Angel isn't expecting him to say he learned any lessons or saw the light. Angel laughs. He says if Lindsey said those things, he'd have to kill him. He just came to say good-bye and don't come back. As Lindsey gets into his truck, he tells Angel he can have LA. Angel tells Lindsey he's glad he didn't have to do something "immature". Lindsey pauses a moment, smiles. He advises Angel "the key to W&H -- don't let them make you play their game. Make them play yours." Angel offers thanks, he'll remember that. He tells Lindsey not to drive too fast, there are a lot of cops out there. As Lindsey drives away, we see Angel left a little parting gift on the tailgate, a large sign that says "Cops Suck."
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