Written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell
Quote List compiled by: Hazel
Angel: I remember him being taller.
Lorne: A trick of the light. They don't actually get smaller until they're very, very old.
Angel: Did he seem, ah, I don't know, short?
Lorne: Oh, absolutely. Clearly the guy shrank - all over, probably. Why, he's nothing but a muscle-y midget. I'm sure once Cordelia gets him home, she'll just pop him into a smallish drawer, and that will be that.
Angel: She took him home. Well, that's good. At least we won't have to put him up here. The place was starting to turn into a hotel.
Angel: There's nothing between Cordelia and me.
Lorne: Sure there is. And it got arms like steel cables and a deeply ironic sense of timing.
Groo: Endless committees were formed. Committees splintered into factions, the factions into coalitions, the coalitions turned into subcommittees, until finally the more radical element, spurred by a charismatic leader, did the dance of revolution.
Wesley: He shouldn't exist.
Angel: His birth was foretold. How many people can say that?
Angel: Can you, uh, ask him not to handle my weapons?
Cordelia: I couldn't go through with it.
Angel: You couldn't?
Cordelia: No. Not after seeing that disgusting, spiny thing!
Angel: _Spiny_?
Cordelia: Right up in my face! That's what the visions are like now. No pain, less artsy, sometimes floaty, though not lately, and very often stinky.
Wesley: You should have called one of us.
Cordelia: Oh, please! Like I'm gonna bother you guys in the middle of the night because I want sex and can't have it.
Wesley: Oh. Why can't you have sex?
Cordelia: I could lose my 'visionity.'
Wesley: If you wanna play it that way.
Cordelia: *Vision*-ity! The visions.
Cordelia: I mean, there's gotta be other things we can do to relieve the tension!
Angel: Jogging could be the thing.
Wesley: Perhaps some form of paranormal prophylactic...
Angel: Because, you know, jogging...
Cordelia: I guess we could probably 'com' without actually 'shucking.'
Angel: Well, I don't know. That could be a slippery slope that once you're on, that you could... slide.
Fred: I'm sorry. I'm being ridiculous, I know. It's just - I don't have a lot of experience in this area. I spent the last five years in a cave.
Gunn: Yeah, I know what that's like.
Fred: How could you?
Gunn: Because now everything's so bright my eyes hurt.
Angel: I don't think that's such a good idea, me and him. You know, I'm more of a loner. Plus, he's so - bulky. He could really slow me down!
Groo: I shall present this beast's head to my princess as a token.
Angel: Right. 'cause she'll love that.
Groo: It is wounded. It bleeds.
Angel: Better than bread crumbs. Let's go.
Wesley: Angel... you're the reason we've all come together. It's your mission which animates us. We each contribute, it's true, but you... you're unique. You're like one of these rare volumes. One of a kind.
Proprietor: I've got three of them.
Cordelia: Oh, wait. It's not like your strength is in your hair, or anything like that, right?
Groo: No. I... believe it is in my muscles.
Fred: Do you really think he's possessed or under some kind of spell?
Gunn: Well, it's hard to say. There's all different kinds of magic. You've got demon-y love spells, mojo sex chants, voodoo bootie rituals...
Fred: Voodoo bootie rituals?
Wesley: While I do believe having another warrior for good may be an asset in the coming days, Truth is, you and the Groosalug are two totally different... people...
Groo: Ah, hello.
Wesley: ...who look exactly alike.
Angel: He's wearing my clothes.
Cordelia: You've done so much for me already and... Well, this is just one more thing for the list, I guess.
Angel: There is no list. You know that. Just... just tell me what I can do.
Cordelia: I need you to help me have sex... with Groo.
Angel: You want me to get this for you.
Cordelia: I went to my ATM, got cash. Nearly cleaned me out, but I think it's worth it.
Angel: So you and Groo can...
Cordelia: ...com-shuck like bunnies. You betcha.
Angel: Brothel.
Cordelia: *You'd* be safe there. No woman's gonna tempt you, right?
Angel: Right.
Fred: There is nothing.
Gunn: More like a whole lot of nothing. How are we gonna explain this? 'Sorry, Wes. We lost the dude because we were macking on the job.'
Fred: We didn't lose him so much as... Okay. We lost him.
Anita: Oh, I love your outfits.
Angel: Well, I really wouldn't call them 'outfits.'
Anita: But you are together.
Groo: Yes! Two champions here together.
Angel: Not 'together' together. Just 'get the potion' together.
Groo: So I may com-shuck my princess.
Angel: Just to reiterate, *not*... the princess..
Groo: Angel, your coat is singing.
Gunn: Some root-crazy, tree-like demony thing....
Fred: With what looks like a DSL connection.
Angel: That's my shirt!
Angel: Everyone makes such a big deal about the Groosalug. He's such a champion. He's so rugged. He's so emotionally available. Look at him in the daylight. But you know what? I'm smarter, and I'm stronger, and I pick out my own clothes!
Angel: Well, it's okay. You know, no one is using my heart at the moment anyway.
Tree Demon: Kill you.
Angel: Sorry. Already dead.
Tree Demon: Vampire!
Angel: Yeah. Did I mention that?
Wesley: Still... She could get hurt. I trust that won't happen?
Gunn: What are you, her brother?
Wesley: Apparently.
Groo: No. I was reckless! I put everyone in grave peril. *Angel* is the true champion. He saved us all.
Cordelia: Did you hear that?
Angel: Yeah, but....
Cordelia: How many guys would just give away the credit like that? That is just *so* noble. The potion!
Wesley: I thought I was alone.
Angel: Yeah. [looks at Connor in his arms] So did I.

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