"Waiting in the Wings"
Written by: Joss Whedon
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Wesley: Honestly, have you ever seen anything lovelier? So...graceful, so full of life. And those eyes... make you feel like you're the only man in the room.
Cordelia: Plus, six breasts. Any man is gonna love that.
Wesley: Fred doesn't have six breasts! ...Right?
Wesley: Oh. Yes but, you know... timing. I'll make my move when I feel the iron is hot.
Cordelia: Well, get it done, Johnny Reb. So I can hear about something else, and you can do something else besides feeling your hot iron.
Cordelia: At ease, soldier. Just like to hear it every now and then. I was the ditziest bitch in Sunnydale, could have had any man I wanted. Now I'm all superhero-y and the best action I can get is an invisible ghost who's good with the Loohfah.
Wesley: I'm sorry. I missed that last part.
Gunn: You are a remarkable woman. Particularly the way you can shovel a mountain range of food into your mouth. That is some Olympian feat, that much eatin'.
Fred: Oh, was I a pig? It's just that that first breakfast seems to go so quick, and I'm always still...
Gunn: Nah, I was wondering where it all goes in that little stick-figure body you got.
Fred: Stick? You're a beast.
Gunn: Ah, come on. You know you're gorgeous.
Gunn: But... you got ballet on my Mahta Hari tickets!
Angel: This is the Blinnikov World Ballet Corps.
Cordelia: He's been saying that like it has meaning.
Angel: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I saw their production of Giselle in eighteen-ninety. I cried like a baby. And I was evil!
Gunn: No. No! This is not Mahta Hari. This is tutus, and guys with their big-ass packages jumping up and down. This is just.... I will never trust you again. The trust is gone.
Angel: Guys, seeing real ballet live it's... it's like another world. Gunn, these guys are tight, and you're gonna be trippin' out.
Gunn: Don't be usin' my own phrases when we lost the trust.
Fred: Are you certain this is the place for us?
Cordelia: Well, we could always get our outfits at 'Cave-girl's House of Burlap,' but that's just so last season.
Fred: I love the ballet! I mean, I haven't seen that much, but my family used to go to the Nutcracker every Christmas, and I had my first sexual dream about the Mouse King.
Cordelia: Oh, there is definite feelings. We find the right outfit for tonight, there may be actual feeling.
Lorne: Can't fight Kyrumption, cinnamon buns. It's fate. It's the stars. Kyrumption is...
Angel: Stop saying that. And stop calling me pastries.
Lorne: You're a man of many limitations, Angel. But you're a man. You got a heart. And Cordelia is a hell of a lady. I mean, if I thought she'd like to wear green, I'd be elbowing you out of the way. But she's out of my league. She's a champion, Angel, old school. And besides, we all know you got a thing for ex-cheerleaders.
Lorne: You...you know, disregard everything I said. I forgot how homely she was.
Gunn: This is what your promises are worth? I'm having a lot of trust issues at this time in my life.
Fred: It's just... my god, you're so pretty.
Gunn: You know there's not a lot of people could say that to me and live.
Wesley: Yes. Isn't she a vision.
Gunn: A lot of that going around.
Cordelia: Thank you, but no thank you. There will be no visions tonight.
Angel: How can you be sure?
Cordelia: I had a vision.
Angel: Back in the day I'd always get box seats. Or I'd just eat the people who had 'em.
Cordelia: Don't lets reminisce. We're here. Enjoy.
Cordelia: That isn't drool, is it?
Angel: It's okay. Matches the back.
Angel: No. I mean, nothing's changed. These are the same dancers I saw before.
Fred: That's impossible. We're watching the exact same troupe you saw in nineteen-ninety?
Gunn: I think he said eighteen-ninety.
Fred: Oh. Okay, that's much more impossible.
Cordelia: Well, it's a puzzler. ...Are there snacks?
Gunn: That would explain the precision and the athleticism. I mean, some of those jumps were... You know, I was cool before I met you all.
Angel: You guys should go back. I'll snoop.
Cordelia: I'm with snoopy. The magic of the ballet? Not really getting to me.
Wesley: How will the dancers keep time without your rhythmic snoring?
Cordelia: Don't think that's not coming back to haunt you.
Angel: Don't be stupid. I'm that guy and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen is making eyes at me? It's either bachelor party or a scam.
Cordelia: What did you just call me?
Angel: I'm sorry. You're not stupid.
Cordelia: Hey, hold on. I think I might have an approach that is a little more subtle. (to guard) Hey! Do you like bribes?
Cordelia: I want you... to undress me.
Angel: You what?
Cordelia: Whoa! Did... did I actually just ask you to undress me?
Cordelia: We so need to be out of here.
Angel: Yes.
Cordelia: This isn't out of here.
Cordelia: Open the damn door.
Angel: Kinda hard.
Cordelia: Kinda noticed.
Cordelia: Whoa!
Angel: That's a fair assessment.
Lorne: (singing) Go to sleep. Lullaby. You've been fed and you're sleepy. You'll be with uncle Lorne, who in no way resents not being asked to go to the ballet. And is certainly, not thinking, of selling you to the first vampire cult that makes him a decent offer....
Cordelia: We have to go back in!
Angel: I'm marveling at the wrongness of that idea.
Cordelia: You wanna wander around backstage like Spinal Tap for the next...ever?
Cordelia: All we have to do is play the scene. Get in, get out. No one gets happy.
Angel: What if there is no more talking in that scene? Look, I've been possessed by the spirits of old lovers before. Never goes well.
Cordelia: Hey...it's awkward, but it's not *us*. So long as nothing is removed or..._inserted_ it's all forgotten.
Angel: It is us...Cordelia. It's you and me. Kissing you, it's...It's not something I can just...
Cordelia: Oh, come on. It's not *that* horrible. Up to his ass in demon gore, fine! But ask him to mack on a hottie and he wigs. My champion, ladies and gentlemen.
Gunn: We're gonna miss the end!
Wesley: Someone's in pain.
Fred: Either that or someone's in fun.
Cordelia: Yeah. We gotta move.
Angel: You think they're not dead?
Cordelia: You just looked *really* hot doing that.
Angel: Oh.
Wesley: Who is laughing now? ...Well, you. But I still win.
Gunn: You really that worried about me?
Fred: You probably think I'm an idiot.
Gunn: I think if you care that much... the wound is definitely deep.
Wesley: He was obsessed with the girl. When he found her with the other man, he went insane with jealous rage. Pulled her out of time... out of any reality beyond his theater, his company. He swore she would dance for him forever.
Fred: How did you...
Wesley: I...ah... I hit a hotspot, too.
Wesley: Angel, try and find a way to the stage. The count will be watching.
Angel: I bet *he* has a box.
Wesley: Find his power center and destroy it. We'll try and loosen his hold.
Gunn: By making more monsters? Man with the frightening plan!
Cordelia: I hope you're in a killing mood.
Wesley: I should do alright.
Ballerina: Who are you? There's no one.... You're new.
Angel: I'm pretty old, actually.
Ballerina: There is a section in the first act, during the courtship dance, where my foot slips. My ankle's turned and I don't quite hold. Every time. He doesn't notice. He doesn't even know ballet that well. But always, at that same moment, I slip. It isn't just the same ballet. It's the same performance. I don't dance. I echo. Please. Can you make it stop?
Wesley: It's working!
Gunn: Yeah, there are dozens of them. Yay us!
Kurskov: She... was my love. She danced only for *me*!
Angel: Yeah. You love her that much? [decks him] Start a website!
Cordelia: You know, we should probably just not talk about... our little adventure. Anything that might have been seen, anything that might have been... oh, perky.
Angel: I just wanna pretend it never happened.
Cordelia: Exactly.
Angel: Wipe it from my memory.
Cordelia: What? Was it, like, disgusting?
Angel: Cordy... you and I, we've been working together for a long time. What I mean is, you've become a truly extraordinary woman. I know we haven't always gotten along, but I think that we, you know, we...
Cordelia: Groo?
Angel: Yes! We...we grew closer together, I think...
Cordelia: Groo!

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