Episode written by: Tim Minear
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Wesley: I think it's about to speak.
Cordelia: Nobody likes a smart-ass rogue demon hunter.
Wesley: Even a solitary soldier such as myself recognizes that a
free exchange of intelligence benefits the common struggle.
Also, I brought in your mail and newspaper.
Cordelia: So what have you got?
Wesley: Got?
Cordelia: You wanted to compare skinnies on the current evil happenings.
Wesley: Yes, skinnies. Precisely!
Wesley: How go things on your end of the good fight?
Cordelia: I've been giving the hard sell to an empty chair. What do you think?
Wesley: Quiet all around then.
Wesley: We made a most effective team, I felt. Vanquishing that empathy
demon in such short order.
Cordelia: Yeah, well, nobody gouged out my eyes, so I'm happy.
Wesley: Yes, most effective -- your cryptic visions, Angel's brawn, my highly
developed powers of deduction...
Cordelia: This isn't our mail.
Angel: Who were you talking to?
Cordelia: Nobody. And Wesley.
Cordelia: No go. DMV's totally stalkerphobic.
Cordelia: Wow, you look half-dead. Which for someone who's completely
dead would be...kinda neat?
Cordelia: Are you sure you're okay? I mean, for a guy who's 200 plus, you're
not usually with the bags...
Cordelia: Geez, Wesley! Hover much?
Cordelia: Oh my god! You cut up Dr. Folger's newspaper? You're going to get
us kicked out of this building.
Wesley: Notice the modus operandi? The mutilation of the corpse with
a religious icon?
Cordelia: I'm against it?
Wesley: While executing my duties as Watcher in Sunnydale, I did
extensive research, specifically on Angel -- given his
uncomfortable proximity to the Slayer.
Cordelia: He looked pretty comfortable to me.
Cordelia: I don't care how many files you have on all the horrible things that
he did back in the Powdered Wig Days. He is good now. And he is
my friend. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me turn
on a friend.
Angel: Cordelia, he's right.
Cordelia: [to Wesley] You stake him, and I'll cut his head off.
Angel: I'm not gonna hurt you.
Cordelia: Oh, is that what you said to Miss Third Body Found in Alley?
Wesley: Why should we believe a word you say?
Angel: (Grab. Twist.) That's how fast I could take you if I wanted to.
Wesley: All right. We're listening.
Angel: I have no memory of doing any of these things.
Cordelia: Oh, not exactly the confidence-inspiring denial I was looking for.
Wesley: You fear these might be more than just dreams, that you're acting
them out in some sort of hypnagogic state.
Cordelia: Hypna-wha-gic?
Wesley: Sleepwalking.
Cordelia: Vampires can't sleepwalk. He'd take one step out the front door,
and his PJs would burst into flames.
Cordelia: Glamorous LA life. I get to make the coffee *and* chain the boss
to the bed. Gotta join a union.
Angel: Cordelia, I think that's tight enough.
Cordelia: And if it turns out we're back on a liquid lunch? Better safe than
Cordelia: Okay, well, pleasant... I mean, sleep tight.
Angel: That's pretty much a given.
Cordelia: Wakey, wakey!
Cordelia: Good news, sports fans! There's been another killing. Okay, well
maybe not so great news for the, you know, dead person. But at
least now we know that Mr. I'm So Tortured didn't do it.
Angelus: When they invite you in, savor it, Penn. You'll not recapture
the moment. Family blood is always the sweetest.
Angel: I taught him well.
Cordelia: A real Psycho-Wan Kenobi.
Cordelia: Gallagher's changed his act more times than this dude has
in the last two centuries. Why do you think he's doing the same
old shtick?
Wesley: Well, it's a classic, isn't it? Every time he smashes that watermelon
with a sledgehammer, I just...
Wesley: If he knows you're here, that might explain the dreams.
Angel: No, I used to have a connection with those I sired. It just means
he's close, that's all.
Wesley: You can't walk into a police precinct with intimate knowledge of
these murders and claim a 200-year-old Puritan's responsible.
You'd be locked up faster Lady Hamilton's virtue.
(to Cordelia) My apologies.
Cordelia: That's okay, I don't...I don't know what that meant.
Kate: Angel, are you okay? I mean, not that the Brooding Man of Mystery
thing isn't working for you.
Wesley: So, I take it you told her everything.
Angel: Just enough to get her killed.
Wesley: Where'd you get the police radio?
Angel: Police car.
Wesley: Oh dear!
Penn: We were to meet in Italy, remember?
Angel: I remember.
Penn: Well, I waited. Hell, I waited until the 19th
century. What happened?
Angel: I got held up in Romania.
Penn: Romania. What's in Romania?
Angel: Gypsies.
Penn: Join me for a drink.
Angel: That's not why I'm here.
Penn: Why are you here?
Angel: To kill you.
Penn: You know it's name? Angelus, what's happened to you?
Angel: People change.
Penn: We're not people.
Cordelia: So, you've discovered the seamy underbelly of a candy-coated
America, have you? Well, you've come to the right place. Here
at Angel Investigations, we won't judge, but we will charge.
Penn: So this is more than just a professional relationship,
then? He cares for her.
Cordelia: Oh yeah, more than he knows. But that's our Angel -- dour,
sure, but not afraid to get personally involved in his work and
you're totally pumping me for information, aren't you? Oh Crap.
You're him! He! The guy. Apt Pupil Boy.
Penn: You realize you'll never make it to the exit before I...
Cordelia: (pulls blinds) Go up like match?
Penn: Look who's back from his Up With People meeting.
Angel: Get me a stake.
Cordelia: It's like 8 in the morning. Oh!
Penn: What? You don't drink, so now no one gets to?
Angel: I don't expect you to understand.
Penn: Oh, I understand. I was a Puritan, remember?
Penn: How does that work, exactly? You just wake up one morning
and decide, "Okay, now I'm good!" No, Angelus, it doesn't end.
It never ends. It just goes on and on.
Cordelia: That's not the only thing that goes on and on.
Angel: I'm sorry what I did to you, Penn, what I turned you into.
Penn: A first class killer? A bold re-interpreter of the form?
Angel: Try cheesy hack. Look at you. You've been getting back at
your father for over 200 years. It's pathetic and cliched. You've
probably got a killer shrine on your wall. News clippings, magazine
articles, maybe a few candles. Oh, you are so prosaic.
Wesley: Nothing on the streets about a new vampire in town.
(Penn grabs him)
Which is maybe because he's here and has me by the throat.
Angel: Hi. Can I come in?
Kate: Oh, that's right. You have to be invited in, don't you?
Angel: You been doing your homework.
Kate: You wanna quiz me? I'm just full of fun facts.
Angel: Let me help end it, please.
Kate: Please. Now there's a word I imagine you heard quite a lot in your
Cordelia: It's the same place. New name and a facelift. Not the first
time that's happened in this town.
Penn: This is a terrible likeness. The mouth -- it's all wrong.
Kate: What are you gonna do?
Penn: Well, first I thought I'd stop everything and tell you my plan. Or
better yet, why don't I just show you?
Penn: You're my real father, Angelus.
Angel: Fine. (SLAM) You're grounded.
Angel: You missed.
Kate: No. I didn't.
Cordelia: If you're wondering why this vein on my temple is doing the
cha-cha, it's because I just had one of those bone-crunching,
mind-splitting, vision headaches.
Angel: I was just thinking about how much this place is like where
I grew up.
Cordelia: Right. Yeah. I can see that, except for the cars and the buildings
and the, you know, everything else.
Angel: I wonder if anything ever really changes.
Cordelia: Sure it does. They do. You have. They were just dreams, Angel.
They weren't even your dreams. They didn't mean anything.
Angel: But I enjoyed it.
Cordelia: It'd probably be okay if you never mentioned that part ever again.
Angel: It's still in me, Cordelia.
Cordelia: Sure it's in you -- we all have something. But it's not the only thing
that's in you. You're not him, Angel. Not anymore. The name I got
in my vision? The message didn't come for Angelus; it came for
you. Angel. And you have to trust that whoever The Powers That
Be...be...are...is, anyway, they know the difference.
Cordelia: People really do change.
Angel: Yes, they do. Sometimes they change back. The day ever comes that I...
Cordelia: Oh, I'll kill you dead.
Angel: Thanks.
Cordelia: What are friends for?

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