"Parting Gifts"
Episode written by: David Fury and Jeannine Renshaw
Quote List compiled by: MBNielsen9
Angel: What are you looking for?
Cordelia: Nothing. (pause) Doyle's special coffee mug.
Angel: Doyle didn't have a special mug.
Angel: Cordelia . . . get out.
Cordelia: What?
Angel: I mean of the office. Take the day off.
Cordelia: I'm not going anywhere, so get used to it. I'm staying right here.
Cordelia: Oh! I gotta go.
Barney: You scared the heck out of me.
Cordelia: You? I scared you? Look in the mirror lately?
Barney: Every chance I get.
Barney: That's what you do, right? You help the helpless? You protect the, whaddya call ‘em, the . . . helpless.
Angel: Something like that.
Barney: I'm sensing a little performance anxiety here. Little trick: Picture everybody . . .
Cordelia: In their underwear.
Barney: I was gonna say dead, but hey, if that underwear thing works for ya . . .
Barney: First off, you should know -- right away, before there's any misunderstanding -- I'm a demon.
Angel: Appreciate your candor.
Barney: I just realized it's 3:45 in the afternoon. Middle of the day. If you're a vampire, why aren't you in your coffin?
Angel: A coffin. I hate that stereotype. You're a demon and you don't know anything about vampires?
Barney: Only what I learned from TV.
Angel: Vampires don't sleep in coffins. It's a misconception made popular by hack writers and ignorant media. In fact, you know, we can and do move around during the day, as long as we avoid direct sunlight. ‘K? Got it?
Cordelia: Now, Stain-Be-Gone is more effective at melting away *sigh* stubborn . . . blood, wine, even grass stains. See? *sniff* Just spray it on, *gulp* and rub it in *sniff* and in minutes *sniff* the stain is gone. *SOB* It's completely gone.
Casting Director 1: I think what we're going for here is more of a . . .
Casting Director 2: Happy!
Casting Director 1: Happy!
Casting Director 3: Yeah!
Casting Director 1: Yes, and "up" feeling that the stain is gone.
Casting Director 3: Right! ‘Cause , obviously, stains are, you know...
Casting Director 2: Not good!
Casting Director 3: Exactly.
Casting Director 2: Yeah.
Cordelia: Now Stain-Be-Gone . . . is more . . . ef-fect-tive . . . GRASS STAINS!
Angel: What makes you think he means you harm?
Barney: I don't think he's tracking me down to tell me that I won the Publisher's Clearinghouse.
Angel: It's been my experience that when one is being pursued that tenaciously, it's generally because the pursuer has a strong grievance against the pursued.
Barney: Hey, I never said I was a boy scout.
Angel: So you're a cheat.
Barney: I choose to think of it as going with my strengths.
Barney: I'm a demon. Sure, I'm evil. But, hey, I'm not, you know, evil.
Cordelia: Damn. I can't believe he did this to me.
Angel: Who did what?
Cordelia: Doyle! I thought our kiss meant something. And instead, he used that moment to pass it on to me. Why couldn't it have been mono or herpes?
Cordelia: I didn't ask for this responsibility, unlike some people who shall remain lifeless.
Angel: You had a vision.
Cordelia: Boy! Howdy! And guess what, you know how they *look* painful? Well they *feel* a whole lot worse.
Angel: You're my link to The Powers That Be.
Cordelia: I am nobody's link to anything. I lost control of my entire central nervous system. And I'm not sure, but I may have drooled a little. At my first audition in weeks!
Angel: What was it?
Cordelia: Uh, Stain-Be-Gone. It was a national, no less. They'll probably never call me again.
Angel: The vision! What was the vision?
Cordelia: Oh, pfft, who knows. It was a thing.
Angel: A thing?
Cordelia: An ugly, grey, blobby thing. What difference does it make?
Angel: The difference is if you saw it in a vision, this could be an ugly, grey, blobby dangerous thing.
Cordelia: I don't care. I want it out of me. And if kissing's the only way to get rid of it, I will smooch every damn frog in this kingdom!
Cordelia: (Kisses Barney) Maybe not every frog.
Barney: Boy, I gotta say, I like the way you people treat your clients.
Angel: Behave yourself. I don't want to find you two necking on the couch when I get back.
Wesley: I'll wager you never thought you'd see me again.
Angel: To tell you the truth, I haven't given it much thought one way or another.
Wesley: I think it only fair to warn you, any sudden movement and I'll be forced--
Angel: (slaps crossbow away)
Wesley: Right. You had a question?
Angel: Interesting look for you. Motorcycle? Watcher's Council trying out a new image?
Wesley: In point of fact, I no longer work for the Council. I came to the conclusion I was of greater good to the cause working autonomously.
Angel: They fired you.
Wesley: And that's why I became a Rogue Demon Hunter.
Angel: You're a demon hunter?
Wesley: Rogue Demon Hunter.
Cordelia: Doyle? He drank too much, and his taste in clothing was like a Greek tragedy. And he could be really sweet sometimes. You'll like this, he was half-demon -- a secret he kept from for, like, *ever*. I guess that's the reason he sometimes smelled weird.
Wesley: Well, what a nice . . .
Cordelia: *SMOOCH*
Wesley: Surprise.
Cordelia: Didn't work!
Wesley: No? I thought it went considerably better than last time.
Cordelia: No, I was trying an experiment with . . . Wesley?
Cordelia: What are you doing here? Are you working with Angel?
Wesley: A lone wolf such as myself never works with anyone. I'm merely allowing Angel to assist me.
Cordelia: Oh. Wow.
Wesley: I'm a Rogue Demon Hunter now.
Cordelia: Wow. (pause) What's a rogue demon?
Angel: I had someone by my side. He's dead now. I'm not gonna let that happen again. I work alone.
Cordelia: Are you alright, Wesley?
Wesley: No, these pants tend to chafe my . . . legs.
Barney: You're frustrated.
Cordelia: That's one spooky talent you've got there. You can just look at me -- grinding my teeth, sighing, grunting -- and sense that I'm frustrated? Amazing.
Barney: It's pretty good at sensing sarcasm, too.
Barney: Can I help?
Cordelia: Not unless you can explain to me why I have to suffer skull-splitting migraines getting visions so vague they require close captioning.
Cordelia: I'm never going to forgive him for doing this to me.
Barney: For what? Choosing you? Trusting you with an enormous responsibility? Believing that you were the only one worthy of such a rare and important gift?
Cordelia: Did I mention the drooling?
Barney: I get the impression Doyle didn't have much by way of possessions?
Cordelia: No. No, he didn't.
Barney: Seems like he gave you the most valuable thing he had.
Cordelia: I hope you like your coffee black because the only lightener the boss has in his refrigerator is O positive.
Cordelia: It's kind of strong . . . and clumpy. I never could brew the old-fashioned way. I'm more the auto-drip.
Wesley: Yes, yes. Fish will die? Not fish.
Cordelia: Oh! A vision! I'm having a vision. A demon. A creepy little . . . You! It's definitely you. You're in great, great . . .
Barney: Danger?
Cordelia: Pain! (KICK)
Wesley: Hit the cherry? Slam the cherry?
Wesley: If anything happens to Cordelia because of me . . .
Angel: Nothing's gonna happen to Cordelia. I won't allow it.
Angel: In case you're wondering, this is me looking for clues. Feel free to join in any time you want.
Wesley: I'm a fool. A sniveling, great . . .
Angel: Ugly, grey, blobby thing.
Wesley: Yes! I'm an ugly, grey, blobby . . . what?
Barney: You are now the proud owner of an authentic Taak horn. Stab your enemies with it. Hey! Stab your wife. It'll drain the life right out of ‘em. The power to drain a life force is an investment in peace of mind.
Cordelia: I'm really not a seer. I only had a vision once, and I'm pretty sure it was just something I ate!
Barney: Going for 11, 000 once, twice. . .
Cordelia: Hey! You know you'd pay twice that for cataracts. These are flawless even without the stupid visions. Is that the best you can do?
Barney: Going for 12,000 . . .
Cordelia: You know what these eyes can do? They can, uh, see. . . stuff! Like, uh, danger and . . . and evil and locations of buried treasure!
Barney: 13,000! Do I hear. . .
Cordelia: C'mon! Have some huevos guy! Whitey here is steppin' all over you. You gonna take that from his kind?
Barney: Now, be a good girl and hold still. This will only hurt a lot.
Wesley: You! Butcher an innocent girl, will you? I'm going to thrash you within an inch of your life. And then I'm gonna take that inch!!!
Cordelia: I never doubted for a minute you'd find me.
Angel: Well, I was lucky. I had a Rogue Demon Hunter on my side.
Cordelia: Not that he didn't have it coming. He was a horrible evil monster.
Angel: He did kill a lot of people.
Wesley: Viciously mutilated their corpses.
Cordelia: Plus he started the bidding on me at a paltry $2,000.
Cordelia: This I frame for saving my life, and as a reminder that something of Doyle's is here in our office.
Wesley: Well, I'll be off. Farewell Angel. Who knows when our paths will cross.
Angel: Wesley.
Cordelia: Do you even know where you're headed?
Wesley: Rogue Demon Hunters rarely do. Wherever evil lurks, wherever the forces of darkness threaten humanity, that's where I'll be.
Cordelia: Oh, okay. Well, keep in touch.
Wesley: Yes, yes, I will. But now evil lurking everywhere bids me onwards! So, I go.
Cordelia: Take care!
Wesley: Yes.
(starts to leave)
(ducks back in)
Wesley: No rest for the wicked fighters. Through storm and rain, heat and famine, deep painful gnawing hunger, I go.
Angel: Breakfast?
Wesley: Ooo! I suppose so.
Cordelia: One of the perks of the job: After an all-nighter of fighting the lurking evil, we get eggs!
Cordelia: He's a good cook for someone on a liquid diet.

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