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ANNE RICE ROUTINE Vampire-with-a-tortured-soul actor Episode
ANYWHERE BUT HERE Fantasy game where players imagine an Elsewhere to Be (e.g., Buffy fantasizes about Bush singer Gavin Rossdale massaging her feet on a beach at sunset; Willow would be eating ziti in Italy with John Cusack) (THE) AWKWARD SILENCE THING Dating hazard BACKSEAT MOTHERING Unsolicited advice from non-parent BAT SIGNAL Slayer code for distress signal, a la Batman and Robin (THE) BIG HURT Slayer force; murder ("No way, nohow does Buffy put the big hurt on an innocent man") BOYFRIENDLY Worthy of dating exclusively BREAK-AND-ENTERISH Comfortable slay wear BUSINESS-CLASS TICKET TO COOL WITH COMPLIMENTARY MOJO AFTER TAKEOFF Benefits of being in a band, per Xander CARBON DATED Beyond passe (A) CARRIE Psycho prom moment in spirit of '76 horror flick CHATTER IN THE CAF Widespread high school lunchroom gossip CLOTHES FLUKE Kiss resulting from formal wear COME AS YOU AREN'T Halloween (THE) CREEPY Frightening ("How much the creepy is it that she's been spying on us?") (THE) CRYPTIC Manner of speaking without imparting information ("Stop with the cryptic--you're scaring me") CYBERCOVEN Wired witches DATEVILLE Early stage of a relationship, between Big Fun Group Town and Romantic Twosome Burg DEBARGE Dorky, rolled-up-sleeves look of person (or vampire) stuck in the '80s; reference to defunct Motown act DECAF LAND Calm realm between Comaville and Speedtown DID WE FIND? Shorthand for "Did you find?" (THE) DIRE Urgent tone and expression ("What's the dire?") DR. LAURA FOR THE DECEASED Demon therapist in spirit of radio shrink Laura Schlessinger DUMP-O-GRAM Kiss-off DUST Stake a vampire; form that demon takes at death (AN) ELSEWHERE TO BE Another engagement far away EVITA-LIKE Self-centered, arrogant (e.g., Cordelia) FANG GANG Vampires; also, Nasty-Pointy-Bitey Ones FESTER FREE State of being relieved of silent seething FIRE BAD, TREE PRETTY Buffy demonstrating her low-level brain function after a draining battle FIVE BY FIVE Feeling no pain; aviation radio term favored by Faith FRAY ADJACENT In the vicinity of the thick of things FREAKSOME Worrisome A FREE Study hall FRUIT-PUNCH MOUTH Vampire with a blood mustache FULL-ON EXORCIST TWIST Ability to turn one's head 360 degrees, a la praying mantises or Linda Blair GEEK MACHINE Joyce Summers' totally uncool Jeep GEEKER JOY Effusive feeling nerdy Willow gets when she's happy GENE AND ROGER Unsolicited criticism such as that given by movie critics Siskel and Ebert GOD'S GIFT TO THE BELL CURVE Longhand for moron GO WILD BUNCH Become violent vigilante group; reference to bloody 1969 Western GOING WILLY LOMAN Raising money through selling of chocolate bars; reference to Death of a Salesman character GOOD SQUIRM Satisfying level of discomfort ("I trust I gave good squirm") GRANDFATHER BREATH Unpleasant aroma (THE) GRIM Sullen faces; also Tragedy Masks GUILTAPALOOZA Excessive-remorse festival HANDY CARRYOUT PACKETS OF BLOOD IV transfusion bags HAPPY MEALS WITH LEGS People (to vampires) HAVE A NICE SUMMER Kiss-of-death yearbook sentiment written when signer has nothing to say HAVING AN EXPRESSION Making a telltale face HAVING ORS Considering options HELEN KELLER An unobservant individual ("My eyes are hazel, Helen Keller") HOOP-OF-THE-WEEK Obligatory yet needless task ("Principal Snyder's not happy unless I'm jumping through his hoop-of-the-week") HORMONES ON PARADE Teenagers obsessed with kissing and groping INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH THERAPY Intense counseling needed by adolescents who reconstruct people out of dead human parts IT IS NOT TO WORRY The long way of saying "Don't worry"; also, "No worries" JOAN COLLINS 'TUDE Persona of someone bucking for Bitch of the Year; reference to Dynasty diva JOHN TESH The devil KEYSER SOZED Duped by an actual bad guy into believing in a villain that doesn't exist; reference to imaginary character in the film The Usual Suspects ("Does anybody else feel like they've been Keyser Sozed?") (THE) KIND OF SENSE THAT'S NOT Without logic KINKS OR VANILLA? Query regarding someone's preference for naughty or nice sex KISSING DAYLIGHT Vampire death by sunrise LAURA ASHLEY Major fashion faux pas; reference to frilly, floral fashion designer LOCKER-DOOR MATERIAL Serious boyfriend who's earned spot in metal high school storage compartment LOST WEEKENDING Getting drunk and losing track of time; reference to Billy Wilder film LUNCHABLE Lip-smacking treat for the eyes (male); also, Salty Goodness; MCPLASMAS Vampire fast food MESSED Out of sorts ("It's not you; I just get messed sometimes") MOM-AGED MITTS Joyce Summers' menopausal hands MOVE FREE A chaste date lacking hanky-panky MR. POINTY Good-luck slayer stake Kendra gives Buffy MUSIC OF PAIN Tunes to sulk by; country music (e.g., Patsy Cline's "I Fall to Pieces") NA-NA-NA-NA-NA APPROACH TO BATTLE Taunting to victory NAME-TAG PERSON Retail or fast-food employee; derogatory OFFICE ROMANCE Illicit vampire/slayer love affair OTHERWHERE Elsewhere; also, Someplace That's Away OVERBITE Vampire ("Take a walk, overbite"); also, Creechy Face OVERLY Excessively ("You're acting a little overly, aren't you?") PATHETIC MUCH? Feeling sorry for yourself? PINK RANGER Overzealous fighter (e.g., Kendra); reference to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers PLANET POCKET PROTECTOR Geek universe; place where Giles commonly dwells POINTED TOOTH FAIRY Vampire prone to house calls POINTY Worthwhile--in response to something being described as pointless ("Punishing myself like this is entirely pointy") POOP THE PARTY Naysay ("I don't mean to poop the party here") POWER-FREAKED Exponentially scared; see also (The) Wig PRINCESS MARGARET Overly effeminate British male (e.g., Wesley) RIDING THE MELLOW Enjoying quiet time ROGAINE BOY Baldy ROLLER BOY Unenlightened term for paraplegic (e.g., Spike in a wheelchair; also, Sit 'n' Spin) SABRINA Teenage witch SANITY FAIR A magazine Faith will not be gracing the cover of SARCASTIC QUOTE MARKS In which the gang turns a visual cliche into a verbal one (e.g., mocking organized fun: "And I use sarcastic quote marks") SCOOBY GANG Buffy and her slaying pals; reference to '70s TV cartoon Scooby-Doo; also, Undead Playgroup; Slayerettes (TO) SCULLY Explain paranormal activity with scientific rationale; homage to Dana Scully of The X-Files ("I cannot believe that you of all people are trying to Scully me") SINGLE WHITE FEMALED Have existence duplicated by an obsessive acquaintance in manner of Jennifer Jason Leigh/Bridget Fonda film (e.g., new-slayer-in-town Faith to Buffy) SLAY-STUDY DOUBLE FEATURE Evening of killing and homework SLICEAGE Death by slashing SO Wonderful ("Isn't that so? Me and Owen!") SOCK PUPPET OF LOVE Xander's right hand, which often fills in as his date on special occasions SOYLENT GREEN Unrecognizable green stuff served in cafeteria; reference to 1973 sci-fi classic SPARKAGE Romantic electricity SPIDER SENSE Tingling sensation Buffy gets when something's up in demonville; reference to SpiderMan's intuition TALENTLESS SHOW High school talent show TINGLE MOMENT Exciting, chill-inducing event TONY ROBBINS HYPEREFFICIENCY KICK Self-improvement in style of large-toothed infomercial master TWINKIE DEFENSE Lame excuse; reference to a trial in which bad behavior was blamed on excessive consumption of cream-filled treat TWOSOME OF CUTENESS Good couple (e.g., Miss Calendar and Giles) (THE) UBERSUCK Major bummer UNDEAD AMERICAN Politically correct term for vampire UNLIFE Living (to the undead) UP WITH PEOPLE Aroused in the presence of actual sex partner ("I'm up. I've just never been up with people before"); reference to do-gooding musical organization VAMPIRE MEALS-ON-WHEELS Medical transport blood delivery (THE) WACKY Crazy things ("Love makes you do the wacky") WAKE UP AND SMELL THE HOTTIE/THE SEDUCTION Take note of a potential mate 'WALKER, TEXAS RANGER' Must-see TV for zombies WAY 007 Sartorially James Bond (e.g., Wesley in a tux) (THE) WHAT Obvious problem ("What's the what?") (THE) WIG Creeps; omnipresent term favored by Scooby gang; usage: wigged, extra wig, (a fair) wiggins, maxi-wig WOW POTENTIAL Possible sparkage WRINKLIES Cojones; usually vulgar ("Any of you wanna test who's got the biggest wrinklies, step on up!") (THE) ZEPPO Useless member of a group, in spirit of forgotten Marx Brother (e.g., Xander, according to Cordelia--like she's ever seen a Marx Brothers movie)
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