the rest of the year.2005 - Which Buffyverse weapon gets your vote?
Total lack of updates for months at a time led the poll to be huge this time! A grand total of 26,908 votes! Are you kidding me?
That is insane! The winner of the best weapon in your minds happens to be the handiest.. if you're a vampire! Sharp teeth
managed to snag (4545 votes). Coming in second is the Slayer's weapon of choice the Trusty Stake (4374 votes). The 'other' -
anything handy weaponry came in third with (3760 votes) followed closely by the Magicks (3688 votes). In rapid succession the
rest were Season two show-stopper Bazooka (3601 votes), season seven's Slayer Scythe (3572 votes) and last but not least the
trusty big sword (3368 votes). Thanks for all your votes!
january/february.2005 - Which shows are you watching now that Jossverse is off the air?
A less substantial number of votes this time around, although there are some interesting results. I always love
getting involved in a television show and I wanted to discover just what shows people are watching right now!
By a HUGE margin most of you visitors (4218 votes) claim that you have given tv up entirely, which is a little
depressing if you think about it. The first show on the list to recommend to friends is LOST (630 votes) not surprisingly,
followed closely by Smallville (593 votes), and Charmed (572 votes). Only a single vote at counting time separated
Alias (566 votes) and One Tree Hill (565 votes). COming in last and very shockingly since it is my new favorite show and
seems to be on everyone's lips is The OC (478 votes). I secretly believe that the OC viewers are out there, just too busy
on the discussion boards to frequent a Buffy site! Thank you all for participating!
november/december.2004 - Do you own the Buffy DVD's?
Thank you so much for all of your patience with my DVD released timed poll this last few months. With our seventh
and final season coming into stores I was really curious to see for myself how people feel about DVD sales. Here we go!
Most of you claim you push your way into stores as soon as the sets come out, which is great to hear! (6426 votes)
For the more patient fans another (6295 votes) say you own them all when it is convenient to grab them.
Coming in third this poll is owning only your personal favorite seasons (892 votes), perhaps for fans on more of a budget,
followed closely by owning only one set of DVD's, probably a favorite or sale set (862 votes). Last and thankfully least
in this particular poll are those unfortunate fans that have yet to get themselves to a video store to own their own
piece of television history. (857 votes) Get to the stores!!!!
september/october.2004 - How would you describe BtVS?
Again real life got crazy and this poll spanned a two-month time period. All the more votes with a total of 3501!
Scary is the word most of you voted as the best descriptor of the show (608 votes) followed by action-y (568 votes)
in a language only our Scoobies would use themselves! Coming in third was dramatic (503 votes) and then emotional
(418 votes). My own vote came next, all of the above (370 votes) followed very closely by addicting (363 votes).
Those that chose girl-power (346 votes) edged out funny (325 votes) which we all know is still a great part of
the show. Thanks again for voting!
august.2004 - Who has the best style?
An unfortunate system failure half way through this month lost almost 3000 votes! After a good cry, the poll reopened
and thank you for all that re-voted as well as the new visitors! With just over two weeks to vote this is one of our
smallest numbers yet, although from what I remember these numbers still accurately follow what was looking to be another
big vote! So... the overwhelming majority seems to believe that Other had the best style of the show, meaning I must have
left someone important out! From my list, the people have chosed Giles as the next best style followed by our girl Buffy.
Coming in with slightly less support was Anya and then the little sister, Dawn, right behind her. Angel with his dark
look was next in line followed by our witchy Willow (I wonder if season is considered?!). Spike was voted to have the least
style of the cast, apparently nobody likes stolen leather jackets and tapered jeans around here! Come on, the peroxide look
is hot!!
june/july.2004 - Who are you Like?
Massive numbers this time, my fault for leaving the poll up for two months! Most of the voters seemed to relate most to
our Willow (894 votes) with only 40 less visitors thinking they are most like Xander (853 votes). My own vote as well as
(842 votes) went to the Buffster and then a significant drop to Other (799 votes) I wonder who that other is? Many of
my visitors must be stuffy old librarians because Giles came in with (681 votes) followed by brooding Angel's (492 votes).
Spike seemed to be less popular with only (446 votes) and nobody really wanted to admit that they were like Cordelia who
came in last with (442 votes). Grand total votes = 5449!
may.2004 - Buffy's soulmate?
Again HUGE numbers this month with a total of 2724 votes for May! Thank you all for coming out and voting, this topic is
a sensitive one for sure. Well no surprise it was a close call but our first Vampire with a soul, Angel won our hearts with
(803 votes). Spike came in a close second collecting (784 votes). After quite a large gap, many of you thought that
Xander should be with our Slayer (209 votes) and then a very close number (196 to 195 votes) for Other and Owen. Curious as
to who other might be. Solid man Riley came in next with (186 votes) followed again very closely by Parker (184 votes).
Why Parker people?!? Poor Giles rounded out the voting this month with (167 votes) but we all love him dearly, just not in
that way.
february/march.2004 - Next spin-off series?
Wow, the opening of the new combined site brought in a lot of new viewers! A total of 1908 votes this two-month span.
Spike was the one you voted in as deserving of the next spin-off by Mutant Enemy. (473 votes) Willow closely
followed with (456 votes) as your second choice. Faith was next with (386 votes) then Xander (373 votes). A huge gap
and then our little Dawnie with only (95 votes), Clem (47 votes), Giles (35 votes), and Andrew (27 votes).
Other came in last but still got (16 votes).
december/january.2003/2004 - Most wanted as vampire/demon
Strong numbers again this time around with a total of 130 votes.
Faith (39 votes) is the character you would most like to see as a vampire/demon, followed by Riley (25 votes).
Dawn (22 votes) and Wesley (17 votes) came in next respectively, and
Giles (14 votes) followed closely. Next is Other with (8 votes) and the character you would least like
to see as a vampire/demon was Joyce (5 votes), good thing it didn't happen in "Forever"!
october/november.2003 - Best Villain of BtVS
Bigger numbers this time around with 199 votes total, could be due to the two month span.
Angelus (67 votes) came out the winner of best villain, The First (46 votes) coming in second.
Spike and Dru (31 votes) and Glory (29 votes) scored close to the same number of votes while
The Mayor (14 votes) got significantly less. Next is The Master (5 votes), then a tie between
Adam (3 votes) and Other (3 votes). Your least favorite villain of BtVS was The Troika (1 vote).
september.2003 - Best Season Premiere of BtVS
More great turnout for the poll this month with 170 votes total. Bargaining (38 votes) came out on top, followed by
Buffy vs Dracula (33 votes) for best season premiere. Welcome to the Hellmouth (27 votes) and
When She Was Bad (25 votes) came in next and really close behind was Lessons (24 votes). Anne
(16 votes) was not a favorite but more so than The Freshman (7 votes) which came in last.
august.2003 - Best Season Finale of BtVS
Another successful poll this month with 160 votes in. Most people seemed to think that The Gift (48 votes) was the
best finale, closely followed by Becoming Parts 1 + 2 (34 votes). Chosen (30 votes) came in next, then
Graduation Day Parts 1 + 2 (19 votes). Grave (21 votes) had less support but there was a tie for last place between
Restless (4 votes) and Prophecy Girl (4 votes).
june/july.2003 - Best Season of BtVS
For our very first poll we had a huge turnout, with 1294 total votes being cast. It seems
the best season of BtVS was an exact tie between Season 7 and Season 3, with Season 2 following
close behind. Next was Season 6 with 228 votes and then a huge jump to Season 5 with only 178.
Season 4 and Season 1 were your least favorites with Season 1 getting only 46 votes.