Teeth - Tabula Rasa
A shark head demon. Kind of like a card-shark, pun intended. Spike got into some trouble and ended up 40 siamese kittens short of even with this sharp suited demon.
Telepaths - Earshot
Telepathic demons who had no mouths. When Buffy killed one of them, she got their blood on her which passed on the telepathy to her. Angel killed the second telepath in order to cure Buffy.
Thomas - Welcome to Hellmouth
A vampire, Thomas was a member of the Order of Aurelius. He attempted to kill Willow but was staked by Buffy.
Three, The - Angel
Vampires who were basically assassins. They came after Buffy at The Master's command, but having failed to kill her, were executed by Darla.
Toth - The Replacement
A tall demon with a flaking off face and bright green teeth who also smelled very bad. He attempted to split the Buffy into two different Buffy's (one with Slayer powers and one without) in hopes that if he killed the weak one both would die. He accidentally hit Xander with it and ended up being stabbed by Buffy.
Tribunal, The - Judgment
A sort of a demon court - two champions fight a fight to the death. Whichever champion survives, that side wins the case. There are three judges and their court just appears in this dimension when it's time. The trial is really a joust.
Trick, Mr. - Faith, Hope & Trick, Homecoming, Band Candy, Bad Girls, Consequences
A vampire who first worked as a lackey for Kakistos, then worked for Mayor Wilkins. He organized Slayerfest '98 but was eventually dusted by Faith.
Turok-Han - Baddies Season 7
Uber-vamps, similar to Neanderthals for that race. Super strong, thick skin, ugly perma vamp faces, and near indestructable. Slaughtered in the hundreds by the potentials and then finished off by the channeling of Spikes soul through a powerful amulet.
Ugly Man, The - Nightmares
A creature that was spawned from the dreams of a comatose boy. When the boy awakened from his coma, Ugly Man disappeared.
Vahrall Demons - Doomed
Large, silent demons with talons. Once they kill someone they carve their symbol into them. They attempted to open the Hellmouth by performing the Sacrifice of Three, involving an talisman called the Word of Valios. Buffy prevented the third from jumping into the Hellmouth and then killed it, thus averting apocalypse.
Vamp Willow - The Wish, Doppelgängland
In an alternate reality, one where Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, Willow was made into a vampire. She was employed by the Master & kept Angel as a pet. She was dusted by the alternate version of Oz. Later, she was transported to this reality by Willow & Anya. She ended up being sent back to her reality just in time to be dusted by Oz again.
Wig Lady - Doublemeat Palace
Demon lady with giant snake coming out of her head. Liked to feed on the workers of the Doublemeat Palace.
Whistler - Becoming, parts I & II
A demon who works for The Powers That Be - he apparently is on the side of good. He was sent to find Angel when he was in his depths of despair and took him to see Buffy as she was being called to her Slayerness. His current whereabouts are not known
Worm - Beneath You
Actually an ex of potential Xander girl Nancy, turned demon because of a wish made to Anyanka. Stabbed through the shoulder by Spike once Anya had reversed the spell but he lived.
Zachary Kralik - Helpless
A psychotic vampire who was obsessed with mothers. He was sent by the Watcher's Council to face off with Buffy sans Slayer powers. Buffy tricked him into drinking holy water and he was incinerated.