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M'Fashnik - Flooded
A very powerful demon..."It comes from a long line of mercenary demons, known to perform acts of mayhem and slaughter for the highest bidder." The M'Fashnik was hired by Jonathan, Andrew & Warren to rob a bank. The demon was drowned by Buffy in her flooded basement.

Machida - Reptile Boy
A demon who was worshipped by some fraternity brothers. He ate human females who were offered to him as a sacrifice and in return gave the frat boys money and power. Buffy chopped him in two but his body was never found.

Marcie Ross - Invisible Girl
Not really a demon, but she was ignored by all of Sunnydale High for so long she literally became invisible. She blamed this on Cordelia and tried to maim her but was stopped by Buffy. She was taken by federal agents who forced her to become an assassin. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Marcus - In The Dark
A vampire who specialized in torture. He was hired by Spike to torture Angel so that he could find out where the Gem of Amarra was. Sadly, he betrayed Spike and kept the ring for himself. Angel got the ring back and dusted Marcus.

Master, The - Main 'baddie' of Season 1
A vampire, he sired Darla and was the leader of the Order of Aurelius. He tried to open the Hellmouth in Sunnydale in the 1930's but failed and ended up trapped below Sunnydale. He planned a ritual that would set him free but it failed. It was prophesized that he would kill Buffy, which he did after he bit her by drowning her. However, Xander gave her CPR, bringing her back to life. She staked the Master but he didn't turn to dust. Later, she ended up grinding his bones to dust with a sledgehammer.

Mayor Wilkins - Main 'baddie' Season 3
A demon worshipper who aspired to be a demon, the Mayor planned his Ascension where he would become demon and destroy Sunnydale. Due to a ritual, for 100 days before the Ascension, the Mayor was invulnerable and couldn't be killed. After he Ascended (?) the Mayor was blown up by Buffy and Giles.

Merl - Judgement, sporadically throughout season 2 - Final episode That Old Gang of Mine.
A parasite demon who was known as a snitch or a source of information. Merl became a sometime source for Angel Investigations through Wesley, who wanted to broaden out their resources by reaching out to the underworld. Although he was most likely untrustworthy, Merl was relatively harmless (for a demon). All he was really interested in was cash. He was roughed up a bit by Angel when he was in his "dark mode," but Angel made a token attempt to patch things up just before Merl was killed. Merl was slaughtered by Gunn's old gang as they went about their business of killing every non-human in sight.

Moloch the Corrupter - I Robot, You Jane
A horned demon who had been trapped in a book by priests. He was released when Willow scanned him into her computer. While in her computer, he let her think he was a real guy who was flirting with her online. He had no human form so he forced his acolytes to build him a robot body. Buffy electrocuted him.

Mohra Demon - I Will Remember You
A green skinned demon with oriental looking armor and a red jewel in it's forehead. They are assassins, soldiers of darkness & their "veins run with the blood of eternity." In order to kill it you must smash the jewel in it's forehead. Buffy killed the one after her and Angel but it's presumed that there are many others.

Norman Pfister - What's My Line, parts I & II
A member of the Order of Taraka - who were assassins, he was hired by Spike to kill Buffy. He was made up of bugs but could appear as a human. When he was disassembled into his bug form (ick), Cordelia and Xander stomped him to death.

Octarus - What's My Line, Part I
A member of the Order of Taraka, he was nearly 8 feet tall. He, after being hired by Spike, tried to kill Buffy but she slit his throat with her ice skate's blade.

Olaf - Triangle, Selfless
An ex boyfriend of Anya (Aud) and victim of her first vengeance spell, Olaf was turned into a troll as punishment for his unfaithfulness. Trapped in another dimension, made appearances in flash backs in Season 7.

Oz - Season 2, 3, 4
A werewolf, Oz was a member of the Scooby Gang and Willow's boyfriend. He was bitten by his cousin, which turned him into a werewolf but he allowed himself to be caged for the three days that he turned into the wolf. He tried to control the wolf inside but found himself unable to do so. He left Sunnydale and is currently assumed to be traveling the world.

Pete - Beauty & The Beasts
A "normal" man who created a chemical formula to increase his masculinity. He was killed by Angel.

Polgara Demons - The I In Team
A towering demon that had bone skewers that came out of it's arms during battle. It was captured by the Initiative so that Maggie Walsh could take the skewers and insert them into Adam. I guess you could say it was scavenged for parts. Of course, unknown if it was the only one, most likely not.



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