About Us
Gender: Male
D.O.B. : June 28th 1979
Marital Status: Single
Geographical Location: Seattle, United States
Damned for: Creating, writing, artistry, producing and masterminding. Making fans tear their hair out.
Hobbies: I have time for hobbies? Oh! You mean things I do and don't get paid for! Okay, I guess this counts.
Fun facts: Used to have a foot tall mohawk, dammit. They can be cool, okay? Oh, and now I have purple hair.
Gender: Female
D.O.B. : May 31st 1980
Marital Status: Single
Geographical Location: New York City, United States
Damned for: Web monkeying, coloring the art and being bitched at by Frost for all the typos on this site.
Hobbies: Making graphics, Working on websites, Reading, Pretending to work when really goofing off
Fun Facts: Enjoys reading insane crossover fiction for the narcissistic pleasure of it. Likes to make people listen to her sing, even though she can't carry a tune.
Gender: Female
D.O.B: November 19th 1978
Marital status: Registered partnership (i.e. married).
Geographical location: Finland, Europe
Damned for: Editing, typoslaying and co-writing. And for being a law student when not doing that.
Hobbies: Music, musical instruments, books and comics, computers, role-playing games
Fun facts: Is often the person people turn to when wondering about English spelling or grammar, despite the fact that English is only her third language. Can't draw even if her life depended on it.
Gender: Female
D.O.B: November 13th 1985
Marital status: Dating
Geographical location: Ireland, Europe
Damned for: Co-writing. Also for taking care of her damned schoolwork.
Hobbies: Writing, music, drama, computers, fanfic
Fun facts: Famous for doing scorpion noises. Has webbed toes and a dancing butt. Really.
About Site
Site design and graphic created by Wolf. Pictures from SXC and Maddrex. Designed in Adobe Photoshop CS and Dreamweaver.