I guess everyone has to leave the nest at some point...and to make sure you
fly instead of fall, I'm extending this list of places out in the wide blue
yonder, all of them well worth visiting. Also Available: Banner Links // Link here
BUFFY FANFIC LINKSGeneral / Individual Authors / Links
General Fanfic Archives -- sites with numerous authors Slayer's Fanfic Archive - Anya's fanfic page the biggest Buffy fanfic site on the net :) It's really well organized and has a HUGE selection. The Labyrinth -- A HUGE archive of Willow fic. If you like Willow at all, this is a must see. It's run by Serendipity, whose stuff you should definitely check out. Also check out the rest of Serendipity's page. Ignis Verbis: A Fire of Words -- Large site, dedicated to quality. Something for everyone regardless of which genre or pairing you're a fan of. If they don't have what you're looking for, there's a huge annotated links database. The BAFFA -- The Buffy Angel FanFic Archive. This place is great. If you even vaguely like B/A go here. Soulmates Eternal Fanfic Archive -- Very nicely designed Buffy/Angel archive. The Naughty Slayer -- Adult Buffy/Angel fic. The Buffy-Beta Fanfic Archive -- archive of fic posted to the Buffy-Beta mailing list. sunnydale slayer's archive -- Large fanfic archive. Includes stories as well as song parodies..etc. Slayerette FanFic -- Big archive focused on the Slayerettes...well organized...plus there's additional stuff like Buffy quizzes, etc. BtVS Writer's Guild -- Newly re-opened. Encompasses all sorts of 'ships and characters through the zones. Buffy and Angel Fanfic -- All Buffy and Angel fic, all the time. The Willow Rosenberg Fanfic Mailing List Page -- For those of you who love Willow. Really Bad Fanfic -- BADFIC...it's bad, but it's supposed to be. In the badness lies the humor. The Watcher's Council -- The webpage for the Council (a group of fanfic writers)...has links to all the members' fanfic and our collaborations, etc. Love's Bitch -- Dare's page. Lots of Spike fic. Her stories, stories by other authors, etc. It's somewhat biased in favor of Spike/Buffy but there's some other kinds of fic too. (Check out the manipulated pics for a laugh). OzMIA -- Oz Missing in Action. Run by Karen. For those who miss the wolf. ~*We make our own fun*~ -- The site for Oz/Willow fic. It's changed ownership, but it's still a great place to be. The Place Where Forbidden Love Dwells -- Very nice site devoted to Angel/Willow fanfic. It's Always the Quiet Ones -- Another Willow/Angel site. Divine Collective -- Gateway to Maayan's lovely Buffy and Angel sites. Including her fic site Heaven in Hell and the Angel Torture Anonymous Site, plus a new fanfic awards site. Much of the fic is adult. Having a Thought -- The Buffy and Angel improv archive. Cool idea for a mailing list and lots of great fic. Slashing the Angel -- The place to be for Angel slash. adult
Individual Authors
-- sites house mainly stories by one author. Hannah R.H.'s Mushy, Angsty, Racy Scifi Fanfic -- Hannah writes great fic...you should definitely check it out. Catoninetails Page - Buffy for the Rest of Us -- Catoninetails' fanfic...She's hilarious, but writes good serious fic too. Plus the site has amazing graphics and cool stuff like the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vampire Animals. (Also check out her sister's site dedicated to Angel.) Yahtzee -- Great writing. Some B/A, some not. All good. If you read Phoenix Burning in the Gift archive you know what I mean. If you didn't, for God's sake, go read it so you'll know what I mean! Letters to Whistler -- Well done B/A fic by Harpy. Mostly adult. Alex's BTVS Fan-Fic -- Another fanfic site with the author's fanfiction...great Buffy/Angel fic...go see it. after.midnight -- Tamara's fanfic. She writes great Buffy/Angel fic among other things. She also runs a bunch of great sites with Lex; the entire list is here. Raging Pixie -- Tinkerbell's fic. B/A, S/A, C/A. (Lots of Angel...it's a good thing. :) Btvs Fic by Lex -- Lex is another incredible Buffy/Angel author. (Are you sensing the trend?) Seriously though...B/A fans must go here. Erana's Place -- Another great Buffy/Angel fic author. She has some wonderful angsty fic, but she also has a Buffy/Angel fluff series. Ducks' Fanfic -- More lovely B/A fic. Some adult, some general. All yummy. :) Mace's Vampyr Library -- Mace's fic (mostly B/A), and stories picked by Mace. Margot's Fanfic -- Margot's an amazingly good writer. One of the best. Lots of adult fic. A lot of B/A, B/S, but some other stuff as well. Octaves of the Heart - Good B/A fic by Chrislee. Also includes fic reccomendations and essays. Fic by Laure -- Lots of adult stories and a lot of unconventional relationships...but it has other stories too if those aren't your bag :) Melinda Dawney's Page -- Everyone has to read Friendship at some point, it's like a rite of passage. (for B/A try Broken Wings). Suspension -- Sheila Perez's fic. She's especially great with Oz, Willow and Oz/Will fic. Also has some gorgeous manipulated pics that she's made. at the stillpoint -- Pixie's new site now that she's given up managing We Make Our Own Fun. Her fic. Willow/Oz of course. The Power of Willow -- Fanfic by Laura Smith and Tracy. Willow fic. Various W/someone pairings. Some other stuff too. Danielle's Buffy Fanfic -- Here's a site with the author's Buffy fic stories...some cool crossovers too... Addictive Stigmata - This is Sandycat's page. Great Fic (lots of it Spike-y). But tons of other stuff as well including a Faith site, a beautiful layout and graphics, and more. Seersha's Fanfiction -- Includes B/A, C/A, F/A, and Darla/Aus.
Fan Fiction on the Net -- lots and lots of links to Buffy fanfic pages (and fanfic from other shows)
Sonja Marie's
Fanfic Links -- She's got links to tons of Buffy fanfic pages...and
look farther below for the link to her HUGE main links page Fanfic Central -- Attempting to bring together all the fanfic sites, and allow people to learn of updates to sites from one central location. Large index of sites with links and descriptions.