disclaimer in part one


July 5, 1999 4:18 am

The phone rang shrilly, startling Buffy from sleep. She jerked it into her hand and mumbled something unintelligible.

"Hey!" Willow spoke in an excited whisper. "You awake?"

Instantly, Buffy was.

"Yeah, now," she replied, amused and groggy. "What's up? Did you just get home?"

Willow gave a happy little sigh. "Uh huh. Could you come over, do you think?"

"Is everything okay? Oh, wait. Just tell me when I get there." A slow grin spread over Buffy's face.

"Okay, how long?" Willow asked, as if what she wanted to talk about was bursting from her. Buffy grinned again, standing up and cradling the phone against her cheek with her shoulder. She pulled on some leggings and a loose blouse.

"I'm leaving now."


May 19, 2001

"Xander, are you sure of this?" Giles finally looked up from hours of studying old Watcher volumes to address him. "I did just purchase the..." Xander cut him off.

"I'm so sure, Giles, it's scaring me. I don't think I ever knew what sure really meant until now." His voice was somber, quiet, the stress taking a toll. Giles nodded and turned back to his reading.

An hour later, he looked up with something Xander couldn't identify glimmering behind his eyes. Xander arched an eyebrow, but didn't speak. Giles lifted his head in confirmation. At that silent exchange, Xander bolted from his seat to the chair next to Giles's.

Giles gestured to the page. "Here." His hand moved down. "And here. This is the journal of Sir Brekkin Follary, of the 16th century." Giles started reading aloud from the text. " 'As Isabel was on her nightly patrol, I was given ample time to browse through some prophesies that had been eluding me for quite some time. However, upon reading the books, I found something that I do not understand. It reads 'She assists in the rise, her wisdom the power. The demons beseech to dry the young, vital flower.' I do not pretend to think that Isabel is the "she" written of, as, though she is a well fighter, vampire she fights are weak and unassuming for the most part. The book went on to say something equally disturbing, equally confusing.' "

Giles looked up at Xander, who was reading over his shoulder and holding his breath.

He went on. " 'So it was written, 'A fallen tree, a wilted leaf. Eternal brilliance shattered by youthful grief. A torn heart confused, nothing is the same. To what she loves best, she will wake to lay claim. Her heart knows too well, of the recent rebel. A nameless face among the timeless grace.' I admit freely that I want my Slayer to live, to have glory. But perhaps I do not see yet the full idea, unformed idea. I hope to in the future.' "

Giles finished and looked up again. Xander was now breathing, but his breath was coming in short, harsh gasps that stung his lungs. He laid his hand heavily on Giles's shoulder.

"What.." he rasped and then licked his lips. "What does that mean. It was talking about Willow. I know it was. She is nameless grace. Dammit, a fallen tree?!"

Giles shook his head. "Xander, you don't need to convince me. The only question that remains is what to make of it."


July 5, 1999 4:23 am

Buffy climbed onto Willow's balcony quietly, landing in a neat tumble. The door swished open, bathing Buffy in light and the perfect example of a Willow-smile. Willow quickly ushered Buffy in, and they fell on the bed, trying to control some hysterical laughter that was building up for no reason. Buffy looked at her with a mock-serious face.

"So, I told you. Nothing to write home about," she murmured, holding back her giggles.

Willow didn't hold them back, though, and had to put her face in a pillow, else she wake her parents from the noise. She finally looked up.

"*Everything* to write home about. Not that if I was away from home, I would write my mother about this, but you know what I mean." She looked at Buffy sideways. "You do know, right?"

Buffy nodded, grinning. "So, fess up! Did it go the way you planned?"

Willow's face took on a dreamy expression. "Better. Oh, Buffy, he was so gentle and warm. It was perfect. Dreams and the stuff that make them. I can't imagine how you've gone so long without it once you did it!" Willow flushed and looked at Buffy, open-mouthed when she realized what she said. Buffy started laughing at the mortified look on Willow's face.

"Well," she snickered, "It's not easy. But now I have you to live vicariously through."

Willow joined in her giggles, her blush fading just a bit. "It was so great. I mean, everything; the kisses and the closeness and I just keep thinking 'I'm not a virgin.' That thought is a little funny to me." She sat back contemplatively. "I wonder if we'll do it again," she murmured thoughtfully.

Buffy grinned wickedly. "I'm sure you will. No worries. I mean, if Oz is even half the dope you are right now..."

Willow squealed and smacked Buffy with a pillow. Buffy put her hands up defensively. "I meant that in a good way!"


May 20, 2001

Buffy grasped Willow's limp hand in her firm grip. "Remember that night, Will? How we had a pillow fight until we were laughing so hard we were crying? How you mom came in and I rolled under the bed until you could convince her that you had a bad dream and didn't need counseling?" Buffy wiped away her tears distractedly. "There were so many good times, Willow. I never thought we'd be here. I never thought it was possible. I thought we would still be having those good times..."

"Xander and Giles found something. Something really important, or so it sounds. We just have to figure the message out, and maybe... There's something standing in the way, though. Remember the demon Forshoph? It was the one that came into town right before... Well, *this* happened. I think I told you this a long time ago, but he left unexpectedly, right after you. I guess he sensed that I was in no mood to fool around, that I would have gone straight for the jugular. Or something. Well, he's back. And I don't know what to do."

She looked up at Willow, her eyes pleading. "I wish you were here for me. For us. God, that's so selfish, wishing you were healed for me. But you were always what kept me who I was. I need you, Will."

Buffy's head lowered as her tears came, and she didn't notice the smile in Willow's eyes.


July 5, 1999

Buffy and Xander sat joking around in the library at lunch as Giles tried to find more of Forshoph. Buffy and Xander had pretty much taken a break. Xander looked at Buffy, curious.

"You look tired? No sleep?"

Buffy grinned. "None."

"You're not out playing leather cowgirl, are you? I mean, without me present?" Xander smiled lasciviously at her and she fluttered her eyelashes.

"Yep. But don't worry, I got it on tape."

Xander threw his hands over his heart, speaking loudly. "Be still my heart! And every other part of my body!" Buffy burst into giggles.

Willow and Oz chose that moment to walk in, holding hands and talking quietly. Buffy smiled inside. *That* was how you were supposed to look the day after, she thought, with only a little sadness. They sat down next to each other, and finally broke their unwavering gaze to look up.

Buffy caught Oz's eye and he leaned in a little bit, inspecting. "Look tired. Get sleep?"

She laughed and eyed Willow, who had apparently told him that Buffy knew. She smirked. "Like a baby."

"Egg," Xander supplied. He started laughing and the group looked at him oddly. "You know, baby egg? Those eggs from a while ago! The ones that weren't really eggs and didn't sleep and were evil?" He gave them all dirty looks. "It was a funny joke!"

Willow managed a somewhat pitying smile that expressed how sorry she felt for Xander and his sense of humor. His laughing stopped and he glared. "Fine, I'm just not speaking to any of you anymore! Make up your own jokes."

"Oh, but we're laughing on the inside," Oz informed him.

Giles's head snapped up and with one look, he ceased the talking in the room. "Listen. 'The demon's heart his his weakness. Without sustenance, his heart becomes a dry husk. He must, therefore, eat the hearts of the strong to survive."

He looked around seriously for a moment. "I told you we would find something," he told Buffy, a little snootily.

She just smiled.