February 06, 2002

PM Update - Clarifications, Music For Elevators released, The Wife of Riley

There have been some clarifications made about the Birthday Party and who actually invites Spike. As mentioned this morning, Angel X and Sweetie were not on the same page. Sweetie has verified that her source for that spoiler was not correct (which makes her iffy on another spoiler) and issued a correction. Both Sweetie and Angel X had some additional info as well.

Angel X posted another follow-up message on the Kitten Board.

Not to rain on the parade, but no Miss Kitty in the ep, not even a reference. The only "Kitten" talk is Clem's casual mention that poker without kittens is weird and then Buffy jumps in with an insistent, "No kittens!" And I didn't say it in my first post, but Xander's playing poker with them too. His idea, in fact.

Oh, and finally... I got a couple of e-mails from confused people who suspected that even though Willow mentions the party to Spike, Dawn still invites him. In case that confusion exists with others as well, that's not the case. Dawn has far too many other issues to deal with in the ep, inviting Spike to the party is not one of them. It's not even clear if Willow intended to *invite* Spike to the party, he just heard about it from her.

The bit about Miss Kitty was due to a question about whereabouts of Miss Kitty (who has been missing in action since 'Restless' I believe).

Sweetie posted the following at her site, Beyond Surrender.

6.17- Normal Again
Writer Unknown
-We find out something very interesting about Buffy. I've been asked by a lot of people if it has something to do Spike and I'll just say this - yes, in the long run.
-We realize that the writers have been misleading us with a certain storyline.
-Buffy is forced to make an unfortunate decision.
Since this is coming from a different source, I think most of this is likely. What she is saying about Episode Seventeen fits with what I've been hearing. I'm going to presume that the 'something very interesting' is going to tie in with David Fury's comments about the 'interesting answer' to the question of if Buffy was in 'heaven'. It would also fit in with the misleading storyline and even perhaps the unfortunate decision.

Anthony Stewart Head's CD 'Music for Elevators' is now available at Amazon.com. It's now available the Slayer Shop, along with the Xbox 'Buffy' game (pre-order only).

Finally, if you're curious as to who will be playing Riley's wife, it's going to be the lovely Ivana Milicevic. For all the 'Felicity' fans out there, you'll remember her as the actress who played 'Sensa' in Season One (ie: The Russian girl who Noel had to pretend he was dating, so that her cousin Yuri would give him a vending machine at a good price. What can I say, I'm a Felicity fan).

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