February 13, 2002

AM Update - Bronze Archive, Site Problems, The 'Tara' Spoiler

He's Z Man

The archive of Drew Z. Greenberg's swing through the Bronze is now available. Much like DeKnight, he seems to revel in 'accidentally' dropping hints about who might die. While DeKnight seems to enjoy dropping those about Xander, Greenberg's seems to be the Spike man. Not that I consider these to be real indications of who might die for a moment (in fact, maybe it knocks those characters out of contention). Oh, and he's writing Episode 18. As for the challenge he issued, I'm leaning towards either the 'Lord Jim' or 'Empire of the Sun' references, though I still don't know how it would tie in with the title.


I've been getting a few mails from people informing me that there is a problem with the link to 'Beyond Surrender'. Which I have absolutely no control over, the site is hosted by Geocities which has very strict traffic allotments. Whereas I get a nice letter from my Hosting Company informing me that I've gone over the limit and 'could I please send them more money', Geocities simply shuts the site down. It's out of my control, so until Sweetie moves to a new server, the site will likely continue to go down from time to time.

Letters, We Get Letters

Speaking of mail, I had even a larger number of e-mails from either concerned or upset Tara fans yesterday. Most of the letters want me to slay the 'Tara Dies' rumor, which I simply can't do. This is for multiple reasons...

  • The original rumor had nothing to do with Sweeps, I moved it to the Sweeps section when two sources mentioned that this is when it would happen.
  • Even if one site pulls the spoiler, I have at least two other sites that have also posted the spoiler. If one site retracts, it will fall back to the next. Eventually, it will continue to exist as a 'Board' spoiler.
  • Marti Noxon has had two opportunities to squash the 'Big Scooby Death' spoiler, but has gone out of her way not to do that. Only a month earlier she disputed the 'Tara Dies' rumor. Why be evasive about one, but firm about the other?
  • Not a season has passed where there hasn't been a 'death with repercussions'. I thought Katrina might be it this season, but it was over and done in less than half an episode.
It all comes down to the sources, that is what determines the rankings. Do I want the 'Tara Dies' spoiler to remain at 'Possible', personally I don't. However, I have to take into account all of the sources which have been backing this up. Have they been accurate in the past? Does the spoiler fit the history of the show? Are there indications that this could still happen?

My stance on the Tara issue has always been the same; I can't see a storyline that would either prove or disprove the spoiler, therefore it's going to sit at 'possible' until that changes. Certain spoilers are big enough, that they end up staying at 'possible' for most of the season. If it does fall back to the 'board' source, then I will likely downgrade it to 'unlikely'. Until that time comes, it's going to stay at 'possible'.

On a personal note, speculation only, I do not like the continued implications that Willow is barely keeping things in check. The comments that Riley's wife supposedly makes in 'As You Were', make me even more concerned. Another thing that bothers me is the title of Episode 18, 'Entropy'. Sci-Fi Serials and Entropy never mix very well.

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