February 18, 2002

AM Update - Joyce, Giles and Tara

Spirits In The Material World

Partyman posted the following at the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board.

I am not yet 100 sure of the source, so let me state that right away, but I am going to post this anyway as it would tie in with the story/timeline. It may heve been postsed here already anyways.

Joyce will be in episode 17

Right now, this wouldn't surprise me, as I did receive this information very early on in the season that she might be back for an episode this season. However, I think it will likely be due to either a 'dream sequence' or 'flashback' ala 'Weight of the World'.

Older and Far Away - Well, Maybe Just Older

The TV Guide description to "Hell's Bells" is floating around the boards. I won't post it until I actually can pull the hardcopy myself (sometime tonight or tomorrow morning). I don't have any reason to doubt it's accuracy, since it's never been different than what I usually get. However, it is listing Anthony Head in the cast listing for the episode (and not the generic cast listing, which always has listed him).

While I don't have any indication that he will be in this episode, I can't deny the fact that he might be. It could be something as simple as a phone call, or he could be present for the wedding itself. Although interviews have stated that he won't be back until later this season, and even he stated that he didn't know when (during the filming of the Wedding), I can't discount the possibility that he might be in this episode. But I'm skeptical of it being more than just a phone-call.

Quick Comment on Tara

I did talk with GiftofAmber, and her information on Tara still being alive is coming from her presence in the Episode 18 (which we heard about a week or so ago). There was nothing said at the PBP Party which would either confirm or deny the rumor. At this point, I'm really not sure what to think, as if there is any truth to the Joyce or Giles spoilers, we should have known about it long before now.

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