March 27, 2003

Episode 20 Spoilers

Sex In Sunnydale

As expected, spoilage for Episode 20 has surfaced. The first source to break this publicly was BubonicPlague at Fan Forums. Although I highly recommend following the link to read her take on the episode, I'm going to cover the highlights here. On the surface, this is a very strange episode.

* Buffy does indeed leave, and kicks a neighbor out of their house and moves in.

* Faith takes command, though not without more than a little competition from Kennedy.

* The Scoobies, sans Spike and Andrew, decide to capture and question a Bringer.

* The First wants to keep Buffy from getting 'It', while the Bringers are busy building something.

* Spike and Andrew return from the Mission, Spike is not pleased that Buffy has left.

* Spike and Faith go at it, with Spike getting the upperhand and leaving to find Buffy.

* The Scoobs figure out that the Bringers are building some kind of weapon.

* The First visits Faith as the Mayor.

* Spike finds Buffy, and spends the night with her. It's pretty shippy, but platonic.

* Meanwhile, in the Summer's house, practically everyone else is doing the exact opposite. Willow and Kennedy, Wood and Faith, and Xander and Anya have sex in this episode.

* Buffy leaves Spike to follow his lead, the Scoobs also follow the lead they got from the Bringer.

* Faith and the SIT's find a bomb, while Buffy finds the Scythe.

Which will then bring us to the start of Episode 21

Not much to say, this episode is relatively cut and dry. This info is coming from other sources as well, so it should all be accurate. As usual, I really want to hold off on commenting on the actual events until the episode airs, but this does tie in nicely with all the info we have for 21.

Spoiler Slayer will be updated shortly

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