From Dust Returned

by Renegade

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own any of them. They belong to Joss, UPN, ME, WB and whoever else has rights to them. Me personally, I don't have any rights to them – except the characters I made up for the story (Ash, Aleora and whoever else I concoct) No one is getting any money from this – especially not me since, well, I'm still poor.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse /
Just ask – please.
Feedback: Oh yes – yes please – but be kind it's my first time.
Spoilers: None – unless you can tap into the twisted world I like to call my imagination. It's after after Season 7. Or there's spoilers from Season 4 & 5 if you haven't watched them.
Pairing: Willow/Tara    Tara/Other    Willow/Tara/Other

Summary: The Scoobies resurrect Sunnydale – thus fulfilling a prophecy.

Prologue    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5


The disheveled group stood at the edge of the vast crater that was once Sunnydale. Wind whipped about Buffy's face.

"So, what do we do now?" Willow asked rhetorically.

Ash resisted the urge to fidget.

She had been standing for quite sometime in the Elderess Aleroa's chambers. The Elderess had summoned the halfling hours ago. When Ash had arrived she'd found Aleroa in a trance state.

Ash knew she was not to leave. But, damn it, she'd stood in the same spot for hours. Her patience was growing thin. She drew in a deep breath silently eyeing the Elderess for any sign of stirring. Not even a muscle twitched under Aleroa's smooth white skin. Struggling to keep a sigh escaping from her body Ash's eyes began to rove around the Elderess' chambers.

"Your patience still leaves something to be desired," Aleroa spoke. Ash's eyes snapped forward to look at the silver haired Elfin woman who she stood before. Her eyes were still closed.

"I…" Ash struggled feeling like a child that had just gotten caught doing something that she shouldn't.

Aleora opened her piercing green eyes with a slight smile.

"Don't fret Ashlan. I know it must have been tremendously boring standing there for so long." The Elderess unfolded her legs and stood gracefully and moved towards a woven wooden chair. "Please come and sit."

Aleora watched as the young halfling approached her tentatively. She had always had a special place for Ash in her heart. The Elderess had been friends with Ash's mother, an especially powerful human sorceress. The only Fallen one to have found the Elfin lands in 1000 years. Aleora had also deeply respected Ash's elfin father Leif: a powerful warrior. Aleora sighed, silently missing her two friends who had been killed in a battle with the dark elves. She noticed, not for the first time how much Ash resembled both of them.

Ash had her mother's soft black hair, cropped short and tousled as her father had worn his. She had her father's blue silver eyes and angled features. She was also lean like her father but had a bit more muscle than most elves – a trait she had inherited from her human side. Truth be told the only difference Aleora could see, physically, between the halfling and full elves was the extra muscle and the fact that her ears weren't as pointed.

Ash sat opposite of Aleora, straightening an invisible wrinkle in the black pants that she wore. Aleora smiled slightly knowing that her young companion was nervous. A human trait that the young warrior had always struggled with.

That and impatience Aleora mused.

Part 1

Giles finished securing the last anchor for climbing ropes into the pavement about twenty or so feet back from the rim of the crater that used to be Sunnydale, California. Then, he walked slowly to the back of the bus that they were using for a vehicle to retrieve the ropes. He found Dawn doing a last minute check of the supplies in each of the backpacks they would wear as they descended into the hole they had once called home.

"Hey, Giles," the young woman said, pleasantly, "The ropes are in the front, sorry. I moved them so I could fit all the packs back here. Just a sec." She rose as gracefully as Buffy would have, stalked to the front of the bus and returned a few moments later, carrying all of the ropes they would need. Giles was amazed, once again, at how much Dawn Summers had grown up in the past year. Not only was she taller than almost everyone, except Xander, but she was stronger, not to mention happier now that Buffy was no longer trying to protect her from all the evils of the world. In fact, if Giles compared the two sisters, he would have almost thought they were of the same age, instead of Dawn being a senior in High School.

"Here you go." She plopped the coiled ropes into his arms. "So, are you sure this is going to work?"

"We all know Willow is powerful, Dawn. And we also know that if we even show the slightest bit of lack of confidence in her, she won't be able to do it. So, if you want to know my 'opinion,' of course it's going to work." Giles replied. Dawn smiled at him. They had grown quite close over the last few months in Cleveland. As much as he thought of Buffy as his own child, he too thought Dawn, Xander, and of course, Willow as such. They had all become a family again, as it had been in the beginning.

"If you say so. I almost can't believe you agreed to go along with this in the first place. If it weren't for the fact that I know you are as bored as the rest of us…I wonder what it's going to look like down there. I wonder what we'll find." Dawn shrugged. "Guess we'll know soon enough, right?"

"Quite right," Giles smiled at her and then he turned around with the ropes and carried them to the anchors. As he secured each of the ropes, he thought back to when Buffy had come up with this idea in the first place.

"I'm so bored." The Slayer flopped down on the couch in the living room of the apartment they all shared in Cleveland. "For a Hellmouth, this place is sure precious skimpy on actual demons and vamps."

"Well, maybe if Kennedy and the others would move you might have more of a job." Dawn pointed out, from her perch on the bar stool in the kitchen. She was plugging away on Willow's laptop, one of the only things they'd managed to keep from their old home.

"I thought you wanted a normal life," Xander spoke up from his place on the opposite end of the couch. "I thought we all did."

"True. But, little did we know, normal is so boring." Buffy replied. "Who would have thought we'd actually like fighting demons. I mean, now that I don't have a job, I know how Giles felt after the Council fired him. And, the Double Meat Palace here, is worse that the one in Sunnydale, even without the demons with worms for brains."

"I miss the Mall." Dawn piped up. She shut the computer down and joined them in the living room, sitting between Buffy and Xander on the sofa. "Sure, this is big city, but everyone is so rude."

"Tell me about it," Willow finally said something. She was sitting across the room in a big, comfy easy-chair. She'd been meditating when Buffy had come home from her latest patrol. She'd been able to ignore them for a few minutes, but with Dawn's comment, she snapped out of her trance.

"I was down at the local Rainbow coffee house earlier, and even the lesbians here are mean. I miss Sunnydale and Tara."

Everyone nodded at this. They were also glad she hadn't said anything to Dawn's comment about Kennedy or any of the others who had come with them.

About a month ago, Kennedy had told Willow that she wanted to focus more on the fighting of demons and thus had no time for a relationship. Willow had been devastated. For about a week. Then, suddenly, all the witch could think of was Tara and how nobody would know she was gone, since Sunnydale was no more.

"Of all the rude, inconsiderate…Impertinent little tart…Oh, hello, all." The door slammed behind him. "Terribly sorry."

"What's going on, Giles?" Buffy asked. "Bad night?"

"Horrible. That bitch, she told me that I should go home with the rest of the has-beens. Said I should just get a comfy desk job and let the 'professionals' do their job. Of all the…I should have strangled her right there, done the world a favor." The British man continued to rant. Everyone seemed taken aback at his use of language.

"Slow down Giles. Who told you that?" Xander asked, though they were sure they already knew.

"Kennedy." He said the name with such loathing, the rest of them could only stare wide-eyed at him. This was most definitely not like Giles. Then again, Kennedy was getting a little too big for her britches. Buffy often thought that Kennedy reminded her of Faith, before she had her stint in prison. She was just this side of crazy. And Giles was right, she was rude and impertinent. Which was one of the reasons Willow hadn't been too broken up about the break-up.

"Wow, she's really doing her best to forget about us, isn't she?" Dawn said, shaking her head. "After all we did for her. If it weren't for Buffy and Giles, she'd have ended up on the wrong end of a Bringer's very sharp knife."

"That's where she belongs." Willow spat. "Its okay, Giles, we don't need her. We have the real Slayer. And you shouldn't even worry about her. If she meets a sticky end, well, that's the life of a Slayer and it's not like she'll be missed. Not like when Buffy died."

"Which time?" Xander asked with a wry grin. "Sorry, not the point. What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, how bored we are."

"What about you, Xan? You can't be too bored; you're the only one of us who's half successful. How goes the construction?" Buffy asked him, glad for the change in conversation. Nobody liked talking about what a snobby little bitch Kennedy had turned into.

"Oh, I don't know, Buff. Everything's going good but…It's just not the same. I miss having the occasional demon show up on site. Or you know a body. Everything is running so smoothly I just…can't stand it." He told them, folding up his arms across his chest.

"So, you all miss Sunnydale?" Giles asked. Every one of them nodded sadly. "Yes, well. So do I." The Watcher sank down on to the arm of Willow's chair. There was moment of silence as the Scoobies reminisced about their home. Finally, Buffy sighed.

"What's that saying – you can go back but you can never go home … or is it – you can back into your home-"

"And hope your car insurance pays for the damage?" Xander offered. The Slayer gave him a token glare.

"I believe, Buffy, it's you can go home but you can never go back." Giles said, removing his glasses. For once, Buffy noticed, they were actually dirty and Giles had a reason to clean them.

"Of course, that statement would only apply if we had a home to go back to." Xander put in – his face fell. "I wish we could do both."

"Both what? Aren't we just talking about Sunnydale?" Buffy inquired.

"Well, the statement implies that you can return to your home – but you can't return to the way it was." Giles explained to the Slayer who had never been up on her adages.

"Why not?" Willow suddenly perked up in her seat.

"Why not what?" The Slayer was seriously missing the conversation. Since her mind was no longer taken up with patrolling and ending apocalypses she was beginning to realize that she really hadn't paid too much attention to how the Scoobies communicated with each other. It reminded her of verbal hopscotch.

"Why can't we do both. I mean, hey, we've open dimensional portals so theoretically if we can open dimensional portals then by the quantum physical theory we should be able to open a temporal portal and pull a Sunnydale from the past into our present." She managed in one breath. The Scoobies including Giles looked at Willow like she just grew a second head.

"Uh, Will, could you run that through a filter and give us the Quadra physicality theory of temperamental port-a – potties for Dummies – in English?" Buffy asked. Willow flashed a smile.

"It's really very simple-" she unfolded her legs out from underneath her.

"Yeah, if you're quantum physicist," Xander murmured to Dawn who stifled a giggle. Willow didn't notice as she was in full babble mode.

"See, science hasn't discovered how to cause a temporal portal or wormhole as they are called. Not that there are worms involved because well, eww, and besides I don't think that worms would survive a temporal rift considering they can barely survive a rain storm…"

"Will. Point. Come to it please." Buffy encouraged. Willow looked a little perplexed and then realized she was babbling on.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. Got a little caught up there. So, where was I?"

"Worms and their holes," the Slayer offered and then grimaced. "Some how that sound a little more disgusting than when Willow said it."

"Right, worm holes. We know that we can use magicks to enter alternate dimensions or bring objects from them."

"Yeah, but do we really want an alternate dimension Sunnydale. I mean, Will, you remember when you're evil, skanky, vamp self came for a little jaunt in our dimension. From what I hear, that Sunnydale isn't so – sunny." Xander pointed out. Willow shuddered a little at the memory of her vamp doppelganger.

"I know Xan, but I'm not talking about bringing an alternate Sunnydale into this dimension. I'm talking about writing a spell that would allow us to bring a Sunnydale from the past into the present." Willow explained, she had started to pace about the room.

"That's all well and good. I must admit that's a very ingenious idea. But bringing a Sunnydale from the past would cause a ripple in time that would expand outwards and would ultimately cause the unraveling of the very thread of our existence." Giles stated.

"Wow, Giles. That was very… tailoring…" Buffy replied brow furrowed.

"Oh, thank you Buffy," the ex-Watcher replied absently still cleaning his glasses.


"I'm not talking about wantonly pulling on the fabric thread of reality. I've owned knitted sweaters with kittens on them – I know what happens when you pull on the threads because you're way too bored in Science class."

"You bored in Science class. When were you ever bored in Science class?" Buffy asked crossing her arms. She'd known the hacker for quite sometime and all her memories of Science class (which weren't many) Willow had been quite involved and intrigued.

"That's not the point Buff."

"By the way, are we coming to that anytime soon?" The Slayer asked. She was feeling antsy. She'd had one too many mochas.

"Yeah, if you'd quit interrupting," Willow muttered.


"Apology accepted."

"Point now?"

Willow groaned in frustration. "The point is – I think I could do a spell that would make a duplicate of a past Sunnydale and recreate it here and now."

"So, it would kinda be like burning a C.D?" Dawn finally piped up.

"Yeah," Willow breathed "Like burning a C.D."

"When you say recreate it – do you mean just recreating the buildings? Or would you be recreating everything in Sunnydale?" Xander asked

"Everything I suppose." Willow replied a little confused by Xander's question.

"Like everything – like people too?"

"Yeah, sure, if I'm making a duplicate of Sunnydale on a certain day then – yeah, everyone that was in town on that day would…" Willow trailed off as her eyes went wide. Willow and Xander's eyes met. An unspoken realization passing between them.

"What? What's going on?" Buffy asked confused. Dawn suddenly jumped up from the bar stool and ran over to Willow a look of sheer excitement.

"Oh my god! Willow do you know what this means?"

"Oh Dawnie I know!!"

"What, what means? Could someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" The Slayer demanded.

"Oh come on Buff don't you get it. If Willow picks the right day – not only would Sunnydale be back but so would Anya and Tara and …" Xander filled her in the excitement in his voice making it rise.

"Mom." Buffy whispered. Her eyes glazing over. She'd never dreamed that she might see her Mom again. She didn't want to get her hopes up – because right now it was all just a theory. But if they could pull this off – then everyone they'd lost that was important to them – would be alive.

"Are you all right Will?" Buffy asked as she and Willow stood a few yards from the rest of the Scoobies who were preparing to descend down into the pit that was once Sunnydale. Willow nodded nervously.

"Oh yeah, I can do this. Heck," she forced a laughed "It only took me a month to work out the details of the spell. You know with the figuring out a day that we were all out of town so we all wouldn't have doubles cause that would be, you know, bad and then the working in the memories of Dawn since it was before she was, you know, there. And then of course working into the equation that I would have to make sure everyone would know it was 2004 instead of 2000 because well that would just be awkward when people passed through Sunnydale or when they watched the national news and found out it was 2004 and there is a different president and then-"

"Will, breathe," Buffy cut into her babble. Willow looked up into her friends eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, definitely have to remember to breathe – breathing is good."

The Slayer smiled at her friend, "It's going to be fine Will. You can do this, I know you can."

The red head smiled tentatively, "You think so? I mean if it works we all get to have a second chance at everything…"

"I know. So let's get with the doing. Come on." Buffy encouraged her as she took Willow's hand and led them back to the other Scoobies.

"Ready to go?" Buffy asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be," Giles replied as he cinched the last line down.

"Dawn?" Buffy inquired as the teenager brought over the packs and set them down at the edge of the crater.

"Good to go. I've double and triple checked the packs. We've got everything and then some." She replied as she started handing out the packs.

"Great," Buffy stated, obviously proud of her little sister as the young woman scooted Buffy's pack to her. The Slayer picked it up. "Hey, how come my pack is so heavy?"

"Well, that's a duh," Dawn retorted "You're the Slayer."

"Just because I have super strength doesn't mean that I always have to have the heaviest pack."

"Oh I'm sorry," Dawn replied sarcastically. "Here give me the heavy one. I'll just put it on and tumble backwards into the pit because it ways more than me."

"Hardy har har Missy," was all Buffy could think of to retort.

Giles handed out harnesses and after everyone was rigged up and locked onto the lines they looked down into the pit.

"Man, I hope this works because it'll be hell to climb out of that hole," Xander stated.

"Thanks for the confidence vote Xander," Willow muttered.

"But we won't need to because Will is big on the major and she'll pull it off with rainbow colors. No pun intended." Xander looked around to see if anyone caught his joke but realized the group had already started down without him. "Hey wait for me!"

"Do you know why I summoned you?" Aleora asked as Ash sat down in front of the Elderess. The halfling shook her head. "The time of the prophecy has come." Aleora informed her cryptically.

Ash tried to look as if she knew what that meant, but finally gave in and shrugged.

"You'll pardon my impudence Elderess, but what does that mean?"

Aleora laughed, "You never fail to amuse me Ashlan. Your human side is the spice of life around here."

The halfling frowned at this. She'd always been treated as less than an equal by most of the Elves because of her human side or as the elfin kind referred to – her Fallen side. It had been drilled into her head as far back as she could remember – she was impure. Her magicks were tainted. She was quiet powerful and allowed to practice but not nearly as powerful as full blooded elfin sorceresses. She was forbidden from practicing in the Earth rituals that kept the Earth in balance and she was strictly prohibited from acquiring the title sorceress since her human side was considered unstable.

When Ash had come of age at 200 she had chosen to follow in her father's footsteps and had become a warrior. She was an incredibly talented warrior – her human strength giving her an edge over the others but she still wished she could have become a sorceress. As much as she had learned in the ways of magicks she would never be recognized as one.

And it was all because of her Fallen side. Needless to say, she hated to be reminded of it.

"The Prophecy that was uttered four millennia ago when the Fallen had separated themselves from the Goddess." Aleora began her explanation. "It speaks of portal of evil that will be from dust returned. With its return it heralds the resurrection of the Goddess' Prophetess who was killed by the hands of another human. She will be reunited with her other half – a great human Sorceress. Together with the help of a Halfling they will bring about the New Age of Kindred Brethren."

Ash gazed blankly at Aleora. "Excuse me, Elderess, but could you make that a little clearer."

The Elderess sighed in frustration, "That was the simplified version. The true prophecy is ten days worth of chanting. I summed it up into five breaths. How much clearer must it be?"

Ash looked down embarrassed and asked, "What does the Age of the Kindred Brethren mean?"

"It means the restoration of the Fallen ones, the humans, to the elfin kind." Aleora answered in a tone that meant she would answer no more questions. This frustrated Ash. She hated it when the Council of Elderess' were so cryptic. She had so many questions she needed answers to – but she knew there was no sense in asking them since Aleora had made it clear there would be no more information for her at this time.

"Now, Ashlan be on to Teras. She will transport you to the human realm. Right now, the council will make sure the human Sorceress completes the restoration of the portal."

Ash sighed and stood. The Elderess looked at the halfling kindly. "May the Goddess be with you Ashlan."

Ash nodded and turned.

She better Ash thought to herself it was the Goddess' big idea.

The group had spent most of the day clearing out a level place at the bottom of the crater with Buffy telling them to be careful every five minutes.

"Maybe it's the area – but it seems to me that whenever we're around this longitude and latitude Buffy suddenly becomes all protect-o girl on us." Dawn whispered to Xander as they pulled debris aside.

"I heard that!" Buffy shouted to them. "Hey! Look!" The group went over to where the Slayer was standing. At her feet covered in dust was the distinctive sign of the Bronze.

"Ah, memories," Xander sighed. Buffy nodded.

"So let's hurry up and clear a spot for this spell, so we can get on with making some new ones." Buffy encouraged. "And be careful."

Dawn rolled her eyes at Xander. "See?"

It was dusk by the time the group finished setting up for the ritual.

"Ready?" Willow asked as Xander, Buffy, Giles and Dawn took their spots representing the four cardinal points on the compass. Willow stood in the middle of the circle. She looked around to see the four friends signaling their readiness. She took a deep breath, "Okay, here goes everything."

Willow began to chant holding her hands up to the sky. She felt a stiff breeze whip around her. She chanted louder facing the four cardinal points starting with North where Buffy stood. She locked her gaze with Buffy as the Spirits of the North passed their power through Buffy who in turn served as a conduit for Willow to draw from. Willow did the same to the rest of the cardinal points. Finally, when there were streams of power rushing into her from each of her friends Willow she finished chanting feeling the power rush into her body. It was a welcome feeling yet at the same time incredibly scary.

Please let this work She pleaded to anyone who would be listening.

"Mote it be!!" She cried as she slammed both of her palms onto the ground beneath her. At first she felt nothing.

She let out a sob. It hadn't worked – she didn't have enough power. Willow went to stand when suddenly she felt a gentle surge. It was as if someone had poured more power into her body. As soon as she felt it, a ray of blinding white light shot out from where her hands lay on the ground.

It worked. Willow thought happily before darkness washed over her.

Tara snapped her eyes open.

At first she didn't recognize where she was at. Then it came back to her. She was in her dorm room at UC Sunnydale. She'd been meditating when she had felt a ripple in the energy of the earth. The blonde Wiccan stood, still feeling a little ill at ease.

I wonder what caused it? It had to have been strong to make me feel so off base…

Tara looked out the window. Everything was as it should have been. She'd only been in Sunnydale for a few months but everything looked normal.

As normal as it can be for Sunnydale. She smirked to herself. But for some reason she felt like something was a little off. It was probably because she hadn't come out of her meditation properly leaving her feeling ungrounded. Tara shook her head and grabbed her bath stuff. The best way she'd found to ground herself was to shower.

She padded down to the shower stalls. It was Friday night and so not many people were in the dorms. Tara figured most everyone was probably out enjoying the company of friends or lovers. A small tight knot formed in her stomach. She wondered when she would find those things for herself. Somewhere inside of her felt like she'd had those things before – but her conscious knew that she hadn't. Tara reached the showers and found a stall in the far corner.

Maybe I had those things in a past life. She mused as she turned on the shower and stripped out of her clothes and left them in the alcove just outside of the actual shower stall.

Tara let the hot water pelt down on her skin. She enjoyed hot showers.

Not that I've ever had any use for a cold one. Okay, stop!! You are berating yourself way too much today!! She chastised herself. Tara sighed and leaned against the wall. She couldn't deny that the shower was helping her ground herself but she couldn't seem to escape the nagging feeling that something wasn't right – that something was missing. The blonde let her mind go and daydream.

As was the norm, lately, she found herself daydreaming about finding a significant other. She tried to envision what the woman would look like.

Red hair. Why red? Where did I get red? I like dark hair. Green eyes. Green is good but blue is good too. Pale skin. Lithe body. Lithe? I would prefer someone with a little more muscle. Some one who could hold me and… And what? She asked herself. And protect me.

Tara opened her eyes as the water turned cold. She finished showering quickly, dried and returned to her room. There was no sense daydreaming. She probably wouldn't find anyone that was interested in her. Let alone love her. Maybe she was meant to be alone. Tara pulled out her school books and began doing what she did best. Studying solo.

"Will? Will, wake up!!!"

Willow stirred a little.

"Come on, Willow. Wake your happy ass up!!" Buffy called beginning to shake her friend gently. Buffy looked around – they were in the middle of Sunnydale Mall's parking lot in the dead of night. It would only be a matter of time before the rent o' cops came by in their stupid mini-trucks asking what the two women were doing. The Slayer had a headache for some reason and she felt like she had just run about ten miles – she didn't feel like explaining herself and Willow to some jerk in a overly starched uniform that failed the police academy.

"Willow Rosenberg, wake up now!!" Buffy yelled. Willow finally opened her green eyes and blinked a little trying to focus.


"Right here Will." Buffy assured her gently helping the redhead up.

"Did it work?" She asked disoriented.

"Yeah, Will, it worked," Buffy informed her. Suddenly, the Slayer's spidey sense kicked in as she felt two vamps descending upon them. "It worked a little too well. Game time Willow."

"Wha-? Already? Damn it! We just brought this town back into existence." She whined and tried to focus as the two vamps closed in on them. Buffy pulled out Mr. Pointy. She never left home without him. Even after Sunnydale had sunk into the Earth she still carried him around.

"Slayer." One snarled when they were close enough.

"Hello boys! Did ya miss me?" Buffy called out to them in a tone that made Willow do a double take. If the redhead didn't know better, she would have sworn that Buffy was greeting long lost friends. Obviously her tone confused the vamps too. The two looked at each other.

"Did you ever leave?" The first one asked.

"You really have no idea, do you?" Buffy asked . The vamps shook their heads.

"Oh. Well in that case – time to become dust bunnies!" Buffy called out happily and launched herself at the vamps. She quickly dusted the two. Stepping back she sighed and spun Mr. Pointy in her hand.

"God, its good to be home." She smiled.

Part 2

The desert night was quiet except for the occasional squeak of rodent meeting its demise at the claws of some night predator.

Suddenly, the whole scene shifted and the night shimmered. A vertical rift began to form off to side of the road. It started out as maybe an inch long and began to grow. As it did, so did the intensity at which the landscape seemed to shift, as if the rift was pulling at the edges of existence. When the rift was about six feet tall a figure stepped through and as suddenly as the rift had formed – it was gone.

Ash looked about her. She was standing in a desert, in the middle of the night. The halfling took a deep breath and instantly doubled over coughing and sputtering. Her chest burned as if she'd just inhaled fire.

What the..?

Relax, Ashlan. Aleora's voice rang through her mind. Ash hadn't noticed the Elfin Elderess making the telepathic connection since she'd been too busy worrying about her lungs collapsing. That's the human's air. They've poisoned it.

You could have warned me. Ash thought back vehemently still doubled over and sputtering.

Well, the council thought you might handle it better than this. You are half human.

And half elf. Does the council keep forgetting that? Besides, I've been living in the Realms my entire existence. How would I be accustomed to the human's poisoned air if I've only been breathing the clean air of the Realms?

There was silence from Aleora's end and then finally: I suppose you have a point...

Oh, well, that makes me feel better. Ash replied cynically.

Smoke some of our tobacco. It will ease your breathing. The Elderess projected into the halfling's mind, ignoring Ash's comment. The halfling fished around in the satchel on her back. She found a leather pouch and pulled out a dried purple tobacco leaf that had been rolled and bound by a thin thread. Ash passed her hand over the end.

"Tine," she said and the end lit on fire. She put the rolled leaf to her mouth and inhaled the smoke. The burn in her lungs subsided noticeably.

Is that better? Aleora asked.


Excellent. Be on your way Ashlan. I will be in contact with you soon. May the Goddess be with you. With that Aleora was gone from Ash's mind.

"Goddess be with me. When isn't she looking over my shoulder?" Ash smirked as she took another drag off her tobacco. She adjusted the satchel on her back and headed towards the lights that were in the distance.

Buffy was pounding on Willow's back as she choked on a lung full of vamp dust.

"How many times have I told you not to breathe in when you stake a vamp?" Buffy said absently looking around for more creatures of the night.

"I know…but it's been a while…" Willow managed in between coughing fits. Buffy nodded. It had been over a year since she had last been out on patrol – ever since Kennedy and a few of the other SIT's had decided to forcibly retire Buffy at the ripe old age of 23, by staking every vamp within a thirty mile radius of Cleveland.

Speaking of one of the many devils… The Slayer thought as yet another vamp came charging out from behind a dumpster.

The vampire must have been newly sired since he attacked the Slayer and the redhead in wanton stupidity. Throwing himself directly at the Slayer, who casually leveled her stake with his chest. He exploded into dust.

"What in the frilly heck is going on?" Willow growled able to breathe again as yet another shower of dust rained down on her and the Slayer. The newly dusted undead blood sucker made the thirteenth vamp they had slayed since Sunnydale had reappeared – the Slayer checked her watch – fifteen minutes ago.

"I don't know Will. But we need to find the others."

Willow nodded dusting off her brown leather jacket.

"Any idea where they might be?" The Slayer asked. Willow scrunched up her brow.

"Well, you'd think they'd be around here somewhere. I mean, technically we should have all appeared in the same positions as we were in when we did the spell. I don't know why we were separated. That's weird… I hope one of them didn't…" The hacker's eyes widened.

"Will, what? You hope of them didn't…what?" Buffy inquired her stomach suddenly in her throat. She knew that look.

"I hope one of them wasn't standing where a wall originally was." Willow squeaked. Buffy's mouth dropped open.

"Are you saying that a wall might have been resurrected onto my sister?!" Buffy cried.

"Or Giles and Xander," The redhead offered helplessly.

"Willow, if we did – I'm kicking both of our asses. Come on-" Buffy grabbed Willow's hand, "We have to find them."

Buffy and Willow headed back towards the mall. As they neared, they heard the sounds of fighting.

"Come on," Buffy called bursting into a sprint. As they rounded the corner they saw Xander and Giles grappling with two vamps.

"God!" Buffy exclaimed. "Where are they all coming from?" The Slayer jumped into the fray – finishing off the vamps.

"Thank you Buffy." Giles panted.

"Yeah, it was about time the Slayer cavalry showed up," Xander grinned straightening his eye patch.

"Yeah, yeah. Have you two seen Dawn?" Buffy inquired.

"Actually, she's in the Mall. We were coming to find you, so you could bust her out. Since you are the local mall property destruction expert," Xander replied.

The Slayer breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness. I thought she might have been trapped in a wall."

Xander's brow furrowed.

"Wall? Why would she be trapped in a wall?"

Willow bit her lip. "Oh, no reason."

"Yeah, Xanman, no reason. We better get out my sister before she has a relapse of kleptomania while surrounded by all that unprotected, innocent merchandise," Buffy stated, herding the group towards the main entrance.

"Excuse me, Buffy?"

"What's up Giles?"

"Were you and Willow attacked by vampires by chance?" The ex-Watcher asked. Buffy nodded.

"Uh-huh. Like thirteen of them in a matter of minutes – why do you ask?"

"Oh, well, Xander and I were attacked three times just in walking around the mall trying to find you and Willow. I might be mistaken – but I don't recall the mall being a hot spot for vampires."

Buffy shrugged. "I don't know. It's a little weird, eh?"

Giles did a double take at Buffy's use of 'eh'. "Yes, it is quiet unusual. Perhaps, I'll look into it."

Buffy clapped him on the back. "That's my Giles. Less than an hour back home and he's already going to do research."

"Ooo – research. Can I come?" Xander asked from behind Buffy and Giles.

"Since when do you like research?" Willow asked.

"Since we haven't done it in a year." The redhead gave him a look. Xander shrugged. "Okay maybe I just missed it."

The group arrived at the main entrance of the mall. Dawn sat cross legged in front of the big glass doors. She waved happily at the group and stood backing away from the doors.

"You guys might want to start running now." Buffy suggested to the group. "Once I trip this alarm we're going to have to beat feet." With that said, the Slayer kicked in the glass.

"Come on, Dawnie – the cops will be here any minute. And I don't know anyone we can call to post bail for us." Buffy shouted.

The teen ran out of the mall. Taking the Slayer's hand, the two sisters began running after Xander, Willow and Giles, who were nearly across the parking lot by now.

"You didn't steal anything did you?" Buffy asked as they headed down street.

"No! Why would I steal anything?! All that stuff was so four years ago!" The teen exclaimed as they continued to run after their friends.

Tara shut her books and stretched upwards. She had finally finished all of her studying for the next week.

Yes, its official you don't have a life. She thought to herself. Putting her books aside Tara lit some incense. She assumed a lotus position on the floor – deciding to meditate one more time before she went to bed.

If there was any positive side to her solitary lifestyle it was that she was becoming extremely focused in her meditations. In turn, her craft was becoming more and more effective. Plus, she was learning more and more about herself.

I hope I remember all this if I become a demon.

The thought made her stomach turn and she forced herself not to think about it. Instead, she focused on the energy in and around Sunnydale. She had been doing this meditation for over a month. She was determined to find out where exactly the supposed "Hellmouth" was. If she could pinpoint it she might be able to find someone who could help her rid herself of the demon.

She started with herself and her room and then began expanding outwards. Suddenly it felt as if her mind was thrown back into her body as a wave a mystical energy flooded her senses. It only lasted a few seconds and then it was gone. Tara groaned and grabbed her head. The world was spinning.

Am I doing something wrong?

This made the second time she had tried to meditate that day and it was the second time she felt overwhelmed by a shifting in the forces around Sunnydale. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea going to school here…

After a few minutes, Tara's head cleared. She wondered if maybe she should try meditating again but she decided against it. She hoped whatever was going on would pass in a few days. She made a mental note to bring it up to the Wicca group that she had found on campus when they met again in three days.

Tara got up off the floor and began to get ready for bed. Hopefully they wouldn't talk about bake sales again.

The Scoobies decided to spend the night at Giles apartment. Even though Buffy and Dawn had insisted on going to the Summers' house. Willow had to remind them that she had chosen a day when they had all been out of town so they wouldn't have doubles of themselves.

She pointed out that if they went to 1630 Revello Drive in the middle of the night and Joyce was there the ensuing confusion would be more trouble than what it was worth. The Summers sisters agreed reluctantly.

The group ordered pizza and ate quietly. All of them were in awe that they had actually pulled it off. It was that train of thought that made Giles speak.

"Now that the spell was a success Willow, I was wondering, how exactly you did it," he asked as he stirred his tea.

"Yeah, Will – how did you make with the major?" The Slayer asked helping herself to a sixth helping of pizza.

Willow smiled as she polished off her pizza. "Well, at first I thought it would be difficult but with some research I decided that all we would need was a restoration spell."

"Ah, very interesting that would restore Sunnydale to its original state." Giles agreed.

"Yeah, but then I thought, what good would it do for us just to have an empty town? So I found a temporal spell that would pull all the energy from a past Sunnydale to the present. Coupled with the restoration spell, it would restore the energy to its original form. Thus, we would have everyone that was in Sunnydale at that time too." Willow informed him wiping her hands on a napkin. "But the tricky part was making sure that everyone would know it was 2004 and not 2000 so I rewrote that part of everyone's memory. It was kinda like the spell that the monks put on us when they gave us Dawn." She nodded towards Dawn, who gave a big thumbs up.

"Really? Well, I must say…" Giles began and then trailed off. "Wait, did you say that you used a temporal spell to bring the energy from the past into the present?"

"Uh-huh," Willow replied.

"Oh my." Giles stood up suddenly and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"What? Oh my, what? Giles?" Buffy asked catching the shift in his mood.

"Oh my. As in, 'Oh my, this could be bad'." Giles informed her.

"Bad? How could it be bad?" Willow squeaked her chest tightening. She really didn't want to be responsible for anything bad when it came to magic. Not after all the things that magic had ruined in her life.

"Well, we can't be for sure yet – but if Willow pulled all the energy from a Sunnydale in the past that means we have everyone we lost back…" Giles began pacing.

"And how is that bad?" Dawn asked.

"That in itself isn't bad, Dawn." Giles continued, "But that means there is the possibility of doubles."

"No, no – see I took care of that – I made sure to chose a day that we were all out of town on." Willow stated defending her choice of magicks.

"Yes, I know that Willow. But what about the people that were still in town on that day that are still alive today? Like Riley and Andrew, and if I remember correctly, Faith was still in a coma at that time in Sunnydale General."

Willow opened her mouth and then shut it again. "Oh boy," she finally managed.

"Wait! Are you saying that we now have double Rileys?" Buffy asked even though she knew the answer she needed to hear it said.

Giles nodded.

"And now we have two Faiths. One psychotic and comatose and one that lives back in Boston who is not psychotic anymore. In fact, completely reformed – but is still on the run from the cops." Xander paused and then shook his head. "Fun."

"And if there is Andrew than that means there's…"Buffy began looking worriedly at her best friend.

"Warren." Willow finished quietly. Her brain swirled with the ramifications. If Warren was alive that meant that theoretically she hadn't murdered him – but that also meant that he would try to kill the Slayer again – which meant… Willow didn't want to think about it.

"Does this mean," Dawn spoke up her voice small and the apprehension apparent on her face. "That we have to relive everything? Because…I don't think I can do that again…" For the first time in over a year – Dawn looked scared and small.

"No! We won't have to relive anything." Willow stood up suddenly. Everyone of the Scoobies looked at her. "It is theoretically impossible for us to relive everything. To relive everything we would have had to of traveled to the past. But we didn't – we just brought past energy from a certain day to the present." Willow's green eyes cast about the room. The look on Buffy, Dawn and Xander's faces made it clear that she wasn't getting through to them. The hacker looked desperately to Giles.

"Right Giles?" She asked meekly. The ex watcher nodded his head.

"It is true. We just brought the energy of a certain day to the present – we didn't travel to the past."

"Okay, we got that. But what does that mean? Does that mean we have to fight Glory again?" Buffy demanded her face a mask of anger.

"No. The only "battle" that we will have to partake in again is the fight against the Initiative. Since the Initiative was in Sunnydale on the day that Willow chose. But as for Glorificus and all the others, no there is no way that we would have to fight them again. Their energy wasn't in Sunnydale at the time. So it wasn't as if we resurrected all of our enemies from the past. Just the Initiative and Adam." Giles finally clarified.

"And Warren," Willow added.

Buffy looked at her best friend. She could tell that the redhead was completely shaken at the thought of Warren being alive.

"Don't worry Willow. The only reason they were able to do what they did was because we didn't know about them until it was too late. We know what kind of person Warren is and now we can stop him before he can even start." Buffy comforted her friend.

Willow nodded but still felt sick. For the first time since they had begun their mission to bring back Sunnydale – Willow wondered if it was such a good idea. She didn't want to have to relive the pain of loss again. She couldn't handle it again.

Willow excused herself to bed. As she left, she could hear Buffy and Giles already planning on how to stop the Initiative again. Willow hoped that the temporal spell was the only flaw that had occurred.

But the redhead had a nagging feeling that the return of the Initiative and the doubles weren't the only problems they would run into.

Unexpectedly all the minor details that Willow had over looked flooded her mind. How would they explain the differences in their ages and appearances to people who knew them? How would they explain Xander's eye? All the people would know, is one day he had two and the next time they saw him – he was missing one. Would people notice that they, in theory, were four years older but didn't appear to have aged? Would people wonder what happened to those four years of their lives?

As Willow lay down on the guest bed she prayed that the people of Sunnydale would be as blissfully ignorant as they had always been.

Ash walked up to the edge of the town. There was a sign with strange script in front of her. She looked quizzically at it for a moment.

Must be human writing. Ash closed her eyes and chanted. When she opened them again the script made sense.


Ash laughed. What kind of people put greeting signs to a portal of evil? She shook her head as she continued past the sign. If nothing else her task would be amusing.

Buffy awoke the next day to Willow tapping rapidly on her keyboard.

"Whatchya doing Will?" The Slayer asked yawning.

"Oh, just fixing a few mistakes." The redhead answered staring intently at her screen.

"Mistakes? Like what?" Buffy sat up stretching her back. It'd been a long time since she had slept on Giles' couch and silently the Slayer hoped she'd never have to again. It was terribly uncomfortable.

"Well, first I hacked into UC Sunnydale's mainframe and erased my old transcripts and uploaded my current ones. So, I'll graduate this spring." The hacker looked up with a huge grin on her face. "Then I called Faith in Boston and told her to expect a package with her new identification."

"Why?" Buffy asked.

"Because this morning the police got a tip that Faith," The redhead made little quotation marks in the air. "Was at Sunnydale General. They took her into custody about an hour ago."

Buffy smiled. She and Giles had discussed what to do about the double of Faith. Considering the double was still in the mind set of the 'old' Faith – the two had worried of the potential problem that could present itself.

Needless to say, Willow the Genius brainiac had woken up and taken care of that, not to mention the 'real' Faith's "fugitive" problem.

"Wow Will – busy morning. So what's Faith's new name?" The Slayer asked heading towards the kitchen.

"Jeanette Faith Devins," Willow announced.

Buffy burst out laughing. "Jeanette? You gave her the name Jeanette?"

Willow's mouth turned up into a cute little smirk. "Hey, I still have some hard feelings about being kidnapped. Pay back's a bitch. Don't piss off the hacker."

"Good to know," Buffy smiled and went to the fridge pulling out the orange juice. "I might end up with a name like Sarah Michelle if you ever needed to make up a fake I.D for me." Buffy shuddered at the thought. The Slayer opened the jug and poured a big glass.

"Where's Dawn?" She asked taking a deep breath after chugging the juice.

"Still asleep. Hey, I was thinking you and I should swing by the Espresso Pump for bagels. What do ya' say?" Willow asked shutting down the computer.

"Sure, I could go for some pump bagels. Any more mistakes to fix before we go?" Buffy asked finding her shoes and putting them on.

"Nope." Willow stated and then back tracked. "Well, we have to think of a story as to why Xander lost his eye. "

"He was running with a sharp pointy stick?" Buffy offered.

"Sounds good to me." Willow smiled as they headed out the door.

On the way to the Espresso Pump, Buffy and Willow had gone over their plans for meeting the people they had lost. Buffy had decided that, that evening she would take Dawn back home and have dinner with their mother. The Slayer double checked with the hacker that she had actually written Dawn into their mother's memory.

Willow assured the Slayer that she had in fact given memories of Dawn to Joyce. Then the hacker had muttered something about making Dawn out to be the good child in Joyce's memory. This earned her a punch in the arm.

"So, how are you going to win Tara back?" Buffy asked.

"Well, I think I'll just meet up with her at the Wicca meeting," The redhead smiled at the thought and then did a little skip of happiness. "It worked the first time."

The Slayer smiled, "Yep, best to stick with what works."

Buffy pushed open the door to the Espresso Pump. The morning rush of college students trying to wake up or rid themselves of hangovers was already there. The two friends made their way to the line.

"I'm just so excited about having this second chance with…" Willow had started to go into babble mode when she without warning trailed off her mouth agape. The redhead started to make odd noises as if she was having tough time breathing.

"Will. Will. Are you okay? Willow?" Buffy turned to her friend in concern. The hacker's green eyes were wide and the sounds of hyperventilating were becoming louder. "Will, the hell is wrong with you?"


The Slayer looked at her best friend, wondering if it was normal for a perfectly intelligent woman to become a blubbering pile of vowels in a coffee shop. Willow continued to try and make coherent words while hyperventilating. Finally, Willow managed to hit Buffy in the arm and point at what was she was looking at.

"Will what are you… oh, Oh OH. I..uh…" Buffy managed before shutting up completely and just staring.

There in front of them was a figure they would recognize anywhere. Willow had been seeing it in her dreams for years now.

"That's Tara's back," Willow managed to whisper to Buffy before lapsing into a fresh round of hyperventilating. Buffy nodded dumbly.

"I guess it's safe to assume if that's Tara's back…then the rest of Tara is with it." The Slayer reasoned to herself aloud. She too was stunned. They had known that they would see their loved ones again but the actual reality was proving to be much to shocking for them. Especially, not before they had coffee.

Finally, she turned around.

Part 3


The soft voice filtered through the half elf's dreams.


She groaned in her sleep.


Startled, the half elf warrior bolted upright, lost her balance and fell out of the tree she had been sleeping in and hit the ground with a dull thud.

"What in the realms of damnation…?" She managed pulling herself upright and looking around disoriented. At first, she didn't know where she was at and then she remembered – she was in the human realm.

Excellent, you're awake. Aleora's voice entered her mind.

Ash groaned again standing. Good Morning, Elderess.

Morning? It's not morning here. Its late afternoon. The Elderess paused. Hmm, I'll have to remember there is a time difference between the Realms. that way I do not wake you.

I'm most obliged, Elderess. Ash tried to keep the cynicism out of her thoughts.

Ashlan, I can now tell you the first part of your task. You will find the Prophetess. Aleora stated. Ash waited patiently for a moment, then:


What do you mean, "And"? Aleora's voice came with a hint of confusion to it.

I mean, what do I do after I find the Prophetess? the warrior asked. Her impatience was getting the better of her this morning. She hoped the Elderess didn't notice.

Whatever your heart tells you. I will contact you again soon.

Ash sighed inwardly. She was becoming very frustrated with the situation. Why did prophecy have to be so vague? What was the point of keeping her in the dark? The council's views could be so inane at times.

By the by, Ashlan Aleora's voice cut into her thoughts again.

Yes, Elderess?

Remember the Elfin creed. You must keep our existence a secret, for now. But, Ashlan, try not to let your human side out too much. I can already tell it's growing stronger within you.

Yes, Elderess. Ashlan replied submissively.

One more thing. Try not to call the council's views 'inane'.

My apologies.

Don't apologize to me, Ashlan. Confidentially, I agree with you. But remember, Warrior, they have their reasons and those reasons, as lost as they maybe on you, are for the greater good.

Of course, Elderess. Ash replied keeping a close watch on her thoughts.

Goddess bless Ashlan. With that Aleora was gone from the elf's mind.

The warrior wanted to scream. She had been in the human realm for less than a day and already she could feel all the emotions that she'd spent her whole life trying to contain begin to surge and bubble to the surface.

She suddenly felt like going back to the elfin lands and throttling the council. Ever since she could remember they had told her that she was tainted and could never fully fit into elfin society because of her human side. Now they were telling her to fulfill a prophecy concerning humans but she needed to act more like her elfin side.

Would they just make up their damn minds!

Ash took a few calming breaths. She could do this. And the sooner she did it – the sooner she could return home. All she had to do was follow her heart. How tough could that be?

Closing her eyes and centering herself, she extended her senses. At first, all she could feel was the Earth's energy. She could feel malevolence about the place – but mixed in with the malice there was the ambivalence of humans. Finally, she felt it – a gentle, benevolent force. Tuning her sixth sense to it, Ash opened her eyes and retrieved her satchel from the branches of the tree and headed in the direction she'd felt the tranquil energy.

Tara decided to go to the local coffee shop, The Espresso Pump, to study for the day. She got up, showered, donned a plaid skirt and a black shirt, gathered her books and left.

There was a line when she arrived. Not too long of one, but she still cringed at the sight. There were so many people who might actually try to talk to her. Holding her head down so that her blonde hair created a kind of veil over her face, Tara joined the line. She did her best to ignore everyone else around her, hoping they would do the same.

Then, from behind her, she heard a strange, strangled gasping noise.

She tried to shut out the sound, but after a few seconds, it was obvious it wasn't going to stop. She wondered if someone was choking, and if so, why wasn't anyone trying to help? She knew CPR and the Heimlich maneuver, maybe she should try.

She turned around. And found herself face to face with a beautiful redhead with sea-green eyes, who was making the gasping sounds. Tara, to her surprise, was immediately smitten by the woman, even if her gorgeous face had taken on a slightly blue tinge.

Beside the redhead was a small, very compact blonde woman with blue eyes, whose very aura radiated strength and power. Tara got the feeling that even though the blonde was small, she could probably kick the ass of anything more than twice her size. Wow, where did that come from? Tara wondered. And why are they both staring at me?

And they were.

Both women were staring wide-eyed and slack-jawed at Tara. As Tara met the redhead's eyes, the other woman stopped gasping for a moment and a strange feeling of familiarity washed over Tara. It lasted for exactly three seconds before the redhead let out a squeak and promptly fell over backwards.

Oh goddess, look what I did! Tara thought frantically. She stared down at the now unconscious woman. I should have just minded my own business.

The blonde seemed to be brought back from whatever thought was occurring to her when the redhead fainted. Taking her eyes off Tara, she knelt down and lightly patted the unconscious woman's cheek.

"Will! Come on, Will. Willow! Wake up!" She ordered. Willow did not respond.

Willow. What a beautiful name. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. And I made her pass out. Oh great. Tara started to turn away, but could not take her eyes off Willow. Something about her seemed so familiar.

"Willow, honey, come on. Wake up." The blonde spoke again.

Honey? Oh. That makes sense. Too bad, though. Not like someone that gorgeous would even look my way. Although…Why were they staring at me? Probably this skirt. I knew I should have worn the denim. I mean, look at how well they are dressed. Probably the local fashion police. Goddess, I look terrible. Oh don't look at me, please don't look at me. She berated herself.

It had become obvious to the blonde that her girlfriend was not going to wake up. So, she slid her hands under her and easily lifted her off the floor. Cradling the redhead like a baby, the blonde turned around and ran out the doors.

Tara was next in line. She ordered a chai tea, and then quickly made her way to a small table near the counter. Not a moment later, the blonde woman ran back into the coffee house. There was no longer a line, so she bellied up to the counter and ordered her drinks. After a few minutes later she was handed two drink carriers. One was full and one held a single coffee and a bottle of water. Then, she turned away and met Tara's gaze.

"She's got low blood sugar," the blonde said, as an explanation. She held up the coffees. Then, she turned away and picked a handful of sugar packets out of a basket next to the register.

Tara only nodded, not seeing why it mattered that she know that. Then, a thought occurred to her, Coffee is not good for blood sugar.

"I d-d-don't th-th-th-ink…Coffee's n-n-n-not g-good for th-th-that." She managed to say, and then promptly kicked herself for speaking.

The blonde actually smiled at her. "That's why I got the water." She told Tara. Then, she turned around and walked quickly out the doors again.

Tara was confused. Okay, I know water won't help low blood sugar. If that poor woman lets her girlfriend take care of her any more, she's going to die. Maybe I should give her some orange juice. Decisively, Tara stood up and walked to the counter to order some orange juice.

Willow was still passed out on the bench where Buffy had left her when the Slayer returned with the coffees and water.

"Okay Willow, time to wake up." Buffy said aloud as she opened the bottle of water and tossed some of it on the redhead. Willow bolted upright as the cold water hit her face and soaked the front of her blouse.

"Tara?" She asked wiping the water from her eyes.

"Nope, just one Slayer." Buffy replied pulling the single coffee out of the second, now empty, coffee carrier. She offered it to the redhead. "Mocha?"

"Wha…what happened?" Willow asked taking the coffee and looking around, noticing for the first time that they were outside. "Where's Tara?"

"Probably inside deciding that we are, in deed, the oddest people on the face of the planet," Buffy said sitting down next to her best friend and freeing another coffee from the drink carrier.

Willow was silent for a moment. Buffy knew that she was remembering the events that had just taken place.

3...2...1. The Slayer counted down to Willowhysteria. As predicted the redhead's face became the picture of mortification.

"Buffy!" She squeaked turning on the bench to face the Slayer. "I didn't…"

"Make funny gasping noises and then pass out when she looked at you? Yes, unfortunately, you did."

"But, but…that's not how it was suppose to go. We were suppose to meet at the Wicca meeting and fall in love the way we did the first time but without all the Oz drama – mama crap. And I was suppose to give her a candle that would be extra flamey and then we'd –"

"Will," Buffy cut into the hacker's babble. "You are coming dangerously close to an over share."

Willow looked at the Slayer. Her green eyes holding a combination of chagrin and helplessness. "It wasn't that bad, was it?"

Buffy looked at her best friend in empathy. "Let's put it this way. You've fought hell gods, creepy Bringers and wore a hideous green bridesmaids dress, albeit once, without fainting. You see the love of your life and phlbt; you're out for the count. Yes, it was bad."

The redhead groaned and dropped her head down into her hands. "I'll never be able to show my face around her again."

"Not to mention The Pump. They've already started calling you 'that fainting girl'." Buffy informed her. Willow groaned louder into her hands. Buffy patted her friend's leg. "Don't worry though – I covered for you with Tara. I told her you have low blood sugar."

"Oh great! If I ever manage to ask her out she'll never want to go anywhere for fear of me just upping and passing out. She's not going to want to go anywhere. She'll be too embarrassed. Oh goddess, I probably embarrassed her back there. She probably thinks that I was making those noises because of her. Oh, great, just great. Good job Willow Suave – way to win over the girl, just collapse in front of her. Make her feel sorry for you, that way she'll pity date you… Because who would want to date someone who can't even look at you without fainting--"

"--Will, breathe." Buffy ordered her friend, trying not to laugh. Willow took a breath and seemed to calm down a bit. Then, Buffy heard footsteps behind them and turned just in time to see Tara approach slowly, her hair hanging just so it covered her face. Buffy was amazed. She barely remembered this Tara. When she thought about the blonde woman, she remembered the confident person Tara had become, instead of the shy stuttering person that now stood in front of them. It was cute.

"Um, hi. I…Here." She handed Willow a carton of orange juice. "F-for your b-b-b-blood s-s-sugar." Her lips quirked up in a tiny smile. "Um…Bye." Then she turned and left as fast as she could.

Willow burst into tears again. "She's so sweet!" The hacker sobbed, cuddling the orange juice to her chest. "She wants to take care of me already!"

"Of course she does," the Slayer tried to soothe her friend, "You guys are soul-mates."

"I should go thank her!" Willow jumped to her feet and made to go back inside. Buffy grabbed the back of Willow's shirt.

"Hold on a minute Will. You've already scared her to death once today. Are you sure you want to do it again?"

Willow thought on that, and then her shoulders sagged. "No." She answered, sounding defeated. "Buffy, what am I going to do?"

Buffy stared into her best friend's sorrow filled eyes and sighed. "It'll be okay, Will. I promise you. We'll get her back." She took a swallow of her mocha, then replaced it in the carrier. Then she stood up and held her free hand out to Willow.

"C'mon Will, let's go home and we can decide what to do then. Okay?"

Willow sniffled, then took the Slayer's hand and got to her feet, still cradling the orange juice like a child. Buffy wrapped her arm around the redhead's waist and the made their way back to Giles'. Halfway there, Buffy remembered that she'd forgotten the bagels.

Oh, good job, Tara. Orange juice? You're lucky her girlfriend didn't beat you down for that. Lesbians can be rather proprietary about things like that. They probably thought you were hitting on her or that you're just plain crazy. Orange juice! Oh goddess! Tara was sitting back at her table staring at her books she'd brought to study. There was no way she could study now, not after that disgraceful display. Tara began to wonder how she could ever have thought she could make it on her own.

Sighing deeply, Tara took a drink of her chai. One of the waitresses, a dark-haired woman she thought was kind of cute, walked by and asked if she needed anything. Tara quietly shook her head. The woman smiled and told her that if she did, to not be afraid to ask, and winked at Tara. When she was gone, Tara was relieved. She watched the woman work and decided that it was about time she got up some guts. She made up her mind that she would find the courage to ask her out…Sometime before graduation.

She took few minutes to ground herself and prepare to study. Not that she really needed to study, but she was always an overachiever. She opened her book, Sociology, and stared down at the words in the book, not really seeing them. How could I have been so stupid? Goddess! I am such an idiot! I--Huh? What in the world?

The lighting in the coffee shop suddenly changed. Instead of the low, ambiance lighting – the coffee shop was filled with a vibrant purple glow.

Tara turned to see what the cause was and let out a small gasp.

Ash's senses led her out of the park she had stayed the night in and back to the road that she had followed into town. Behind her the warrior heard a rumbling. Whipping around she saw a metal box on wheels that was moving on its own volition.

The half elf cocked her head to the side as it passed by her. She figured that the odd contraption was some form of transportation for humans, because inside the box was a human talking into another smaller contraption, not paying attention to anything else around her.

As the metal box continued away from the warrior, a pungent smell came after it. Ash doubled over again coughing painfully.

Oh, so that's how they poisoned the air…idiots. She shook her head and decided that returning humans back to the Brethren might not be such a good idea.

Straightening, Ash continued down the road. She started to pass shops and buildings. The half elf warrior wasn't too interested in the objects the Fallen had created – she was much more engrossed by the humans themselves.

They were so different from Elves…so… short.

Ash looked at them in amazement. They came in all forms and shapes. Elves were by nature tall and thin. Humans were so different from one to the next. Then, of course, there was their language. Brisk. Harsh. Nothing like flowing Elfish she spoke.

She closed her eyes and chanted briefly and just like the sign outside of the town, and in an instant could understand them as they passed by talking.

The warrior continued deeper into the town. After a while, she noticed that the humans were staring at her as much as she had been staring at them. Especially the males and a few females, who would at times whistle at her.

At one point a young human woman stopped her.

"Excuse me. Are you in a band?" She asked studying Ash's face intently

"A…band?" The warrior repeated, the words sounding foreign coming out of her mouth. I don't think I'll get use to this. The woman continued to ogle the half elf. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you look like you are. With the tattoos and everything…" She gestured to Ash's face. "So are you?"

"Tattoos?" The half elf looked around and caught her reflection in a window and then realization hit. The black warrior markings that decorated the right side of her face. She smirked a little bit as she turned her attention back to the woman. "Yes, I am in a…. band."

The young woman laughed like a child and clapped.

"Oh, I bet I know which one it is! You're in that Irish band, right? The Blueberries or something like that… I could tell – by your accent," She hopped up and down. "Oh my god – this is so cool." She reached into a small bag she was carrying on her shoulder. "Can I have your autograph?"

Ash raised an eyebrow. The young woman pulled out a piece of paper and what the half elf guessed was some sort of writing instrument. She handed it to her. Ash looked at the pen and paper and then quickly made an elaborate design. She handed the paper back to the young woman.

The woman looked at it and looked back at Ash. "Are you, like, that guy who changed his name to the symbol? Did you change your name to a symbol…thingy?"

The half elf just looked at her. "No."

The woman hesitated. "Well, thanks. Have fun making… albums… I guess."

Ash continued to look at her. Disconcerted the woman walked away quickly. The half elf watched her go and then shrugged. Humans…go figure.

The warrior continued to walk until she could sense that she was close to the source of the energy and looked up.

"Es-pres-o Pump," She said aloud looking at the sign. She tilted her head and tried the word again. "E-spree-so Pump." She narrowed her eyes at the words and tried to make sense of them. She couldn't figure out what the word meant, but the smell coming from inside the building was divine.

Without a second thought, she pulled open the door and entered.

Tara managed to stifle her second gasp.

Her first gasp had been from the realization she was seeing someone's aura. Not that it was anything new for the blonde Wiccan to see auras. Generally, all she had to do was focus for a moment to be able to observe an aura. However, she'd never encountered anyone whose aura could fill a room.

Tara had been amazed by that, but not nearly as floored as when she had first seen the owner of the aura.

The woman was stunning. Short dark hair, pale skin, piercing eyes, exquisite physique and…

Sexy Tattoos. Some small part of Tara's brain piped up as her eyes roamed up and down the woman's body blatantly. Yeah, sure – you're just thinking about tattoos. Yep, that's all you're thinking about…horny anyone? She shook herself back to reality.

The blonde glanced about her and noticed that most of the people in the coffee shop were looking at the woman too.

Of course they're looking… she's gorgeous. She's so exotic looking… Tara pinned for another moment looking over the woman again, before she caught herself. Come on, Maclay, get it together! This is twice in one day!! First the redhead and now her?

The blonde tried to will herself to turn back to the books in front of her but found she couldn't, she was too entranced.

The woman surveyed the people in the coffee shop. Glancing briefly at each one before moving onto the next.

She's probably meeting someone here. Again, makes sense. I just hope whoever she's meeting is sitting on the other side of the coffee shop, that way she won't look over here. Not that she would notice me, though it would be nice, I wish she'd look over – Oh my!

The blonde started out of her thoughts by the woman looking directly at Tara with a mysterious smile. Casually, the woman started towards her.

Oh! Oh! Uh…okay – she's coming over. Oh Goddess! The shy Wiccan began to panic inwardly even as she held the woman's eye.

All right, it'll be okay. Just don't talk. Oh yeah, like not talking is going to impress her. Good thinking Maclay… Tara didn't notice that the longer her internal panicked monologue went on the bigger the woman's smile got.

Okay. Think, Tara, think. Do it quick or else you might be joining the redhead in being called 'fainting girl' here. Oh goddess, she's almost here. COME ON TARA! If you don't think of something soon you're going to end up saying something stupid like-

The woman finally reached the table. Tara, who still held her eye, managed a scared smile.

"W-w-would y-y-you l-l-l-like some o-o-orange j-j-juice?" The Wiccan asked weakly.

Bravo, Tara.

Part 4

The tall woman smiled at the question.

She's smiling. That's a good sign. Unless she's trying to repress laughing at me. Tara thought to herself.

"My name is Ash. Is it all right if I sit?" The woman spoke in an accent that sounded a lot like an Irish one.

"O-of course. M-my name is T-Tara. P-please h-have a s-seat." Tara nodded towards the chair. The woman smiled again and slipped into the chair opposite of the blonde.

Does this mean I have to talk to her? Oh goddess.

"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to," Ash spoke aloud, her blue eyes holding Tara's. The shy Wiccan was taken aback.

"H-how…d-did y-you?" She wondered aloud. Did this woman really just read her mind? It would make sense if she did. She did have a strong aura.

"C-c-can y-you r-read m-m-minds?" The blonde kicked herself mentally. Her stutter was growing worse by the second. She looked at the exotic woman across from her and sighed. She wished for the millionth time in her life that she could talk without stuttering.

The woman looked at Tara for a long moment. A grin playing on the corner of her mouth.

"Not everyone's. Just people who know the ways of the Earth and Magicks." She replied.

"O-oh, a-are y-y-you a w-w-witch?" Tara managed. The woman frowned.

"Which? What?" She asked.

"A w-witch."

"Which? Which? What do you mean which?" Ash asked her face scrunched up in confusion.

"A w-witch. S-s-someone w-who p-p-practices…" She trailed off dropping her head down. Best if I keep my talking down to a minimum, since I just seem to be confusing her.

"You're not confusing me – it's just… never mind. No, I'm not a witch. I'm – I just have gifts that's all." Ash clarified.

The blonde nodded her head in understanding.

Goddess I wish I didn't stutter! I'd love to talk to her but this conversation is going to end real quick since she can't understand me. Stupid stutter. If only I wasn't so nervous…

Tara who was looking down didn't notice Ash lean forward onto the table. Therefore, it was a surprise when she saw the woman's long fingered hand reach under her chin to cup it. Tara let her head be raised gently.

"Don't be nervous." Ash soothed her voice low and husky.

At that instant, the blonde Wiccan felt all the trepidation leave her body and felt a calm assurance flood through her.

"How did you do that?" Tara whispered as Ash sat back in her seat. The taller woman shrugged.

"It wasn't anything really. Just a matter of cleansing the negative energy from your body. Negative energy clouds ones true facets. I just removed the negative energy to allow your true energy to flow uninhibited." She finished running her fingers over the wood of the table.

Tara was intrigued. The woman was talking about energy and the cleansing she'd just performed on Tara as though it were common place knowledge. A half smile formed on the blonde's face.

"Well, thank you." Tara replied. Ash looked up and the blonde almost laughed at the look on her face. She wasn't able to read minds but Tara could tell that her smile had just hooked the woman.

"Would you like to get out of here?" Tara asked her eyes roaming over Ash. The blonde really wanted to talk to the mysterious woman more – get to know her.

Oh how I would like to get to know her. Oh goddess, I hope she wasn't listening. Tara blushed again. What I meant was – I would like to get to know where she came from – more about her gifts – so on so forth. Not so much get to knowing her biblically. Though that would be nice especially with that mouth of hers…Enough Maclay – reel it in, would you! She chastised herself and quickly looked at Ash to see any sign that the woman had heard her.

The look on the woman's face told her that she hadn't. It was a cross between confusion and intrigue. Tara smirked. She'd always been a pretty good judge of people and she had a very pronounced urge to get to know this woman.

Urge? Urge? Freudian slip much, Tara? The blonde asked herself as she gathered her books and stood.

"Ready to go?" She asked Ash.

The taller woman nodded and stood. Standing she was a good head taller than Tara and blonde found that to be very… sexy.

Try to keep it under control Maclay. She mused as she walked to the door with her head held high and a slight swagger to her hips.

Buffy and Willow had decided to pick up the bagels at the local grocery store rather than go back to The Pump. They walked most of the final leg back to Giles' in silence. Finally, Willow spoke.

"I can't believe I did that! That was the stupidest thing I've ever done!" She kicked at an invisible rock on the ground. Buffy looked sympathetically at her friend and was about to comfort and assure her again, when another voice beat her to it.

"Now, I wouldn't say that was the stupidest thing you've ever done," A masculine voice with a Southern accent spoke from behind them.

"Oh, I so did not just hear that, " Buffy spoke through clenched teeth as she and Willow froze in their tracks.

"If you didn't hear it, than we're both not hearing the same things," Willow offered her voice high. Slowly both women turned around.

"Welcome back to Sunnydale." The Preacher grinned at them from under his shock of dark hair. "Or is it… welcome back Sunnydale?"

The Slayer stared in open shock at the man who she'd fought and killed a year before. The man who had killed several of the SIT's and robbed Xander of his eye.

"No, it can't be…" The Slayer said in disbelief. She blinked hopping that maybe she was going crazy and having flashbacks. She opened her blue eyes again.

"Still here my little Slayer," his smile got bigger. "Did you miss me?"

Buffy said nothing just stood staring. There was no way he could be in Sunnydale? He was dead. Unless they inadvertently resurrected him. But how…?

"Uh…Buff…" Willow cut into the Slayer's thoughts. "How?"

"I don't know Will… I don't know." The Slayer replied slowly her thoughts swirling around in her brain.

"Oh, is Miss Priss at a loss for words?" Preacher began walking around them. "You know little girl, it's not nice to stare. Didn't your Momma ever teach you that?"

Buffy grabbed Willow and pulled the redhead behind her effectively putting herself between the Preacher and the redhead.

"Now, now Slayer – is that anyway to treat an old friend?"

Buffy snorted. "I guess it would be pointless to remind you that we are not friends."

"Ah, but we've been through so much together. I nearly destroyed you and your pups." He snarled leaning in closer to the Slayer.

"Yeah, nearly – but I killed you good." The Slayer snarled back. For some reason she felt the need to lash out at the Preacher. She drew her fist back and slammed it forward but it didn't connect. Her fist passed through the Preacher's face.

The Slayer pulled her hand back as if it had been burnt. She looked disbelievingly at it.

The First laughed.

"I just love the look on people's faces when that happens. It's a gas at parties."

Buffy's mind was reeling. How could the First still be in Sunnydale? Regulating the confusion to the back of her brain, she slipped into Slayer mood and shifted her weight to one leg and taking up her "whatever" pose.

"I bet. Not that you probably get invited to many parties," The Slayer threw back.

The First quit circling the duo. "What? Now that you've figured out who I am you're not scared anymore?"

The Slayer shrugged and looked at the redhead who had emerged from behind her.

"I dunno – Will, are we scared the of the big bad First evil?" She asked the redhead using a tone that she would use on a baby.

Willow shook her head. "Nope. It was much, much scarier when we thought that the Preacher was back because, well, his fashion sense and of course the fact that he was a sick mother--"

"Will, language. We're on the street in the middle of the day." The Slayer reminded her. The redhead shut her mouth quickly.

"Sorry, I forgot." She apologized, she looked back at to the shade of the Preacher. "Like I was saying – we're not scared of you because what are you going to do to us? We destroyed your army of Ubervamps. We killed off all of your Bringers. So, that leaves you with what? Idle threats. What are you gonna do? Annoy us to death? We got that covered. Anya is around here somewhere…"

"You are pretty cheeky for someone who is weak." The First shot back.

"Who are you calling weak, Mr. The-worst-I-can-do-is-appear-during-dinner-and-insult-your-cooking? You don't have corporeal form." Willow taunted him.

"You're right, I don't. But I believe your little dyke girlfriend is alive again. Which makes you weak. You know something Red, the problem with being alive is you will die. She could die again. In fact, maybe I'll have her killed. Then I'll let you do my dirty work for me. You almost succeeded the first time…"

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Willow screamed and went to rush the visage of the Preacher, but Buffy grabbed her and held her back.

"Looks like someone is a tad touchy. Maybe that's what I'll do…" The First smirked.

"Willow calm down." Buffy whispered to her. "You're playing into his hand."

The redhead was clenching and unclenching her fist. Her breathing fast and erratic, but after a moment the hacker stepped back calming herself.

"Listen, we both know that you're powerless with out your Ubervamps or Bringers – so why don't you go about your merry little evil way and be gone." Buffy suggested.

The First looked at her. "No. I'm going to destroy you and I'll enjoy every minute of it. I'll be seeing you Slayer."

With that the First shimmered out of sight. The two friends were silent for a moment.

"Scooby Meeting?" Willow asked as they turned back towards Giles' apartment.

"Like you had to ask…"

"Well, this is my room," The blonde Wiccan announced as they reached her dorm room door.

The two had spent all day together. After they had left the coffee shop, they had walked about Sunnydale talking like they were long lost friends. Tara found herself opening up to the woman more so than anyone else in her entire life – except maybe her mother. The blonde found in comforting to talk to the stranger.

Tara had heard of people meeting one another for the first time and feeling as though they had always known them – but this was the first time She had experienced it. She was so at ease with Ash, so comfortable.

It was over dinner at the Campus cafeteria that the Wiccan had tried communicating with the taller woman telepathically. To her surprise, it worked. She still hadn't figured out whether it was Ash's abilities that made it so easy to "talk" like that with her or if it Tara also had some natural ability to communicate telepathically.

"Would you like to c-come inside?" She asked noticing a slight slip of her stutter. Goddess, I must be nervous.

"I'd love to." Ash smiled at her.

Tara's breath caught in her throat. The taller woman's smile was heart stopping. The blonde Wiccan found herself returning it with a half one.

She found her keys and opened the door. She flipped the light switch and the fairy lights twinkled into existence. Ash stepped past Tara and stopped in the doorway.

"Is something w-wrong?" She asked trying to see around the taller woman.

"No," Ash breathed and finished walking into the room. Tara followed shutting the door behind her and locking it out of habit. She turned and looked at the taller woman quizzically. Ash sighed as she looked around.

"It's just –" She looked around at the way Tara had decorated. Tapestries, candles, incense holders. "This reminds me of home."

"That's g-g-good right?" Tara asked a little nervous. She knew nothing of where Ash came from or what her life had been like.

Ash nodded, "It's wonderful."

Tara let out the breath she had been holding as she sat down on the bed and then giggled, "Well, make yourself at h-home."

The taller woman smiled again.

Goddess, she's got to quit doing that. Tara thought as she realized that every time the woman smiled Tara's heart sped up and her stomach flip flopped. Tara watched in fascination as the woman in a quick and graceful movement dropped down into a lotus position on the floor.

"I guess my bed isn't comfortable enough?" The blonde asked raising eyebrow her voice husky.

Did I just say that?! What is wrong with me? I meet this woman exactly three hours ago. We haven't even kissed and suddenly I'm throwing around innuendos! Wait – did I just say… do I want to kiss her? Yes, Oh goddess YES! Tara realized that she was distracted by her own train of thought. She snapped out of it and saw Ash with the biggest grin on her face.

"W-what?" Tara asked hesitantly. Silently she preyed the Ash hadn't caught any of that.

"Nothing, you're very cute when you have a mental debate."

"You d-didn't…" The blonde gulped.

Ash raised a long fingered hand. Long fingered… Tara thought absently TARA!! Mind out of the gutter. Now! She chastised herself.

"No, I don't listen to people's thoughts. Besides," Ash paused and tilted her head to the side and smiled devilishly that didn't leave anything to the imagination. "You'd know if I was inside you."

Tara fell off her bed.

She stood quickly and straightened her shirt her face a shade of red that, she believed, could not be obtained by any human. She heard Ash chuckling. She looked up.

"You think that was funny?" She asked her voice dark and husky.

"Well, yeah." The taller woman replied. "Turn about is fair play you know."

"Oh, really?" She inquired.

Ash nodded and then yelped in surprise as the blonde threw herself onto Ash pinning her to the floor and tickling her. Which proved to be quite easy. After a few minutes of the blonde furiously tickling the taller woman and the latter howling with laughter, the Wiccan stopped, realizing the position she was in.

Tara was using her body to hold the woman down. She knew that the woman could have easily dislodged herself from the blonde. Tara could feel the lean ripple of muscle underneath Ash's clothing. Without thinking Tara reached up and traced the Celtic artwork down the side of the woman's face.

"This is beautiful," she whispered.

"It's from my …family." Ash replied.

Tara could hear the hesitancy in her voice. She continued tracing down Ash's face before moving a fraction of an inch closer and brushing her full lips over Ash's. She was rewarded with the feeling of energy surging over her body. She brushed her lips against Ash's once, twice and then captured them in a fierce kiss.

Tara moaned as she felt Ash return the kiss with the same amount of passion. Hesitantly, Tara traced her tongue over Ash's lips tasting them, looking for an entrance into the woman's mouth.

Obligingly, the taller woman parted her lips and the blonde pushed her tongue into the warmth of Ash's mouth and was rewarded by the dark haired woman sucking her tongue sensuously. Tara reached up and tangled her hands into the Ash's hair.

The Wiccan didn't know why she was being so bold. She had never, in her entire life, acted the way she was acting with this woman. She barely knew anything about her, yet kissing her and being with her felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Tara didn't know how long they kissed or intermittently traced each other's faces and necks. But finally Tara realized that a wetness had formed between her legs and as much as she was comfortable with this woman she wasn't about to give into carnal desires on the first date.

She gently pulled away and planted little kisses on Ash's chin and nose. She looked into the taller woman's blue eyes and smiled. She tried to speak but nothing came out. She tried again, and again nothing came out.

Can you talk? She projected to Ash.


I said can you talk?

Ash gave her a funny look and then opened her mouth. She shut it again and shook her head, Maybe we kissed ourselves hoarse?

Tara silently laughed at the thought the taller woman had given her. She picked herself up off of Ash.

As much as that idea would be appealing… I don't think it's physically possible. She stuck out her hand to help Ash up, but Ash waved it off – rolled onto her shoulders and flipped herself upright as effortlessly as she had sank into the lotus position. Tara's eyes were wide with the display.

Speechless huh? Ash smiled mischievously at her. Tara rolled her eyes and smacked the woman on the arm.

Funny Girl. Tara smiled at her and then her face got serious. Let's go see if we're the only ones that have lost our voices.

The taller woman nodded and Tara opened the door.

The dorm hallway was empty except for a couple holding each other at the end of the hall. Tara walked down to them followed by Ash. She tapped the man on the shoulder who just looked at her and shook his head.

Guess we're not the only ones. Ash sent to Tara.

What do you think it is? A spell?

The taller woman shrugged. If it's a spell it would have to be someone with great power or …

Ash trailed off looking over Tara towards the other end of the hall.


Or them. Ash finished turning Tara around to face the direction she was looking.

Tara's stomach clenched. Before her was the most terrifying thing she'd ever seen. Two bald men in suits were floating towards the group. Their mouths were pulled back in hideous smiles and one was carrying a scalpel. In front of them were two creatures in straight jackets clambering along on all fours.

If Tara could have screamed she would have.

Buffy and Willow had reached Giles' house only to find a note from him saying that he and Xander had gone apartment hunting for Xander. The note also stated the Dawn had gone home to the Summers' house.

Willow said that she could understand. At this point four years prior, Xander had still been living with his parents. The redhead knew that Xander would rather have been eviscerated than live with his parents again.

The Slayer had been tempted to go over to her house and round up her mother and her sister – even though she had yet to see her mother – and bring them back to Giles'. Willow pointed out though that there really wasn't any threat from the First. This seemed to calm the Slayer who had moved from care-free retiree into full blown 'Gonna stop the Apocalypse mood' in a manner of seconds.

"Buffy could you quit pacing?" Willow asked after the Slayer had made her five hundredth lap around the room.

"Sorry, Will – It's been all day. Where in the hell is Giles'?" The Slayer finally dropped onto the couch. She looked out the window, the sun would be setting soon.

"He'll probably be back soon. There really isn't a rush. It's not like the first has it's army. We're not in danger." Then Willow added: "Yet."

"I just don't get it! Why is the First still here? Didn't we send it packing when this town sunk into the ground?" The Slayer questioned as she jumped up to keep pacing.

"Well, maybe it didn't leave o-or it came back with the town. I mean we did "resurrect" the town. That's why it showed up the last time, right? We resurrected you."

Buffy stopped by the window again and looked out, as if looking out the window was going to make her ex-watcher come home sooner.

"Perhaps, I mean, I don't know. We really just need to talk to Giles' and then figure this out." Buffy sighed. "I do feel better knowing that the First doesn't have the Turkeycan's."

Willow stifled a giggled. She loved Buffy but her memory of names or places left something to be desired.

"I wish we knew what all came with Sunnydale when we brought it back. I know Giles' said that it was only the initiative – but now the First is here?" The Slayer shook her head. "I hope we didn't make a huge mistake."

"It wasn't a mistake Buffy. I mean, hey, we got everyone back. Sure you have to see your mom first before you'll believe that, but we got Tara back and Anya. That's a good thing right?" Willow tried to turn the Slayer's attention back to the positive side of their decision.

"I know Will," The blonde looked at her friend. "But at what price? All of lives? Did we bring them back just to have them die again?"

Willow was at a loss for words.

The two waited for a little bit longer. Finally, Buffy decided to patrol and Willow decided to take a quick nap. She knew that once Giles' was informed as to what was going on – he would have her up all night researching.

Willow stretched out on the couch and closed her eyes….

She was woken by someone violently shaking her shoulder. The redhead bolted upright. She tried to demand what was going on but no sound came out of her mouth. Willow's eyes went wide as she took in Giles', who was standing in front of her holding a notebook out.

Willow took the notebook and looked at it. There was only one word that was written in it.


The redhead looked up in disbelief. A million thoughts ran through her head all of them being Tara. Remembering how she was chased by them. How she had almost become on of their victims. It had only been Willow being in her dorm and their subsequent partnership that had saved her.

SHIT. Tara, baby, I'm coming! Willow thought as she managed to get passed Giles' who was trying to stop her and tell her something. Without regard for her own safety, Willow ran into the night.

Run! Ash urged her.

The two turned. The couple who had been there moments before where nowhere to be seen. Tara hoped that vaguely they had gotten away to somewhere safe as she ran down the hall to the stairs. She pushed open the stairway door and took the stair two at time going down. She could sense Ash right behind her. When they reached the ground floor she turned just for a moment to see that the two straight jacketed minions were right behind Ash.

Outside! Ash ordered.

Tara obeyed but wondered why they were going outside into the open where they could easily be attacked by others. Wouldn't it be better to find a room and barricade themselves inside? Tara figured Ash would know what she was doing. Tara bolted across the commons and out the front door into the yard in front of her dorm.

She spun around in time to see Ash scoop up a stick that was on the ground.

Great, she's really actually crazy. Does she really think a stick is going to do any good against them?! Tara thought now beginning to panic.

The woman had led them outside, into the open and was planning on fighting them with a stick!

A little more faith please. Ash's voice cut into Tara's head.

I thought you don't listen to other people's thoughts!

Can't help it – you're projecting pretty loud. Ash returned.

Suddenly Tara felt a surge in the energy around the dark haired woman. Tara blinked unbelievingly. What had been a stick a second before was now a double edged sword. Her mouth dropped open as she watched the taller woman drop into a fighting stance – sword ready.

The two straight jacketed creatures came out of the building first. They lunged towards the Ash. The woman beheaded the first creature easily before twirling the sword around and ramming it into the chest of the second creature.

The floating demons came out of the building just in time to see their lackeys slain. Their faces contorted into angry expressions and came towards Ash who was ready for them.

Ash leapt up to attack but was thrown back by an unseen force into a tree.

Ash! Tara ran towards the woman who was already struggling to get up. She looked back quickly to see the men coming towards them. Come on, we have to go!

The taller woman straightened dropping her sword which transformed back into a stick as it touched the ground.

No. Ash retorted. If we run they'll just continue to chase us. We have to stop them here.

But we don't know how! Tara admonished.

We will in a moment. I just need to touch one of them… The taller woman trailed off.

Are you n-nuts? They'll kill you! Tara exclaimed tears from fear forming in her eyes.

No, I only need a second.

Before the blonde could protest. The taller woman ran full tilt towards the two men. One swiped at the Ash with a scalpel before the other one grabbed her by the neck and threw her backwards, this time into Tara.

The blonde cringed as Ash collided with her. She had expected to get hurt from the impact. Instead Ash hit Tara and Tara staggered a little but she didn't go down.

Thanks for not letting me hit that tree again. Ash thought to Tara, who just nodded dumbfounded as to why she hadn't fallen.

The taller woman turned and lifted her palms towards the sky. From somewhere in her mind Tara could hear Ash's summons:

Ban an bás – Glaoim sibh. Amhrán do amhrán – Iarraim tú…

Tara could feel a stiff wind begin to rush past her. It felt as if it were coming straight up from the ground.

The Wiccan looked at the gruesome bald men and saw that they had stopped. They were looking between each other and Ash, seemingly confused.

Tara. Cover your ears! Now! And whatever you do don't uncover them! Ash's voice screamed into her head.

The blonde's hands shot up over her ears. She wondered for a moment why she was doing so. Ash's hands were still in the air and she could still hear her chanting faintly in her head.

A moment later she saw them.

Two beautiful women. One with long flowing red hair. The other with hair as black as ink. Both had skin so pale it was almost translucent. Their faces looked haunted and forlorn.

Ash! Tara called out to her. But the taller woman had already noticed them and had put her own hands over her ears.

The moment she did the women opened their mouths.

Tara couldn't hear – so she wasn't sure what was going on, but as soon as they had opened their mouths the bald men's faces had taken on a pained appearance. Seconds later their heads exploded sending green slime everywhere as their bodies crumpled to the ground.

The women shut their mouths and turned to Ash who had removed her hands from her ears.

Tara did a double take. For the first time she noticed that Ash's ears were very pointed.

Why didn't I notice that before? She wondered but not for long because the red haired woman hand come up to Ash and touched her hand to the taller woman's cheek.

The red haired woman smiled sadly and looked at her companion before they both disappeared.

Ash turned and walked back to where Tara stood with her hands still over her ears. The woman reached up gently and placed her hands over Tara's and pulled them off .

"All clear," she said.

"W-w-who were they?" Tara asked her voice cracking. Never in her entire life had she seen anything like what she had just witnessed.

"Banshees," came Ash's casual reply.

Willow had run nearly half way to the campus in silence. She was panting hard but not a noise came out of her chest. Her lungs burned and her legs felt heavy. But none of it mattered, the only thing that did was finding Tara.

The redhead was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear someone calling her name. It wasn't until someone grabbed her arm and spun her around that her mindset was broken.

"Willow, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?" Buffy demanded out of breath.

"Buffy. The Gentlemen… I have to get to… wait a minute… I'm talking." The redhead was confused. "Did you break the box already?"

"No, I didn't. That's the weird thing. I was out patrolling when the whole lack of vocal ability thing happened. I was on my way to the church, figuring – well, they were there the first time – so why not the second? When I ran into two of the tall, pale, smiley fellows. Before I could even slay their little lackey's, their heads went boom then squish." Buffy finished her brow scrunched up. Willow could tell that the Slayer was as confused as she was.

"But wha, I mean, huh?" Willow asked.

"Got me. I was on my way back to Giles' when I saw you tearing down the street. I didn't want you to become a little munchy snack. Besides, we need to figure out what the hell is going on. There are questions that need to be answered like: If I didn't release the voices – who did? And why were the Gentlemen here again?" The Slayer started rambling.

"But Tara, she's out there, I gotta find out if she's safe. She could be hurt or..or.." Willow couldn't finish. Buffy laid a hand on Willow's shoulder.

"I know Will, but…there's something weird going on and we have to find out what it is – if not we might all be in trouble." The Slayer said with a tone of finality. "Do you remember her phone number?"

Willow nodded slowly.

"Then we'll call her when we get to Giles'. If she picks up then she's fine and we can hit the books. If not – I'll go with you to the Campus 'kay?"

"Okay," The hacker acquiesced, but inside she wanted nothing more than to break away from the Slayer and run to Tara's dorm.

Propriety be damned.

Part 5

"B – Banshees? You summoned Banshees?" Tara gawked in disbelief. She made a mental note to herself: Get to know the strangers you pick up in coffee shops before you end up in a battle for your life with…

"W – What were those?" She asked. The blonde realized that her thoughts and sentences were disjointed but she couldn't help it. Her brain was still trying to wrap around what had occurred.

Ash shrugged and looked back towards bodies lying on the ground.

"Some sort of demon I suppose. Could be wrong – but I don't know too many humans that float."

Tara nodded, eyes glazed as the events replayed themselves and questions flooded her mind.

Why had Ash taken them outside? How had she transformed a stick into a sword, only to have to return to it's original form after it left her hand? A spell of some sorts obviously, but not like any spell she'd ever heard of…maybe glamour of sorts?

What's more, she had killed the creatures in the straight jackets with in seconds of attacking. Her strike had been unbelievably fast. Ash had made it look fluid and effortless, as though wielding a sword was second nature to her. Where had she learned how to fight? Especially with a sword?

But the two questions that pervaded her mind were: How did she know what would kill the floating men and how much power did she hold to be able to summon Banshees?

Tara shook her head as if to clear it. She looked over at Ash and gasped.

For the first time she noticed that the taller woman was holding her stomach.

"A-are you okay?" She asked going to her.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine just got a bit of a scratch." Ash assured her and turned a little to hide her injury from Tara.

"A scratch, huh? I-If it's an s-scratch, then why are you trying to hide it." Tara planted herself in front of the taller woman and reached out her hand gently pulling at Ash's fingers.

The blonde inhaled sharply as she pulled the woman's hand back. A deep cut ran across the woman's stomach. Tara couldn't see the extent of the damage in the dark of the night, but from the amount of blood covering Ash's hand she knew they would have to take care of it immediately.

"W-we have to get you help," Tara breathed.

"No, I just need to go up stairs and rest." Ash protested.

"Rest? Resting isn't going to stop the bleeding." Tara returned.

"No, but I know a few tricks that will stop it." Ash replied with a smirk and then a grimace. Tara sighed and wrapped her arm around the woman's waist.

"F-fine. But if it doesn't stop soon we're going to the hospital. Agreed?"

"Agreed." Ash acquiesced as Tara helped her to the stairs, before they entered the building Ash turned waving her hand towards the bodies.

"Bog," She muttered and the bodies were gone. Tara looked from where the bodies had been to Ash.

"Then again, maybe we'll just stay here and talk," The blonde spoke her eyes wide again in amazement.

"I suppose there are a few things to explain." Ash chuckled and then winced. "Ow, remind me not to laugh. It hurts."

Tara opened the door to her room and helped Ash to the bed. The taller woman groaned as she gingerly sat down. The blonde hurried over to the closet and found a towel to protect the bed and a cheap first aid kit that she had purchased when she had moved to Sunnydale.

"So, do you want help t-taking o-off y-y-your shirt?" The blonde nearly whispered after she had finished laying the towel down on the bed. The taller woman nodded. She seemed to be getting paler by the minute.

Tara was slowly reaching for the hem of Ash's shirt when the ringing of the phone shattered the silence. Both women jumped.

"The hell is that?" Ash demanded and then snapped her mouth close, looking apprehensively at Tara.

"The telephone…" Tara replied confused by Ash's comment. Automatically, she moved over to the phone and picked up the receiver. It was odd. No one had ever called the blonde. She couldn't even remember if she'd given her number to anyone.

"H-hello?" She said looking back at Ash who was trying to remove her shirt without aggravating her wound.

She's impatient. You'd think she could wait… Oh Goddess. Tara let out a muffled gasp. It was partly caused by the sight of the blood on Ash's stomach and partly from the sight of Ash's naked breasts.

There was a small little "eep" and a bit of stammering before the line went dead. The blonde looked at the receiver in confusion and then slowly set the phone back on its cradle. Tara took a deep breath and steeled herself. How would it look to Ash if Tara was too busy staring at various Ashparts instead of helping the woman with her injury?

The blonde turned back around to find that Ash was woozily swaying from side to side.

"Goddess, let's lay you down…" Tara rushed to the dark haired woman's side and gently laid a hand on her back easing her down.

Tara retrieved the first aid kit from where she had left it and opened it. The blonde pulled out some gauze and antiseptic. As she began to gently wipe the blood away from the wound she began to worry that maybe the wound was extremely deep. Ash's blood had an odd purple tinge to it. A tentative visual examination proved that it was a flesh wound.

All at once the events of the day and evening came screaming back into Tara's head. The magicks, telepathy, the ears… Tara licked her lips and glanced quickly up at the dark haired woman's face.

Ash's eyes were closed and, from the shifting of the energy in the room, the blonde could tell the woman was manipulating energy to heal herself.

"Ash?" Tara asked hesitantly.


"A-are you human?"

The dark haired woman opened one eye and smiled a knowing smile and returned to her meditating. Tara's stomach flip flopped.

Does she know about me? If she's not human, is she evil? No, she couldn't be evil I would sense that right? I am part demon…

Distracted, Tara dabbed too hard, too close to the wound making Ash jump in pain.

"Oh Gods, I'm so sorry –" Tara put a hand out on Ash's upper chest to calm her.

"It's all right just be care…ful," Ash finished noticing Tara's hand. The two women both looked at the blonde's hand.

"S-sorry," Tara muttered and was about to pull her hand when Ash gently reached up and covered the blonde's with her own.

"It's all right," the dark haired woman whispered, she looked deep into Tara's blue eyes with her own. "Your energy…it's strong. Would you…?"

"Of course," Tara breathed answering the question that had gone unspoken. She moved over the taller woman's body and sat crossed legged next to her. Laying one hand above the wound just under Ash's breasts and the other hovering above the injury, she began to focus on healing the wound.

The moment she closed her eyes she became aware of the taller woman's energy and power. It was intense. She could feel it moving through out Ash's body. It was almost as if her magicks were on the cellular level. The power came from the very essence of Ash's being.

Taking a deep breath and focusing on merging her own power with that of Ash's she began to heal the injury with the taller woman.

"Okay, this is too weird. Giles, what is going on?" Buffy was ranting as Willow hung up the phone. Not that Willow was listening – her mind was on Tara.

She felt better knowing that Tara was safe but the gasp the blonde had let out was disturbing her. She knew the meaning of that gasp. She had heard it many times directed towards redhead. Was Tara…was there someone…else? Before her?

Willow walked numbly to the couch and sat down. She hardly heard any of Giles, Buffy or Xander's discussion.

"I don't truly know what's going on." Giles replied to Buffy's demand. "IF history is repeating it's self, which I highly doubt, the time line is off. According to my journals, they arrived in Sunnydale the first time several weeks after we had returned from our respective vacations."

"Okay, so the Gentlemen were a little early – and that isn't very Gentlemanly of them," Xander cracked the pun but no one laughed. "Right then, so why did they show up at all. Buffy kicked their asses the first time…"

Giles took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "The best theory I can come up is that the energy that brought them to Sunnydale the first time was in town at the time we pulled the this Sunnydale from."

"All right, does this mean that it is only the Gentlemen and the Initiative that we have to take care of?" Xander asked looking at Giles and rubbing his calloused hands together.

Buffy sighed, "No."

"No? What do you mean no?" Xander asked turning his good eye to the Slayer. There was an uneasy silence.

"Willow and I ran into the First today." Buffy nearly whispered.

"What?!" Xander demanded for both Giles and himself. The blonde Slayer looked at the two men.

"Yeah, the First is still here. I don't know why but it is. Though, I don't think it could do much harm seeing as though we kicked all its little minions' asses." Buffy offered optimistically.

Giles groaned and sat back. "Oh Lord."

The Slayer wanted to ask what Giles was 'oh lording' but decided she didn't want to know. She was about to open her mouth to say something when Giles spoke:

"I think that when brought Sunnydale back we caused a rift much like the rift that was formed when Buffy was resurrected. That's why the first is here…" Giles spoke consciously. There was no guessing in his voice.

"How can you be so sure?" They Slayer asked quietly.

"I was afraid of it happening." Giles finally admitted his head hung down.

There was silence.

"So, what are we going to do?" Xander asked hesitantly. Giles looked up at the young man and smiled sadly.

"We're going to pay the karmic price. What that is? I don't know. But if tonight is any idea of what is going on – we might just end up fighting past foes again – but the outcome might be different…" Giles drifted off not wanting to think of what that statement meant for them.

"Or?" Xander prompted.

"Or, we might be up for a whole new nemesis – one that is more powerful than we've ever faced before. The type of magicks we performed were immensely powerful…I don't know. I suppose we'll wait before we can be sure. But in the mean time, I think it might be best if we start to take out some of our past enemies again so that we aren't surprised again like we were tonight. Starting with the initiative." Giles returned his glasses to his face. "I'll be right back – I need to find my journals."

As Giles went back to his room to retrieve some books – the Slayer turned to her best friend.

"Was she there?" Buffy asked looking at the redhead who was slumped down in the couch. Willow nodded silently. "So do you have a plan?"

Willow shook her head. The Slayer's brow furrowed.

"I think Giles might have us penciled in for research tonight – but when we get a break we're going to work out this Tara thing 'kay?" Buffy tried to reassure her friend. But Willow just continued to stare silently.

For the umpteenth time that day, the Slayer wondered if they hadn't made a terrible mistake.

Tara awoke early. The sun was filtering in through the blinds hitting her square on the square on the face. Slowly as consciousness drifted back into her she realized that she was virtually laying on someone.

For a moment she panicked. She couldn't remember who it was. Then the prior day's events came back to her. She was still a little puzzled as to who or what the woman was but what she did know was that she felt comfortable and attracted to the woman.

Tara lay with here eyes closed for a moment. Her ear was pressed to the woman's chest. She listened contentedly to the steady rhythm of Ash's heart. She smiled a half smile and moved her head a little when she felt bare skin under her head.

Tara's eyes snapped open when she realized that Ash had no shirt on.

I… we… her mind swirled. Had they? No. They hadn't Ash had gotten hurt in the fight with the whatevers and they must have fallen asleep while healing her.

Without moving her head Tara could see the cut which was now just an angry red line.

Wow. That's definitely better than going to the hospital. She thought as she absently reached out and traced the line. She traced it lazily for a few minutes when she felt the taut muscles of Ash's stomach contract and her heart speed up.

Tara instantly stopped and went to sit up.

"No. It's okay. That felt good." Ash's smoky voice stopped her.

Smiling Tara tilted her head up so that it was pillowed on Ash's breast and smiled.

"Hey you." Tara grinned at the woman. "Feel better?"

Ash nodded her blue eyes dark.

"Good," the blonde replied and without thinking placed a kiss on Ash's sternum. This caused the dark haired woman to hold her breath.

The energy and arousal of the small act hit the blonde like a tidal wave. She'd never been so intimate or brazen with a woman.

"S-sorry," Tara stammered trying to sit up but was stopped as Ash captured her shoulders and pulled the blonde's lips to hers kissing her sensuously.

When Ash let up, Tara looked at her, her blue eyes dark with arousal. There was a moment of silence.

"Sorry." Ash muttered.

"I'm not," Tara cut in and captured the dark haired woman's lips in a fierce kiss. She sucked Ash's lower lip gently causing the woman to moan and return the kiss.

Tara moved so that she was lying fully on Ash as they kissed heatedly for a few moments. When oxygen became a necessity she pulled back a little.

"Wow," she breathed, "Want to stop?"

"Not particularly," Ash growled.

Tara smiled seductively. "Me either."

The blonde kissed Ash again before moving to the dark haired woman's jaw and down to her neck sucking lightly on the pulse point then running her tongue over the mark she made. Tara reached down and pulled the dark haired woman's arms up above her head.

Ash moaned and flared her hips upwards. The movement grazed Tara's center causing the blonde to gasp and bite down gently on Ash's neck.

Tara let go of Ash's hands as she moved down to her collar bones and placed small kisses and short licks across the sculpted area.

The blonde couldn't believe how straight forward she was being. She'd always fantasized about what her first time would be like. A beautiful woman taking her gently – showing her what to do. She never dreamed that she would just dive right in and take control. But there was something about being around Ash that gave her the confidence to do as she pleased.

Tara moved down lower kissing the tops of Ash's breasts before moving agonizingly slowly towards her nipples which were already taut from Tara's ministrations at her neck.

The blonde gently kissed the tip of the hard flesh before swirling her tongue around them. She latched onto it and sucked gently at first and then harder. She looked up at Ash as she suckled at her nipple. The dark haired woman was looking down at Tara her eyes clouded with arousal, her face a mask of pure pleasure.

The eye contact was enough to turn Tara on even more as she let go of one nipple and kissed her way over to the other.

"You are so beautiful," she murmured between kisses and then she latched onto the other nipple while rolling the newly vacated one between her fingers.

By this time, Ash was panting, her strong hips flaring repeatedly, striking just above Tara's center, causing the blonde to become more and more aroused by the rhythm the dark haired woman had slipped into.

"Oh you," Ash growled sitting up without warning. The end result was Tara sitting on Ash's lap with her legs wrapped around the half naked woman.

Ash captured Tara's full lips and gently bit the lower one. Tara groaned and opened her mouth allowing the dark haired woman's tongue into her mouth. As Ash pulled Tara's tongue into her mouth she sucked it gently causing a flood of warmth to rocket down into the blonde's core.

Moaning, the blonde pulled her hands out of Ash's hair where they had been gripping and tugging – and slid them between the two women. Only breaking the kiss for a moment, she found the hem of her shirt and yanked it up off of her body. Then Tara reached behind herself and undid her bra letting it fall off her shoulders. When her upper body was free of clothing she plunged back into the kiss. Pulling the dark haired woman's body tightly against her own.

Electricity passed between them where their skin touched. Tara moaned into Ash's mouth as her hands slipped between them again and began to massage the other woman's breasts.

Breaking off for air, Tara pushed her forehead against Ash's.

"Goddess, what are you doing to me?" She panted before groaning again as Ash's lips trailed down the front of her body and capturing a hardened nipple.

"Oh Ash… please…" she managed. The ache between her legs could no longer be denied. Since the dark haired woman had sat up and Tara's legs were now wrapped around the taller woman's torso – the blonde knew it wouldn't be difficult for Ash to "access" her.

Ash continued licking, sucking and biting the blonde's nipples. Tara bucked wildly on the dark haired woman's lap. Ash had managed to get her hand between them and was now lightly stroking Tara's outer lips through the damp fabric of her panties.

"Please, please, please-" Tara began part chanting, part begging. The dark haired woman gently pulled back and looked into the blonde's eyes.

"Are you sure?" She whispered as she ran the tips of her fingers around the edge of Tara's panties. The gentle strokes teasing the apex of Tara's inner thigh.

"Less talking more – Oh GODDESS!" Tara cried and bit down on Ash's neck as the dark haired woman's fingers entered her and broke her inner wall. The pain was intense but passed quickly as Ash's agile fingers began long sensuous strokes inside her.

The blonde panted and whimpered as she felt first waves of her orgasm coursing through her. She kissed the dark haired woman soundly as Ash found her clit.

"Don't stop, don't stop – I'm almost…please don't – ASH!!!"

The blonde threw her head back as her orgasm ripped through her. Dimly, she could feel Ash kissing her neck gently coaxing her back down to earth while her fingers remained inside her. Tara's chest was heaving as she finally calmed down enough to have her senses come back to her.

She started to look down as Ash thrust into her unexpectedly, her palm grinding into Tara's clit. The force of the second orgasm sent her screaming in pleasurable oblivion again.

When she could think again she found her head against Ash's shoulder, the taller woman speaking gently to her in a language she couldn't understand yet it seemed so familiar to her.

Tara lifted her head slowly as Ash stopped speaking. She looked deeply into Ash's eyes.

"That was… wow." She breathed kissing Ash gently and using her weight to push her backwards.

"My pleasure," the taller woman replied as she gazed up at the blonde above her.

Tara quirked her mouth into a sexy half smirk. "Not yet – but I'm about to fix that."

Ash awoke later that afternoon with a pounding in her head. The half elf groaned and put a hand to her head, slightly dislodging the naked blonde on top of her. Tara muttered in her sleep and tightened her grip around Ash.

The warrior tried to massage the pain away but the discomfort was quickly becoming agony. Suddenly, Ash knew she needed air or else she was going to be sick.

Half sliding, half scrambling out from underneath the blonde witch, Ash bolted across the room and ripped the window open. She shoved her head out and instantly the pain was gone.

Ashlan! Aleora's voice thundered through her mind. Startled, Ash jumped and hit her head on the frame of the window. The headache that she'd rid herself a moment before came back with a vengeance, this time with a knot to keep it company.

"Bollocks!" She growled rubbing the now sore area on the back of her head.

I've been trying to reach you for quite sometime warrior. Aleora stated grumpily.

I'm sorry, I was busy… sleeping. Ash returned looking back towards the blonde that was beginning to stir in the bed. Is that what that headache was? You trying to get a hold of me?

Yes, inducing a headache was the only way to get your attention while you were... sleeping. Aleora chuckled. Even though we are both aware – sleep was the LAST thing involved.

You better have not been in my head! Ash shot back angrily.

No, no. I can not make a connection with you if you're in a human dwelling. Something about the places humans constructed makes it impossible for us to communicate with you. Aleora assured her.

Ash just glared out the window at nothing in particular. So how did you know what Tara and I were doing?

It's in the prophecy. Aleora replied simply.

What? You didn't tell me that!

I gave you the summed up version if you remember correctly. Besides, it was a matter that you did not need to know at that moment. Aleora soothed. Besides, had I told you that you were destined to fall in love with a human woman you would not have gone.

Love? What…What are you talking about? Ash demanded.

You are in love with her aren't you? Aleora questioned in a confident manner as if she was sure of Ash's answer.

Ash looked back at Tara. The peace in which she slept was beautiful. But it wasn't anything to the peace that she exuded when she was awake.

She's beautiful.

Of course she is, Aleora cut into Ash's thoughts again. Did you expect anything less of the Goddess' Prophetess?

The Goddess' Prophetess… Oh Goddess- The weight of the realization hit the half elf. Her eyes widened. The woman that she had just made love to was physical incarnation of the spirit of the Goddess.

Ash cursed and spun around feeling sick. She'd just taken the woman's purity. Even though Tara had willingly given it up – enthusiastically almost was a better word. Ash still felt like infidel.

What's wrong with you, Ashlan? Aleora asked her the concern apparent in her voice.

I'm going to hell.

Aleora's mirth echoed through the half elf's head. No you're not. The Goddess chose you millennia's before you were born. She's not sending you to hell. If anything you're going to get a NICE reward at the end of your time. Especially if it's based on how much…er … what's her human name?

Tara, Ash offered still trying to keep her stomach from coming up.

Of course, Tara – like I was saying – if her enjoyment was any indication of the reward you'll receive. You have absolutely nothing to worry about…

Ash was about to ask Aleora how she could possibly know how much the blonde had enjoyed herself when the Elderess continued.

I suppose I should tell you that she does love you. But…

But? But what?

First, I must ask you Ashlan. Do you love her?

I wouldn't have lain with her if I didn't have some feelings for her. Ash answered obsequiously.

Hmm – well, it is known that she loves you. She wouldn't have been with you physically if she didn't. She might not understand why she has fallen so quickly for you – but it is destined and therefore she doesn't question it. On some level, she knows that you and she are destined to be together. She remembers the Brethren on a deep level, but you must make her remember consciously. She must remember everything if you two are to defeat the evil that is coming shortly.

What do you mean 'everything'? And what evil? Ash asked.

When I speak of everything – I mean that she must remember her life before her first death. You must open her mind and remove the natural walls that are in place from her resurrection. You must also share with her the entirety of your existence – hence – revealing the knowledge of the Elfin Lands. Aleora finished.

How am I suppose to do that with out her thinking I've lost my mind?

She already knows you are not human. Well, not entirely. Therefore all that is needed is for you to establish a connection with her. Share your mind with her briefly. Then she'll understand.

The warrior rolled her eyes. Perfect, all she had to do was allow the woman total access to her mind. I guess there won't be any secrets between us in our relationship. Ash mused.

Speaking of 'relationships'- Aleora began. There something you should know about humans and their relationships.

Ash didn't like the Aleora's tone but waited patiently for her to continue.

It is, in fact a glaring difference between us and them…"

Oh, other than the pointed ears, innate ability for magicks, exceedingly long life span and harnessed temperament? Really? A difference between our two races? Ash mocked. Perish the thought…

I don't like your attitude Ashlan- Aleora's tone was warning.

Sorry, Elderess. Ashlan apologized even though she was about to burst out snickering at her own joke.

As I was saying – a major difference is when elfin kind fallen in 'love' they do it once. Humans on the other hand do it over and over and over and over…

What are you saying? Ash cut her off.

That for Tara to fully remember her past – she must remember her soul's mate – the human sorceress. She is deeply in love with her. Even though she loves you exceedingly – it will always fall short of her love for the human sorceress. Though, she won't ever choose one over the other…

What?! What do you mean? I fell in love with her and now it's foreseen that she will leave me and I'm suppose to make sure it happens? Are you completely mad?! Ash screamed the last part out loud into waning afternoon. Behind her she could hear Tara stirring back into consciousness.

It is written- The Elderess began.

Well, you know what you can do with your precious prophecy? You can shove it up your arse because I don't know why the Goddess would hate me so much as to make sure that I fall in love with her Prophetess – give up my heart and then make sure that I'm the one that has to rip it out of my chest just to make sure that… that these bloody stupid humans come back to the Brethren. Bucker that!!! I'm not doing it!! Ash shouted vehemently back in her mind. Careful not to say anything out loud – she didn't want Tara to think she was off.

If you fail to fulfill the prophecy it means the end of existence for humans. Aleora replied steadily.

Good riddance to bad rubbish… Ash crossed her arms across her chest and leaned against the window frame looking out into the horizon.

You might believe that – in fact a lot of Elves share your opinion. But if we fail at this – we fail at the task the Goddess set out for us. That was to protect humans and watch over them. If we fail – we are the next to depart from this existence. Aleora finished.

There was silence for a moment and then Aleora continued: Remember Ashlan, the Goddess is omnipotent in her love. She is not singular. You might lose the Prophetess for a while but you'll never truly lose her. Besides, you are half human – you're not full elf. There might be someone else who'll catch your eye… In fact, that might be best…

With that Aleora was gone from her mind. Ash was about to scream. She was seriously beginning to doubt if the Council had any idea what the prophecy truly meant…

"Ash?" Tara's beautiful husky voice cut off the inner rant before it could start. Ash turned and smiled as she saw the sight before her.

The Prophetess lay out before her. Her blonde hair haloed around her head, contrasting against the deep red of the sheets. She had pulled up a thin sheet to the center of her chest, it covered on breast but not the other and suddenly the half elf's mouth went very dry with want.

The blonde smiled at her.

"You want to come away from the window before someone sees you?" She lowered her voice to a growl. "Because I don't feel like sharing… right now."

"Anything you wish," Ash grinned back.

"Anything?" Tara arched an eyebrow as she racked her eyes hungrily down Ash's body.

"Mmm hmm, "The warrior replied crawling up the blonde's body.

"In THAT case, I would like to repeat our little love making session earlier, this time – I'm in charge." She growled nipping at Ash's neck.

"Yes ma'am." Ash giggled as she relented to the blonde's assault. She might have to let the blonde remember her past – but the prophecy and the Council would just have to wait until she was good and ready.

At this rate, she mused as the blonde's soft tongue licked down her breast, They might be waiting a long time.


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