Harry Potter and the Return of the Witch

By Magrat

Copyright © 2004


Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine just kinda bored and playing, will put them all back when I have finished with them. Not one of my serious fics but it has been buzzing in my head for a while.
Distribution: If you want it you can have it, just tell me first.
The Mystic Muse /mysticmuse.net
Spoilers: Up to the middle of Season 6 of BtVS and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and is on a different tack from The Order of The Phoenix.
Feedback: Yes please.
Pairing: Willow/Tara

Summary: The Scooby Gang take a trip to Hogwarts.

Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8    Part 9    Part 10    Part 11    Part 12    Part 13    Part 14    Part 15    Part 16    Part 17    Part 18

Part 1

The summer has passed surprisingly quiet. Harry had felt like his stomach and head were about to explode with anxiety and not knowing what Voldemort plans were now that he had returned. He also felt a deep guilt and regret over the death of Cedric and his feelings for Cho just complicated it further. Tomorrow he was going back to Hogwarts and he couldn't wait; the agony would still be there but at least he would be with Ron and Hermione. He has already packed and repacked his trunk a few hundred times, his broom would hurt people's eyes if he polished and tended to it much more.

Ron's Dad had arranged for him to be picked up the Knight's bus and although the thought of traveling on the bus was already making him feel queasy at least he was getting to spend a night with the Weasleys before starting school. Harry's Aunt and Uncle were torn between wild celebrations at getting rid of their nephew for another 9 months and worry that their respectable neighborhood might be tainted by anyone seeing Harry being picked up by the bus.

With one last jump and bang the Knight's bus arrived outside The Burrow and dropped of a rather green looking Harry and a very ruffled Hedwig but he was pleased to see Ron, Ginny and Hermione all waiting for him. "Hi Ron, Ginny. Hermione I didn't expect you to be here."

"Oh yes, I have been here for about a week my parents wanted me to go to France but I needed to get started on my studies."

"Hermione, we haven't even started school yet," said Ron exasperated.

"But it's our OWL year, it's the most important year we have had so far and with my extra duties as a prefect the sooner I start the better," protested Hermione.

The two boys rolled their eyes at one another and Ron helped Harry take his stuff into the house and up to his room.

"Has there been any news of Voldemort?" Asked Harry, shaking his head as he watched Ron flinch at the mention of the Sorcerer's name.

"No nothing, all The Ministry are saying is that there was an incident at Hogwarts but no mention of You Know Who, they would like trying to pretend nothing happened," explained Ron.

"How could they be so stupid?" Asked Harry. "Did none of them listen to me when I came back with Cedric's body?"

"Harry," said Ron gently. "They are saying that you are disturbed by what happened that night, you know watching Cedric die and that anything you say is rubbish because you are off your head."

Harry kicked the kitchen table in anger. "I don't believe it…but what about Dumbledore? He knows the truth."

"I don't know; we haven't heard anything from him…"

"Wotcha Harry," said Fred popping his head around the door. "Mum said dinner is on the table."

The rest of the evening passed in a blur as the Weasleys got all their things together.

For once the journey to school went pretty uneventful. Hermione had to do her prefect duty and they were not really surprised to find that Malfoy had been made one of Slytherin prefects. "I wonder if it was Snape who gave him the job," remarked Ron.

Harry shrugged. "I wonder what are new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be like this year?"

"I don't care as long as it's not Snape," said Ron.

The great hall looked magnificent as the all took their places for the sorting and the feast.

Ron waited impatiently for the hat to do its job. "I'm starving I wish they'd hurry up.

"Is that all you think about Ron?" Asked Hermione.

"Shh," said Harry. "Dumbledore is getting up to talk." He hoped that Dumbledore would make some reference to Voldemort.

The whole hall quietened at the impressive figure of Dumbledore got to his feet. "I won't keep you from the wonderful feast that has been served up for us. I'd like to see welcome to all our new students and welcome back to all our old. We have one new member of staff I'd like to introduce to our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore motioned to the young blonde woman sitting to his right. "Professor Maclay."

Part 2

"So what did you think?" asked Giles.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" replied Willow.

"Hmm, probably not," admitted Giles.

"So why are we here in Bath and not down in Cornwall, just for you to play cricket or is this your way of telling me that the coven has had enough of me?" asked Willow.

"Well they do think they have taken you as far as they can, although they would be happy for you to remain with them if that is what you want. I thought it would be nice for us to spend some time together. I wondered what your plans were for the future?" asked Giles.

A ripple of applause went through the crowd as one of the batsmen hit the ball over the boundary rope. Willow watched the action feeling totally alienated from everything going on around her but it wasn't just with the game but her entire life.

"Your plans?" prompted Giles.

"Plans for the future? I don't know; go back to Sunnydale, school maybe if I am lucky a demon will kill me…"


"What Giles, she's lost to me and nothing else matters, the magick it helps. While I have it under control I feel closer to her, like I'm doing something that would please her and make her proud."

"I know how you feel," said Giles. "But you have to move on."

"How could you? How could you have one idea how I feel?"

Giles winced at the rawness in Willow's voice and the way that a few people had turned to stare at them. He lowered his voice and moved closer to the young witch. "I've been there with Jenny; remember."

Willow calmed slightly but she still had a tremble in her voice. "It's no the same."

"Why not?" challenged Giles. "From where I am sitting it is looking very similar; both our partners were murdered, we both went after the things that were responsible."

"I don't remember you trying to kill your friends or destroy the world and you didn't rip the skin off a man," Willow stopped for a second and glanced up at Giles. "Did you love Jenny?"

"Yes," he said without pause.

"Was she the love of your life?"

"I can't answer that, all I can say for sure is that at the time I loved her and losing her hurt like hell," Giles's voice had dropped to barely a whisper.

"Then it is not the same. I know there will never be anyone to replace Tara. She was my soul mate, I know it is a cliché but that's how I feel Giles."

"Willow, you are so young, you can't know that. Some beautiful woman could come along and sweep you off your feet."

"I don't think that is ever going to happen. I'm not saying I will be a nun for the rest of my life, but how can I ever love anyone the same? I…I don't think I could and I'm not even sure I'd want to. It'd be like I've forgotten her," said Willow, her voice cracking slightly.

Giles put his arm around his young friend. "She'd want you to be happy, move on."

"Maybe, but it's not something I'm ready for yet or even anytime soon," said Willow, stiffening against his touch. She was finding contact with other people more and more difficult.

"When are you going back to Sunnydale?" Asked Giles.

Willow shrugged. "I haven't made any plans. In fact there is this part of me that doesn't want to go back. Buffy and Xander have asked me a few times when I have spoken to them but I think it will be so painful to see them after all that happened and to go back into the house…" She shuddered as the image of Tara's lifeless body sprawled on the bedroom floor flashed unbidden across her mind.

Giles felt the shudder go through her frail body. "Willow you are welcome to stay with me as long as you like." He turned to clap as one of his teammates raised his bat to acknowledge the crowd's cheers as he reached his half-century.

"Thank you," whispered Willow.

Part 3

Harry, Ron and Hermione settled down in their favorite chairs in the Gryffindor common room.

Ron stretched out his long legs and put his hands on his overstuffed stomach. "I think the feast gets better every year."

"You should know, I don't think I have ever seen one person eat so much," replied Hermione. "What did you think of the new teacher?"

"Pretty," answered Ron.

"Ronald Weasley," said Hermione sounding rather likes his mother.

"What," protested Ron. "But she is."

Hermione decided to ignore Ron and addressed Harry instead. "She seems a bit young to be a teacher."

"Not much older than us," shouted over George from a corner where he had been deep in conversation with his twin. "Maybe she'll have a thing for younger men."

"Only if she is desperate," said Hermione under breath, eliciting one of the few smiles that Harry had produced all day.

"Dunno," said Harry. "But I suppose she must be okay or Dumbledore wouldn't have given her the job." His mind wasn't really on the conversation, he had expected something, anything to be mentioned about the return of Voldemort but instead it was like nothing had happened ;it was like the previous term and his nightmares where he was back in the cemetery were just that; a nightmare. He rubbed his eyes feeling suddenly weary.

"It's just if she hasn't enough experience where does that leave us in the Defense of the Dark Arts OWL," said Hermione.

"Well we'll know soon enough we have her for a double period first thing tomorrow, and I think she'll be great," said Ron looking at his timetable. "Damn, we are back with Slytherin."

Harry decided he couldn't stand the sound of them bickering any longer. He stretched and yawned. "I'm off to bed."

Tara looked at herself in the mirror in her room. She felt uncomfortable in the pale blue robes that Dumbledore had picked out for her. The color was lovely, but the style of clothing was something she would have to adjust to. She shook slightly, her first class. Who would have thought it; Tara Maclay a teacher. She had read up on what the teachers before her had taught and Dumbledore had helped her plan out her direction for the next year. She felt grateful to him for taking her in, protecting her and giving her this job to take her mind off her situation.

With a deep breath and a resolved face she set off for her first class at Hogwarts.

Tara entered the room to see the pupils were already assembled. She noticed that the pupils from the two different schoolhouses sat far apart and avoided even looking at one another. "Morning class."

"Morning professor," mumbled the class still half asleep.

"I have been studying what your past teachers have taken you through and I have discussed with Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and we have decided that I will go take you back through the defensive spells that you learnt from Professor Moo…uhm last years teacher, afterwards I will take you through my own specialist subject. You are quite well advanced for the start of your O.W.L year but it will be hard and I will be assigning you all a lot of homework." One of the girls from Gryffindor shot her hand up. " Yes, uhm Miss..." Tara hesitated and looked down at the list of her class and descriptions she had been given. "Miss Granger is it?"

"Yes Professor Maclay it is. I wondered what your specialist subject is?" Asked Hermione.

"Demons, Miss Granger. Now if you would all like to pull out your defensive spell books we will start your revision," said Tara, who was so glad that she had managed to get through her first few minutes without stuttering.

A sleek blonde haired, thin-faced boy from Slytherin, gave her a sneering look and remarked. "You're an American."

"10 out of 10 for observation Mr. Malfoy," said Tara, not liking the way this boy was looking at her at all and the vibe that was coming off him smacked of darkness. "Now if you…"

"Did you go to the Salem Institute? My Father…"

"Mr. Malfoy I don't remember saying that this lesson was about me and if you interrupt me one more time I will take 10 points from Slytherin, is that understand," said Tara, she was determined not have any problems in her class.

"Yes Professor," said Draco, his face looking even paler as two red spots appeared on his cheeks.

"I liked her," said Hermione, as her, Harry and Ron left the class. "She was very knowledgeable."

"Who cares about," said Ron grinning. "The way she dealt with Malfoy was just brilliant."

"Don't get to used to her," drawled a voice from behind him as Draco Malfoy stepped out from the shadows. "I'll get my father to find out who she is and then we will have some real fun."

Part 4

Hermione was lifting pieces of paper and moving the chairs in the Gryffindor common room until Ron couldn't stand it any longer. "Hermione what are you doing? Have you lost something?"

"Crookshanks," answered Hermione.

"What?" asked Ron.

"My cat, about so high, ginger," said Hermione slowly, as if she was talking to an idiot.

"I know what he looks like, but why are you looking for him?" asked Ron.

"Well I haven't seen him since last night, I didn't think anything until tonight and he hadn't come back for his food," said Hermione, still throwing things around the common room.

"Hermione, he's not here, he's probably hunting something. He'll come back when he is ready," said Ron settling back on the chair that Hermione had almost turned upside down.

I thought I saw him in the corridor by Professor Maclay's office," said Neville.

"Why didn't you say earlier," demanded Hermione.

"I only just remembered," said Neville shrugging. "And it might have been yesterday…I'm not really sure."

Hermione gave him a small smile before leaving the room.

Hermione searched the corridor a few minutes before steeling herself and knocking on Professor Maclay's office door, a few moments later the door opened.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Professor…are you okay?" Asked Hermione, noticing the Professor's eyes were all red and puffy.

Tara sniffed and tried to control the emotion in her voice. "I'm f-fine…uhm Hermione. Did you want something?"

"I've lost my cat and Neville said he might have seen him around here. I wondered if you had seen him?" asked Hermione.

"If he is big and ginger, you'd better come in," said Tara, ushering her in.

The room was lined with different types of magick and history books. There was a notice board that was covered in photographs; some of the Professor with a redheaded young woman in various posses, some of her with a blonde woman and a dark haired teenage girl and a couple of group photos with all three and another blonde woman and a dark haired young man. On Tara's writing desk was a framed photo of the redhead with a black and white cat in her arms; Hermione noted it before she was distracted by Crookshanks who was lying on his back, purring like an outboard motor, on one of the two comfy armchairs in front of the room's roaring fire.

"He kinda arrived last night and didn't show much inclination to move. I'm sorry I didn't realize he belonged to someone else," explained Tara. "I just thought he was part of the schools fixtures; a bit like Peeves, but you know quieter and far less trouble."

"He likes to be comfortable, he can stay if you want. I only wanted to make sure he was safe," said Hermione. "He's called Crookshanks. Was that your cat?" She asked pointing to the picture. "You don't see many Muggle photographs in the school. My parents are Muggles so I'm used to it, but my friend Ron tries to poke the people into moving."

"Yes that is…was my cat," answered Tara hesitantly.

"Sorry," said Hermione, presuming the cat had died, then trying to change the subject. "Are your family Muggles too?"

"They are…were my f-friends, it's…it's complicated." Tara started to breathe hard to control herself.

"I'm sorry," said Hermione again, stuck for words, she wasn't used to seeing one of the school's teachers so vulnerable. "I'll go back to my common room, Crookshanks can stay here as long as he wants.

Tara shut the door and picked the photo of Willow from her desk, she picked up Crookshanks and sat down with him on the armchair. She traced a finger around the redheads beautiful face and the tears started to fall like rivers from her eyes, loneliness cutting her down to the bone. She hugged the cat even closer to her.

Part 5

For the next few days Hermione spent her time gobbling down her food and disappearing to the library until she did exactly the same after Saturday breakfast; Ron tackled her at lunch. "Are you going to spend any time with us? Why so much time in the library?"

"Do I have to point out it's our…"

"Yes we know it's our O.W.L.s but you surely can't have that much homework. You were working forever last night when you got back," said Ron.

"I'm working on something," said Hermione, and both Ron and Harry started to think they should edge away as she had the same feverish look in her eyes as she had the year before when she started S.P.E.W.

"You will be going to Hogsmeade with us next weekend?" Asked Harry quickly, changing the subject.

"Yes, I should have it cracked by then or even by the end of the weekend," said Hermione, bolting down her remaining food. "If you want me…"

"You'll be in the library, we know," said Ron, before turning to Harry. "What do you want to do?"

"I've got a load of homework to do, but if we you are going to try out for the Quidditch team, we should practice" answered Harry.

"I'm not sure…"

"C'mon Ron, you aren't a bad flyer, you just need more confidence," said Harry, trying to boost his friend. "And Angelina can't be as bad as Wood. It's been great being able to concentrate on Quidditch and not have anyone try to kill me."

"Harry you can't relax, you saw V…you saw You-Know-Who rise he's bound to come after you," said Ron.

"He won't come here, you know the one wizard he is sacred of is Dumbledore," said Harry smiling, he still had the nightmares but the first few weeks of school had been so calm he was really starting to believe he was protected. "Let's get our broomsticks."

Ron and Harry came back from practice tired but happy. Ginny hailed them when they entered the room. "What's wrong with Hermione?"

"What did you mean?" Asked Ron, looking worried.

"She's been sat on the armchair staring into space for about an hour and when I tried to talk to her about some homework she brushed me of," explained Ginny.

Harry and Ron exchanged astonished glances before Harry approached her and shook her shoulder. "Hermione, are you okay."

She turned to Harry "I'm fine." She glanced around the common room. "I've got a few things on my mind."

"Anything we can help you with?" Asked Harry.

"No, this is something I've got to work out for myself," said Hermione.

The rest of the weekend Hermione was even scarcer than she had been the week before. Ginny reported to Ron and Harry that she was spending all her time in the dorm room arguing with herself and that Lavender and Parvarti were getting so worried they were thinking of going to Professor McGonagall.

Hermione looked pale and strained when she turned up at their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Maclay's class had fast become a favorite with most of the students, but once again Hermione's strange behavior was disturbing the Harry and Ron; she was sullen and pointedly ignored a question from her teacher, which lost Gryffindor 10 house points.

At the end of the lesson Hermione was the first out and Draco Malfoy went to Professor Maclay's table. "I had an owl from my father; he asked if you would like to meet him in Hogsmeade next weekend."

Tara frowned with surprise. "That's very kind of him, but I don't know him."

"He said it would his," Draco stopped to emphasize his words. "His honor to meet with you, why don't you think about it." Then walked away swaggering.

Ron gaped in astonishment as he walked out with Harry. "Has everyone gone mad around here? Have they had personality transplants?"

"Who?" Asked Hermione, who was waiting in the corridor.

"Malfoy, he just asked if Professor Maclay if she would meet his Dad in Hogsmeade next…"

"That does it," said Hermione. "You two go on, can you tell Professor Sprout I'll be a little late, I have to have a word with Professor Maclay."

Ron looked at Harry as she ran back to the class. "I told you, she's barking."

Tara looked up from her notes as Hermione entered the room and slammed the door behind her.

"Who are you?" shouted Hermione, pulling out her wand.

"W-hat? "asked Tara. "I don't understand."

"Tara Maclay died in Sunnydale last May, I thought the woman in the photo was familiar and I found the story in the newspaper Tara was murdered and she went mad," stated Hermione, her eyes fixed firmly on Tara. "Are you another one of Voldermort's servants, trying to get at Harry?"

"No I'm Tara Maclay…"

"I'm not stupid," said Hermione. "Magick can't bring people back from the dead."

Tara looked at the youngster with sad eyes. "You are so young."

"Don't patronize me," said Hermione, furious.

"Hermione come with me to the Dumbledore's office, he can explain," said Tara.

"I don't trust you," said Hermione. "Walk in front of me and one wrong move I swear I will jinx you."

"Where has she got too?" Asked Harry, as they finished herbology and still no sign of Hermione.

Ron shrugged and they walked to lunch in a troubled silence, as they entered the Great hall they saw Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table, here eyes red and puffy.

"What happened?" Asked Harry. "Did you have a row with Professor Maclay?"

"No," said Hermione, and although they badgered her they still couldn't get an explanation from her over what had occurred earlier.

Part 6

Excitement grew, as always, around the school as they headed towards the first Hogsmeade weekend of the school year. Harry, Ron and Hermione had planned their day out carefully, a trip to Honeydukes, Zonko's and lunch at The Three Broomsticks.

After breakfast on Saturday they left the school and headed for Honeydukes.

"What happened on Monday between you and Professor Maclay?" asked Ron. "You were so rude to her in class, then you went back to see her and after that you have visited her every evening since."

"I've already told you both; I can't say," said Hermione, avoiding catching either of the boys eyes.

"Hermione," pleaded Harry. "We're your best friends; we've been through life and death situations together."

"I'm not telling you, so don't even bother trying a guilt trip on me," said Hermione.

The subject was quickly forgotten as they spent a happy couple of hours shopping and before they knew it they decided it was time to go to the pub.

The walked into The Three Broomsticks, all of them looking forward to a bottle of cold butterbeer.

"Lupin," shouted Harry, spotting his old teacher sitting at a table in the middle of the pub. Lupin looked just as ill and haggard as he had when he had taught them.

"Harry," said Lupin, standing up and giving Hermione a hug. He stood for a second regarding the two boys before hugging them both too.

"How's…" Harry stopped, realizing that Lupin wasn't alone; there was a young woman, not much older than him, with pink hair and a very mobile face and a small young man with spiky, reddish blonde hair and a look in his eyes that said he found the rest of the world amusing; he was dressed in muggle clothes.

Lupin read Harry's face and gripped his shoulder. "Don't worry he's fine."

Harry gave a heavy sigh of relief. He wished with all his heart that he could live with his godfather Sirius Black, but that was impossible given his outlaw status throughout the wizarding world having been framed for a crime he didn't commit.

The woman with the pink hair stared at Harry, her eyes drawn by the scar on his forehead. "You must be Harry Potter. I'm Tonks."

"Where are my manners? This is Harry, Ron and Hermione," said Lupin. Tonks waved and the young man sat with her gave them a quick nod of his head. "Tonks, has already introduced herself and the young man sat with her is Daniel Osbourne."

"Oz," corrected the young man with a lazy smile.

Harry went towards one of the empty chairs at the table, when Lupin's hand tightened on his shoulder. "Harry I'll talk to you later, but I'm expecting…some people and we have important things to discuss."

"Things that you don't trust me with?" Asked Harry, his face starting to turn red.

"No, Harry…there are just some things that you can't be told…not yet."

Harry felt his temper go and he wanted to shout out at Lupin that he had seen Voldermort rise; that anything that was being discussed would probably be about him, but before he could Ron and Hermione steered him away from Lupin to a small table by the far end of the bar.

"I can't believe that Lupin wouldn't trust us. He knows everything we've done and he still doesn't trust us," repeated Harry over and over.

"Harry," said Hermione. "Harry, listen we can sit here for a while and see who joins them."

Harry nodded but folded his arms sulkily, occasionally sending the filthiest looks he could muster towards Lupin. Ron went to the bar and ordered three cold butterbeers. They say in silence while they drank. All three of them feeling a little betrayed by a man they held in such high esteem. Hermione gave Harry a quick jab in the ribs as Professor McGonagall entered with Professor Sprout and Maclay just behind her. McGonagall and Sprout went straight to the bar where they entered into conversation with Madam Rosemerta. Professor Maclay stared into space, seemingly lost in her own world.

Out of the corner of Harry's eye he saw the young who was sat with Lupin practically jump to his feet and move quickly to Professor Maclay "Tara."

Tara stepped back away from him, an unmistakable look of fear on her face. "Oz?"

The young man's eyes softened. "I'm sorry…you know for everything. I never got a chance to apologize to you before I left and I just wanted to say sorry, which I have now done."

Tara smiled in spite of herself and waved him off with a flap of her hand. "It's okay. How are things with you now?"

"Things are good," said Oz. "Devon came over and we reformed the Dingoes."

"That's cool," said Tara quietly.

"And you?" asked Oz.

"I'm teaching at the school," said Tara.

"Willow?" asked Oz hesitantly.

Tara bit her lip and looked toward Professor McGonagall who still talking with Sprout and Madam Rosemerta.

"I won't change at the mention of her name. I really have it under control now," said Oz.

"It's not that," said Tara. "We aren't…she isn't here."

"Oh," said Oz. "I'm sorry, really I am; she said you made her happy."

Tara looked down at the floor, biting back her tears. Oz in a moment of compassion put his arms around her in uncomfortable embrace.

"Aah, I see you two have already met," said a voice from behind them. They turned to see a smiling Dumbledore. "Would you like to join us. I think we are all here."

Harry, Hermione and Ron turned to the table. A few more people had come in since their attention had been taken up by Tara and Oz.

"There's Bill and Charlie," said Ron in astonishment. "And Moody; the real one I suppose."

"And Snape," spat out Harry. "They won't trust us, but they have him with them."

They watched as two tables were pulled together. Tara, Oz, McGonagall and Sprout sat down. There was a couple of people sat down that they didn't recognize, including a tall, handsome, muscular black man with a gold earring glittering in his ear.

"This should be interesting," said Hermione, as Lucius Malfoy stood up from a table in the shadows and made his way to the large group in the center of the room.

"Dumbledore," said Lucius, casting a haughty look over the group at the table. "Secret meetings and plots what would the Ministry make of it all."

"My dear Lucius, we are in rather plain view for secrets and we have a couple of Aurors in our midst; hardly anything that could be described as mysterious," said Dumbledore, his blue eyes twinkling.

Lucius gave a barely concealed snarl before stopping by Tara. "Professor Maclay I'd like to extend the invitation my son gave to you. There are more…influential people you could spend your time with. " Before sweeping out of the pub.

Part 7

Rain slated down and bounced off the pavements, people on the streets were hunched over as they hurriedly tried to get to their destinations as quick as possible. Willow watched dispassionately from the window of Giles small flat. The weather suited her mood and she was glad that sunshine was missing here. She was dressed in a big baggy jumper and old jeans and was nursing a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. She jumped slightly as the door opened and then banged shut.

"Go have a shower and put your glad rags on. We're going out tonight," said Giles.

Willow shook her head. "Giles I'm not in the mood. You go out without me; I'll be fine on my own."

"Well I thought this might be more your scene that mine," said Giles, waving a brightly colored flyer at her.

"There is nothing that you can say…"

"The Dingoes are playing in town," blurted out Giles. "Willow come back." The redhead had stared at him and then walked out of the living room into her bedroom. Giles gave her a few minutes before rapping on her door. "Willow…can I come?" He waited but to no response. "Willow I'm coming in anyway." He walked in and his heart broke when he saw Willow lying on her bed in the fetal position sobbing her eyes out.

Giles sat on the bed beside and stroked her hair. "Sweetheart, I just thought you would like to see some people from home. I'm sure Devon must still be with the band and you haven't left the house for days. You can't lock yourself away forever."

Willow looked at him through blurry eyes. "Why? Give me one good reason why."

"Tara," said Giles, and saw the impact hit Willow as if she had been punched in the face. "She wouldn't want you to just fade away like this."

"She wouldn't have wanted to be shot in the back either, but she didn't have a lot of choice with that either," countered Willow, gulping as she tried to stem her own tears. "It's too painful, everything reminds me of her. Sometimes I feel like I can still feel her."

"Please Willow for me. I know you are going through hell, but if you are ever going to get your life back on track you have to leave the house. It'll just be a night out at a pub with a band playing; you don't have to talk them."

Willow closed her eyes and nodded her eyes to exhausted to argue with Giles any longer.

The pub was fairly full as Giles and Willow arrived. The redhead felt very vulnerable, it had been a long time since she had been in an enclosed space with so many people and it made her edgy. Giles found them a small table not too far from the stage and a small dance floor. When he went to fetch some drinks Willow sat in such away that she could keep an eye on the door and the stage.

Willow sat back in her chair making little comment as Giles tried to keep up a conversation and it was a relief to him when he realized that the band were about to come on stage.

The redhead's heart gave a lurch as the opening bars of "Pain" pounded over the sound system. She hadn't expected them to start with such a familiar song and she was even more stunned when she opened her yes and there on guitar was Oz. She glared at Giles and held a deep suspicion that he had known, but the look of pure astonishment in his eyes put her mind at ease.

Oz sniffed the air and he found it hard to concentrate on playing. Of all the things he was expecting it wasn't to smell a scent that took back to his first love; to a person he always held in a sacred place in his heart. He played on automatic pilot as he searched her out and finally he saw her sitting not from far from the edge of the stage. Oz was happy when he realized that they were halfway through the set and Devon announced the band were having a short break.

"Hey, Oz do you want a beer?" Asked Devon, looking back as he jumped from the stage.

"No," said Oz, and dropped lightly from the stage and made his way to the table where Willow and Giles were sitting. "Hey."

Giles waved his hand and cleared his throat. "Would you like a drink?"

"No, I'm fine," said Oz, his eyes hadn't left Willow. He was shocked at her appearance; she had always been slender but she now was at the point where she could be described as painfully thin. She was pale and had dark rings under her eyes and her hair lacked the shine and fire he was used to. "Will, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine," said Willow. "We were surprised to see you here. I thought you had parted the ways with the Dingoes."

"Uhm, Devon came over here and we thought it would be fun to do a few gigs," answered Oz, he wished he had Cordelia's lack of tact and could say you don't look fine, in fact you like death warmed up.

"Cool," said Willow, switching a smile on and off. "It's okay I can see by your eyes you think I look a mess."

"You look tired and ill," said Oz. "Is it because of Tara?"

"Oh, you know," said Willow. "I suppose Devon told you."

"No, she did," said Oz. "and to be honest didn't look like she was doing that great either."

"Is that supposed to be funny," said Willow through gritted teeth, tears springing from her eyes. "I know you might have been upset when you found out about me and Tara, but this…it's too much."

Giles got to his feet and grabbed Oz by the front of his shirt pushing him back against the wall, pining him with one hand around Oz's throat and pulling the other back in a fist. "You better go, before I am forced to do something I may regret in the morning."

"I don't understand…Giles…I swear, really don't," said Oz, shocked and a little frightened.

"What do you mean; you said you knew about Tara. Making fun of the dead isn't funny especially to her grieving partner," snarled Giles, now looking even more likely that he was going to smash Oz's brain out.

"Dead…grieving…when…I mean how…I mean I know teaching Defense Against the dark arts at Hogwarts has a dangerous reputation, but she looked fine last weekend," said Oz, talking quickly and stumbling over his words.

"Oz she died in May," said Giles, tightening his grip around the smaller man's throat.

"Giles let him go," said Willow, softly." Choking him to death won't help."

"But it might make me feel better," said Giles, before letting him go.

Oz ran his hand gingerly around the neck. "I can prove it. I can prove I saw her"

"Go away Oz," said Willow, tears tumbling down her cheeks.

He fumbled about in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet and from that he produced a strange looking photo that he tossed on the table.

Willow could see that images were moving; smiling and waving. "What is that?" she asked fascinated in spite of herself.

"It was a picture taken last week to celebrate the new Order of the phoenix and that…" said Oz, pointing to a woman in pale blue robes who was lurking at the back of the photo.

"Is Tara," breathed a shocked Willow as the image looked at her and gave her that shy little half-smile that could always melt her.

Part 8

"Are you on drugs? Or has the wolf finally damaged your brain?" Asked Willow, as Oz came to the end of his explanation of how he had became friends with Lupin at a help group for werewolves and then was drawn into the magick world that Lupin was part of.

"Hey," objected Oz. "I didn't have to come back here and I've probably already said more than I should have."

"Oz come on. We have been fighting evil for years. I have been a witch for a lot of that time and hung around with other witches. It's never been mentioned to me that there is a magical world that lives apart from everyone else and Giles would have told us all about it if there was; wouldn't you have Giles?" Asked Willow turning to her mentor who was sat on the sofa beside Oz. He was looking away from her and cleaning his glasses. "Giles?" She asked again, this time her tone more uncertain.

"What Oz said is true," said Giles. "The council has some members that come from the magical world. Witches and Wizards who went to Hogwarts and wanted to help Muggles be protected, but most keep to their own."

"Why didn't I know about this? I am a witch…"

"Willow the Hellmouth tends to magnify peoples power and the schools tend to discount anyone who shows power in those areas, so you would have slipped the net," explained Giles.

"That still doesn't explain why you never told me or any of us for that matter," said Willow.

"It never seemed important; there were always more dangerous things for us to deal with," said Giles. "And really that isn't important now; is it?"

"No," said Willow, looking at the photo that Oz had given her for about the millionth time and there unmistakably was Tara's beautiful face, she maybe looked a little more tired than usual and she had lost some weight, but it was Tara. "I still don't understand how Tara could be alive."

"Maybe you made a mistake…"

"Oz; she was shot, I was covered in her blood and she died in my arms," said Willow, her gaze becoming glassy as she was transported back to another place. "So no, no mistakes."

Oz was moved, the pain was coming from Willow in waves and he couldn't imagine how it could feel to lose the person you love in that way. "We should contact Dumbledore, maybe she is some type of impostor."

"That's a good idea," said Giles. "We need to find an owl; I'm not sure where we can get one in Bath."

"That's okay," said Oz. "Lupin gave me one so I could keep in touch with him, it's in the van."

"Owl?" Asked Willow puzzled.

"Don't worry I'll be back in moment," said Oz.

Willow closed her eyes and put her head in her hands. There was just too much for her to take in and the thought that all her hopes could be dashed and this wasn't Tara was almost too much for her to bear.

Giles laid a hand on her shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this I swear to you."

Harry, Ron and Hermione settled down for their Defense against the Dark Arts lesson when Colin Creevey cam running. "Professor Maclay, Professor Maclay Professor Dumbledore wants to see you in his office straight away."

Tara gave a big sigh. "Okay. Class can you turn to page 56 of defensive hexes and start reading though to the end of the chapter. Hermione, if anyone has any questions will you help where you can and jot the ones that you aren't sure about."

Hermione sat up straight in her chair and glowed with pride. "Yes Professor Maclay."

"Thank you," said Tara.

Professor Dumbledore was tending to Fawkes when Tara entered his room.

"You wanted to see me Professor?" Asked Tara, surprised by his grave expression without his usual twinkle.

"Yes Tara. I received an owl this morning and I don't know how to tell you this to make it easy," said Dumbledore. "She knows."

"I don't…oh, W-willow. How?" Asked Tara.

"Lupin's young friend," said Dumbledore.

"Oz, of course. What do we do now? You know it's weird last night I thought…I thought I could feel her reaching out to me. I thought it was just imagination, but now…"

"You felt her, are you sure?" Asked Dumbledore, sharply.

"Yes," said Tara, firmly.

"This isn't good, the coven in Cornwall were supposed to have camouflaged her power. If you can feel her then others will be able to detect her too," said Dumbledore. "There is only one way to protect her now, you know that don't you."

Tara's face had gone a deathly white. "You are going to bring her here, aren't you?"

Dumbledore nodded his head and looked at her kindly. "And that means her presence will be in the open and she will always be in danger, the very thing we were trying to avoid. I'll send Alastor and Tonks too fetch them. "

"Them?" Asked Tara.

"The letter was from Rupert Giles and I think for his safety and uhm Oz it would be best if they also come here for the time being," said Dumbledore.

Tara nodded numbly.

Part 9

"Owls, you know it doesn't seem the best way to deliver mail to me. I mean how do the birds know where to go and they could get lost and ooh do people shoot at them here?" Asked Willow turning back from the window she had been staring out of all night since Oz has sent the bird to Hogwarts.

"There won't be a problem Willow, the owl will get to Hogwarts and then we will get an answer," said Giles who had sat up all night watching the redhead scared of just what she might do and in some ways he was almost more unsettled by her calm.

"Bathroom's free," said Oz, walking into living room. "Thanks for the bed for the night Giles."

Giles acknowledged him with a wave of the hand. "I wonder how long until we know."

"It's only just after 10; the bird probably hasn't got there yet," said Oz. "Did either of you get any sleep last night?"

Before Willow could answer there was two loud cracks and in the middle of the room of what had been an empty space now held two people. One was young woman with a bright blue Mohican and the other was a nightmare figure that Willow was sure Buffy would be itching to kill. You could describe him as a man if you could get past the missing chunk of his nose, the wooden leg and the electric blue eye that whirled about in his head. He was covered in more scars than anyone could even have thought possible to have on one person.

"Tonks?" Asked Oz. "Wow and I thought I changed my hair a lot but…"

"Hi Oz," said Tonks. "But you can't do it like this." She concentrated and then with a popping noise her hair turned into a black sleek bob.

"What's going on?" Asked Willow.

"Dumbledore sent us. You have to come with us now," said the man, his blue eye scanning around the room. "This place is clear, for now. Let's go before any Death Eaters turn up."

"I'm not going with you," said Willow. "How do I know who you are? And Death Eater what the hell is one of those."

"Do we need formal introductions? Or can we talk on the way. Dumbledore wants you people alive and I've been sent here to make sure you get to Hogwarts in one piece, he sent Tonks because she is known to your friend so you can trust us. He also said to say that Tara is real and knows you are on the way."

"What are we waiting for then?" Asked Willow.

"I don't think we should just plough ahead, without verifying…"

"And normally I would agree with you," said Moody. "But today is not one of those, we need to move."

"Giles its okay I know Tonks and I know that guy by reputation. If Dumbledore's worried enough to send him we really should move," said Oz.

Giles gave a reluctant nod.

"So how do we get there, can you make us just go pop and disappear?" Asked Willow.

"No we can't, we'll have to go out on the street I'm afraid," said Moody. "And quickly."

They all trooped out on to the street behind Moody until he reached an old trainer that was propped up on windowsill. "Okay we all touch it at the same time."

"You're kidding me," said Willow.

"No, look Arthur Weasley pulled a lot of strings at ministry to get this Portkey set up, so if we all touch on 3 1…2…3."

Willow touched it; sure it was a trick, when she felt herself pulled forward in a swirl of light and then she was in a large round beautiful room full of strange things with moving portraits lining the walls. There was a large claw footed desk in the room and sat behind it was tall, thin man with a long crooked nose and sparkling light blue eyes. He peered though half-moon glasses at Willow, one of his hands stroking through his beard. "Welcome to Hogwarts, I'm the headmaster Albus Dumbledore. You must be Willow, Rupert Giles and of course I know Oz."

"Where's Tara?" asked Willow.

"Professor Maclay is teaching. It will be lunch soon. I have arranged for you to go to her office. I didn't think you would like this meeting to be held in front of the entire school," said Dumbledore.

Willow felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest as a small blonde boy was called into the office and led her through the school. "Have you known Professor Maclay long? She is an excellent teacher. She is like real, like she has fought like lots of bad things."

"She has," said Willow quietly.

"Wow," said the boy his mouth hanging open. "This is her room, the door isn't usually locked."

"I'll wait for her here." said Willow, feeling awkward about walking straight into the room. Willow stood with her back against the door, one booted foot bent flat against the wood of the door her arms folded in front of her. She looked along the corridor and in what seemed a slow motion Hollywood moment there she was; Tara walking toward her in a pale blue robes, her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Willow felt like all the breath was being squeezed from her body and it took every ounce of strength she possessed not to fall to her knees. There was no doubt who the beauty that was walking toward her was. She could feel her running through her veins, pounding in her heart and even from this distance she was sure she could smell her. It was only now coming home to her; the Tara she loved and worshiped was live.

Part 10

Tara almost stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Willow leaning against the door to her office, watching her. "W-willow."

Willow swallowed hard, but words couldn't or rather wouldn't come. She touched her face and felt that her eyes were wet. She hadn't even realized she had started to cry too many things were crowding her brain. Tara was so close now; she had seen her, heard her voice and she could now smell her scent. Willow wondered if the overload in her senses had caused the lack of movement in her limbs; she couldn't move.

"Willow," Tara said uncertainly. "Do you want to come into my office?"

The redhead nodded and followed Tara into the room dazed.

"T-take a seat," said Tara, pointing to one of the chairs by the fireside. Willow sat down and Tara took the chair opposite after gently pushing Crookshanks off first. They sat for a while staring at one another in awkward silence. "One of us should speak before I have to go and take my afternoon classes."

The damn off emotions broke in Willow. "Yeah 'cause classes are more important than why you are here alive; why I have been grieving for months, almost destroying the world."

"Will, I'm so s-sorry. I didn't want it to be this way. It would have been better if you had never found out that I was here. You'd have got over me…"

"Got over you, how the hell would that have ever happened? I was covered in your blood, you died in my arms, but here you are sitting across from me breathing and you still haven't told me why," lashed out Willow. "Were you even really dead?"

Tara wished her hair wasn't tied up so that she could let it fall across her face and hide her crimson cheeks. "I was dead."

"Well how are you here? Who brought you back and why?" Asked Willow, fighting the feeling that she had that she wanted to get of here. She had spent so many nights dreaming that Tara was still alive and now that she was, all she felt was the sting of betrayal.

"They brought me back by accident. It wasn't supposed to be have been me. I wasn't even dead for long…maybe a week," Tara didn't even know why she had said it. She wasn't exactly taken aback by Willow's hostility and she could sense the heartbreak that was behind it. She felt powerless to make things better.

"I can't do this," said Willow and ran from the room.

"Willow," shouted Tara at the retreating figure. She slumped back in the chair her head in her hands. She felt Crookshanks jump on her lap and the bump, bump of his nose as he rubbed his face against her hands. "What do you think? Yep it could have gone better?" The cat blinked at her and purred louder as she tickled him under the chin. "I better go and tell Dumbledore that Willow is wondering around the school."

After about 5 minutes Willow slowed to a walk and realized she horribly lost. She had taken some stairs and had something thrown at her by what she was sure was a poltergeist. She looked at the paintings that lined the walls and was freaked when she noticed they were moving.

"Can I help you dear? Are you lost?"

Willow stared around until she noticed that a painting with a fat woman was talking to her. "I think so." The redhead felt more than a little stupid talking to it. The picture moved aside and a young girl with bushy hair jumped out from behind it, she gave Willow a long hard stare and blanched.

"You're Willow aren't you? Does Professor Maclay know you are here?" Asked Hermione. "And how did you manage to get here?"

"How do you know who I am?" Willow asked suspiciously.

"Tara…I mean I saw your picture in Professor Maclay's room. I went there after I remembered reading about her death and I thought she was a spy for Voldemort but Dumbledore told me what really happened," Hermione gave Willow a pitying look. "It must have been terrible for you, to have her die in your arms like that. She told me how much she missed you, but she couldn't tell you she was here because of Voldemort."

Willow's mouth opened and closed a few times before she managed to reply. "You've lost me."

"Oh," said Hermione. "Maybe I should take you to Dumbledore. Have you seen Professor Maclay? You never answered."

Willow followed close on the schoolgirl's heals; in her current frame of mind she was finding the youngster's self-confidence and knowledge about the situation supremely irritating. "I've seen her."

Hermione, for the first since she met Willow, took stock. She looked sideways at the redhead and noticed the redness around her eyes and the sullen look on her face. "It didn't go well." She said it more as a statement than a question.

"You wouldn't understand," said Willow. "Are we near this office…" Hermione pushed an arm across her.

"Trick stair there, we have to jump down to the next one," explained Hermione.

"This place is like a maze and a sick fun house all rolled into one. How the hell do you get used to it?" Asked Willow.

"You just do, it becomes like second nature. We are almost at Dumbledore's office by the way. You're angry with her aren't you? She didn't want to keep it from you, she thought it was best. Do you know what happened to her?" Asked Hermione.

"No," admitted Willow.

"Maybe you should find out before you judge," said Hermione as they stopped outside Dumbledore's office, which was already open. "She really did miss you."

"Miss Grainger, thank you for delivering Miss Rosenberg back to us safely," Dumbledore eyes twinkled at Willow. "We were starting to worry about you."

Willow saw Tara stepping out behind him her face pinched and worried. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have run off, but I was upset."

"Understandably so, if you step into my office I will explain everything, maybe that's what I should have done in the first place, so that emotion wouldn't play a part in this. Miss Grainger I believe you have classes."


"No buts Miss Grainger, off to class," said Dumbledore, waving her away and ushering the two women into his office.

Part 11

Willow almost felt like she was back in Principle Snyder, except that Snyder wouldn't have worn such flamboyant clothes or for that matter give her such a friendly smile so maybe not the best comparison. She came back to reality when she heard her name being said and could tell by Dumbledore's expression that it wasn't the first time he had said it. "What? Uhm sorry?"

"I was asking what you know about the wizarding world and I don't mean what you know about magick, that I already know," said Dumbledore, watching Willow intently.

"Giles…Mr. Giles explained a little about the school but not a lot else," admitted Willow.

Dumbledore took a deep breath before launching into the story of Voldemort and his evil followers, his fall and Harry Potter's part in it. He then brought her right up to date with Voldemort rising and Cedric's death. He finished the story and his gaze seemed to intensify even more, boring into Willow.

"It's a terrible story, but we've had some bad times ourselves," said Willow trying to catch Tara's eye; who she was sat next to, but the blonde was looking down at her feet. "I don't see what the story has to do with me or with Tara for that matter."

Dumbledore sighed, his usual twinkling blue eyes darkened. "When the Death Eaters realized that their master was going to come back, they tried to…I suppose the right words are to give him a gift. They tried to raise the dead; his devoted servants from their graves, but they thought they failed…"

Willow's head tilted away. "Failed?"

"But they didn't," explained Dumbledore, turning his gaze on to Tara. "They made a mistake."

"Mistake?" echoed Willow, again.

"The thing about Magick is that it can all be in the wording and they were more intent on breaking rules and doing this, to take stock and consider the consequences. From the information I have managed to gather they tried to raise 'the ones who were the most devoted to the greatest dark wizard'. Only thing is that Voldemort was shell

of who he was when they performed their spell, but someone wasn't, someone was trying to end the world in a fit of grief and madness…"

"Me," said Willow. "And that's why…"

For the first time since they had entered Dumbledore's office Tara lifted her gaze and met Willow's. Time seemed to freeze and it finally hit home to both of them that they were together. Willow reached over and gave Tara's hand a brief squeeze, the touch was electric. The redhead brought her right hand into her left and rubbed her palm with her thumb, it felt odd and good. She was unsettled; one touch, one look it's all that it had taken to break through the defensive anger she had felt earlier.

Dumbledore gave Willow a few moments to collect her thoughts. "After Harry arrived back and gave his story, I investigated the cemetery with some people from the Ministry and I found Professor Maclay…Tara." He fixed the blonde with a fond look. "She was confused, frightened and it took a while for us to figure out what happened."

"Why didn't anyone tell me? I was dying inside and all the time Tara was alive, someone should have told me…"

We couldn't," said Tara, the sound of her voice making Willow jump. "I wanted too, I missed you so much but it was too dangerous."

"How can you say that? After everything we went through…you can't make that decision for me."

Tara turned in chair until she was facing Willow; instinctively she reached over and held both of willow's hands. Dumbledore sat back discreetly in his chair allowing his young teacher to take over. "This isn't like anything we have faced before. We were…I was trying to protect you."

Willow's brow furrowed. "What from? There is nothing we couldn't have handled if we had been together."

"Willow, he wants you. He thinks you will be his greatest weapon, that he can finally have the power and destruction he craves and with you at full power by his side..." Dumbledore allowed his ominous words to sink in.

"Who?" Willow asked almost timidly.

"Voldemort, he knows everything about you, he knows the power you possess and he wants it," said Tara, gravely. "He has ways of controlling people…"

"And everything that is coming out of the ministry is suggesting that Voldemort has his servants combing this country and The States for you and it won't take long until they realize that you are at Hogwarts and then I am afraid it will take all our powers to keep you safe," interrupted Dumbledore.

Part 12

Willow still felt like she couldn't take in everything that had been said to her. It didn't seem right that some unknown dark wizard could be seeking her to be some secret weapon to wreak havoc in a world she didn't know much about. Once again, she had been so intent on her own thoughts that she had missed the conversation that was going on between Tara and Dumbledore. "I'm sorry, I missed what you said."

"I wondered if you were hungry, you've both missed lunch, I could get the elves to bring you something if you want," said Dumbledore pleasantly, he knew it was pointless everyone being tense and expecting an attack at any moment.

Tara stole a quick look at the clock. "Oh, I'm late for my class. I better go."

"Alastor said he would be happy to fill in for you if you wanted to spend sometime with Willow. In fact I believe he was heading towards your classroom as he said it…Tonks was hurrying after him."

"Mad-Eye! Mad-Eye and Tonks are teaching my class? Professor I had really better go," said Tara looking perturbed and rising from her chair.

Willow resisted the temptation to giggle. She could imagine the look on the kids face when he arrived in the classroom.

"Spoken like a true teacher," said Dumbledore, the twinkle in his eyes back.

"Can I? Would you mind if I watched you teach?" It was an impulsive statement, but she was curious. The blonde seemed to have a passion for it and it would be interesting to see her in action and of course it meant that she got to spend the afternoon with Tara. Willow's anger had left her now and she wanted to make-up for all the time she and Tara had been apart.

Tara shot Dumbledore a questioning look. "I don't see why not, news of Willow being at Hogwarts will be public property soon anyway. It's up to you Professor Maclay; do you want Willow watching you teach?"

"I d-don't mind," said Tara, although her insides were shaking, this was going to be as nerve wracking as her first day.

Willow gave Tara a side-ways look. "Sweetie, it's okay if you don't want me too…"

Tara shook her head. "No, it'll be fine, but we better go now."

Harry looked up as Hermione ran into the classroom a little out of breath. "Where have you been? You're lucky that Professor Maclay isn't here yet."

"I knew she wouldn't be," said Hermione, giving Harry what he could only describe as a superior smile. She caught his look of reproach. "I'm not being clever; I took a friend of hers to Dumbledore's office. I think she was waiting there for her."

"If you've all had enough talking maybe you can get down to some listening," said a voice that made the entire class jump and Harry recognized instantly; Moody.

Moody shrugged off his invisibility cloak and stood at the front of the classroom taking in all of their shocked expression. "Be alert, could've wiped you all out with one flick of my wand. I know you've had a few jokes for teachers but I would have thought Lupin and Maclay would've taught you to be on your toes at all times." Moody's spinning eye caught a movement at the back of the class. "Do you wish to share with the rest of us Mr. Malfoy?" Moody practically spat the name out. "And stand up boy."

Draco got to his feet his usual pale features burning with anger. "How dare you talk to me like that. You're not a teacher here, I will tell my father."

"I will tell my father," mimicked Moody, making the Gryffindor portion of the class snigger and laugh with delight. "Your father's days are numbered; it won't be long until the ministry wakes up to what he is up to…"

"How dare you," shouted Draco, shaking with hatred. "How dare you speak of my father. I…"

"Malfoy, sit down this instant," came a ringing voice from the doorway. "Thank you, Alastor for taking my class, but I'm back and Dumbledore said he has some lunch ready for you."

Moody looked like he was going to argue with her, there was nothing he would have liked better than to kick the youngest member of the Malfoy family's backside, but he had patience and time. His electric blue eye swiveled and his expression darkened. "Professor Maclay can I have a quick word with you." He walked quickly as he talked, gently pushing Tara into the corridor and shutting the door behind him. "What is she doing here, you aren't thinking of taking her into your class?"

"She wanted to watch…"

"Watch," Moody almost exploded. "You have the son of one of the most evil Death Eaters in your class and you want to invite the person Voldemort wants the most to sit in?! What are you thinking?"

"Dumbledore said that Voldemort will find out soon enough, so what difference will it make?" Tara asked, impressing Willow by standing up to this terrifying looking man. "And anyway she wants too."

"Wants too? Does she even know what kind of danger she is in…"

"I'm standing right here. Will you stop talking like I'm not here and what I think and want doesn't matter," said Willow. "I want to watch Tara teach, I know I'm in danger and so what? I've been dealing with danger for years so there is nothing you can say that can stop me from doing what I want."

"On your head be it," growled Moody. "But don't blame me when you're tortured and murdered." He turned and stomped away.

"Cheery guy," said Willow with a little grin.

Tara didn't respond to Willow's smile instead she had a grave expression on her face. "Are you sure about this? I know he is a little over the top but he is right. The information that you are at Hogwarts will get to Voldemort even quicker…"

"Tara, baby," said Willow, noticing that the blonde flinched slightly at the use of the endearment. "I don't want to hide in the shadows." She reached forward to squeeze Tara's hand who evaded her.

"Will, we shouldn't be anything more than friends. If…if anything happens to me, what would you do? I don't want you to lose control again and hurt people," said Tara, trembling. She hated having to say this, but she had heard and read so much about Willow's rampage after her death, it wasn't something she wanted to be responsible for again.

"One, pretending to be friends isn't going to stop me from loving you and two, now that I have you back there is no way I am going to let anything happen to you," said Willow closing the distance between them, gazing intently into worried blue eyes. She stroked her hand over Tara's face, before pulling her in and placing a soft kiss on her lips. "These last few months have been hell without you. I promise we will get through whatever happens to us, we have to." Willow regretfully pulled back from Tara. "And now I believe you have a class to teach."

"I do," said Tara. "But we need to talk."

Part 13

Willow walked into the classroom and she found it strange to look at a classroom of teenagers in cloaks and pointed hats. She walked demurely behind Tara and tried to not to stare too much even though she could feel eyes following her.

Tara cleared her throat. "Class, Miss Rosenb…well really, this is too much. Have any of you paid any attention in this class?"

Harry, Ron and Hermione exchanged surprised looks; they had been watching the woman who had walked into class with Professor Maclay and hadn't expected her to get so annoyed with them, especially as it wasn't her style of teaching. The rest of the class also stayed quiet, not quite sure why their teacher was so annoyed.

"Gryffindors, I would have expected you to have at least noticed that something wasn't right, anyone?" Tara glared at the dumbfounded members of her class; she shook her head before raising her voice. "Tonks, come here now."

Tonks stood up from the middle of the class, she had at some point managed to change into a Gryffindor robe and had transformed her hairstyle into a blonde ponytail and her nose into a little button nose, giving herself a cute teenager look. She smiled at Tara. "I thought they would have noticed me but I think they were to busy debating where you had got to. Don't be too hard on them."

Tara didn't return Tonks smile instead she nodded at her. "Thanks for showing the weakness in my class; I'll talk to you later."

"Okay," said Tonks, who after turning from Tara grinned at the class before drawing her forefinger slowly and with relish across her throat.

"Right class," said Tara. "I want you to start an essay on disguises and subterfuge in the wizarding world and the merits of paying attention. Yes Miss Granger?"

"How long should the essay be?" Hermione asked.

"About a foot and a half," said Tara, to a chorus of groans. "And there is no point in any of you protesting, you allowed some stranger to sit here and no-one challenged her; in fact did any one of you notice there was anyone strange in here." Nobody raised their hands and Tara shook her head again. "Okay get on with it and I expect it handed in by next lesson."

"Blimey," said Ron, settling down in his favorite armchair in the Gryffindor common room. "I never thought Professor Maclay could get so scary, I swear she was channeling McGonagall. What do you think was bothering her?"

"What apart from Moody walking into the class with his invisibility cloak on and someone being disguised as a member of our house and no-one noticing?" Hermione shot back, laying on the sarcasm.

"Well if you have to put it that way," said Ron. "But I still don't understand why she got annoyed. She never gets annoyed, well maybe a little with Malfoy."

Harry nodded in agreement

"Didn't either of you notice the woman who came into the class with her? Or were you both really asleep all the way through that lesson," said Hermione. "No wonder she thinks we are no good."

"I was more worried about the extra work we are going to have to do on top of our half of ton OWLS homework. I mean I haven't even started on the essay that Snape set and she set us another essay at the end of the lesson because this one is extra," said Harry with a sigh, pulling a length of parchment from his bag.

"Aren't you even curious to who she is?" Hermione asked.

Harry could tell by the look on Hermione's face that she knew who the woman was and was bursting to tell them and he felt like saying no I just want to do my homework. He was curious, but kept his lips buttoned hoping to provoke a response from her.

Ron shrugged his shoulders, intent on trying to organize his work, he hadn't really been listening to her.

"Fine," said Hermione and settled down to do her homework, much to Harry's disappointment, but he reckoned it wouldn't be long before she was spilling her guts.

"I didn't think you would be such a scary teacher," teased Willow, as she followed Tara into her office. Even after Tara had finished with the 5th years she had found something else that had annoyed her in the next class and they too had all ended up with extra homework and had left disgruntled and muttering.

"I had too. They should know better, some of them have even fought against evil and there they were not noticing someone who wasn't a class member sitting there. What must you think of my teaching?" Tara asked, as she sat heavily on her chair, almost crushing Crookshanks in the process.

"Baby, I don't think anything of your teaching and I don't think that is what is eating you," said Willow drooping to her knees in front of Tara to make sure she could have eye contact. "Is it because I kissed you?"

"N-no," said Tara vehemently, but she couldn't meet Willow's gaze. She didn't want to admit how uncomfortable the kiss had made her feel. She had made up her mind that it would be best if they just remained friends, but that kiss had stirred her, had clouded her mind with a mixture of love and desire. She raised her eyes to Willow and caught the same mixture in her old love's eyes. She saw Willow close in; felt a small delicate hand wrap in her hair and her brain stopped working as their lips met.

Part 14

"What are you doing?" Tara asked, pushing Willow away and springing to her feet.

Willow rose, but more slowly, to her feet too. She could see wariness and confusion on Tara's face. "I thought we were kissing and I don't seem to remember you complaining at the time."

"We shouldn't be. It's not what's supposed to happen…it's not the plan…"

"Why Tara? Why do you believe the plan you have is the best plan? Tell me you don't love me…tell me you don't love me and I'll make this easy and I will walk away from here, tonight," said Willow, with the confidence of a person who already has the answer to the question she had asked.

Tara didn't fall into the trap that Willow had set for her. It would have been so easy to say 'yeah of course I love you' but that would leave more than a few things unresolved and in Tara's experience loose ends had an uncomfortable habit of biting you in the ass. "Will, you have, in the matter of a few hours gone from being pissed at me and the world in general, to us taking up from where things were before. Who knows how what you will feel like in another few more hours time."


"Please let me finish," said Tara, raising her hand in a placating gesture. "You've been through a lot and you were still grieving. You have to get yourself together, so you know exactly how you feel. You have to make sure what we kept from you doesn't kick back into bitterness."

Willow grinned in spite of acknowledging deep down that there was some truth to Tara's words. "That sounds like a yes to us being together."

The blonde couldn't quite manage the same degree of optimism. She knew that nothing in this world was every easy and that they still had Voldemort to deal with even if they made it unscathed. "Can we say a definite maybe? I know you probably won't agree, but it might be you who doesn't want this. You've only known that I was alive for less than 24 hours. Things might not seem so clear cut when you analyze it. I want to know how you'll feel when you have had a meal and a good night's sleep."

"A good night's sleep, what exactly is one of those? I don't think I've had one since you were…you were shot. Actually scrub that, I know I haven't had one since then," admitted Willow ruefully. She could have argued with Tara over some of the things she had said, but she didn't want to spoil the tentative agreement to wait and see by pushing things.

"You could sleep in my room tonight," suggested Tara. "I mean I could ask the house elves to move in another bed." She explained hastily as Willow gave a double take.

"We could share the same bed. I promise I want pounce on you. Although a snuggle would probably help me sleep better."

Tara put her hands on her hips whilst fixing Willow with on of her best 'you have pushed things a little to far missy' stares.

"Okay, okay it was only a suggestion and you can't blame a girl for trying," grumbled Willow, but with little actual rancor.

"We should make a move," said Tara, checking her watch. "Supper will be served soon in the great hall."

"Have either of you two got an owl handy?" Malfoy demanded of Crabbe and Goyle, who shook their heads stupidly.

"Where's yours?" Goyle asked as his brain cells eventually fired.

"I sent my father a report this morning on how close Professor Maclay and Hermione mud-blood smart arse Granger are getting," explained Draco with an exasperated sigh. "But now with all that has happened this afternoon I need to contact him urgently. I suppose I'll have to use on of the schools owls. He is not going to believe who turned up today."

"Who, Moody?" asked Goyle, looking perplexed.

"How stupid are you?" Malfoy asked. "Oh forget the question." He could see the strain on Goyle's eyes as he was about to speak. "Do I have to explain who she is again?"

Willow couldn't hide how impressed she found the great hall; its grandeur and bewitched ceiling captivated her. "This is amazing," she whispered to Tara as she was guided gently to the extra table that had been added to the teachers' table to allow all the new arrivals to join the meal.

Dumbledore stood in front of the school and cleared his throat as silence reigned. "We have some guests at Hogwarts." He motioned to where Oz, Willow, Giles, Moody and Tonks were sat. "I hope you will treat them with the politeness that I expect from my pupils. Now everyone tuck in and enjoy your food."

The rest of the evening passed pleasantly with Willow enjoying the food that was served to her. After the meal they went to a room off the great hall and she was introduced to various teachers. The whole thing seemed like a whirl but she hadn't felt so relaxed and happy since well just about forever. Nothing, she decided, could spoil this.

Tiredness suddenly struck Willow and she found herself hiding yawns behind her hand. This carried on for about 15 minutes until she felt a gentle hand on her elbow.

"I think it's time you went to bed," said Tara.

Willow gave her a sleepy nod before waving goodnight to the teachers who were left in the room. Tara led her through the school and the redhead knew she would never be able to re-trace her path. She felt like she had drifted off because the next thing she remembered was brushing her teeth and changing into pajamas in a little bathroom off Tara's bedroom, but truthfully she knew it was because she felt like she had been hit by a bucket of cold water. She was going to spend the night with Tara.

"Are you ready?" asked Tara, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Ah-ha," said Willow, opening the door and smiling shyly at the blonde, who looked really cute dressed in green and blue tartan jammies.

"Which bed do you want, left or right," said Tara, motioning to the beds that were crowding her room.

"The one you're in," said Willow, with disarming honesty. "Tara, please all I'm asking is that you hold me tonight, nothing more."

"As long as we have that clear," said Tara, to tired to argue and secretly needing the contact herself. "Nothing else."

"Nothing else I swear Tara," said Willow, climbing into bed. "I just want to feel you close to me, to know that your heart is beating."

Tara got in behind her and gathered Willow in her arms as she spooned her. It was all against her better judgment, but she too felt the bone aching loneliness that she was sure that Willow was suffering from. She kissed the redhead softly on top of her head. "Goodnight Sweetie."

"Goodnight, Darling," said Willow, entwining her fingers with Tara's

Part 15

Harry woke up in the middle of the night; drenched in sweat his scar burning like someone had touched it with a fiery brand. He whimpered as he slapped his hand against it and tried his best to keep quiet and not wake up the others in his dorm room, but it was too late Ron was already standing over him staring.

"Harry, what's up mate? I heard you moaning for about the last 10 minutes," said Ron, looking concerned.

"Have I woken up the rest?" Harry asked, quietly. He really didn't want to go through the whole thing with his scar again.

"Only me," said Neville, who had got out of his bed and was standing behind Ron. "What's wrong, are you sick, will I get McGonagall?"

"No," whispered Harry, vehemently. "I know what's wrong, it's Voldemort I can feel him. He…he is happy, triumphant…like everything he planned is coming together."

Neville went pale and then seemed to turn green and looked like he was going to faint. Ron didn't look like he was fairing much better.

"We should tell Dumbledore," said Ron urgently.

"No," said Harry. "He already knows I feel things that Voldemort feels. I don't want to trouble him."

"But Harry," argued Ron. "If something good has happened for…for You-Know-Who, Dumbledore should know. It could be important."

"I suppose," said Harry, reluctantly. "Look I'll see how I feel in the morning. Maybe I was mistaken…go back to bed I'm sure everything will be okay.

Ron and Neville went back to bed; they both looked skeptical and a little sick. Harry turned over in bed and gritted his teeth as his scar gave another painful throb.

"Your son has done well Malfoy. He shows good instincts," rasped Voldemort, to the figure that was kneeling in front of him.

"Thank you Master. Everything is as you envisaged."

"Of course. I knew she would come. Love," spat out Voldemort as though the word itself had left a terrible taste in his mouth. "They see it is a strength when all it is, is the ultimate weakness. They will learn that power is the only thing that matters and I will posses it by the time the lesson has been learned."

Somehow in the night everything had changed around and Willow woke up to find her head resting on Tara's chest, her limbs wrapped around the blonde's body and Willow felt at peace. She wouldn't move, almost believing that even the tiniest movement would shatter the spell and push them apart. Tara started to stir and Willow felt her nuzzle against her neck, at this point the redhead had to move, the physical reaction she felt was too much and the last thing she wanted to do was pounce on a Tara who still seemed a little reluctant to take their relationship back to the level of intimacy they used to enjoy. "Morning Sweetie."

"Uhm morning," said Tara, unhooking herself from Willow, springing out of bed and going through an exaggerated stretching routine. "Did you sleep well?

"Best night I've had in months; thank you," Willow answered stiffly.

"I suppose we should get dressed and go down for breakfast," said Tara.

"Hmm I haven't really got anything to wear. I only have what I arrived in," said Willow.

Tara pointed to a case in the corner of the room. "I forgot to tell you last night, Dumbledore had all your clothes packed up and brought to the school. I hope you don't mind? He doesn't feel that it would be wise for you to go back to your old life until we can be sure that Voldemort doesn't want you anymore."

"Tara I have no intention of going anywhere that doesn't include you, so why should I mind? Anyway I'm glad I'll have some clean underwear to change into," said Willow, getting out of the bed and going to the case. "Is it okay if I have a shower first?"

"Sure," said Tara.

"Oh crap," said Hermione, as she picked up the copy of the Daily Prophet she had just paid for.

"What?" asked a surprised Harry, not used to that type of language coming from his friend.

"Read this," said Hermione, throwing the paper down on the Gryffindor table.

Ron stared at the headline in disbelief. "How could that happen? Aren't the Dementors supposed to be guarding…"

"What was that about Dementors?" asked Ginny, leaning over to see what her brother was looking at.

"There has been a mass break out of former Death Eaters from Azkaban," explained Hermione.

"Well that at least explains why You-Know-Who was feeling so happy," chipped in Neville who had been listening to the conversation. "At least you won't have to go and tell Dumbledore about last night Harry."

"What about last night?" asked Hermione sharply, turning to stare at Harry.

Harry gave a halting explanation to what happened during the night and looked expectantly at Hermione. "I suppose you think I should go to Dumbledore."

"No, he probably has enough to worry about at the moment," said Hermione.

"So we sit around waiting for Voldemort and his followers to turn up and try and kill me," blurted out Harry.

"That's not what I'm saying Harry, if you are that worried why don't we ask Professor Maclay for extra lessons…"

"Extra lessons," said Ron. "Are you crazy? Don't we have enough work to do at the moment?"

"Ron, she can teach us jinxes, defense strategies…all sorts of stuff, it could be fun," said Hermione.

"That's true," said Ron. "I never thought of it in that way."

"And it won't do any harm for our Owl's," said Hermione.


"What Ron, I'm just stating a fact, it will help, as well as maybe saving our lives," said Hermione. "I think we should ask her before we start our lessons."

"I agree," said Ginny. "We should ask her when she finishes her breakfast." Neville nodded in agreement.

"You aren't taking part," said Ron. "Any danger and you stay well out of it."

"Like I would have much choice if Voldemort decides to posses me again?" asked Ginny tartly, setting her chin. "You can't decide what I do Ron, and you either let me or I tell mum what you are up to."

Ron looked like he was about to argue but didn't. "Fine, but if you get into trouble or killed don't blame me."

Ginny grinned and pointed to the teachers table where Tara and Willow had stood up. "She's making a move."

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville got to their feet. Ron looked like he was about to say something to Neville when Harry put a hand on his arm and shook his head. Ron shrugged in reply.

"Professor Maclay," said Hermione standing in her teacher's path.

"How can I help you guys?" asked Tara, surprised by the delegation that stood in front of her.

"Have you read the paper today?" asked Hermione. "You know about the Death Eaters?"

"I have…look if you kids are worried about it, why don't you go to Dumbledore or maybe Professor McGonagall," said Tara pleasantly, making to go past them.

Hermione cleared her throat nervously. "We thought there could be things you could teach us, you know with all the experience you have had."

"I'm not sure," said Tara. "I'm not sure it's my place."

"Please," said Harry. "You could save our lives. We just want a little extra lessons and Defense Against the Dark Arts is your subject."

"I need the help in my O.W.L," said Neville forlornly.

"Okay," said Tara. "We'll say you are doing extra work for your Owl's."

"Brilliant," said Ginny.

"I don't believe you are in my O.W.L class Miss Weasley," said Tara.

"I'm advanced for my age," suggested Ginny.

"I don't think so," said Tara.

"I'll learn my Defense Against the Dark Arts on the streets…from anyone who'll teach me," said Ginny determinedly.

Tara rolled her eyes and then shook her head. "Oh okay I suppose it won't do any harm, you have to sit your exams next year anyway. Meet me after lessons today and we'll work out a schedule but remember this will be more like a homework club. Now off you go to your classes."

"They love you," said Willow, watching the happy students bounce off to class.

"Nope I'm a push over," said Tara.

"Nah they love you, I'm sure," said Willow.

Part 16

Tara opened the door of her classroom and there they all were, Willow included. "Will, what are you doing here?"

"I thought maybe I could help pick up a few tips, maybe even give a few pointers," said Willow, grinning and then noticing the severe look on Tara's face. "Okay I was bored, sat in your room all day reading, you have some interesting stuff but I missed you."

"Will," warned Tara, in a low voice. She wasn't sure how much of her private life she wanted reveal to her students, Hermione knowing had happened by accident but she was pretty sure that the clever young witch hadn't shared with anyone, not even her best friends. Willow nodded her acknowledgement and walked to the back of the class where she perched on one of the desks watching with interest.

"What are you going to teach us?" asked Ginny, almost exploding with enthusiasm.

"Well the first thing I want you to do is put your wands away and take your quills out and place them in front of you," answered Tara, noting the looks of disappointment on the kids' faces she explained. "The way you have been taught magick is very different from the way I was taught. I was taught a far older style of magick where you don't use wand to channel magickal power."

"How?" Hermione asked fascinated.

"You have to feel the magick all around you and channel it through yourself," said Tara. "The first I want you to do is to try and concentrate and float your quills."

"Without a wand, that's impossible," said Ron.

Tara shook her head and smiled. "After everything you have seen you really believe that something is impossible. Watch this." Tara stood in front of Ron and concentrated on his quill, before long it was floating in front of his eyes, earning her gasps of amazement from the students watching. "Now you try it."

"That's going to blow their minds," said Willow, as Tara walked towards her leaving them to practice by themselves.

"I want to get them thinking in a different way, to understand how great the gifts that they posses are. Magick is seen as such a commonplace thing to most of them, especially if they come from wizarding families, that they don't know how special the really are," said Tara, softly to Willow so that her voice couldn't be heard at the front of the classroom.

Willow nodded.

After about 10 minutes Hermione slapped her desk with annoyance. "I can't do this…Ron's right it's impossible."

"You saw me do it," stated Tara joining them in an instant.


"No buts Hermione, you are the cleverest witch of your generation, you excel at all your classes there is no reason why you can't do this," Tara saw Neville shaking his head. "Or any of you for that matter, I bet there isn't one of you hasn't produced some type of magick when you were younger and in some sort of trouble." She saw that all the heads that were turned towards her were nodding. "That was because your instincts took over, with this you have to try and channel your instincts and your powers. Magick is everywhere, all around you. All you have to do is tap into it; to feel it." After giving her little pep talk she went back to Willow and watched her students keenly.

By the end of the hour Hermione had managed to float her quill fairly well and even Neville had managed to lift his from his desk. Tara agreed that she would work with them a couple of hours a week.

Willow and Tara soon settled into a routine. Willow spent a lot of time working on different aspects of her powers with Dumbledore and Giles. Tara taught and helped her keen young students who wanted to learn as much about the Defense Against the Darks Arts as they could. In their limited spare time they could often be found walking around the lake, hand in hand. They had supported Gryffindor when they had played Slytherin on the Quidditch field. Even though the game had been so fast and almost brutal they had shouted and cheered when Harry raised his hand to the air showing the golden snitch that he had caught. Willow felt like her life was being rebuilt and that nothing had felt so good, but there was one little blot that was bothering her. Although they had graduated to kissing and cuddling neither had the courage to take their relationship into intimacy. Willow was surprised; after all they had enjoyed a healthy sex life in the past, but neither had the courage to take things one-step further this time around. It was almost like a barrier had been put up and once there it was getting difficult to get over.

Excitements was rising in the school, partly because it was only a few weeks until the Christmas holiday, and also because the second Hogsmeade visit was that day and the students from 3rd year upward were making all sorts of plans about what they were going to do and buy. Willow and Tara had agreed with Dumbledore that it would probably best if they remained in the school; their safety could not be guaranteed outside the school.

Willow had a plan for the day and had disappeared as soon as breakfast was over. Tara had helped Professor McGonagall to count the students out the gates, making sure that none of the younger students had tried to sneak in with the group heading towards town. Tara was relieved that she wasn't expected to look after the 1st and 2nd years; she was looking forward to spending some quality time with her girlfriend. She walked along the corridors of the school whistling and nimbly avoiding the water bomb that Peeves attempted to drop on her. Tara wondered what Willow had got up to as she opened her bedroom door.

The room had been transformed. The heavy curtains had been drawn and a fire roared in the grate. Every surface had candles of different sizes placed on them and the air was heavy with the scent of sandalwood and ylang ylang.

"What do you think?" asked Willow nervously, dressed only in her dressing gown.

Tara's answer was to take Willow in her arms and kiss her deeply; she felt a craving for this physical contact and more, much more. She slipped her hands onto Willow's shoulders and slowly eased the gown down, revealing creamy white skin; small pert breast, a well-muscled abdomen, shapely thighs and slim legs. Tara backed Willow up to the edge of the bed and gently laid her down. "I missed you." Her voice was deeper, full of passion.

This wasn't the way Willow had been expecting things to go. She didn't expect to be laying on her back, shivering with desire, her skin alive with electricity. She needed Tara's touch. Willow parted her thighs as Tara knelt on the bed between the, the blonde had only paused momentarily to throw off her coat and gloves.

"You're shivering, are you cold?" asked Tara, but her eyes didn't show concern only lust.

Willow's throat had gone dry and she couldn't manage a sound as Tara bent her head to her throat. The redhead closed her eyes. The lips on her skin were so soft and the tongue was touching nerves and making her shivering almost uncontrollable. Tara had barely touched Willow, but she felt ready to explode, she had been waiting so long. She flattened her thighs into the mattress and hoped that Tara would notice how close she already was. If the blonde noticed she wasn't letting on, she moved down her lover's body with an agonizing slowness, stopping to nibble, taste and stroke anything that got a reaction. Willow sighed, groaned and her hips bucked and then she stilled as she felt Tara's breathe on her most sensitive nerve and finally she managed to croak out a word. "Please."

"You smell so good," said Tara softly, before using her tongue to trace out the delicate flower of Willow's labia and then dipping it into the molten pool. "And you taste as good as I always remember."

"I can't take this," said Willow, able to find her voice properly at last." Tara I need…"

"This," said Tara, closing her mouth over Willow's clit, her tongue flicking over the tip. She could feel the flesh in her mouth quivering, the tension in her lover's stomach muscles, she vibrated her tongue as fast as she could and she felt Willow grip the back of her neck and the increased throbbing from the redhead's clit and knew she was about to go over edge.

Willow's hip bucked and she came as long and hard as she had ever remembered. It felt like a rocket had gone off in the back of her brain and she lay back panting, nothing running through her mind.

Tara had a shit eating, self-satisfied grin on her face as she climbed back up the bed and gathered Willow into her arms. "Hey baby, I love you."

"Love you too," mumbled Willow. "But you are wearing way too much clothes." Her eyes opened and they were shining with mischief.

"What are you going to about?" asked Tara.

With a deft movement Willow flipped herself on top of Tara. "There are lots of things I am going to do about it."

Willow pulled on a pair of boots and reached for her scarf and gloves.

"We shouldn't be doing this," said Tara, who was already muffled up.

"I know, but I feel so energized and I really want to buy you something special for Christmas…"

"Willow, you're Jewish and you don't have to buy me anything."

"I know and yep I know, but I want to buy you something and I want to see Hogsmeade," said Willow. "And I'm sure the bad guys have probably decided that I am already a no show and have gone off home."

"We are going to get into so much trouble," said Tara.

"Come on Tara, you are the teacher you can't get into trouble," said Willow, kissing Tara on the forehead and taking her hand.

Tara and Willow had just left the school gates and headed onto the road that would take them into Hogsmeade when the spotted Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville.

"Hey, I didn't think you would back already," said Tara.

"Well it's snowing pretty hard and its cold we thought we'd go back to school," said Hermione. "I thought you were supposed to be staying in the school."

Willow and Tara looked at one another guiltily.

"We'll just walk back with you," said Willow, much to Tara's relief.

All around them loud cracks could be heard and about 10 people had them circled. A voice shouted. "Sir, Potter is with them."

"Even better, the Dark Lord will be so pleased."

"Mr. Malfoy?" queried Ron, as the shadowy figures grabbed a struggling Willow, Tara and Harry. Hermione and Ginny had raised their wands getting ready for a fight."

"Grab them all," ordered Lucius and loud cracks could be heard as they disappeared and seconds later all that was left of them was a mass of footsteps in the snow and Hermione's scarf.

Part 17

"Why have we these…these extras? A mublood, two Weasleys and if I am not much mistaken the Longbottom's son. Why are they here? Snatching Potter was inspired and I have a plan for him that will tell me how good the witch is," said Voldemort, to the kneeling Death Eaters. They were in a cavernous room; it was dry but small boulders and bricks littered the floor and it smelt faintly of earth and decay.

Lucius pulled back his hood. "I'm sorry Master, but the young Weasley recognized my voice. We didn't want to leave any clues."

"So why didn't you just kill them?" asked Voldemort. "You have no stomach for a real fight do you Malfoy? My new servant has shown she has a real liking for spilling blood."

"You haven't turned her yet," protested Malfoy.

"Lucius, it is only a matter of time. Bring her and her…her lover to me."

"And the kids?"

"Leave them in the next room, I'm sure we will have fun with them very soon," said Voldemort giving a high cackle of humorless laughter.

Oz bent down and picked up the scarf. "Someone has dropped this and it's funny but it smells like Willow has been here."

Lupin stiffened and sniffed the air. One thing he had gained from his friendship with Oz was to relax and use his wolf when he was still in human form. It had taken practice, but now he was starting to understand that his condition could a blessing as well as a curse. "I smell Harry, Ron and Hermione and people I shouldn't be smelling." He turned his stricken face to Dumbledore and Giles. "Death Eaters; Malfoy."

Dumbledore blinked behind his glasses. "This could be grave, very grave. We must search the school to see who has gone."

"Are you sure someone is gone? We could be over reacting," said Lupin.

Dumbledore shook his head. "Let's check the school."

Willow and Tara were bundled on the floor. Their hands and feet were bound and they had been gagged.

"Ungag them," ordered Voldemort.

A woman with dark hair and wasted good looks jumped forward to do his bidding and narrowly missed being bit by Tara. She brought her hand back and slapped the blonde witch hard across the face. Tara spat out the blood that collected in her cheek from the wringing blow that she had received, but said nothing.

"If you touch her again, you'll lose that hand," said Willow through gritted teeth.

"Bellatrix, these are our guests we shouldn't treat them in that way, at least not for now," said Voldemort, he turned to face Willow who didn't flinch away from his red eyed stare. "And you, you have the fire that I expected from you. I can see I won't be disappointed."

"You will," said Willow. "I'm not evil. You and your freaky puppets don't scare me."

Voldemort laughed once more. "I don't do I, I really don't. I can't remember the last person I met who wasn't quivering with fear. You are truly delightful, with you by my side there is nothing I can't achieve. This time everything that is will be mine. Imperio. Kneel before you master."

Even though her feet and hands were bound Willow tried to push herself into a kneeling position. Her head felt like it was in a lovely pink cloud, she smiled at Tara. Something shouted from the back of her mind that this was all wrong and she rolled sideways and smacked her head hard against the floor. "What happened?" she asked, momentarily stunned by the impact.

"Hmm I should have guessed that you were to strong willed for that to work," said Voldemort.

"There is nothing you can do. You can torture me, but nothing will work," said Willow.

"I'm sure that is so, but what if I torture her?" asked Voldemort, waving his wand menacingly at Tara.

A loud clang sounded.

"What is that?" roared Voldemort.

"M-master it sounds like the doorbell," said Malfoy as the noise continued.

"Well deal with it fool. I told you I wanted no interruptions," said Voldemort, his wand now pointed straight at Malfoy's heart.

"Yes Master," said Malfoy, practically running from the room.

"I don't have time to play games," snapped Voldemort at Willow. He raised his wand and pointed it at Tara. "Crucio."

Tara writhed in pain, her screams mixing with Voldemort's hysterical laughter

"Stop it, stop it," screamed Willow at the monster who was gloating over the pain he was causing.

Voldemort pulled his wand away, leaving Tara sobbing. "Then you will follow me."

"W-willow, no," said Tara weakly.

"I can't be what you want. Why don't you just kill me," said Willow.

"I told you, I do not have time to play," said Voldemort, his voice now soft and dangerous. "Cruico." Once more Tara was writhing and screaming in pain.

Malfoy caught his breathe before throwing open the door to his house. "Yes." It took him all his time not to blanche and slam the door. He couldn't believe that Dumbledore was standing at his door with Fudge and at least a couple of Aurors. "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you Lucius," said the Minister for Magick. "But we have some students and a teacher missing from Hogwarts."

"And what pray has that got to do with me?" asked Malfoy, trying to project his usual arrogant demeanor.

"I'm sorry, but someone claimed to have seen you in the area, with the missing children" said Fudge hesitantly.

"So I am some sort of child abductor now?" asked Malfoy, his eyes blazing with anger. "Look come in, search the house, there is nothing you'll find. Get it over with."

"Thank you, this will clear your name," said Fudge, crossing the threshold followed closely by Tonks, Shaklebolt and Oz. Dumbledore and Lupin went to go in when Malfoy put his arm across the doorway. "I said the Minister could look around. I see no reason why I should allow any Tom, Dick or wolf into in to my house.

10 minutes later Fudge re-appeared followed by Tonks, Shaklebolt and Oz., he shook Malfoy's hand. "I'm sorry I had to do that, but you understand…"

"I do Minister. I know how people can be so jealous of successful people," said Malfoy, closing the door.

"Well," said Dumbledore quietly to Oz.

"She's there. I could smell her and Tara. We checked everywhere we couldn't find them, but I know they are there," said Oz, miserably.

"Did you check the basement?" asked Dumbledore.

"We couldn't…there was no basement," said Oz, he stopped and looked at Dumbledore. "Unless…"

"It has to bewitched, as I suspected…"

"We had better be going," said Fudge severely. "I hope you correct the pupil who said that Lucius was there. It is most embarrassing." With that the Minster disparated.

Dumbledore held out his hand, stopping the others from going. "They are in there we need to call in the others."

"Stop it please. I'll do anything…please don't hurt her anymore," said Willow, tears rolling down her face.

"Willow no. Let him kill me, please don't give in," said Tara, gathering all the strength she had remaining.

Voldemort lifted his wand and turned to Willow. "My dear this is your problem, if I control what you love, I control you. It is something we will work on." He approached Willow. "How long since you have felt real darkness flowing through your veins?" He pulled back the sleeve of Willow's shirt and pointed his wand. The redhead shut her eyes and grimaced in pain as he burnt the Dark Mark into her skin. When she opened her eyes they were as black as coal.

"Welcome back," said Voldemort. "I have a little job for you. Bellatrix, please take care of the other." He walked from the room taking Willow with him.

"At last," said the older woman. "All that love and goodness that is coming off you makes me sick."

"If you do anything to me, Willow will kill you," said Tara, pushing herself into a sitting position, but keeping her hands firmly behind her back.

"Maybe, maybe not, but I think by the time the Dark Lord has finished with her she won't care if you're alive or not," said Bellatrix. "Which is just as well, because I have my orders. Avada…"

Voldemort led Willow into the next room. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville and Ginny were tied much as Willow and Tara had been but without the gags.

"Willow," said Hermione shocked, the redhead witch was looking at her with a smirk on her face, her green eyes were black and she kept shooting flashes of blue light between her fingertips. "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh nothing's wrong, everything is finally right, thanks to the Dark Lord," said Willow extending one hand to Voldemort, he took it and kissed her reverently.

"Oh god," said Hermione cringing in fear.

A loud crash and lots of cracking sounds disturbed them.

"What the hell is that?" asked Voldemort.

"Why don't you go and see Master," suggested Willow. "And I will take care of the annoyance for you." She pointed her finger at Harry more sparks were running up and down her hands.

Voldemort kissed her on the cheek. "You are more perfect than I could ever imagine." He motioned to the Death Eaters who had been guarding the kids. "Come with me. You know what to do?"

Willow nodded and raised her hands above her head, power cracking in the air. "Avada Kedavra."

Part 18

Bellatrix stopped half way through the spell and moved closer to Tara. "Maybe I should make you suffer a little more. In fact I know I should make you suffer. Your little girlfriend said she would take my hand off I touched again. Who needs to touch you? Crucio."

Tara screamed, but did her best to keep her concentration. She knew there was no-way she could get out if this if she lost it. She kept repeating in her head; this is no worse that Glory, have to get to Willow and save the kids. It took every bit of her strength to reach behind her and grip the rock she had been using to cut through the rope that bound her wrist. The pain was blinding, burning every nerve in her body and the thoughts in her head had changed to please kill me, get it over with. I want to be dead.

"This is feels so good there is nothing like feeding off the pain of others; you should try it. No wait I'm going to kill you, you want have time to try it," said Bellatrix, a cruel smile spreading over her face.

"Is that the best of your repartee?" Tara asked between whistling breaths. "You are an amateur I've been tortured by an insane god. At least she had a better dress sense and she knew how to moisturize."

"You want me to keep torturing don't you, so she'll come back for you. Your wrong, your girlfriend's gone," said Bellatrix, kneeling and stroking one hand against Tara's face while gripping her wand. "See no chance of losing my hand."

Tara took a deep breath and braced herself for movement. She had one chance to save her own life and she couldn't make a mistake, she moved so fast that Bellatrix didn't see it coming. Tara gripped her hand around the rock and brought it down hard behind the older women's ear. Bellatrix went out like a light. "No, just your head." Tara with a great deal of difficulty pushed herself to her feet determined to help the kids and Willow.

Harry closed his eyes and waited for oblivion. He idly wondered if he would see his parents again. After about a minute with nothing he opened his eyes and was surprised to look into Willow's concerned green eyes. He looked around his friends and saw that they all had their eyes shut and faces screwed up.

"It's okay," whispered Willow, she knelt behind Harry and started to untie his hands, her hands shaking with the haste she felt. "Can you untie the rest? I have to get to Tara."

"What happen…" started Harry.

"We haven't got time," said Willow. The door to the room started to open. "Shit, lie down. Play dead all of you…Tara?"

The blonde fell into the room landing heavily on her knees. Her face was gray and she looked exhausted.

"How did you get away?" Willow asked, kneeling be her lover's side and wrapping her arms around her.

"I h-hit…her with…a rock," said Tara haltingly. "She wanted to kill me up close and personal."

"Oh baby, I'm sorry for everything you've been through," said Willow, her finger under Tara's chin, checking her eyes before kissing her lovingly. "I'm sorry he did that to you."

"It's okay, we all knew it was a possibility," said Tara. "Could you help me up? We should really get out of here."

Willow put her arm around Tara as she pushed herself to her feet. The blonde stumbled slightly.

Ron watched Willow and Tara with his mouth open and he looked at Harry. "Did you know that they…that Professor Maclay…they kissed."

Harry rolled his eyes at his friend. "Are you blind?"

"You knew?" asked Ron.

"We all knew. Blimey big brother, do you notice nothing about women?" asked Ginny grinning, her mind off the grim situation for a second, enjoying her brother's discomfort.

Hermione watched Willow struggle with Tara and rushed forward to help.

"Unlike other people," said Ginny quietly. "Anyway enough of that if we won't live we need to get out of here."

Ron nodded, stretching out his cramping limbs, feeling the blood flow back into his limbs.

"We really have to get out of here before the Death Eaters come back," said Harry urgently. "We don't have time for stretching routines. Professor Maclay have you any idea how to get out of here?"

"I noticed some stairs at the end of the passageway," said Tara. "We should head that way.

"What happens if we meet any Death Eaters?" asked Harry.

"We'll all be dead if we don't move now," said Willow, heading for the door.

"We haven't got any wands," protested Neville, as followed close behind her, trembling slightly, white with fear.

"Are you forgetting everything I've taught you?" asked Tara. "You don't need wands, none of you do. The only thing you need to do is get out of here quickly. Never mind the rest of the Death Eaters, the woman through there is going to come round soon and I think she is going to be pissed"

The steely edge and warning in Tara's voice finally seemed to transmit itself to all the kids and the quickly exited the door.

To be continued...

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