Please Understand

By TheBear

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: If I owned ‘em, they’d have to show it on the Ecstasy Network.




Feedback: Feed The Bear!

Pairing: Buffy/Willow/Tara

Summary: Sequel to If It Pleases You—Buffy reveals her new relationship

Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4

Part 1

Willow loved this part. Well, she loved all the parts, but this was her favorite. She was lying between the hot, sweaty bodies of her Mistresses; Buffy and Tara . Even though they had only been together since Friday night, they had done this often enough that she was sure that this was her favorite part. She lay in post-orgasmic bliss, her body still quivering with aftershocks. Tara lay on her right side, stroking and petting her sensitive skin lightly, while Buffy lay on her left, doing the same thing.

The three girls had engaged in all manner of sexual interaction- spending all day Saturday, and all night into Sunday morning, in each other's arms. In between bouts of orgasmic bliss they would nap, or eat, or shower- but always together. Willow had long lost count of the number of orgasms she had had- she'd been spanked, tormented, suckled and teased until her Mistresses had wrung every last ounce of pleasure from her lithe frame. She'd been bent to the task of giving pleasure as well; her Mistresses had commanded her, and she had performed! Every gasp of pleasure, every shout of release she elicited from her Mistresses had been a badge of honor to her. She was justifiably proud of her talents at pleasing a woman. She especially enjoyed demonstrating her tongue skills for Mistress Buffy. Not that she didn't love pleasing Mistress Tara, but Mistress Buffy had never before experienced the Wet-Willow treatment, and her responses were… energetic, to say the least.

At one point the police had actually knocked on their door, saying that they had received a complaint from the neighbors about the noise. Buffy had blushed until her skin matched the shade of Willow 's hair as she told the officers that they would be sure to 'turn down the TV.' Tara and Willow had nearly had a coronary trying to restrain their hysterical laughter as the female officer had taken one long look at the three hastily dressed women and then handed Buffy her card. She told Buffy to call if she ever wanted to expand her 'television watching' horizons.

Despite all of the orgasms, the giving and receiving of sweet tortuous release, it was definitely this- the after- that she loved best. Being touched and stroked and loved- her Mistresses whispering endearments in her ears, telling her how special she was, how beautiful she was… It was absolutely perfect. She sighed contentedly and decided to share her pleasure in this moment.

"I love this part!" she said in a whispered groan.

Buffy and Tara laughed. Tara smiled indulgently and said, "You love all the parts, baby," while Buffy gently kissed her behind her ear- one of her personal favorites.

Willow agreed, saying, "Oh, yes! But I love this part best."

Buffy teased, "Even better than the orgasms?"

Willow mock-pouted, answering, "Well… This part wouldn't be this part, without the orgasms."

Buffy chuckled, "Mmm Hmm. Thought so!"

Willow protested, "But still! It's this part- the after- the… when I'm all quivery and… the whispering and cuddling…" she paused and wiggled her body as though trying to sink deeper into the mattress and her lovers' embrace. "This is definitely the best. I love you two so much!"

Tara 's face softened into the sweetest 'Aww, she's so cute' look, and she said, "Oh, baby… I love you too!" just before kissing her.

Buffy responded in kind, kissing Willow as soon as Tara released her lips- then whispering, "God, I love you so much Will."

Buffy raised her head and locked eyes with Tara , and said with deliberation, "And, I love you too, Tara ."

Tara 's face practically glowed as a wide, joyous smile stole across her features, and her eyes became wet with unshed tears. "I- I love you, Buffy." Her eyes began to move back and forth between her two lovers and she shared, "I could never have imagined that I would ever be this lucky!"

Buffy leaned across Willow and deeply kissed Tara 's mouth, savoring the taste of the blond witch's lips and tongue. After a moment she pulled back and looked between her two new lovers. "I'm the lucky one," she said. "I can't believe that you guys would share yourselves with me. What you two have is so wonderful and amazing and… Thank you! Thank you for letting me be a part of it." A single tear slipped down Buffy's face, and her smile threatened to stretch her mouth from ear to ear. "I'm so happy!"

Willow interjected, "Yes Buffy. We're so generous, we graciously allow the chosen one, the savior of the whole world- who; Oh! By the way; just happens to be one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the planet!- to love us. Boy, it sure is a terrible sacrifice!" Willow put her finger on Buffy's lips to silence her retort and simply said, "We're all lucky to have each other."

Tara and Buffy nodded in agreement and pulled each other tightly into Willow for a love-affirming hug.

Tara , Buffy and Willow sat at the dining table eating the pancakes that Tara had made for them. They had managed to get cleaned up and put clothes on for the first time since Friday night. Willow had whined about wanting to stay naked, but Buffy had reminded her that Joyce and Dawn were going to be back that day, and she wasn't sure what time.

They were discussing how to handle the news of their new relationship, but had already decided that, even if they were to tell Buffy's mom and sister, being found together naked at the dining room table probably wasn't the proper way to announce it.

Thinking on the idea of 'announcing' it, Willow said, "Ooh! We could get you a 'coming out' card, Buffy!"

Tara couldn't help a particularly nasty thought from coming to mind, and said, "Do you think they make them in black leather, with a popup paddle when you open it?" How she managed to keep the innocent questioning look on her face even she would never know.

Buffy's eyes bugged nearly out of her head, and she choked on a bite of pancake as she momentarily thought Tara might be serious. " Tara !" she exclaimed

Willow had to put both hands on her mouth to stifle the giggles.

Buffy quickly realized that Tara was kidding, but said, " Tara ! That was evil! Could you imagine my *mom* seeing something like that?"

"Not to mention that Dawnie would never let you live it down!" Willow added, still laughing. "Remember that time you turned into Miss Victorian Bimbo? She never let that… go…" Willow trailed off, remembering that Dawn hadn't really been there for that.

"I know, Will. It's hard to believe that she didn't even exist six months ago, but we can't focus that. We all remember her being a part of our lives. She remembers being a part of our lives. So, as far as I'm concerned…" Buffy began.

"She was part of our lives. And she still is," Tara completed the thought. Reaching out to stroke Buffy's face gently, yet almost possessively she added, "She's my Slayer's kid sister. And we're not going to let big, bad Glory get her hands on her!"

Buffy caught Tara 's hand against her face and turned to place a kiss on her palm. "Thank you, Mistress," she whispered.

Willow smiled at the sight of her two lovers sharing a tender moment. "Back to the big question- what are we going to tell the others about… this," she said, making a swirling gesture to indicate the three of them.

Buffy dropped her eyes to the plate in front of her. "I don't know, Will. I don't know if everyone can handle something like this…"

Tara had expected that response, and had already developed what she thought would be a strong, two pronged defense. "Buffy… Hiding things from the Scoobies; has that *ever* ended well for you?"

When Buffy didn't respond, Willow chimed in, making Tara 's second point for her, "Buffy? I don't want to hide this. I mean, yeah I'm scared at what Giles will say, and what Xander will say- though I have to say that I don't think Xander will do anything but drool and then take Anya home to give her 'lots of orgasms'…" she took Buffy's hand and ducked down to look into her eyes, "And I know we're all worried about your mom, and Dawnie; but I don't want to hide this. You know I'm a terrible liar, and… and… I don't want to not be able to touch you or kiss you 'cause someone might see! Oh! And could you really stand it if we're researching at the Magic Box and I was to walk over and sit on Tara's lap, or go in the back when no one is looking and feel her up like I sometimes…" she paused when she noticed Tara blushing hotly and realized what she was saying. "I mean if I were to… I mean… Anyway! If the others didn't know about us, you couldn't do those things with us… those things… that we don't do," she finished with a defiant toss of her hair.

Buffy's smile got wider and wider as Willow babbled. Gripping her hand where Willow had take her own, Buffy gave it a little shake and said, "You're right, Willow. I want naughty feeling-up-when-nobody's-looking privileges. We'll figure out a way," she finished with a smile and leaned over to kiss her lover sweetly, snaking her hand all the way up Willow 's thigh and rubbing her through the seam of her jeans.

At Willows sudden stiffening during the kiss, Tara leaned over the corner of the table so she could see what the Slayer was doing to her pet. She grinned and said, "Just like that, Buffy. I can't tell you how many times I never did that while we were researching."

When Buffy broke the kiss at that comment, Willow gave her that teeth-revealing grin that conveyed her impish delight so effectively.

"Ok, ok. You guys win. We'll just sit them down and tell them.

Willow was suddenly struck by a thought, "Oh, where are we going to sleep?"

As Tara and Buffy looked at her blankly for a moment, Willow elucidated, "You know, sleep? You moved back in with your mom and sister, Buffy. Tara and I sleep together almost every night! I don't want to not have you there too," she finished with a pout. "I don't think your mom will approve of us staying here every night, plus, we can't really move in here anyway. Plus, Oh! The noise? I think poor Dawnie would be scarred for life!"

Buffy and Tara shared an amused look as their redheaded witch rambled on. When she ran out of steam, Tara said, "We won't be able to spend every night together at first, for a while. But we can have lots of sleepovers?" she said with a look at Buffy.

Buffy smiled eagerly, saying, "Yeah! Mom's feeling almost all better now, what with the surgery over, now I don't have to stay home every night. And we can switch off rooms so we don't invade poor Tara 's little room with all our stuff."

Tara smiled at Buffy's logistical considerations and added in a sly voice, "And on the weekends, we can have sex on every horizontal surface in each room." At the flabbergasted looks from each of her girls, she added, "What? We have to make up for any nights we miss during the week," with a completely deadpan look.

Buffy's eyes goggled again and she smiled a huge happy-smile. " Tara !" she exclaimed. Suddenly she stood up and swung her leg up and over the table, pivoting on the foot between them, spinning so that when she put her leg back down, she was straddling the surprised witch's lap. Buffy boldly ran her hands up Tara 's body until she was cupping the blonde's full breasts, squeezing and kneading gently. "You've been hiding that dirty mind from us all this time, while we all thought you were sweet and shy!" Leaning forward and running her tongue along Tara 's neck and up to her ear she breathily whispered, "That's just evil."

Tara moaned as Buffy began to suckle her earlobe, "Sometimes, Slayer, evil can be very good!"

Part 2

Buffy's assault on Tara 's ear was cut short when she heard the sound of her mother's jeep pulling into the driveway.

Tara was confused by Buffy's pulling away with an annoyed growl. She was about to ask what was wrong when she heard the sound of car doors shutting.

At the same time Willow , who was getting quite aroused by the sight of the two blonds feeling each other up, heard the noise and whispered loudly, "Buffy, I think your mom's home!"

For just a moment, Buffy was seriously considering letting her mom just walk in and find them like this… With a growl of annoyance, she got up off of Tara just as her little sister banged the front door open.

"Hey Guys!" she said excitedly upon seeing Willow and Tara . Almost ignoring her entirely, she nodded to Buffy as if it were an afterthought, "Hey, Buffy."

Buffy just rolled her eyes at Dawn's behavior. "That's weird," she thought. Usually Buffy got pissed off at her kid sister's childishness. After a moment's thought she concluded that a weekend of mind-blowing sex and bondage must have given her new perspective. "Or, just wore me out too much to have energy to get angry!" she thought with a laugh.

Dawn's eyes bugged out in surprise when Buffy's response was to chuckle at her. She was used to Buffy being all bitchy at her all the time. "Whatever," she thought. Turning back to her two favorite witches, she said. You guys have got to see this mask Mom bought me! It's so awesome!

Buffy took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself. "That's a good idea!" Turning to Willow and Tara , she said, "Why don't you guys go up to Dawn's room and check it out? I'll help mom unload the jeep and… and… I'll do that thing."

Willow was confused for a moment, "That thing?"

Buffy gave her a look that said 'think about it!'

Tara realized immediately, "Oh… You know, Willow . That *thing* that we were talking about?"

Comprehension dawned on Willow and she stood, flustered, hands moving erratically, and said, "Oh! That Thing!" Her face collapsed in consternation and nervousness as she offered, "You don't want to… shouldn't we…" she trailed off as she looked back and forth between Tara and Buffy.

Buffy just said, "No, you guys go on up. I'll be up in a couple of minutes."

Dawn put her hands on her hips and struck an annoyed stance. "Geez! Cryptic much?" She turned to Buffy and said, "I'm not a child! Why don't you just say you want to talk to mom alone!? 'Wouldn't want to tell *me* anything important!'" She was clearly upset.

Buffy's normal response would have been to shout at Dawn and shoo her off. After taking a breath to do just that, she met the eyes of her Mistress, who was looking at her in definite disapproval. Buffy felt a tingle of desire at the same time her stomach did a flip-flop. She took a moment to reconsider her response.

Dawn saw Buffy's mouth open, ready to blast her just like always. She was shocked when Buffy looked over at Tara , and then shut her mouth with an audible snap. She wondered what the hell was going on. She started to get a little worried.

Joyce walked in just in time to catch Dawn's comment and was herself waiting for the Buffy-blast. She was as shocked as Dawn when Buffy actually responded.

"Dawn… You're right. I need to talk to mom by myself for a minute. If you'll go up with Will and Tara, I promise I'll come up and we'll talk about it all together. Ok?

Dawn was stunned into silence for a moment and allowed Tara and Willow to lead her up the stairs.

Buffy felt a delicious warmth flow through her when she saw Tara mouth, "That's a good Slayer…" and winked, promising a reward to come. She really liked it when Mistress Tara rewarded her.

Joyce heard Dawn's voice fading as she went up the stairs with the two girls, "Ok, What just happened?" Her thoughts echoed her youngest daughter's words as she had caught Tara whisper something to Buffy and wink at her. The smile on Tara 's face had been… "Ok, I must be seeing things." She thought.

When Buffy turned around, she knew had a dreamy smile on her face. The smile went away when she saw her mother's calculating stare. Sighing deeply, she delayed for a moment by asking, "Can I help you bring anything in?"

Joyce hadn't raised a nineteen year old girl without learning how to recognize a diversionary tactic when she saw one. "Why don't you explain what just happened between you and Tara instead? Then you can tell me what you wanted to talk to me about without Dawn being here."

Her sharpness over the look Buffy and Tara shared evaporated instantly as she became concerned about Dawn. She still didn't really understand the whole 'Key' concept, but she knew it meant danger for Dawn. Dawn may not have really been her daughter, but she loved her just the same as if she was. "Oh, God! Did something happen? Is Dawn…?"

Buffy grabbed her mother's wrists and interrupted her before she could have a full-blown panic attack. "Nothing happened with Dawn, Mom. Nothing new, anyway." Leading the older, but still beautiful blonde woman over to one of the dining-room chairs, she said, "Something happened with me, Mom." Before she could say anything, Buffy added, "It has to do with what you just saw between Tara and me."

Joyce d iges ted that for a moment, absorbing the implications. Shaking her head slightly, she raised her gaze to meet her daughter's, "Tara? But I thought… her and Willow ? What about Riley?"

Buffy collapsed into a chair facing her mother. She took her hands and began, "Mom, let me start at the beginning, and I promise I'll explain everything- just don't ask any questions until I finish. I only want to go through the whole thing once."

"What about Dawn?"

Buffy smiled a sad smile, "I don't think I'm going to be sharing the whole back-story with Dawn. Just the result."

"I realized that I was in love with Willow just before we graduated High-school. I loved her before that; heck I think I wanted her since I first met her." Buffy blushed at that admission, and Joyce's startled gasp. Dropping her gaze, she explained, "Yes Mother. I've been… attracted… to girls for a very long time." Seeing that her mother wanted to protest, Buffy pre-empted her, "Please Mom! This is hard enough as it is…"

Joyce closed her mouth, but gave her daughter a frustrated glare.

"Yes, I've always dated boys. Yes, what Angel and I had was real. I'm attracted to both men and women. I have been for as long as I can remember."

Joyce could see that this was difficult for Buffy to discuss, and she gave her daughter's hands a reassuring squeeze- as reassuring as she could be in the face of this startling revelation.

Buffy met her mother's eyes once again and gave her a halfhearted grin before continuing, "I could never admit it then- I was sure I would be ostracized by my friends. Then the whole slaying thing happened and I was already fast becoming an outcast. I just didn't have it in me to give anyone more encouragement to treat me like a social pariah."

Joyce felt her eyes begin to well with tears. At the time she had been hard on Buffy, no doubt adding to her feelings of persecution. She hadn't known her daughter was the Slayer, she just thought she was becoming a troublemaker and a hoodlum. "If only I'd known," she thought. Of course when she was being completely honest with herself, she admitted that she probably would have made an even worse mess of things back then than she did when she found out.

Buffy quickly continued- wanting to put this whole terrible conversation behind her and move on. "Any way- long-story short, I found out that Willow has felt the same way about me, and so does Tara ." Looking deep into her mother's eyes, giving her hands a little squeeze, and willing her to understand and accept, she said, "I know it feels weird, Mom, but we are in love. Really and truly in love."

Joyce was still thinking along conventional lines, as she knew them, and didn't fully understand, "You're in love with Willow ? Or, with Tara ? I don't understand, honey."

Buffy'd struggled to get that out in the first place, and it was killing her to have to clarify- she just wanted her mommy to accept and love her. "Both, Mom. I'm in love with both of them."

Still not getting with the program, Joyce said, "But, which one…"

"Aargh!" Buffy growled. She let go of her mom's hands and stood up, throwing her hands in the air, "Both of them mom. The three of us are in a relationship. Together."

"The three of you… Oh." Joyce finally got it. Then the implications of the look shared between her daughter and the other blonde sank in- along with some unbidden mental images- "OH!"

Buffy watched with baited breath as he mother stood up and began pacing back and forth. Finally she started to ask the question that kept reverberating through her mind, "The three of you are… are…"

Buffy couldn't help but grin as her mother tried to delicately ask if she was having sex with the two witches.

Joyce stopped pacing and asked, "There's bible study?" referencing the euphemism for sex Buffy had mentioned right after her surgery.

Buffy's mind slid into another realm, and she perhaps over-shared when she mumbled, "Hours and hours of time in the Word…" She trailed off, blushing furiously when she saw her mother's eyes bug out of her head. "Sorry. Too much information, huh." she said, mortified.

Joyce couldn't help but laugh at the embarrassment on her daughter's face. "I don't need details, dear," she said, some small part of her enjoying taunting her daughter. He smile went away as she remembered her earlier question. "What about Riley."

Buffy slumped back down into her chair. "I'm not proud of how I handled the whole Riley thing, Mom. He was nice and all… Did you see his arms?"

Joyce just raised an eyebrow.

Buffy refocused. "I never loved him. He loved me, but he couldn't get past the whole Slayer thing." She sighed dramatically, "I think he knew in the end. He as much as said it to my face." Looking down dejectedly she said, "I was just using him, I think. I couldn't have Willow and I didn't want to be alone. Riley could never replace Angel- and he couldn't ever even approach the way I feel about Willow ."

"What about Tara ?" Joyce asked. She was concerned that the three were doomed from the start.

A genuine smile of affection and pleasure slid over Buffy's face at the thought of her Mistress. "It's different than how I feel about Will; I've been best friends with Willow for years- we know each other like no other, and we have a history together. With Tara , it's all new and shiny and special. I really love her too, mom. And I know she loves both of us. She's the one who brought us all together."

Joyce was surprised by that. She didn't really know the shy blond that well, but she would never have guessed that she could or would be the initiator in this strange relationship. "How did she do that?" she asked in wonder.

Buffy blushed scarlet again.

Joyce quickly held up her hand and said, "Forget I asked- I don't want to know."

Buffy laughed in amusement and not a little relief.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Buffy said, "You know, you're taking this a lot better than I thought you would."

Joyce smiles slyly and asked, "How did you think I would take it?"

Buffy let a little of her insecurity show when she answered, "You know, anger, disbelief… rejection." Quickly glossing over the last, she added, "Basically I thought you'd wig out."

"I admit that I was very shocked and upset out when you burnt down Hemrey High. I handled it badly when I found out you were the Slayer…" she began.

Buffy protested, "Hey! It wasn't the whole school, just the gym!"

Joyce silenced her with a look before continuing. "Finding out that my daughter is in love with another woman… women… well, I don't exactly understand it, but really- compared to everything else in our lives, that's kinda low on the totem pole." Reaching out to put her hand on her daughter's knee she squeezed reassuringly and added, "And, I wouldn't reject you Buffy. Not ever. Despite some misunderstandings between us in the past, I never rejected you. I love you."

Buffy didn't even try to restrain the tears as she wrapped her arms around her mother and hugged her tightly. "I love you mommy!" she cried.

Joyce cried a few tears of her own. Buffy hadn't called her mommy in forever. "Oh, I love you so much, Buffy," she whispered, rocking her daughter in her arms.

Part 3

Willow had been a little nervous as they walked up the stairs with Dawn. Partly because of Dawn wanting to know what was going on, and partly because of thinking of Buffy down there telling her mom about them. And, in the back of her mind, she were just a little bit freaked out because Dawn was 'The Key.'

This was the first time they had seen or spoken to Dawn since Buffy's startling revelation. She seemed the same as always, except she seemed to be kinda freaked out about Buffy's atypical behavior a moment ago. The bemused way she breathed, "What just happened?" illustrated that point quite well.

Tara was well pleased that she had been able to calm Buffy down with just a look. The feeling of power that had coursed through her was amazing. It was nearly as strong as the feeling she got when the magic was coursing through her veins during a particularly powerful spell. The look of lust Buffy gave her when she had whispered her approval, tacitly promising a reward for her obedience… it had made her wet with anticipation. "Goddess, I need to cool down!" she thought. It would be hours at least before she could make good on her promise, and there was serious discussion ahead- she needed to be able to focus on the task at hand.

She meant to reward Buffy very well, though, when she got the chance. A plan was already forming in her mind.

Dawn went to put her suitcase back in the storage closet, leaving the witches alone for a moment. As she put the case over in one corner of the closet, she noticed something missing. That box- full of old shoes- that had been there forever, had been moved. It sat lower than before. Dawn thought for a moment about what had been under that box.

Being the youngest, which meant that no one ever told her anything, combined with her innate sense of curiosity, had led her to spend hours looking into things that she wasn't supposed to look at. One such exploration had turned up the wooden case that had been under those shoes. The wooden case that contained that huge-ass paddle.

When she first found it she freaked out- imagining that that must be something mom held in reserve for if she was ever really, *really* bad. It had been another month before she had worked up the courage to even think about looking at it again. One time when she'd had Janice over for a slumber party she had told her about the paddle. Mom had long since gone to bed, and Buffy was out late slaying- as always- and Janice convinced her to let her see it.

Janice always acted like she knew everything, which kinda pissed Dawn off sometimes, but a lot of times it turned out that Janice was right about stuff- especially about sex stuff. Mostly because Janice had figured her dad's password to his computer and had checked out all of her dad's X-rated Internet sites. Most of what Dawn knew about sex- and, she figured most of what Janice knew, even if she tried to play like she had actually done stuff for real- came from her and Janice checking out internet porn when her dad wasn't home.

Some of that stuff really grossed Dawn out; especially the stuff Janice had showed her the next day after they looked at the paddle. Janice had told Dawn that it was a sex toy, and Dawn had been like, 'No Way! Who wants to get their ass beat with a paddle?' And Janice was like, 'It's this big thing; people tie each other up and spank them, and whip them, and they all wear these kinky leather outfits and stuff.'

Dawn had nightmares for a week after looking at some of those pictures. She had refused to think of why that thing had been in their closet, but she just knew it had to be Buffy's because there was no way she was ever going to imagine her mom doing any of that stuff!

Breaking out of her reverie, Dawn checked down the hall to see if Tara and Willow were looking for her yet. She heard them whispering to each other through the cracked-open door of her room, and she could hear voices coming from downstairs, indicating that Mom and Buffy were still talking. She really wanted to know what had happened to that paddle, and why there was this big drama between her sister and the two witches that she liked so much.

Deciding to risk it, Dawn tiptoed over to her sister's room and quietly opened the door, staring down the hall the whole time to see if anyone might be coming. The first thing she noticed was the smell. Is smelled funky and stale, like nothing she had ever smelled before. She quickly looked around, looking for the paddle. She checked out the closet, which was already open, and didn't see anything. She was about to give up when she had a sudden thought and looked under the bed.

"Ohmygod!" she thought, stifling a gasp. There it was. She quickly stood up and went to walk out of the room when the other thing she saw finally filtered into her head. There was rope tied to each of the four bedposts on Buffy's bed.

Tara and Willow began a low conversation while they waited for Dawn to get back from putting away her suitcase.

Willow voiced the concern that was weighing heaviest on her, "Oh Tara , what do you think she'll say? How's she going to react? I don't know if I'll be able to look Buffy's mom in the face ever again!"

Tara hugged the trembling redhead to her, whispering in her ear to calm her as she rubbed her back. "Shhh, it'll be ok, Honey. It's not like Buffy is telling her everything we do with each other. She's just going to tell her that we love her and that we're together."

"But what if she hates us? Tara , I love Buffy's mom like she was my own! Better than my own mom- she's always been there for me… and now I'm…"

Tara gently interrupted her before she could take off on another babbling rant, "Now you are loving and caring for her daughter. Now you're making Buffy happy- something she hasn't been for years, probably." She leaned back from her lover long enough to look her in the face, reassuring her with her eyes.

Willow smiled that soft, bashful smile that usually preceded her little-girl voice. "Sure enough," Tara thought as Willow began to speak, "It never fails."

"Now, *we* are making her happy for the first time in years," Willow chided in her sweet little voice.

Tara smiled and looked into Willow's eyes with the same look of adoration she had shown her as they danced on the night of her birthday, and her voice broke slightly as she said, "Mmm, I love you so much, Willow!"

Their lips met in a soft, gentle kiss as the love and affection echoed back and forth between them. Neither tried to deepen it, nor did they move to end it. They just delighted in the feel of each other's warm, soft lips against their own.

Dawn tried to school her features into her normal appearance. She was desperate to convince her sister and her friends that she was old enough to be included in Scooby stuff. She hated it that they all thought of her as this little girl. She also didn't want them to know that she has been snooping in Buffy's room, because that would definitely blow her chances of being included, just when it looked like they might actually tell her something for once.

Nevertheless, what she had seen in her sister's room was seriously freaking her out. She kept having flashes of the paddle under the bed and the ropes on the bedposts and those pictures Janice had shown her of people being tied down while they were whipped and beaten.

She didn't understand how that could be sexy. She thought sex was supposed to be wonderful and make you feel really good. She knew that she felt really good when she touched herself like Janice had told her how to do. She didn't think she had ever managed to cum, like Janice said you were supposed to, because she just never felt like she was finished. Janice had said you would definitely know when you cum. She never felt that. She was always afraid that Buffy or her mom could hear her because she always started to moan really loud when it started to feel really good. She worried that she would get caught and she had to stop, even though it was really hard because she wanted to finish, and she didn't understand how being hit could make you feel good like that.

She realized that she was babbling like Willow in her head because she noticed that she was back in her room and there was Willow and Tara and they were kissing. She thought she could definitely see how the kissing and hugging would be fun and feel good, even though she had never done it. 'Cause Willow and Tara really seemed to be enjoying it. How could they let Buffy beat them? Weren't they together- they really looked like they were together right now. She wondered witch one of them had been tied to Buffy's bed, and why the other one let it happen. Couldn't they cast a spell and get out of it? Did they want to get beat? Were both of them doing it?

She couldn't picture either of them being the one who did the beating, 'cause just look at them! They were way too sweet and nice to do something like that.

Dawn started to feel a little bit dizzy and decided that she had to sit down. Not wanting to disturb the witches, she plopped down on the floor, Indian style, and just stared up at them. Her mind was whirling a million miles a minute as the competing thoughts of 'be cool, don't freak out' and 'Ohmygod ohmygod!' clashed along with images of the paddle, the ropes and the Internet pictures.

The two witches caught the movement out of the corner of their eyes as Dawn dropped to the floor.

Hastily breaking their kiss, Tara looked down at Dawn with some concern. She looked ashen and her eyes seemed shiny, as if slightly glazed over.

Willow was embarrassed, only because she and Tara had always acted pretty platonically in front of Dawn. She thought Dawn knew that she and Tara were girlfriends, but it hadn't really ever come up in conversation. "Sorry," she said with a blushing smile.

Dawn said, "Oh, that's ok."

Tara knelt in front of her lover's sister and reached out to feel her face, thinking she might be ill. "Are you alright Dawn?" Her face felt cool to the touch. "Dawn, do you feel ok?"

Willow dropped to her knees as well, reaching out to steady the girl, as she seemed to wobble a bit. "Dawnie? Are you alright? We didn't… you knew Tara and I… I mean…"

Dawn managed a half-hearted chuckle as Willow 's babbling reminded her of the mental babbling she had in her brain as she walked in the door. "No, Willow . It's cool; I knew you and Tara were dating since… like forever."

Dawn felt a little better for having sat down. Some of the blood was returning to her face. Unfortunately her brain was still a little oxygen deprived and she didn't sensor her words quite as well as she would have otherwise.

"You guys are… Is it girlfriends? Do lesbians have a different word for it? Lovers? Partners?" She shook her head and continued spewing forth stream-of-consciousness, "Do you have a cutesy name for it, like snugglebunnies or sex…"

Tara and Willow goggled at each other for half a beat before Tara cut Dawn off, "Girlfriends!" she winced a little at her own volume. "'Girlfriends' is fine, Dawn." Frowning slightly, she asked again, "Are you sure you're all right?"

Dawn had managed to suppress the more disturbing thoughts in her head, and was starting to feel less lightheaded, more coherent. "Totally fine." She stood up and felt momentary wooziness but it went right away. "Whoa, head rush," she said with a smile. "So, check out this mask Mom got me!" she said as she went over to the pile of stuff on her bed.

Tara and Willow shared a look and shrugged. Willow put on a smile and bounced over to the bed, joining the youngest Summers as she looked through the mess on her bed, trying to find the item in question. "Where'd you guys go?" she asked, trying to play along nonchalantly.

Tara frowned again as she watched Willow and Dawn talk. There was definitely something there, but she wasn't sure what.

All three of them were surprised by Dawn's easy acceptance of their relationship. When Buffy had come up to talk to her, she had expected that Dawn would freak out. Instead, she seemed almost like she wasn't surprised.

Willow vocalized almost exactly Buffy's thoughts as they were walking away from the house for their first 'date' as a triad. ( Willow had looked up the term on the internet, searching for info on polyamorous relationships for Dawn and Joyce- non graphic info, of course) "Ok, how come Dawn seemed less surprised than anyone else by this? I think I was more surprised by it than she was, and I'm one of the ones involved!" she asked rhetorically.

Tara was in a serious teasing mood and- just to see Willow blush- said, "Yes; intimately involved," in her low, sultry voice.

Buffy and Tara grinned, both of them enjoying a good Willow-blush like a piece of beautiful art.

Buffy concurred with Willow ; "She did seem to take it awfully well…"

Tara chimed in again, "Well, you can talk to her about it tomorrow after class."

Buffy cocked her head and checked Willow 's watch. It was only 5pm . "Why not tonight after the movie?" she asked, confused.

Tara smiled a devious smile and answered in that same, low, teasing tone of voice, "Oh no, Slayer. I've got plans for you tonight."

Like Pavlov's dog, both Buffy and Willow 's eyes dilated in instant arousal. Willow squeaked out, "We could, uh, skip the movie?"

Tara smiled at her pet's effort. She stopped walking and looked at her two subs, "Unh uh, pet. You and the Slayer are going to learn to savor the anticipation. Even if it kills you." At their slack, wanton expressions she giggled and smiled brightly. Then she turned and continued walking toward the theater, her subs quickly chasing after her.

Several hours later, Buffy couldn't have told you what movie they saw to save her life. She knew it was dark, and that her Mistress was on one side of her and her Willow was on the other.

Willow kept stroking her hands over every inch of her she could reach- the fact that she was fully clothed did nothing to stop her ministrations- nor did it cool Buffy's ardor in the least.

Her Mistress kept brushing her lips over Buffy's ear and whispering how she was going to make Buffy scream with pleasure before the night was out.

Buffy had no memory of walking hand in hand with lover's back to Tara 's place. She did remember being gently and carefully relieved of her clothing by her dear Willow . Meanwhile Tara directed her pet and walked around the Slayer, stroking her and caressing her- telling her what a good Slayer she was, and how her obedience that afternoon with Dawn had earned her a special reward.

Once she was naked, Tara led her over to the foot of her bed. She wrapped her wrists and ankles in lamb-skin lined harness-grade leather cuffs. The cuffs were thick and stiff, but soft with the lining against her skin. Each had a stout D-ring attached to it, of which Tara immediately took advantage.

With a wave of her hand and a softly spoken, "bind" Buffy found her feet chained to the bedposts- with enough slack that she could stand with her legs spread about shoulder width- and her hands drawn up over her head, chained to an exposed beam in her ceiling. The position left her now soaked pussy to be exposed to the cool air- filling the room with the heady scent of her arousal. Her arms stretched above her head caused her back to arch slightly, and her breasts to stand proudly out from her chest.

Tara drew Willow to the floor off to Buffy's left. The Slayer could see them sitting within a sacred circle and they began chanting, a bowl of water between them- it's surface rippling slightly as their chant seemed to fill the air with a vibrating hum. After a minute of chanting, the hum disappeared, the surface of the water grew absolutely still, and there was a slight sensation of sonic deadness to the air, as though she was wearing ear-muffs.

Tara smiled and said, "We've shielded the room, Buffy. We could set off a bomb in here and the neighbors wouldn't hear a thing!"

Buffy raised an eyebrow and said, "That's not on the program, though, is it? Detonating a bomb?"

Tara 's smile grew truly mischievous, "Oh yes, Slayer. I plan on setting off an explosion, all right. Right here," she said as her hand slid across the skin of Buffy's abdomen and down to her bare mound.

Buffy shivered in eager anticipation and said, "Oh, yes! Please!"

Forty-five minutes later, Buffy was a dripping, sticky mess of desperate need. Tara had started off by having Willow get up on the bed in front of Buffy and performing a strip tease while Tara rubbed her already naked body against the Slayer's back and whispered in her ear, pointing out Willow 's beauty and sexiness.

Things had spun out of control from there and Willow was kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed, between Buffy's legs, licking and sucking the Slayer toward her third orgasm.

During her first, Tara had clipped a pair of Japanese scissoring-clamps onto her distended nipples; the jolt of pain from which had caused her to scream through her first, prolonged orgasm.

Willow proved that not only did she have a dexterous tongue, but amazing oral endurance as she never let up on Buffy's dripping center, sucking up every last drop of her passion as she continually induced more and more. As she approached her second orgasm, Tara introduced her to a heretofore-unknown property of these particular nipple clamps. She attached a chain between them and gave it a slight tug.

Pulling on the clamps caused them to squeeze harder!

As her second mind-blowing orgasm ripped through her, her body's shaking and quivering caused the weighted chain hanging from her jutting breasts to jiggle and shake, squeezing her nipples in a sensual rhythm of pain and pleasure.

And now, as she approached her third psyche-shattering release of the evening she felt a familiar sensation against the entrance to her sex. Willow 's talented tongue and mouth moved up to her clit and began sucking and licking furiously as Tara slid home into Buffy's slick core with eight long inches of thick silicone strap-on.

Buffy shrieked in ecstasy as every thrust of her Mistress' hips filled her completely; grinding her bundle of nerves into Willow 's face and slapping against Buffy's ass with a wet smack. The angle of penetration, and the textured ribs of the strap-on cock, caused delightful friction across her G-spot and her orgasm was jacked up to a new level of bliss. She flooded Willow 's chin with wetness as she experienced her first female ejaculation.

By the time the last shuddering surge of electricity ran through her nervous system, Buffy passed out, hanging from the chain above her head.

"Hmm, do you think she enjoyed her reward, pet?" Tara asked the sticky, messy, sopping-wet redhead kneeling between her Slayer's thighs.

Willow looked down at her entirely soaked body and said with a smirk, "I think so, Mistress; but a good scientist never bases her conclusions on a single test subject."

Tara laughed out loud in shear pleasure and happiness as she began to cast the spell that would release Buffy and bring her down gently on the bed.

Part 4

Buffy had gone through her classes that day with a look of bliss plastered to her face that had everyone staring at her in either wonder or envy. To say that she glowed was an understatement.

When she had woken up that morning her body was all tingly from the series of wicked powerful orgasms combined with 8 hours of hard, deep sleep. If she dreamed, she didn't recall any of them. Her last memory was slowly slipping into sleep in the arms of her Mistress as her body was racked with shuddering, quivering pleasure. When she woke up, the three of them were spread out across the bed, with Tara in the middle on her back and Willow and Buffy on either side. Willow was cuddled up against Tara , with her head in the crook of the blond witches arm, and her own arm bent up, hand resting on one plump breast.

After the pleasure they had given her last night, she couldn't bear to disturb their peaceful slumber this morning. They didn't have classes for a couple more hours, so she let them sleep.

Unfortunately, she did have classes so she cleaned up and left the room- leaving her lover's behind for the first time since they had gotten together.

Sitting in class, ignoring most of the professor's lecture as she reflected on the past three days, Buffy realized that Tara and Willow would most likely be making love this very minute. She wished she could be there with them, but strangely, she felt no jealousy at the thought. She wanted them to enjoy each other when she wasn't around- she had left them a note, encouraging them to have fun. And, she looked forward to spending some quality time with each of them alone as time permitted. She thought it would be a good idea to discuss it, but couldn't imagine that they would mind. So long as no one was ever denied in favor of the other partner, she hoped they could enjoy all there was about each other- as three different couples as well as a committed triad.

Nothing else in her life was conventional, why should she start now?

Tara woke up as Buffy left the room. She remembered that Buffy had an early class on Mondays, so she didn't worry about it. She just lay there and enjoyed the feel of her darling redhead as she slept cuddled around the blonde's body.

It was strange, so much had happened so quickly- this would be the first time the three of them had spent more than a few minutes apart since Friday night. There was so much they needed to talk about, so that they all understood things the same way. Tara had never been in a polyamorous relationship before- honestly, she had never been in a serious relationship of any kind before she and Willow ; and that was only a few months old. However, she instinctively knew that communication would be of the utmost importance in keeping the three of them together. She knew Willow and Buffy both had a tendency to hide things that they thought would upset someone. "I can't let them get away with that," she thought firmly. "We *are* going to make this work!"

Tara surprised herself with her own vehemence. She had always been shy and introverted, and she had never known true love before Willow and now Buffy. She was desperate to keep this feeling, this amazing feeling of being loved and cherished and adored. It was such a change from the first eighteen years of her life. Her mother had protected her and loved her for the most part, but the men in her family had still managed to keep them both under their thumb. When her mother had died a couple of years ago, life had become utterly un bear able. It had taken every last ounce of her resolve to escape and make her way to Sunnydale to go to school.

Her heart had fallen into the pit of her stomach when she had seen her brother in the Magic Box. All the fear and self-doubt had reappeared. "And then I cast that stupid spell and almost got everyone killed!" She still raged at herself for that mistake. When Buffy had told her father that he could 'go ahead and take her,' Tara had wanted to die. When the she added, "you've just got to go through me first…" well, Tara already considered all of the Scooby gang to be heroes, especially Buffy. But, when she said that… those faint flutterings of desire and affection for the Slayer instantly expanded into full-blown lust and love.

The only thing that eclipsed those emotions was the acceptance and forgiveness that Willow had given her that night. Even when they still thought she was a demon, Willow had pleaded with her to stay. Pleaded with her! As if Tara wanted to leave! She was only going to leave because she thought that Willow would hate her for who she was and what she had done. Tara had been so grateful and happy, and so much in love- that night they had floated over the dance floor as they danced, and she knew it was because of the potency of the emotional and magical bond between them.

That night she had shown her gratitude by spending three straight hours kissing, licking, rubbing and sucking her lovely pale flesh until Willow 's entire body was flushed pink. Tara made her cum so hard that she wept at the absolute beauty of it- her lover's body arched and quivering as the pleasure rolled through it, her face contorted into a mask of excruciating ecstasy. Never before that moment had Tara ever been prouder of herself.

Looking down at the peaceful redhead nestled against her, she decided to relive that night, at least as well as she could in the hour or so they had before they had to be up for class. She reached over onto the bedstand and picked up a set of manacles that had landed there after having been carelessly tossed aside last night

"Oh, Willow ," she began, shaking the cuffs so as to create a clanking sound. "Wake up, Pet- Mistress Tara's got a present for you…" she sing-songed quietly.

Buffy had saved a seat for Tara when she got to her third class of the morning. She had started to worry as class was about to begin, and there was still no Tara .

A broad smile broke across her face as the blonde witch hurried through the door just as the professor was moving to close it.

Tara blushed furiously when Buffy whispered in her ear as she sat down, "What happened? Did Willow tie you to the bed this time?" She answered only with a smile as the lecture began.

Buffy couldn't manage to pay attention to the lecture. It wasn't that it wasn't interesting; she was surprisingly interested in this class- English poetry. Some of it was boring, of course, but some of those old Brits had managed to truly capture the darkness and majesty, and passion, that was in the world- often all wrapped together in one disturbingly dark, yet ardently sensuous verse.

Today, however, her mind was on passion of a more immediate kind; specifically, Tara . To her enhanced sense of smell, her lover absolutely reeked of sex. Clearly she and Willow had enjoyed their morning of solitude so much that Tara hadn't made time to hit the showers before running to class. With every breath drawn, Buffy's nose was filled with the yummy sweetness of Willow swirled together with Tara 's savory scent.

By the end of class, all Buffy could think about was getting her mouth on Tara .

Tara managed to take a few notes, but Buffy's stare was disconcerting. She could feel her Slayer's eyes on her throughout the entire lecture. Every now and then, when she would look directly at he lover, she saw her gazing intently at her and taking deep breaths, her nostrils flaring. Tara quickly realized that Buffy was sniffing her.

She had cleaned up with a damp cloth as best she could, but she hadn't had time for a shower. She realized that Buffy's 'Slayerness' must make all of her senses stronger. "Oh, goddess!" she thought, casting another sideways glance at her new lover. "She looks hungry."

The moment the professor released them, she gathered her things and stood up, facing Buffy directly for the first time since she had arrived in the classroom.

The absolutely predatory look in her eyes made Tara 's knees wobble as her body strained to give in to the passionate arousal she saw before her.

Without a word, Buffy took Tara 's hand and lead her out of the class room. She walked quickly down the hall until she reached the restrooms.

Tara saw their destination and pulled back slightly to protest. The words died on her lips as Buffy turned around and looked once again into her eyes. Her eyes promised dire consequences should the blonde witch seek to deny the Slayer her due.

Buffy surprised Tara when, rather than lead her into the restroom, she used her Slayer-strength to break open the door to the plumbing chase between the restrooms.

All Buffy could think of was the smell the was invading her brain. The heady combination of her two lover's essences was having an overwhelming effect on her. She felt a need not only to taste her lover as soon as possible, but to mark her territory as well. She wanted everyone who saw Tara to know that she was Buffy's. She didn't even try to reconcile the image of Tara as her Mistress with the image of Tara as her property. Right now the Slayer was going to take what was hers!

Tara felt just the tiniest thrill of fear run through her at the single-minded purpose her lover was displaying. It was overwhelmed by the desire, but it was still noticeable. Tara thought it might be actually heightening her desire, either that or the inherent naughtiness of the location and situation; whichever it was, she was already very wet and Buffy had yet to do more than hold her hand.

Buffy pulled her into the narrow chase and immediately pressed her up against the rough wall, the excess mortar between the cinderblock digging into her back. The lusty Slayer began to assault her mouth, penetrating Tara 's lips with her questing tongue and drinking in the savory taste. Buffy's hands found their way through the gap between the witch's sweater and pants, one hand making it's way up her torso and massaging her breasts through the sheer fabric of her bra, the other snaking it's way down, under her pants, inside her panties, until it found the wet, slick heat it was seeking.

Tara broke from the kiss, pressing her head back against the irregular surface, panting for oxygen as her body arched into the Slayers hands.

Buffy never let up, trailing her lips and tongue down the taller girl's chin to her throat, nipping and sucking at her pulse point while continuing her attack on the witch's lissome body.

Tara felt the pressure against her throat and realized that Buffy was affecting a love bite in the pale column of her neck that everyone could see. "She's marking me as hers!" Tara thought wildly, imagining the furtive looks and open stares that would surround her. She was at once mortified- still that innate shyness inside her- and thrilled. "Buffy is telling the world that I belong to her!" she thought. Suddenly, her body tensed and she cut loose an involuntary scream as the release whipped through her.

Not willing to submit entirely, Tara growled out, "Oh, you'll pay for that, Slayer!" as she came down from her high.

An unrepentant Buffy couldn't wipe the smile entirely off of her face as she sucked Tara 's juices from her fingers. She straightened out Tara 's clothes, and managed to drop her gaze as she replied, "Yes Mistress."

Tara wasn't satisfied by that, and as she exited the chase behind Buffy she growled even louder, "I'll have you in chains; begging for forgiveness before this night is out! Do you understand me?"

Buffy stopped in place just outside the door, not saying a word.

Tara , focused only on Buffy, demanded a response. Spinning the motionless Slayer around she hissed, "You will answer when your Mistress asks you a question!"

Buffy goggled at Tara , tilting her head toward the three boys on her right who had apparently come over to check out the scream emanating from the plumbing chase.

Tara looked over to what her lover was indicating and was instantly embarrassed. Her entire body blushed dark red. And yet, from somewhere deep inside the shy, introverted girl, her inner Dom rose up and took command of the situation. Turning back to her Slayer, she said, "Answer the question pet."

Buffy's head snapped back to Tara as though she had been slapped. Seeing the look in her lover's eyes, her body flushed with arousal. "Yes Mistress," she whispered.

Turning back to the three stupefied boys, she looked down at their obvious erections and smirked, "Sorry, Boys. This is mine; you'll have to look elsewhere."

Three sets of jaws nearly came unhinged at that. Four, if you counted Buffy's own stunned countenance.

Tara smiled happily at the thought of shocking everyone around her, even though she included herself among the most shocked of all. "Come along, pet. We've your punishment to see to…" she said as she took the astonished Slayer by the hand and lead her down the hallway toward the refectory where they were meeting Willow for lunch. She couldn't wait to tell Willow about this.

Three sets of glazed eyes and dropped jaws followed the girls down the hall.

Buffy's stunned- and excited- thought as she allowed herself to be lead away was, "We've unleashed a monster!"

This was the conversation that Buffy was dreading. Not Giles, Not Xander; though that one had her more than a little nervous; certainly not Anya- Buffy imagined that Anya couldn't care less about anyone else's love life- so long as it didn't interfere with Xander giving her 'lots of orgasms.' No, there was only one conversation that she dreaded more than this one, and it was with the same person.

She wanted her lover's by her side, however, when she told Dawn that she was 'The Key.'

"Hey, Dawn," Buffy said when she peaked around the door frame into her sister's room. She frowned when Dawn flinched as she walked into the room. She stopped in her tracks. "Sorry, Dawn. Is it ok if I come in?

"Why are you being so nice?" Dawn snapped, rather harshly.

Buffy restrained herself from reacting to Dawn's annoying tone of voice. Mistress made her promise to be good. She had said that- If Buffy was really, really good with Dawn; if she found out what had upset her the previous day, and dealt with it positively- she might be persuaded to forgive the Slayers assault earlier that day. Buffy would still merit a punishment, but it would be a pleasant one, rather than a harsh one. Buffy wanted to please her Mistress, though she also wanted to be punished. "Don't want to spend too much time thinking about that contradiction," she thought ruefully.

"Please, Dawn. I don't want to fight, Ok?" Buffy pleaded. The faster she got through this, the faster she could get back to the loving acceptance of her girlfriends. Walking to the bed Dawn was laying, she again noticed Dawn flinching from her. "Dawnie? Is it ok if I sit down here?" she gestured to the foot of the bed.

Dawn looked away from Buffy, refusing to meet her eyes. "Whatever. It's not like I can stop you. You're strong enough to do anything you want," she said sullenly.

Buffy was simultaneously startled by the bitterness in Dawn's voice, and enraged by her attitude. Throwing her hands up she snapped out, "Fine!" She spun on her heal and walked back out of the room, pausing at the door for just a moment as she extended one last tentative attempt at conciliation, "I thought you might want to talk…" When Dawn made no response, Buffy walked out of the room.

Going to her own room to pack a few things, Buffy wondered what was eating Dawn. Obviously Tara was right- something was bothering the girl. "God, Now I'm really looking forward to the Key conversation!" she thought unenthusiastically.

She had the paddle back in it's box, an overnight bag packed, and the ropes untied from her bedposts when she felt her sister's presence at her door. Turning around she just looked at Dawn in as unthreatening a manner as possible, waiting to see if the volatile teen would be the first to speak.

After a long, uncomfortable silence, Dawn finally spoke. "Are you leaving?" she asked flatly

"Just for tonight Dawn," Buffy said evenly.

Raising her eyebrows, apparently trying for nonchalance, Dawn asked, "You spending the night with Willow and Tara ?"

Wondering where this was going, Buffy answered simply, "Yes."

Dawn set her jaw and spoke through her teeth, "You taking *that*?" She said the word 'that' as though it was the foulest blasphemy known to the English language.

Buffy's eyes followed Dawn's gaze to the encased paddle. Her eyes widened as she looked back at Dawn's expression of triumph and disgust. "What?" she asked, dumfounded.

Dawns words were harsh and hateful as she snapped, "I'm not stupid, Buffy! I know what that paddle is for. I know what those ropes on your bedposts are for…"

"OH MY GOD!" Buffy screamed in her head. "How did she know? How could she know?" As her whirling thoughts slowed some, the pertinent question rose to the fore, "what does she really know?"

"Dawn? Tell me what you think these are for." Buffy said, trying to maintain a calm, cool voice.

Dawn became angry again. "I'm not a little kid, Buffy. I know about Bondage and Domination and Sadomasochism!" She threw out the words as though they were some secret code- the passwords one used to prove that they were on the 'inside;' as though they were proof that she was 'in the know'

"Please Dawn. Just tell me exactly what you are thinking about, with the paddle and the ropes," Buffy reiterated.

Dawn was sick. She thought Buffy was going to try and explain it away. Like Dawn was too stupid to know what was going on. "You tied them up and beat them!" she exclaimed in a loud voice. Dawn's eyes filled with tears and her voice broke as she said in a quiet, sad voice, "How come you hurt them? Why do they let you do that?"

Buffy was dumfounded. "You think…" Tears ran down Buffy's face, matching Dawn's. "Oh, Dawnie." Buffy sat down on the bed and patted next to her. "Please come here Dawn," she begged.

Dawn almost didn't but finally she sat down, leaving a distinct gap between her and Buffy, and leaving her arms crossed in a defensive posture.

Buffy couldn't believe that she was about to discuss her sex life with *Dawn* of all people. She took a deep breath and wiped the tears off of her face with the back of her hand before she began.

"Dawn, I don't know what you know about that stuff, or where you learned it. I'm not an expert on those things either, so I can't tell you very much about them. All I can tell you is about me and Tara and Willow ." Taking another deep breath, she continued. "First of all, Dawn; the paddle is for me, not them."

At Dawn's confused look, Buffy blushed. But she continued- sensing that there would be a huge, perhaps insurmountable, rift between herself and Dawn if she didn't explain. " Tara uses the paddle on me, Dawn. Not the other way around.

Dawn's eyes goggled at that. "You let Tara beat you? Why?" she asked plaintively.

Buffy put her hand on Dawn's knee, gently squeezing to reassure her. "Dawn, it's not about a beating- it isn't hitting to cause injury… it's… Oh, God, how do I say this?" she asked, looking to the heavens for help. Finally she said, "Look, Dawn. This isn't for everyone… But, for some people… pain… little pains- like the sting of a slap on the butt- can… increase the good feelings, make them more intense? Does that make any sense?"

Dawn had dropped her arms, loosening her defensive posture. The look on her face said she was trying, really trying, to understand- but failing. With raised brows and an apologetic look she said, "Not really?"

Buffy smiled to see her sister loose her anger and bitterness. "That's ok, Dawn. It's something that you have to experience, to know about. And, even then, lots of people never understand, or like it. You don't have to understand it, you just have to know that Tara and Willow and I love each other and only do things to each other that we like. No hurting- serious hurting," she qualified, "involved."

Dawn had one more question, "And the ropes?"

"It may seem weird… well…" she began, then realizing that this whole discussion was already way beyond weird. She just shook her head and continued. When Tara ties me up, I feel free." Buffy preempted Dawn's question by explaining, "She's taking away my ability to make decisions- so, all I can do is just accept the pleasure she wants to give me. I don't have to think, just feel."

Clearly, Dawn didn't understand everything, but she did accept that everything they did was stuff they wanted. So that was ok, she guessed.

She smirked a little and said, "So, Tara 's your Dom, huh? Never thought I'd see the day the Slayer was anyone's sub."

Buffy was still stuck in this weird place where she was actually answering her bratty sister's questions, so she answered that one too, "Well, Tara is both Willow 's and my Mistress, but Willow subs to me too… and I can't believe I'm still talking about this!" She gave her sister a mock-glare.

Dawn stuck her tongue out at her.

Buffy laughed at the pure innocence of such a childish act. "Seriously, Dawn. Are we ok?"

"Yeah, we're ok," Dawn said. Suddenly struck by a thought, Dawn said, " Tara made you come talk to me, didn't she? That's why you didn't yell at me in my room, Isn't it?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

Buffy glared at Dawn, "You mean when you were acting like a little brat?"

Dawn ignored the jibe and went for the kill, "I've got you now, Slayer! Next time you're mean to me I'm not going to tell mom, I'm going to tell Mistress Tara!"

Buffy's eyes opened wide in horror. "Why you little…" she began tickling Dawn mercilessly.

From her position in the doorway to her own room, Joyce Summers smiled at Dawn's screaming laughter. At the same time she tried to d iges t all that she had overheard.

Buffy left the house with a lighter heart than she'd had for a long time. This whole, not hiding stuff, was really liberating. She still didn't want to tell Giles and Xander and Anya, but she knew that she would feel better when she did. And, they probably wouldn't reject her, not when it meant rejecting Willow and Tara too. And… she cut herself off, refusing to worry about that stuff right now.

Right now she wanted to go see her Mistress and tell her what a good little Slayer she'd been.

When Buffy got to the room, she found Willow napping. She was above the covers, still dressed. It looked like she had just lain down for a moment, and then drifted off. Tara wasn't there, but Buffy didn't want to wake Willow just to ask about Tara . She was a little emotionally drained from her talk with dawn, but also felt that she and her sister had grown much closer for having had it. It was nice to be able to allay Dawn's fears and at the same time put her own thoughts on the matter into some sort of order.

After a moment of staring at Willow and thinking about Dawn, she started to think about how Willow had been when Buffy had first met her. Then she was only a year older than Dawn's age now. She started to think about all of the events they had gone through together. Some of them stuck out in her mind for various reasons. Fun, fear, tragedy, joy… love. They had gone through them all together. Especially strong in her mind were those moments when she had felt especially close to Willow- those moments when she had almost broken down and revealed her feelings to the lovely redhead who had unknowingly been the owner of her heart for so long.

After a time she noticed that Willow had woken up and was staring back at her. She smiled.

Willow sat up and slid off of the bed onto her knees before Buffy. "Wanna play?" she asked excitedly. "Mistress Tara had to go work on a paper in the library. She said she'd be back at six and that I should be a good pet and do what ever Mistress Buffy wants until she gets back," Willow got out in one rushed breath.

Buffy smiled at Willow 's excitement. She felt a warmth down deep in her belly at the thought of 'playing' with Willow for the next two hours. However, what she really wanted to do was something different. "Get up, Willow. I don't want to play Mistress Buffy right now."

Willow 's face fell. She stood up, but didn't meet Buffy's eyes. "Oh," she said dejectedly, thinking Buffy was upset with her for something.

Buffy reached out for the redhead's chin and gently brought Willow 's face up to meet hers, "I want to do something different, ok?"

Willow smiled again, happily saying, "Oh, Ok!" then she paused and her smile dropped as she said, "Uh, what do I do?"

Buffy laughed in genuine humor. It didn't happen all that often anymore, but it seemed that Willow was stuck in her 'eager puppy dog' mode. This had happened a lot in the first year they had known each other- Willow , so eager to please her first new friend in years, practically bounced off of the walls trying to do whatever it took to make Buffy happy. As she became more secure in her friendship, and realized that Buffy liked her for her, not for trying to make Buffy happy, she quit acting like this most of the time. But, every once in a while…

"Right now, I just want you to stand there, Ok?" Buffy said, not really asking, more telling.

Willow just nodded her head and waited to see what Buffy would do next.

Buffy smiled at the fiery Wicca's response. She began to walk around the lovely girl, gently kissing and caressing different parts of her body as she spoke to her. "I told you that I loved you since the beginning, but I don't think you really believed me. I think there's still that little bit of insecurity in you that you suffered with for so long." Placing a kiss on the back of Willow's neck as her hands slid around her front and caressed her stomach over her shirt, pulling the redhead back against herself, Buffy said, "That first day, when Cordelia was so mean to you at the water fountain, and you were so nervous… I thought you were so cute!" Pulling back from where she was nuzzling Willow 's neck she added, "Even if that outfit was terribly unflattering on you. For all her many faults, Cordy did have good fashion sense."

Willow just said, "Hey! No stopping with the neck thing, please. Especially if you're going to be insulting my fashion sense."

Buffy chuckled and nibbled on Willows earlobe a bit before saying, "Later, when I saw you sitting by yourself and eating lunch, I loved the way your hair looked in the sunlight. When you asked if I wanted you to move, my first impulse was to lean down and kiss you, just to see how you would react."

Willow just panted as she pictured the scene- reliving the moment.

Buffy began to pluck at the buttons of Willow 's blouse. "On that first Halloween? When I saw you in that sexy getup? Oh, God! Willow; your stomach- that pale silky skin- I so wanted to rub my face all over it and kiss it and lick it until you begged me for more! I seriously almost said something that would have blown it." Buffy had Willow 's shirt open and was stroking the skin in question with hungry fingers.

"When you spent the night after Angelus left your fish for you to find? I couldn't sleep. I spent that whole night wanting to wrap my arms around you and tell you it was all going to be alright. I was so ashamed because you were all scared and all I could think about was how much I wanted to feel your skin against mine, how I wanted to feel your lips against mine."

Willow , her eyes closed and leaning back against the Slayer, said, "I actually thought about that too. I really, really wanted to kiss you that night. I wish I had been strong enough to tell you."

Buffy responded, "I'm glad to hear it. Makes it easier to admit that when I got up to go to the bathroom around four, it wasn't because I had to pee…"

Willow moaned, both at the visual, and at the blonde's hands over her suddenly bare breasts. "When did she get my bra off?" Willow wondered.

Buffy's hands made their way down to Willow's pants, unbuttoning the waist and unzipping the fly as she said, "When Faith captured you, I thought I was going to be sick. When Wesley said we shouldn't risk making a trade for the box of Gavrock, I almost tore out his pathetic throat. If Oz hadn't smashed the stuff for the destruction ritual, I would have really kicked his cowardly British ass." Buffy reached into Willow 's loosely hanging pants and stroked her through the damp, smooth fabric of her underwear. "As if I could ever trade you for anything.

Dropping Willow 's pants to the floor, and pulling off her open top and bra, Buffy walked around and kneeled in front of her, tugging down her silky panties. She looked up into Willow 's eyes and said, "That next day? When you told me you were staying in Sunnydale for college? This is what I really wanted to do." With that, Buffy began to lick and suckle Willow 's now wet pussy.

Willow groaned at the feel of her lovers tongue, as it gently traced the outline of her lips, spreading apart the outer and stroking in the inner lips, gathering her honey and drinking it down. She paused for a moment, nuzzling the damp curls framing Willow 's hot sex as she said, "When I heard that prophecy about my death at the hands of the master, I panicked- I told Giles that I quit. I was so afraid, Willow , I didn't want to die! But when I was in your room with you after you found and Cordelia found those bodies? And you were scared and upset, I knew right then. I knew I had to face the master. It didn't matter if it meant my death." Looking up into Willow 's tear-filled eyes, Buffy said simply and sincerely, "I'd die a thousand times over to keep you safe and well. You're my everything, Will."

Willow 's tears were flowing freely and she took the Slayer's face in her hands, "I love you Buffy. I belong to you."

Buffy's fingers were squeezing and kneading the redheaded vixen's ass as she consumed her passion juices, reveling in the musky sweetness that was Willow .

Willow 's moans got louder and more gut-wrenching as Buffy applied some of Willow 's own skills on her- grinding her nose against her swollen clit while delving deep and reaching for Willow 's g-spot with her tongue.

It didn't take more than a couple minutes before Willow was crying Buffy's name and fisting her hair as her orgasm poured through her.

Buffy felt Willow collapse and blessed her Slayer strength as it was only her grip on the witch's ass that kept her from hitting the floor. She managed to drop the boneless pile of spent flesh down onto the bed, pausing to remove her own clothing before crawling up to wrap her arms around her. She threw the sheet over them both and whispered "I love you!" in the quivering witch's ear. Then holding her tight and kissing her softly, Buffy settled in to nap until Tara came back.

Tara walked into her room to see her two lover's naked bodies intertwined on her bed. Her impulse was to join them, but she was concerned that if she didn't push Buffy, the Slayer would put off telling the other Scoobies about this new relationship. They also needed to know about The Key. "At least, Xander and Anya do, I'm sure Buffy already told Giles." She thought.

Buffy was sitting at the Magic Box, waiting for Xander to get there. He'd gone home to clean up from work before he would come to the store. She was sitting across the table from her lovers, because she knew if she sat with them, she wouldn't be able to keep her hands off of them.

Willow and Tara were holding hands and watching their lover as she fidgeted and bounced in place, obviously nervous and anxious. They both felt the same way, but were translating it into tightly gripping each other's hand under the table.

Giles was tidying up- his second favorite thing to do with his nervous energy. But as he had already cleaned his glasses twice in the last ten minutes; tidying up was all he was left with. He hadn't been told of the purpose of this meeting; 'wait till Xander's here' was all Buffy would say. From her general impatience, he imagined that she was going to tell the others about Dawn being The Key, that Glory was searching for. He wasn't sure that was the best idea, what with the council making noises as though they might actually be sending a delegation to Sunnydale. He agreed that the group would need to know, but that it might be better to wait until they found out what the council had to say first. Of course, since he had yet to tell them all that the council might even be coming, he supposed it was about to be a moot point.

Anya hovered around the cash register like a hen over it's eggs. She was noticing the glaring love bite on the blond witch and she was surprised. Anya never imagined Willow would do something like that. Buffy maybe, but not Willow . Speaking of which, which she wasn't- not the speaking part anyway- she also noticed the looks shooting back and forth between Buffy and the two witches again. She wondered if they would ever give in to their desires to have orgasms with each other. The one time she had told Xander that she thought Buffy was looking at the two witches like that, he had laughed and said, "Yeah, that'll happen… in my dreams, maybe…" Anya had become angry when she saw the look in his eye that accompanied those words. "Hey!" she had shouted. "You are only supposed to think those thoughts about me!" Xander had countered that she had been the one to bring it up. She promised herself that she wouldn't be bringing up that subject again. "No sir, not again." She thought. Now she kept to herself the constant furtive glances and open longing that all three of them engaged in constantly.

Buffy was getting too antsy to stand it and finally she got up and said to the room in general, "I'm going to go work out. Let me know when Xander gets here.

Tara and Willow were about to get up and follow when the front door to the shop opened and Xander came walking in. "Alright everyone, I have arrived. Let the Scooby-fun begin." He smiled at his own joke as everyone else rolled their eyes. Walking over and kissing his girlfriend in greeting, he lead her to the table and sat heavily down. "Ok, so, what's the what?"

Buffy began pacing nervously, once again- for what seemed like the thousandth time- trying to put her words together in a somewhat coherent fashion. "Well, there's a couple of things, actually, and they are both kinda intense, and… well, here goes." She took a deep breath and began her speech- as she had sort of arranged it in her head.

"I've hidden things from all of you in the past. And, well, they always get found out, and it's never of the good. It always blows up in my face; creating problems and making you guys think I don't trust you, when I really do... The reason I always did it, was that I was scared. Scared of how you guys would react, of what you would think of me.

Willow and Tara both looked at her encouragingly, and she smiled in response.

Xander, noticing the witches' looks, thought to himself, "They already know. I'm the last to know again. Always the Zeppo." With an ill-concealed sigh, he muttered softly- and unintentionally- under his breath, "I wonder how long has everyone who *isn't* me known about this already."

Buffy, of course heard Xander, but didn't call him on it. She did, however add to her speech to address his concerns. "The first thing is something that just happened this weekend. I know it will seem shocking and sudden… but the feelings aren't new."

Xander broke in at that moment, "Ok, if you tell us you and spike are doing the horizontal hula; I am going to be sick to my stomach."

Willow and Tara both protested, "Ugh! Xander!" and looked disgusted.

Giles raise a brow at how quickly the two witches had protested. "Surely not…" his thought trailed off.

Buffy goggled at Xander. "Spike?" she squeaked in disbelief. "Where the hell did you get that idea?"

Xander shrank slightly into his chair under the withering stares of the three women.

Buffy, still cringing in disgust at that mental image added, "There's not enough 'Ewww' in the world to describe what I think of that!" Buffy did full body shudder and said, as if in defense against such a horrifying allegation, "I'm sleeping two beautiful women, not a bleach brained vampire!"

The moment it left her mouth, one could have heard a pin drop in the resounding silence that filled the room. Buffy's hand flew up to her mouth involuntarily, as if to close the barn door after the cows were already gone.

Xander sputtered for a moment before yelping, "Women? Two? Two Women?"

Giles didn't even try to abort his hand's movements towards handkerchief and eyeglasses.

Anya just nudged Xander and said, "See? I told you so!"

Buffy dropped her hand and dropped down into an empty chair. Leaning her elbows on the table, she rested her forehead against her hands and said, "I was going to say that better, I swear."

Anya, excited to be proven right continued on, "It's Willow and Tara isn't it? The three of you are orgasm-friends now, right?"

The aforementioned witches were both blushing hotly, but kept their heads high, not ashamed of their new relationship.

Buffy shook her head, trying to deny Anya's words- not the fact of her two new lovers, but the horrible way Anya had of putting it. Finally she gave up and just laughed. "Yes, Anya. Willow and Tara and I are…" she couldn't bring herself to use Anya's description. "…together."

Xander was floundering in the mental images that flooded his brain. The only coherent, on-topic thought he could come up with (that wouldn't get him slapped by every woman in the room) was, "I can't wait to hear the other revelation you've got for us tonight!"

Relieved that Xander wasn't going to pitch a fuss, she looked at Giles for his reaction.

Realizing that nothing he could say would ever, or had ever before, had the slightest impact on Buffy's love life- Giles just gave her a wan smile. Besides, he didn't have anything particularly against such a relationship. Also, he was enjoying the mental images such a confession sparked just as much as Xander was. He was just better about hiding it.

Buffy gave him a grateful smile in return and then answered Xander's question. "There's something I have to tell you; about Dawn…"

Buffy was glad to have all confessions behind her. Her conscious clear, she was able to let herself go completely- enjoying the feel of Tara 's hand striking her ass with a delicious sting.

"Twelve, Mistress Tara!" she shouted, gleefully accepting her punishment for this morning's 'indiscretion.'

"Life," she thought happily as she called out the thirteenth strike and felt her orgasm coiling up from deep inside, "Is very, very good!"

Continued in Triality...

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