Friday, October 7, 2005

Hey Mal, remember that time you dressed up in that bonnet...

 Were Back.

 - Not a big update to day, just a couple of quick comments.

- Serenity has grossed a total of $13,181,844 worldwide (US and Australia)  as of Wednesday and will be opening on Friday in the UK and with 2189 screens in America bringing the total up by 1, which is pretty good considering the abysmally bad Jodie Foster vehicle Flight plan dropped by 101 screens and the fact that many theaters carried it on 2 screens and will surly have changed that to one by now to accommodate new movies, which translates to Serenity opening in smaller theaters. For all the dirty details click here. If you don't go see Serenity this weekend more people will die...

Don't forget about Fiatlux's superb review of the best damn film in the verse, at least this year. Go read her SERENITY REVIEW by CLICKING HERE.

Don't Miss

HMC: Live!...and Still Recorded!!! Go to the HMC:Live! page and download Parts 1 & 2!

WARNING: This video contains language that is NOT suitable for children or anyone who's extremely uptight. People with pencils up their asses shouldn't download it either.

- Eric [@ 09:20 a.m.]

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