Monday, October 3, 2005
The Signal!
I don't kill children....wait - do pre-teens count?
 Here I am again.

  - My review of Serenity: I loved it. I hope we get another one. It was cool. That's about all I have to say.

  Fiatlux has a LOT more to say, and she never watched Firefly, so it actually sort of matters. Go read her SERENITY REVIEW by CLICKING HERE.

  - Serenity made an estimated $10.1 million opening weekend, which realistically isn't that great, but the 2nd week returns are the most important. Go see it next weekend if you haven't yet seen it.

There's 3 new Wallpapers up by Bonnie.

A new poll is up. Go grade Serenity.

Don't Miss -

HMC: Live!...and Still Recorded!!! Go to the HMC:Live! page and download Parts 1 & 2!

WARNING: This video contains language that is NOT suitable for children or anyone who's extremely uptight. People with pencils up their asses shouldn't download it either.

- Matt [@ 10:50 a.m.]

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