Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Shut it, Chico!

In The News -

- FREDDIE PRINZE, JR -- aka: Mr. Gellar -- spouted off his big fat no-talented mouth again. Basically speaking for Sarah, telling E!Online that Gellar isn't interested in doing a Buffy movie. Wow, what a shock. Like we haven't heard all this before. Why go back to it? I guess this has to be Kristin's fault, although I do like pissing on Freddie.

- JOSS answered 7 new questions over on the Browncoats excerpt...

Q. What's your scariest moment during the filming of either the series or the movie?
A. My scariest moment during filming is always the day when I walk in and realize I have no idea how to shoot a scene. This is not something that I tell anybody around me, I just walk around until I figure it out, but it’s scary.

- Steven DeKnight will be writing at least 2 of the first few episodes of SMALLVILLE, including one with James Marsters in it. Episodes 2 and 5. If that's too spoilery, whoops. Get a life, please.

- A HMC EXCLUSIVE (at least according to Titan) Preview of BUFFY MAGAZINE is up now. The magazine is on newsstands now.

More can be read in the NEWS BITES.

FU: Joss gets a Frog! Read all about it!

I almost have enough questions for the next generation of ASK THE POOBAH columns. Keep sending them in!

- Matt [@ 12:05 p.m.]


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