Sunday, September 12, 2004
Just for the taste of it -- DIET COKE!

Isn't it just tremendous when you can remember a meaningless jingle from the 80's and it keeps replaying in your head? Yeah....grrrreat.

Seven sent in (what I believe is) the last pics from D*C. It's Julie Benz and her husband John Kassir (he did the voice of the Crpyt Keeper in "Tales From The Crypt", for those wondering). Check out the pics HERE.

Chew -

Multimedia: Wallpaper by Aeryn and Wydraz.
Multimedia: D*C Pics - Benz & Kassir.
News and Info: News Bites.

Stuff You May Have Missed Last Week -

An Interview with Jewel Staite!
Features: A new Ask The Poobah.
Multimedia: The Image Gallery (tons of Vulkon and D*C pics).
Articles: Dragon*Con: Day 1 Report by SevenofTN.

Pre-order Buffy Season 7 by CLICKING HERE. Just $38.99! Wow-wee!

SIGN-UP for HELLHOUND CON! Click HERE for more!

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"


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