Friday, August 27, 2004
Poo goes visual

An all-new Ask The Poobah is up, but this time he's on video! You can download the VIDEO edition HERE!

- Matt

Friggin' Friday

Mr. Vibes has graced us with his presence. Mono can't stop him (ok, well it did for about a month, but who's counting?). Check out the newest Good Vibrations - "Faith, Buffy, and Nietzsche Part 1".

Chew, won't you? -

Articles: Good Vibrations.
Multimedia: Fan Art by Nick.
News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Yesterday's Prime Chew -
Articles: Divine Musings - "Ramblings".

More later...or less later. I haven't decided.

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"

For artwork that is out of this world, visit the 
Dragon*Con Store!


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