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Ascending on Thursday
Quick Note: There will be no PM update today. I'm way too busy with RL stuff. So I'll see
you tomorrow morning.
Hello. Pip-pip and all that. Let's rock...
A new Hellmouth Ascension is up, written by Brittney Parker. Check that out.
There's a new Sunnydale Top 10 up. This one was sent in by Dust.
News Bites...
- An Angel finale article (comments by Boreanaz, Marsters and Whedon).
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "What's your favorite Buffy/Angel set?" Here are the results...
Hyperion Hotel - 25.5%
Total votes: 596
I was a little shocked that an Angel set beat out a Buffy set, but the Hyperion is a lavish looking
place with a grand scope, so it's understandable. Sunnydale H.S comes in 2nd, with the Magic Box
getting 3rd. Let's see what you had to say...
"I love the Hyperion so much. It was just so pretty. I miss it so much whenever I watch the old episodes. Great acoustics, too man."
"My favorite set is Giles's apartment, because anywhere I can find my favorite Watcher is my favorite place."
"I had to choose "other": the Sunnydale High library. I know that Sunnydale High was an option, but it was the library specifically that was the nerve center of the show for so many seasons. Without the library, Sunnydale would have been (and in fact was....90210 anyone?) just any other high school, and Buffy could have been just any other show."
"I have to say the little offices from the the first season of Angel was the best, just so cosy!"
"i voted for the high school. how come the new high school wasnt on there? either way, i hated that set."
"...whimper...I miss sunnydale high. It's what I think of when I think of Buffy. The three young scoobies followed at a short distance by the senior scoobie down the corridors and in the yard...sigh..."
"My favorite set was Sunnydale Highschool. Afterall, this is where it all began, with the first scene with Darla climbing through the window. When she became the attacker, as opposed to every horror movie where the dumb blonde usually gets it, Joss Whedon was already showing us that this show was something we've never seen before! And let's not forget the library, the gym, the fountain, and even the hallway. Great memories..."
"Gorrammit...I voted SDHigh, but I shoulda went with "other," but I didn't notice it...SO, my vote's for MAIN STREET!!! God I loved that set..."
"Loved Angel's mansion in Sunnydale. It was just creepy cool looking. I almost voted for the Hyperion because I really did love that set too but the Crawford street mansion won out."
"Although most of these have a special place in my heart, I have to say that I voted other. The Bronze was the best set! I mean it was the center of action--where Oz's band played, where Vamp Willow went to make people her "bitcas", not to mention "this thing they did with the onion".... ;-)"
"I was so upset with the A-Team when they decided to take over Wolfram & Hart because it meant that we would never again see the Hyperion Hotel. I wasn't sure about Angel & co moving to the hotel in S2, but I'm glad they did because it was such a cool set. I loved the hotel and almost considered it my home away from home every week. I have always missed the original offices of Angel Investigations, but I miss the Hyperion even more."
"I can't believe The Bronze isn't listed."
Note from Matt: I can't either. Matt=retarded
"Ahhh...the library at Sunnydale High. Where classic BtVS lived."
"Voted for the Hyperion Hotel. I didn't even know what the place was called until now."
Good comments guys. Sorry about forgetting the Bronze. Sometimes my mind doesn't work properly.
The new poll is up. Go vote! :)
That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM with the RANT.
El Presidente's HMC Angel Goodbye Bash
Sign Up for
Hellhound Con 2004. I
will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)
- Matt
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