o r i g i n a l . a r t i c l e s

The Hellmouth Ascension

- Wolfram & Hart's Baddies
by Brittney Parker -5.13.04
[ britt@blkswan.com ]

Hi everybody! Yes, I know it’s me again.  I know that you’re extremely happy about that.   Oh, by the way, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m openly bisexual. So guess what, I’m going to talk about women and men in my articles. If you don’t like it, then don’t read it. I don’t give a rat’s ass.  I don’t have to make all of you happy anyway.  Besides, where’s the fun in that?  It wouldn’t be me.  I don’t live to make people happy. I live to make me and my partner at the time happy. (Just ask him/her ;) )

Now that I’ve officially pissed of somebody, (my job is almost done), today my newest little article-thingy is about who makes the best Wolfram and Hart employee.  First, the liaison of the powers that be.  I’m going to begin with Eve.  I liked Eve for the simple fact that she can keep up with a vampire.  So that basically means that she can keep up with me.  ;). I didn’t really think that there was enough character development with her though.  She needed an episode all of her own, kinda like they did with Harmony. Eve just needed a little more oomph. They did a good job of making her likeable, but not. You know what I mean? And of course, she went for bad boy Lindsey.  I mean, what person who finds men attractive wouldn’t? He’s hmm hmm good delicious. For some reason all those tats made him yummier. However, I thought it was neat how they had her have a relationship with Lindsey. It showed that even evil people can love. If that’s what you want to call it.  I guess that you could call that love.  They definitely seemed to “enjoy” each other. But hell, I wouldn’t mind being a part in that enjoyment session. However, being in love wouldn’t necessarily make her completely evil.  That could just make her basically bad.  I almost feel sorry for her about losing her immortal life though.  That sorta sucks.  Even though she’s been replaced by Hamilton, I would like to have seen more of her before those not nice people at the WB decided to cancel the show. We’re not going to delve into my current opinion of them. I am going to climb on my soapbox for a minute and ask what in the hell were they thinking?  I mean cancel Charmed and One Tree Hill. After canceling those two crappy-assed shows you’d have the budget for another season of Angel to close up the loose ends, which really needs to be done.  I think you’ll actually agree when I say that as a rule, people hate cliff-hangers.  Now, I know that there’s the occasional weird –ass who won’t agree because they have to be different. Well, guess what?  I have that particular market cornered. I have one more thing to say about Lindsey. I liked him a lot from the start, but he just wasn’t enough of a psychopath to be a W& H employee.  He grew a heart.  What’s up with that? His leaving W & H was the best thing for him.  He became a better bad guy.  Not necessarily truly evil, but at least bad.   

Next, we’ll move onto Knox. I never really liked him.  He always made me think of Fort Knox and then I think of that James Bond movie in which the women flew airplanes led by Pussy Galore (the world’s worst Bond girl name, still funny though) and the bad guys break into Fort Knox. I know completely off subject.  You’ll see I do this a lot! He just never really floated my boat.  It’s not the whole nerd thing either 'cause Wesley and Giles have always been HOT, so it’s got to be just his irritating behavior.  He came off as one of those people that kiss your ass just because they have to since his rank is under yours.  It’s really annoying.  He would have been cute to if he hadn’t been up Fred’s ass the whole time.  I understand when you like someone; some people make excuses to spend to with the person that they like. I hope that made sense.  I guess I’ll have to give him some kudos. He seemed to be pretty decent at his job.  That’s always something to aspire to.  First, he puts an effort in to make himself likable. What irritates me is, you either are or aren’t.  I know nobody likes me so I don’t worry about it. It’s not like I actually care about what you folk think about me anyway.  Most of you just view me as content on the page to skim while you’re at work anyway. I’m not a total idiot.  Besides, at least I’m not Tiffany, right?   Anyway, back to Knox: he made himself let you think that he was indispensable.  At W & H, he should automatically know that no ones indispensable.  I mean, come on, is he a dummy or what?  Then he had to do his whole, I must put my god in the most perfect woman using her as a vessel.  Oh, come on, with all his technology at hand he couldn’t either clone Fred or made some sort of John Ritter robot for Illyria to exist in?  At least he could have made the robot look like what ever Illyria wanted it to look like and then we wouldn’t have to hear her complain about ‘this body’s so frail. Blah, blah, blah, blah.  What gets me is we should have never trusted him.  After all, he was a willing W & H employee.  

Next is Harmony.  How could you not like Harmony?  I mean, aside from great fashion sense and the cute little fangs. You’ve learned things about Harmony along the way.  First she starts off in Cordelia’s little group of Cordettes, and then she turns a cute and vampy.  When she started dating Spike was when things got a little weird. I just didn’t see her with him long term.  I will say that she was with him longer than I would have expected, but after the way he treated her, if I were she, I would have beat the ever loving hell out of him and then staked him. And you’d think that she would have learned from her mistakes, but she immediately wants Spike again.  I have a few things to say about this.  He must be damn good in bed because at that point she didn’t know if he had really indeed changed or not.  I mean, it’s not like I’d turn down something that good-looking if it were offered so I don’t really blame her, but most people don’t really change. They just say that they do.  He had proven to us, the audience, that he had changed but only because we were there to witness the transformation.  Yes, he did go a bit nutty for a while but come on, I mean, everybody loses their mind once and a while. I did really enjoy “Harm’s Way” the episode they did completely involving Harmony in the series.  It was fun.  Every so often, every show needs an episode of pure comic relief. That’s basically what her character is-comic relief.  Even in the worst of times, you need to be able to laugh and Harmony makes that possible.  That’s what makes her so much fun.  Not only is she good to look at, but she’s funny.  Sometimes I do however wonder if she really is that stupid or if it’s just an act to make her more unassuming so you trust her more.  That is definitely something you need when you’re working for an evil empire like W & H.  That’ll be what keeps her alive longer that most of the employees. Because we know that she’s not evil enough to really work there for to long without Angel being there.  

However, I have to say that my all time favorite W & H employee is Lilah.  Aside from the general hotness factor, she was likable from the start.  Yeah, I know she like Lindsey, grew a heart too, but she was at least adequately detached enough to almost sufficiently be enough of a psychopath to work at W & H for a while. Sure she was a bit of a bitch at times, but who isn’t?  Out of all of W & H, she was definitely the most cunning, considering how she took over the place.  What made you really like her character was that she was a smart-ass from the start.  She always let you know where she stood and she would do whatever was necessary to get her way.  That’s something that the world doesn’t have very much of, someone who’s willing to do anything to get what they want.  It’s not always a good thing, but it can be. She saw Wes and he went right after him. She got him too, again, and again, and again.  And it must have been good too. Wes even eventually even came to love her.  Maybe not be in love with her, but definitely care about her enough to break into the office at W & H to try and burn her contract. That was perhaps one of the sweetest moments in all of Jossverse.  It was when you really realized how much Wes cared about her.  Let’s face it, it was one of those moments that I wanted to cry and I don’t cry. It ranked right up there with the episode on Buffy (Amends) when Angel was going to kill himself but the sun didn’t come out because it snowed.  I almost cried at that too.  Stop laughing.  It’s not funny.  Here I am baring my soul and your there you are laughing at me.  Ridikulus! There.  Problem solved, (sniff). I don’t see you baring your soul.

Last, but not forgotten is the newest W & H addition, the wonderful Jayne-um Hamilton.  Joss should have kept his name Jayne.  It would have been funnier.  He acts a lot like him.  It was really cool how he put his fist through that guy before he approached Eve though.  There should have been more blood.  I like blood.  Of course, I am watching a show about vampires so there’s supposed to be blood. I’m now moving onto last night’s episode of Angel.  My question is this, if Jayne, damn-Hamilton is that strong, how strong was Eve as a liaison before he took over her job. What I’m really kinda pissed about was him beating up Illyria.  That’s just not right.  If she can hit that boresk demon and hit him hard enough to fly a good 30 feet, then fight Ham and she don’t do shit for progress then Ham’s one serious bad-ass. I have a question about the episode however.  I want to know if I’m the only one who felt as though Ham knows more about that glamour than he was letting on.  Maybe I’m imagining things. I don’t know. I just felt like there was something that he was seeing that he wasn’t supposed to. All right, go to chat rooms, discuss. I really don’t like how we really don’t know anything about him.  It really sucks.  Next week you’ll get to read the loverly Tiffany. Have fun. You’ll be reading me not next week, but the next. Bye-bye you crazy fans same bat time. Same bat site.  In the famous words of Eddie Izzard- Ciao!