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It's Friday. This is one giant update, because I'm leaving for Ohio and won't be back until Satuday night/Sunday morning. So off we go...

An all-new Ask The Poobah is up. Check it out.

News Bites has...

- A SMG interview.
- Rumors on Eliza Dushku in Spiderman 3.
- The Angel "A Hole in the World" trailer.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

To the poll...

Last week we asked, "Which was the best Apocalyptic Battle on Buffy?" Here are the results...

Angel opening Acathla vs. Scoobies (S2) - 23.8%
The First vs. Scoobies (S7) - 23.8%
Glory vs. Scoobies (S5) - 18.9%
The Mayor & Faith vs. Scoobies (S3) - 15.9%
Dark Willow vs. Scoobies (S6) - 14.4%
The Master vs. Scoobies (S1) - 1.4%
Adam vs. Scoobies (S4) - 0.9%
Other (comment) - 0.9%

Total votes: 571

So Season 2's battle and the last battle tie for the win, with Season 5 rounding out the top 3. Let's see what you all had to say...

"Best "battle" has to be Graduation! Maybe the Mayor wasn't the biggest thread to the world as a whole, but as battles go, you can't beat it. Come on, blood, guts, gore, explosives, a teary goodbye... what more could you want?"
- fiatlux

"With the news of Angel's cancellation this week, it seems that the biggest--but not the best--story arc and apocalyptic battle of all is jossverse vs. network television. Sadly it seems our heroes aren't going to win this one...waaahhh!"
- Alison

"My favorite was Glory vs Scoobies. IMO it was the most intense and devastating battle they ever had to go through. So much more was happening during the Glory Arc that it makes it so much more intense and the Best Apocolyptic Battle on Buffy."
- mrsmarsters

"How about the best apocalyptic battle on Angel? All of us beating the crap out of everyone at the WB for cancelling it! That one sounds like a winner."
- Nikki

"The Mayor; no specific reason, it's just that, seeing them all listed in a column like that, it jumps out at me."
- DaddyCatALSO

"Xander vs. the zombie gang -- because no one else knows about it."
- Dave Lemery

"I am Acathla. It is annoying being made of stone and having a sword in me. I would like to be part of another equally apocalyptic battle, but for now I have to be content with this blueberry muffin kindly donated by Drusilla. She is not as mad as me."
- ssjo

"Whoa! Today, my eyes must be playing tricks on me, because there are actually buttons to click on to vote in a poll! WEEEEEEE! The powers that be have heard my plea for help! OK, I voted for the First vs the Scoobies, because Caleb was the scariest, rockem' sock'em bad guy EVER!!! What's scarier than a priest? He works in mysterious ways. *crack* Also, some straight forward ones. HA HA HA!!! Me thinks Joss has some serious unresolved childhood issues."
- PrincessKimberley

"I voted for the last fight in season seven. Although the season 2 finale was awesome and wont be forgotten thanks to dvds :) the last fight of the show touched me because well, it WAS the last. It was great and I enjoy watching it!"
- Rose

"After careful thought and consideration I choose the Season 2 ender of Angel opening Acathla. Even though I really love the way BtVS ended in Season 7 with the giant upervamp fight to Sunnydale's impending doom of a hole in the ground, I find S2's to be better. A fight between former lovers that holds the fate of the world in balance is just an amusing concept and Joss did a magnificent job with it. Angel thinking he had taken everything away from Buffy and then finding that it was the wrong move because all that left was her - strong willed, beautiful, and an amazing fighter. Even though the ubervamps meant the end of the show, I don't feel for that particular fight as much as I do the one between Buffy and Angel."
- Vampire Lady

"Well, I would have to say that the battle with the First was definetly the longest, most drawn out battle of them all, which also lead to Buffy's end. That in itself was depressing. I find that the battle between the first and the Scoobie at the end of Season 7 was their most challenging and fearsome foe they ever faced! *Thank you Joss for 7 years of love, pain, and happiness...I look forward to many, many more....*"
- XxbuffylivesxX

"I thought The First vs. the scoobies was the best. Not only because Anya died, spike kinda died, and the kickass battle with the ubervamps but because it was the end of an era. like some of these characters we're never gonna see again."
- Redman

"Apokoliptic BATTLE? Emphasis on "battle"..as in "getting medieveal"? As in "swords, flaming arrows, hand to hand combat" and Xander as point guy.? A low budget LOTR?! Hell, any fool will tell ya..that the S3 finale kicked some major whup ass on the Mayor....the entire Sunnydale graduating class, the Scoobs and Gel guy clock some major field time putting down "Mr I Just Want to be a GIant Snake" Richard Wilkins...by golly!"
- wretch

"the only reason i picked the first vs scoobies was because it had more action than my first choice, glory vs scoobies."
- sraeps

"Personally, it has to be Angel opening Acathla. That one just had it all--a great plotline, full of twists and a huge emotional resonance as well as a kick-butt sword fight. Also, season two is my favorite of Buffy and the Becoming is large part of that, so I guess I'm a bit biased in that regard."
- mhickers

Good comments, folks. This week's poll is up. Go vote now.

That's it for today. I should be back on Sunday. Have a great weekend everyone!

Angel Cancellation News Updates
- Click Here to read Joss Whedon's first comments on Angel's cancellation.
- Sign The Petition to let the cast and crew know you want a sixth season.
- For the petition to save Angel, Click Here.
- Click Here for the official statement by the WB.
- Click Here for comments from David Greenwalt.
- Click Here for an article on the cancellation from Film Force.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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