f a n f i c

Only The Beginning
by Quirky

E-mail: i_have_places_to_be@hotmail.com and japaese_commercials_are_weird@hotmail.com
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: I did write this fiction in my not own free time, and feel the urge to remind the reader that I do not own Btvs or the characters; I’m just putting a little spin to it. This fanfiction was written for amusement only, and should not be taken literally, thank you.
Spoilers: This is set after the season six episode "Grave". Therefore, if you have not seen all of the episodes that are previous to (and including) this episode, then you will have no idea what is going on.
Summary: Well, that would be telling, now, wouldn’t it? Well, I do have to summarise. This is basically a way for me to bring Tara back, it’s just one of the many ideas that I had rolling in my head. I hope the Willow/Tara shippers enjoy it.
Feedback: Always welcome, please be helpful in your suggestions to better my writing, thank you.


(The moon danced with the stream, while the grass dewed in the early morning cold. On a red blanket they lay, so warm yet so cold. Surrounded by water that trickled along the rocks and an aqua rug to shun off the chill. Both Willow and Tara lay on their backs, looking upwards to the blue.
" I like it here, it’s peaceful and it’s safe. I don’t know, I guess whenever I’m here I just forget. Forget everything. It’s as if there is no purpose, no meaning, as if nothing exists, nothing but us. I know I’m rambling. It must sound silly, but I feel safe here. You know?"
Said the powerful red haired witch, she lay on her side to face her lover, and after a moment, Tara did the same. They both smiled their infamous coy smiles. Moments passed before Tara replied. She had almost forgotten that the world existed; it fell away whenever she looked into Willow’s eyes.
"You’re cute when you ramble, and I totally get it. This place, it’s like home, we’ve been here so often. There are so many good memories here."
Tara sat up and giggled softly, while she looked off into the distance, Willow gave her a curious look, why was Tara giggling like a schoolgirl? Willow sprawled herself out on their red safety net, and couldn’t help it but laugh as well. She’s so cute, Willow thought as she sat up and slipt the aqua rug off their laps.
"What’s so funny?"
Willow asked while laughing, she tried to compose herself, but found it hard to do; she could not help it but smile when Tara smiled. Tara kept her smile on her face and pointed to a bridge off in the distance. Her smile soon faded, leaving a sombre look, Willow frowned and did the same, she sat up and rested her head on Tara’s shoulder. With their dark clothing and warm bodies the only thing that kept them warm in the early dawn.
"When that musical guy was here, and we were all singing~"
Tara stoped a moment to see if Willow was following along, Willow took her head away from Tara’s shoulder; she became very curious and nodded for Tara to continue. What was Tara trying to say?
"I remember, it was as if I had no control over myself, which is true, whenever I’m with you I have no control. But, right over there I did a song and dance for you. My soul sang out to yours and you, with your swift arms carried me, just as I did you. I-I think that’s why you fell so safe here."
Willow looked over in the direction of the bridge, and after a moment, and looked lovingly into Tara’s eyes; she frowned and shook her head.
"You know I love you, and will always love you. It doesn’t matter where we are, whether it’s the bronze, the magic box or in our nice big warm bed, it will never change what I feel for you. Wherever you are. I’m safe wherever you are."
Willow smiled as she returned her gaze to the bridge off in the distance, she remembered when Tara had serenaded her, and she remembered the time when things were simpler, so much, what was the word… fun? Things were better then, better when magic wasn’t in the way, better when their love was all that mattered. Tara looked up to the lightening sky; a tear streamed down her face as she closed her eyes.
"Well then, we have a problem."
Willow frowned with confusion and quickly drew her attention away from the bridge to look at Tara; only Tara wasn’t there. Not a sign to even show that she once was. The sun rose on Willow. A tear glistened as it streamed down her face, she stood up; a chill ran through her spine. She must have been cold, but how, she had so much dark clothing on.
She looked herself over and was shocked to discover her black warming jumper was no longer covering her body, now she wore a white shirt, a shirt which she had grown accustomed to, a shirt which was sprayed with blood. Tara’s blood. Willow drew her hands to her face and screamed with agony as she looked at them. Her hands were dripping with the very crimson colour, which she had longed not to see again.)

Willow screamed as she catapulted off the bed; her body was covered with sweat, she gasped for air and looked beside her. The other side of the bed remained straightened; no one had slept there, Tara had. But she was gone. The bed had been made as it had been for the past two weeks; Willow had never felt so alone in all of her life. Even when her friends surrounded her, she had never felt so alone. Will things ever get better? Will the dreams stop? Was there anything to live for anymore? What will happen to me now? She thought as she caught her breath and rested her head back on the pillow. It would be a long time before she slept.

Welcome to the world

Dawn sat in the kitchen eating her new concoction as she remembered the things she had done in the last week, the terrible things that she had hoped would be cancelled out when her wish came true. She wanted more than anything for it to work, but she also had her doubts, there were always doubts about things this big, which was something she learnt of the world from Anya while Buffy was dead, she had always taken bits of advice for granted, but Anya was a smart ex-demon and a good friend.
Someone which Dawn would never take advantage of again. Dawn now knew that life was short, and she should not take it for granted, that was something she learnt from Tara and Buffy. Now that she thought about it, her friends, no, her family, were smart people.

(A small bell rung above the door as Buffy and Dawn entered the magic box.
"Take a seat, I’ll be a little while."
Buffy instructed Dawn to do as she entered the training room in the back. Dawn shrugged and looked around the store, no one was in sight, not even Anya, which Dawn found odd, Anya was always there. Dawn grinned mischievously and she decided it was time to do some light reading, in the restricted section. Silently, Dawn walked up the staircase to the upper level. She knelt down and read the spines of the books, which she had grown accustomed to over years.
The times when Willow would let her tag along to buy supplies. And when Giles bought the magic box. But the most recent reminder of the restricted section was when she had tried to bring her mother back, she missed Joyce, and desperately hoped that she was ok, wherever she was, but the pain and heartache of a loss so recent dwelled in Dawn’s mind.
She had no idea of what she was looking for, and reluctantly, she went back downstairs and pulled out a magazine from her backpack. After a few minutes of reading the teen magazine Buffy returned from the training room, with Anya and Giles closely following her. Anya took her place behind the counter, while Giles and Buffy took seats near Dawn.
"Well, I must say, you have improved."
Giles said as he wiped the sweat away from his face with a piece of white fabric.
"I try, but I fell the vigorous need to train, do you feel up to sparing with me? Or are you still sore? Which is just another way of saying ‘old’."
Buffy smiled and looked away innocently as she saw Giles wince at the word "old". She knew he hated being called old, and after something so well played out, she knew he wouldn’t back down, it wasn’t in his nature.
"Well, perhaps I’m getting on in age, but don’t let that stop me from giving you a good thrashing-or well planned out punning."
Giles smiled and then leisurely walked towards the training room. Buffy got up and saw Dawn’s grim look, she knew it wasn’t fair to leave Dawn there, especially considering she was in for a long wait. Buffy pulled out a book from a nearby shelf and placed it on the table in front of Dawn.
"Welcome to the world."
Dawn looked up and smiled happily at her sister, who returned the grin, as Buffy walked away; she felt the need to remind Dawn.
"Just remember~"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You break it, you bought it."
Buffy smiled again as she entered the training room, she burst out in fits of laughter as she saw Giles limping around, he explained to her later that he was just stretching, which Buffy didn’t buy. While Dawn was in awe, this book was the first step. Now Dawn could do some light reading with no one being the wiser. She looked over to Anya, whom smiled back and Dawn and urged her to read it before Buffy got her sense back. A small smile emerged on Dawn’s face.)

* * *

Buffy stretched her arms out and yawned as she entered the kitchen with her DoubleMeat Palace uniform on, feeling all tidy and neat as the uniform had just come from the dryer. The stripes did something for her visage, she could not quite put her finger on what exactly, but it felt normal, and that’s what she wanted. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, she was about to exit the kitchen when she was startled by Dawn, whom was seated at the island eating her new concoction a ‘raspberry jam pastry treat’, which was very tasty, Buffy raised her eyebrow at the sight.
"Oh, hey Dawn, I didn’t see you there~" Dawn gave Buffy a look, as if to say "something’s up". Buffy frowned, and without hesitation, she took a seat beside Dawn.
"What’s wrong?" Dawn put her new creation on the plate and gave Buffy a very serious, non-Dawn like look; Buffy’s frown deepened.
"Did you hear the screams?" Buffy shook her head as she tried to understand Dawn’s meaning, while Dawn resumed eating her pastry breakfast.
Buffy drank some of her water as Dawn walked over to the sink and put her plate into it, she then turned and face Buffy, the counter being the only thing that separated them.
"Willow, she, um~" Buffy raised her eyebrows in realisation and stood up, she titled her head, looking upwards, wondering what she should do about Willow.
"Oh, maybe I should talk to her?" Dawn shook her head as she walked out into the hall; Buffy followed her.
"Not a good idea. I mean, after everything. I think she just needs, some space."
They both looked up the staircase and frowned, they wanted to be there for their friend but found that any time they tried they were pushed away for it, and mostly, that Willow wasn’t there with them. Willow couldn’t deal with seeing them the way she was, from the way she had threatened Dawn and from almost destroying all of existence.
Willow was ashamed for the things she had done and distressed that her lover had died, she couldn’t deal with anything, nor did she want to. Buffy and Dawn kept silent for a moment before it was broken by a shattering scream.
"I can’t believe I didn’t wake up." Dawn just shook her head while keeping her gaze up the staircase.
"You sleep like the dead." Buffy smiled as she took her keys from the table and opened the front door; she then turned back to her sister. Dawn shook off her daze.
"Hey, maybe after your shift we could do something?"
Dawn suggested, but she had something else in mind for her sister, something that could cost her sister her life, but something that was worth it. Dawn knew her sister would fight, and win, and that’s all that mattered. Plus, spending time with big sis, what could be better? Buffy nodded and grinned happily, When was the last time Dawn wanted to spend time with me? Buffy thought as she saw Dawn smile hopefully.
"Yeah, sure, after my shift." They hugged. Dawn watched Buffy leave, and after a moment, she returned her gaze to the staircase.

The book of Talom

Dawn pulled the black book from her backpack and glance at, she wondered if her plan would be go into fruition. She caressed the book with the tip of her fingers, another scream from above broke Dawn’s focus, she quickly returned the book back into her bag. She hoped that things would be better soon and most importantly, she hoped everyone would get out of this with little physical or mental damage.
But as Anya always said, "You can never get out of anything challenging without serious mental or physical damage." Anya had a way of saying things, which usually never made sense until they were put into practice, like now.

(A small ring came from above her head as Dawn entered the magic box, with her bag slung over her shoulder and a meaningful stride, as if to say, "I have business" and "Stay out of my way." Dawn had many strides like that; she even had a stride that showed her sass, just like her fake smiles.
"Hey Anya." Dawn said as she took a seat near the stacks, Anya glanced up from her reading.
"Hey Dawn."
Anya returned to her calculation of the shops profit for the month, it took time to go over the expenses of the shop, she wanted to be correct, or suffer the wrath of more calculations. Dawn walked over to a nearby shelf and pulled a book from it, she then returned to her seat. Anya looked over to Dawn, and was about to give her many vocalisations about Dawn reading the texts’ without her sister’s permission, but then stopped herself, remembering that Buffy had aloud Dawn to read the demon text earlier. Anya then returned to her work. Dawn sighed, relieved that Anya didn’t stop her from reading the book.
After half an hour of reading the text, Dawn almost gave up, until she came across the word "Talom’uf’na", a word which she had read in other texts’, but still couldn’t understand it’s true meaning. After a moment’s hesitation, she decided to ask Anya what it meant.
"Anya, what’s ‘Talom’uf’na’?" Anya sat bolt upright and stared directly at Dawn.
Dawn hesitated for a moment; she didn’t want Anya knowing what she was up to. What if I failed? What if they stoped me? Then what would happen? Dawn thought as Anya’s gaze on her softly gave in.
"This book, it keeps referring to Talom’uf’na, I was just wondering what it was."
Anya tapped the tip of the pen on her forehead as she tried to remember what the Talom’uf’na was; a smile emerged on her face. Anya then proceeded t0 the stacks, she scanned them up and down until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a book and handed it to Dawn.
"The book of Talom should help you out. As far as the Talom’uf’na, all I know is, Talom likes Chinese food and can tell a good joke." Dawn grinned and asked disbelievingly.
"You know the Talom’uf’na?" Anya took a seat beside Dawn as she reminisced.
"Oh we go way back. Centuries and centuries ago. Talom was one of the few that showed me the ropes, I was very fortunate." Dawn sat back and furrowed her brow as she took this new information in.
"So, he, she, it, is a vengeance demon?"
Anya frowned at Dawn’s curiosity, Dawn quickly un-furrowed her brow, and just nodded, as if to say she only wanted to know. Anya started flipping through the book of Talom while keeping conversation.
"He was, well is, in a way. A few centuries ago, he got a little stir crazy. He was probably one of the strongest vengeance demons of my time, way more powerful than D’hoffran," She scratched her head, forgetting where she was going with the conversation, "Anyway, he wanted power, and that isn’t something you really get in our line of work. Now he’s sort of a, uh, freelance demon. An, "I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine" kind of guy. I never forgave him for that, he totally went against our morals."
Anya thumbed the page, which she thought was useful, and pushed the book over to Dawn; Dawn looked at the image on the page and made an "ew" face. This demon wasn’t pleasant looking. His body was grey and wrinkling, and slime oozed from every orifice. Time wasn’t kind to him.
"Yeah, not the best looker, but he did get the power he always wanted. I think if I ever saw him again, I’d run. He is not the immortal you want to be messing with, although to be honest, I haven’t seen him in a while, enjoy!" Anya slapped Dawn on the back and returned behind the counter, she helped a customer make his purchase. Leaving Dawn to read the texts’. )

* * *

Giles placed his teacup onto the counter as he took a seat beside Anya; and heaved a deep sigh. He wondered how Willow was, and whether the threat of her finishing what she had started was a possibility. Both Anya and Giles stared off into space; Giles took off his glasses and absently cleaned them.
"Dreadful week."
"Dreadful fortnight." Anya read from a magazine, while still managing to correct Giles. Giles put his glasses back on, and took his teacup from the counter; he sipped it.
"Yes, yes, agreed."
The last two weeks had indeed been dreadful, the shooting, the death and the almost destruction of the world. They both sighed as they remembered recent events, events that were still fresh in their minds. Anya’s mind wondered from Buffy and Dawn, to Xander, with how he saved the world. To Giles, and how he had almost died with her by his side, and finally to Tara and Willow.
"I wonder how Willow is doing it. How she’s surviving."
Anya leaned forward onto the countertop; lost in thought. Giles put his teacup on the counter and walked over to the other side, he stood face to face with Anya, with only the counter separating them. He took her hands and squeezed them tightly.
"One day at a time." He released his grip and began cleaning up the shop as he repeated.
"One day at a time."

* * *
Dawn tried to focus her thoughts on the television show, which was being played out in front of her, but her mind kept returned to the book of Talom, she desperately wanted her plan to work.

(Dawn sat in the magic box, yet again, reading from the book of Talom. Her eyes were focused on the pages as she tried to understand the written word. Anya walked over towards the basement; she tuned and yelled.
"Dawn, I’m going downstairs for a minute. There are some honeyshole’s that need my attention. So, if someone comes in could you give me a yell?"
Dawn took her attention away from the book; she smiled and nodded reassuringly to Anya. As soon as Dawn knew that Anya was out of the way, she took no time in taking what she needed, she quickly ran behind the counter and took Salamander eyes, Hellebore, Dysphonixate, cherry blooms and chickens’ feet, the last ingredient she needed was the urn of Ishtar, and she knew that Anya would notice it was missing.
She took the urn and noticed the price tag, a small price to pay really; Dawn took money out of her pocket. More than enough to pay for the urn. She rung up the till, and took out the ‘customers’ receipt, she shoved it in her pocket, and out of sight, if Anya wanted to know what happened to the urn, all she had to do was check the till, which was perfect.
She quickly ran back to her seat and put all of the ingredients into her backpack, she placed it gently onto the floor. Just as Anya returned from the basement, Dawn sighed with relief as she watched Anya place the honeyshole’s onto the shelf behind the counter. After a moment, Anya frowned and turned to Dawn.
"Where is the urn of Ishtar? You didn’t steal it, did you?"
Anya asked angrily as she gave Dawn the evil eye, Dawn got up and walked over to the till, while trying to think of a believable reply. Anything other than, "I need it to summon the Talom’uf’na and undo the past."
"A, a customer, bought it. See?" Dawn pulled out the receipt from the till and handed it to Anya. Anya then checked the till, and smiled.
"You overcharged, but not to worry, very good Dawn. Good work." Dawn smiled, her cover wasn’t blown, she returned to her readings at the centre table, Now all I need is a full moon and the blood of the living, easy. Dawn thought.)

A brave face

Dawn sat on the couch watching television when Buffy returned home. Buffy slammed the door behind herself, and took off her coat; she walked into the living room. Her face showed relief; she was relieved that the day was over. That there were no more greasy burgers to be made that day, at least, not for her. And, most importantly, she was happy that she had time to spend with her sister.
"Oooh, cartoons."
Dawn smiled and nodded, it was the only programming she could watch, her mind was too focused on other things, she couldn’t fathom what was going to happen and wasn’t sure if she wanted to know.
"Ok, well, I’m gonna’ have a shower, burn these clothes and then we can go." Dawn turned off the television and walked over to Buffy.
"Great. I mean that you’re burning that uniform, but we’re going out, so that’s great too."
They both smiled, Buffy went upstairs while Dawn went into the kitchen. Dawn opened the fridge and peered inside, after a moment of indecision she pulled out a small bottle of orange juice and slammed the door closed. A large resounding thud echoed from the other room.
Dawn cautiously walked into the hall and sighed with relief to discover that no demon awaited her, it was just Willow, someone else to be feared. Willow had apologised to Dawn, and Dawn had accepted the apology, but she was still wary of Willow. Willow straightened up the boxes on the floor; Dawn frowned when she noticed all of them had Tara’s name on them.
"Do you want help with that?" Willow jumped back in fright, she hadn’t heard Dawn enter the room, Willow smiled sadly as she continued adjusting the boxes.
"Nah, Dawnie. I got it." Buffy walked down the stairs freshly showered and clothed. She plopped herself at the bottom of the steps and looked at the others.
"Boxes?" Buffy inspected the boxes and was shocked to discover that they all had Tara’s name on them.
"Oh, did you want…?"
"I got it." Willow said in an almost threatening angry non-Willow-like tone. Dawn walked over to Buffy and took her arm.
"You’re positive? If it’s too much."
Willow stopped straightening up the boxes and glared at Dawn, Of course it’s too much, look at me! What am I without her? Willow thought. Dawn and Buffy shared a worried glance as Willow smiled bravely.
"I’ll be fine."

* * *

(Dawn huddled herself in her backyard, feeling very fortunate that Buffy felt that Dawn was safe at home alone, and that both Buffy and Willow were out. She sat cross-legged in the centre of a chalk outlined pentagram. Beside her was the book of Talom. She breathed in deeply and hoped for the best. With a kitchen knife in her hand, she cut the tip of her index finger, and let the blood flow into the urn of Ishtar.
"Let the blood flow, let the blood run like a river. Let the blood touch his lips, and replenish his thirst for the wish." Dawn took the chicken’s feet from a plastic bag; she dropped them into the urn.
"With these feet, he shall walk swiftly towards me." Dawn dropped the salamander eyes into the urn.
"With these eyes, he shall see my need." She poured the watery mix of Dysphonixate and Hellebore into the urn; she kept her vision in her head, and didn’t waver as she continued to call Talom.
"With this fire, he shall come before me." She lit a match and set it into the urn. She then stood over the ingredients, and one by one, she dropped the cherry bloom’s above the urn.
"By the power of the wish, I call the Talom’uf’na. I implore you, be here now and rest this bleeding heart, come, Talom’uf’na, come!"
In that instant the wind picked up and carried the ingredients out of the urn, it sucked into a tornado, growing and growing. Dogs howled as the wind had grown to such an immensely disturbing whistle, and in an instant, stopped.)

* * *

Xander entered the magic box, his hair slicked up with gel, and his clothes shining of newness. He saw Giles behind the counter and with a kick in his step, Xander walked over to him.
"Hey Giles." Xander leaned against the counter top and tried to make conversation with Giles, who was reading the local newspaper.
"Uh, yes, hello." Giles returned to reading his paper. Xander looked around the store; no one was there, no one but them.
"Gee, who died?"
Xander uttered before he could stop himself, he reeled back and put his hand over his mouth in shock. Giles put the paper down and glared at Xander.
"Sorry, it’s just, usually no one is dead when I say that." Giles nodded as he threw the paper into the bin.
"Yes, well, a little respect if you don’t mind." Xander put his hands up and took a step back.
"Of course, of course. I mean, I miss her too. You know, we all do. I think what Tara would want, would be to try to move on. To visit her, keep her dated on recent events and stuff, but move on, and live. For her." Giles smiled and nodded appreciatively as he opened the till.
"Is that what you’re doing? Moving on?" Xander frowned in confusion, what was Giles talking about? Giles then looked Xander up and down; Xander smiled, as he finally understood.
"Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that." Giles started counting the money from the till as Anya emerged from the basement, wearing a lovely yellow floral knee high dress.
Xander asked, Giles frowned in confusion, Ready for what? Giles thought as he looked over to Xander, and found himself breathless by Anya’s appearance. Xander offered his arm to Anya, which she gladly accepted.
They exited arm in arm. Giles watched them leave with a slight smile.

* * *

("Who dares to summon the great Talom’uf’na?"
A deep grisly voice said beyond the mist, Dawn stood up and waited for the mist to clear. She coughed as it surrounded her, and then miraculously disappeared, the grey slimy demon let out a great laugh.
"A child! Away with you, I have no time~"
"Oh, but you do, I summoned you for a reason, and you will listen, it’s not in your contract to leave. A-and, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover."
Dawn said with what she thought was power and bravery; she felt if she showed him her fear he wouldn’t bother with her. So she put on a mask for him, Talom laughed again as he took a step closer to Dawn, but still, she did not move, out of fear she did not move, but she covered up her fear as best as she could.
"Will I now? What’s to stop me from ripping off your head?" He took another step closer, but still, Dawn didn’t budge an inch.
"Brave little toaster."
Dawn raised her eyebrows in surprise; she tried not to laugh at the demon’s knowledge of the book, she envisioned herself as the ‘brave little toaster’, and thought it was best to stop, before she fell to the floor in a fit of giggles. "Brave" how ludicrous, she’d always be hiding from demons rather than battling them, "Brave", was he drunk?
"I have a proposition for the great Talom."
She curtsied as she said "the great Talom", hoping that would help in some way, and while doing this she still kept her gaze on the demon. Talom smiled at the girl, she knew he was old, and this would defiantly get her in his good books.
"A proposition you say, and what would that be exactly?" He asked curiously, maybe this girl had something grand for him.
"It’s simple, you feed off the energies of people, uh, and demons." He nodded for her to continue.
"What would you say if I offered you the world’s greatest fighter. The slayer.")

* * *

Willow had almost fallen form the stairs while she held two boxes, which towered over her head and had obstructed her view. She sighed with relief as her feet found the floor. She gently put the boxes on the floor, beside the others, and straightened them out. She looked at them sadly and took a seat in the lounge, she stared off into the darkness as tears streamed down her cheeks, she sat there, unable to move. The one person worth living for, the one person worth dying for, was gone. What was she supposed to do now?

Spider sense

"I don’t care who you are, you cannot get that muscled overnight."
Both Buffy and Dawn sauntered their way home, without a worry in the world as the discussed the movie, which they had just seen.
"Yeah, true. But, my god! Was he good shirtless?"
They both laughed as Buffy nodded in agreement, Dawn fidgeted her hands with she looked around, Buffy noticed, Dawn quickly tried to hide her anxiousness by changing the subject.
"I wonder where Spike is."
Buffy stopped smiling and pondered her response. She didn’t want to think about Spike, the more she thought of him, the more she wished she didn’t. She had to account for what he did to her, but she also knew that Dawn had missed him, and that hurt her more.
"I really don’t want to know." Buffy stopped walking and surveyed the street, Dawn watched her sister in amazement, Always on duty. Dawn thought and smiled.
"Your spider sense tingling?"
Buffy’s smile returned as they began walking again, she knew that her actions would change the discussion from Spike, but she also knew that there was something out there, watching, waiting, something she knew she didn’t want to face then and there.
"I guess you could say that. Come on, let’s get home."

* * *

Anya pulled Xander’s coat closer to her body as she walked beside him along the path that lead them home. They had had a pleasant evening, with not much talk of what happened at the wedding. He couldn’t bring himself to discuss it, nor did he want to, and he knew that Anya would most likely feel the same way, only now she seemed to show less anger towards him, perhaps she had, at least with herself, forgiven him.
"Well, that was nice."
Xander said while smiling bravely, trying to make conversation, Anya only nodded and smiled, the way she did when she was happy and lost in thought. Xander wondered whether she was thinking the same thoughts as he was, he wondered whether the anger boiled inside of her, as it did him.
"Ahn, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I’m such a buffoon. I-I was scared, scared of our life together, scared that things wouldn’t turn out as I-we planned. But, mostly I was scared of ruining our lives together, messing things up, the way that I do."
Xander faltered as he tried to read Anya’s thoughts, he had thought she hadn’t heard him, because the same absent smile resided on her face, without looking at him, she replied.
"I know. You would have."
Xander stopped and looked at Anya’s back as she kept walking, he was about to retort but after a moments thought he had stopped himself, and walked at a brisk pace to catch up to Anya, and walk by her side.

The deal

(The towering trash-smelling demon let out a great laugh as Dawn had offered him the slayer, he could not comprehend the little woman giving him such a thing. How could she? Is she the slayer? Does she know the slayer? Such a great power, he knew he wanted, but couldn’t bring himself to taking, how could he kill something of which he didn’t know?
"The slayer, you know the slayer?"
"Of course I do, she’s my sister."
Talom stopped laughing at Dawn and became very serious, he looked at her questioningly, and found that she wasn’t lying. But why would she offer her sister? To what greater purpose?
"You’re serious?"
"All I am offering you is the chance to kill her, whether you succeed or no doesn’t concern me."
Of course it concern’s you, if she does die, this time it will be your fault, then what? Dawn shrugged of her disparaging thoughts, she didn’t want to think Buffy could die again, she wouldn’t allow her mind to go that way. Talom took a seat on a nearby bench and rubbed his chin, he thought about Dawn’s offer, surely there must be a catch.
"I like your proposition little one. On the one hand, I could die, on the other; I could have her power surging through me for all eternity. But, I’m also curious, what could you possibly want in return?")

* * *

Dawn and Buffy walked across a playground, arm in arm, as they neared home. Buffy, again, stopped walking and surveyed her surroundings. This time she felt a presences, she knew she had been followed, but didn’t want to alarm Dawn, not until she felt she had to.
"What is it?" Dawn said as she stopped walking, she too was searching the surrounding area.
"I think we’re being followed."
Dawn nodded while trying to make a surprised face, she wondered if it were Talom that had been following them, she had arranged for him to ‘attack’ Buffy at this time and place, but she knew he was hesitant, and perhaps this ‘being’ was something else entirely. Buffy shook off the feeling and began walking again.
"It’s probably nothing."
An instant after she had said that a fog surrounded them both, a whistling erupted in the air, both Buffy and Dawn clasped their hands over their ears, and just as soon as the ear piercing sound had appeared, it vanished, along with the fog, now in it’s place was a tall, wrinkly, grey, oozing demon.
"Oh, crap." Buffy exclaimed, as she looked the demon over, Talom smiled as he glared at Buffy. He then turned to Dawn and nodded his head appreciatively.
"It’s only fair that I keep up my part of the deal." He knelt forward onto the grass and held his hand across his chest. "Wish granted."
He uttered and then quickly arose into a fighting stance, Buffy frowned and looked over to Dawn, she grasped Dawn tightly by the shoulders and looked threateningly into Dawn’s eyes.
"What did you do?"
Dawn stuttered to reply. Talom rolled his eyes at the lack of parenting; he clicked his fingers, and instantly, at his sides, stood several large red decaying demons. Buffy let go of Dawn and looked at the new foes in awe.
"Oh, crap."
Buffy pushed Dawn behind her. Talom grinned evilly as he instructed his lackeys to attack.

* * *

Xander and Anya stopped at the entrance to their apartment; well, his apartment, Anya hadn’t lived there for some time now. Xander took the keys from his pocket and entered. Anya stood there momentarily, unsure of what she should do, Am I afraid Xander’ll hurt me again? Do I forgive him for hurting me the way he did? The answers she wasn’t sure of, but these thoughts still loitered in her mind. He’s done so much for me, and I’m still scared, I don’t know what these feelings are, I hope my best friend will tell me. She thought.
"So, uh, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow." She backed away; Xander grasped her gently by the arm and turned her around.
"Anya, wait. There’s coffee, have coffee with me." Anya bobbed her head, as if to say "you’re sure?" Xander nodded and Anya entered the apartment. They both smiled happily as Xander took off Anya’s coat.

The lonely ones

Giles turned off the lights and locked the front door as he exited the magic box. He flung his keys in his hands as he looked back and forth along the street, a strange but familiar feeling overwhelmed him. He wondered how Buffy was fairing on patrol, and in his daze, he hadn’t noticed a shadow in the distance was watching him; he shook off his daze and unlocked his rental car, his red two door trap remaining in Bath. His other home.

* * *

Buffy fell back onto a park bench, shattering it on impact, she kicked herself up, and picked up a few loose beer bottles, which were absent-mindedly left there, possibly by a bum, or an underage drinker, she threw them at Talom, they shattered, leaving blotches of alcohol on his robe.
"I just had that dry cleaned!"
Buffy looked fearfully at the demon, and quickly, she picked up a jagged piece of wood. The last living lackey had taken her by surprise and clasped her tightly around the neck. She kicked it in the groin, its grip was loosened, Buffy had just enough time to face it, before it’s grip returned to her neck. Tighter this time. It snarled. She quickly thrusted the wood piece into its chest, it fell to the ground, dead. Its body then vanished without a trace.
"Run home!"
Buffy instructed for Dawn to do, Dawn looked nervously at her sister and then ran as fast as she could out of the crossfire, Buffy caught her breath as she stood a few metres apart from her new foe, Talom. Little did she know that Dawn had sent her into a trap.

* * *

Dawn ran onto the street without thinking to look both ways, a horn honked, Dawn stopped running; she was paralysed with fear, as if she were a dear in headlights. Tires screeched the car into a halt, inches from Dawn’s body, the driver got out of the car and looked in her direction, Dawn caught her breath and was surprised to see it was Giles. His eyes widened as he recognised this face, the face of a girl that was almost hit by his car.
"Dawn? Dawn! Are you alright?"
He ran over to Dawn, his annoyance had now been replaced with fear, what had happened to her? Why was she out there? Dawn looked at the car with a confused expression on her face; Giles shook her out of her shock.
"I-I’m fine. Buffy told me to run. T-to go home. So I ran."
Giles walked over to the car and waved for Dawn to get in, when she was safely fastened in her seat, he screeched the car down the street, he drove her home. Worry filled their minds, as they feared the worst, little did they know they were being followed.

* * *

"And, so, we’re all tied up and Buffy is about to unleash the demon to kill us, we’re tried to reason with her. But, you know how stubborn Buffy can be. So, she unties the demon and then BAM! Well, not so much ‘bam’ as ‘anyone down here?’ Tara walks down into the basement, and uses Witchfoo to untie us. She then looses her footing because of the demon, well, at least I think it as the demon, I was out on the floor at the time, it could have been Buffy. And, so we’re all untied and Buffy finally comes to her senses and kills the demon."
Anya looked at Xander shocked, she had always wondered what had happened in the basement that night, but she was also glad that she wasn’t there. Xander looked at her in awe, he didn’t know what she thought, and that was also part of the appeal, her mind didn’t work like others, and that’s one of the many things that he loved about her.
"Oh my god."
She then laughed at the picture of the heroine trying to kill them all. Xander laughed as well.
"Well, it wasn’t funny at the time."

* * *

Dawn entered her home in her almost wondering way, while Giles walked in behind her. Dawn went into the kitchen and took a school drink from the refrigerator, she then walked into the lounge and plopped herself onto the couch, Giles watched her while deep in thought.
"Do you know what the demon wanted?"
Dawn thought for a moment, she would have to come clean about the deal, especially when Buffy came home. She wasn’t sure if Giles would agree with her reasons for summoning Talom, and she wanted Buffy home when she told the story, she hated repeating herself.
"I think we should wait for Buffy."
Giles nodded, perhaps that was best. Outside Spike slumped himself onto the grass as his body ached for rest, he grinned, and lit a cigarette, while he tried to hear the conversation that broke inside.

* * *

Buffy kicked Talom in the gut and grabbed his arm, throwing him forward onto the grass. She picked up his loose sword and sliced off his head, she did a small dance of triumph and stretched her limbs as she began to walk away.
"Admirable try."
Buffy frowned; cutting things heads off usually killed them. She turned and witnessed Talom’s body recover his head and replace it firmly onto his shoulders. Buffy sighed and charged, she kicked and punched as fast and as hard as she could, but it seemed he knew her every move before she did. He dodged her and kicked her in the chest. Buffy flew onto the gravel of the pathway, a few metres away from Talom. She groggily looked at her surroundings; surely there was something she could use against him.
Buffy noticed a broken piece of park bench in her reach, she quickly grabbed it and threw it directly at Talom, he hadn’t seen this coming, it hit him directly in the heart, he fell to the ground and heaved, now was Buffy’s chance. She picked up a box of matches and wondered if it would work, she concealed the box when she saw Talom getting up. He pulled the wood from his chest and tossed it away.
"Ok, that’s just not pleasant."
He rushed at Buffy and punched her several times, thinking he had the upper hand. Until he smelt sulphur, he frowned and looked down at his robe, which had now caught on fire. He ran around screaming in agony. Buffy laughed at the sight and began walking away, when the screaming stopped, she had always thought that was a sign that her enemy was dead. She wasn’t always right. Suddenly she was sent flying into a nearby redwood, she quickly found her footing; she turned around, and sighed.
"Why wont you die?"

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