f a n f i c
Only The Beginning
by Quirky
A new world
"I hope she gets home soon, Im staring to worry."
Giles nodded as he took a seat beside Willow, she shook off her daze and continued eating her apple, which she had almost completely forgotten about. Dawn sat in the living room, thinking of ways that she could explain what she did, she was taken from her trance when the front door creaked open. She got up and walked out into the hallway. Her mouth gaped open.
"Hey Dawnie."
Tara nimbly hugged Dawn as she entered the house, she then slowly and carefully took her coat off, Dawn stared blankly at Tara in disbelief, unable to believe that Tara was there, unable to believe that her wish came true, Tara put the coat onto the rack and turned to face Dawn, she noticed Dawns expression and smiled.
"Youre back."
Tara smiled again as she closed the front door, Dawn realised that she was still staggered, she quickly tried to hide her amazement, and tried even harder not to cry. Tara was home.
"Of course I am sweetie. Like I said, it was only a check-up, Im fine."
Dawn grinned and took Taras hand, she led Tara into the kitchen.
"Look whos home."
Both Giles and Willow turned to face Dawn, Giles smiled and nodded his "hello" and returned to his meal, while Willow leapt out of her seat and walked over to Tara, she took Taras hands. They both looked lovingly into each others eyes. Dawn held in her excitement and took Willows vacated seat. It seemed an eternity before anyone spoke.
"So what did the doctor say? Is everything all right in there?" Willow placed her hand over Taras chest and felt a heart beat.
"He said everything was fine, Id be even better if I wasnt shot. But, I honestly dont know."
Willow furrowed her brow, worried, she wanted more than anything for Tara to be better, Tara glanced over to Dawn and smiled, she then returned her gaze to Willow and lowered her voice, she smiled coyly.
"I may need a second opinion."
* * *
Anya and Xander lay arm in arm on their couch; Xander absently ran his finger through Anyas hair, while Anya rested her hand on Xanders chest.
"This, this is nice."
Anya said while trying to keep her eyes open, she didnt want to fall asleep, but she also didnt want to move. Xander blinked his eyes and tried his hardest to remain awake.
"Yeah, it might be more comfortable if we slept on a bed. Uh, not, uh, together. Not if you dont want to, Im just saying, bed equals comfort. I bet if we fall asleep here, well wake up with a mother of all night wedgies."
Anya smiled softly as she cushioned her head on Xanders shoulder, she sleepily replied.
"After you."
Xander groaned, he didnt want to get up, nor could he, he was comfortable. After a moment, he tried to get up but found it too strenuous. Anya had now fallen asleep, she was very comfortable were she was.
"Any minute now." Xander said as he rested his head above Anyas, he smiled as he fell asleep.
* * *
Talom breathed deeply as he clasped his hands tightly around Buffys neck. Buffy tried to push him away, but it only seemed to enrage him further, she looked around fearfully as the world began to slip away. And with her last ounce of strength, Buffy kicked him in the groin. He fell back, and that was all Buffy needed, she took Taloms sword out of a nearby tree, and in a swift movement, she slashed him in half. She smiled and backed away, with his sword in her hand.
"Ah. Ah. Ah." She rolled her eyes and turned back to Talom. Who had now fully reassembled himself.
"What are you, the freaking terminator?"
Talom gasped as he drew his hand into the air, the sword felt heavy in Buffys hand, and in an instant, was no longer there. It now resided in his. Talom knelt back on the ground while keeping his eyes on Buffy.
"I believe we have a stalemate." Buffy breathed deeply and nodded in disbelief.
"We do." He heaved himself up and raised his eyebrows. His body shimmered, and as he disappeared, leaving words to linger.
"This isnt over." Buffy fell back onto the grass.
"No. It really isnt."
Falling into place<
Buffy walked on the path on the way home in a daze, she was tired, dead tired. She stopped walking and stretched, she looked along the ground while she took deep, relaxing breaths. She furrowed her brow as she spotted cigarette butts, new cigarette butts. She looked up in disbelief.
"Spike?" She looked around the front yard and shook her head, there was no way he would be there, she walked into the house and threw her keys onto a nearby table.
"Hello?" She took off her coat, and almost jumped with fright when she saw Willow walk down the staircase.
"Hey Buffy."
They both ambled their way into the lounge room, and saw that Giles was making his bed, Buffy took some pillows and plopped them into place. He smiled his "thanks", as they sat down, Willow and Buffy taking either side of Giles. While Dawn sat on a chair, trying not to keep eye contact with her sister. Giles sighed with relief.
"Youre back. Did you, uh, kill it?" Giles asked while putting his glasses back on; Dawn curled herself into her chair as Buffy gave her the evil eye.
"Big no. But he did mention a wish. Any idea what he was talking about Dawn?"
Buffy continued to give Dawn the evil eye, in hopes that she would guilt her sister into telling her the truth. Dawn fidgeted in her chair as the others looked expectantly at her, she looked at them all, in her guilty way and tried to change the subject.
"Uh, yeah, Tara went to the doctor today!" Buffy raised her eyebrow and uninterestingly replied.
"Dont change the subject. Wait, what did the doctor say?"
Dawn sighed with relief, that little stunt brought her some time. Buffy turned to Willow and waited for a good response. Giles slumped back sleepily into the couch as Willow smiled and grinned.
"Shes fine, better than fine. Finey Mcfine."
"And all of her stuff is unpacked?"
"Its like she never left." The both smiled, Buffy looked excitedly around the room.
"Where is she?" Willow raised her eyebrows and smiled deviously, she looked up at the ceiling.
"Shes asleep, I think I tired her out."
Giles cringed as if to say "Too much information", Dawn grinned at Giles reaction; it was funny to watch him try to push thoughts out of his mind. But, she was also glad that things were returning to normal with Willow and Tara. Buffy faced Dawn, and put on her "Tell me now" face.
"So, what did you wish for? After the destruction that was my birthday party, I thought you said you were never going to use the W.I.S.H. word again." Dawn yawned and stretched her arms in the air.
"In the morning. Well go to the magic box, and Ill tell you everything, and get Xander and Anya, this concerns them too." Buffy rolled her eyes, she would have to do as Dawn said, plus, she was tired. And if, in fact this did concern the others, it could wait until morning. After everyone had a goodnight sleep.
"Fine. Have it your way." Buffy got out of her seat and walked out into the kitchen, she began turning off the lights in the house. While Willow and Dawn got up and leisurely made their way towards the staircase.
"Night Giles."
"Goodnight." Giles took off his glasses and places them on the coffee table, he plopped himself back onto the couch and replied.
"Goodnight girls." Giles turned off the lamp above him and folded the bed covers onto him. Buffy re-entered the lounge room and turned off the last light in the hall.
"Goodnight Buffy."
Buffy smiled in the darkness and made her way into the hall; the sound of Giles snoring had already erupted in the lounge room. And suddenly a rapping came from the front door; it stopped Buffy dead in her tracks, Who would be out this late? Buffy thought as she opened the door to reveal no one.
She peeked her head outside and looked along the silent street, she shrugged, closed and locked the door, and began walking up the stairs. Fully unaware that Spike was up to his old tricks, trying to figure out what Buffy was up too without her knowledge, it was fun, and he missed it.
Bathed in light
Buffy almost did a jig when she entered the dining room, her smile was from ear to ear, the others had noticed this, but thought it was best not to ask. Willow stacked up the plates from breakfast and took them into the kitchen, she returned almost as quick as she left and took a seat beside Tara. Giles looked up from the rim of his teacup, he almost scalded himself, when was the last time Buffy was this happy? He quickly put his cup onto the table and smiled along with Buffy.
"Youre very chippy today."
"Well, I just called Xanders. I guess Im just happy, which is weird, because Im usually never happy when Anya answers the phone, but today, it just seem, oh, I dont know, right. Like the world has fallen into place or something." Dawn grinned, as did Willow and Tara. Giles just sat back in his seat, with a small smile, he was just as happy as the others were.
"Oh my god. Thats huge."
Dawn replied as she got out of her chair; the others did the same and got out of theirs. Buffy scooped up the keys, while the others made their way to the front door.
"No kidding." They all stopped a moment and gathered their coats; Buffy thought it was the best time to catch her sister off guard.
"So, youre not even going to give me the tiniest hint about what you wished for, are you?"
Dawn shook her head and smiled slightly, she enjoyed teasing Buffy. Willow smiled, she was happy whenever she saw Buffy and Dawn bond, it was a sister thing, that she wished she had but was also glad in more ways than one that she was an only child. Giles opened the front door and let the women pass the threshold. Dawn made a dash through while putting on her coat.
"Ever the gentlemen."
Buffy said as she exited, Willow followed and nodded her thanks to Giles. Tara tripped, and quickly regained her footing as she exited. Giles followed Tara outside and slammed the door behind him.
"Are you alright? You look a little pale." Tara shrugged as she made her way towards Giles rental car, the others waited patiently beside it.
"Im fine, just a little tired, I guess."
Anger and Betrayal
Talom sat in a meditative position in the centre of a rounded oak table; his demon visage being the only thing that betrayed him in the human motel room. Thankfully, the shades were drawn, and he was safe from prying eyes. He rocked back and forth and kept his eyes closed. He chanted mechanically, his eyes flickered wildly; soon, his breathing grew hoarse.
* * *
"So, Dawn. You mind telling us whats going on? Who was that guy? How did you come across such a power-What did you do? Answer me."
Buffy bombarded her sister with questions; she grew angrier each time a new question had arisen in her mind. She paced back and forth impatiently, waiting for a response. Giles stood behind the counter to the magic box, and gave Dawn an accusing look. Anya, Xander, Willow and Tara all sat across from Dawn at the table near the stacks. Dawn looked their faces over, she couldnt bring herself to say or do anything. Slowly, she pulled the book of Talom from her bag; and put it on the table, she pushed it over to Anya.
"You, you stole this?"
"Borrowed, dont worry, I remember, punitive damages. But thats beside the point. Did you happen to notice the inscription?"
Willow, whom sat beside Anya, leaned over and studied the book. Both Willow and Anya frowned and looked up at Dawn.
"Oh." Buffy stopped her pacing and glanced at the women worriedly.
"Oh? What, oh? Im hoping thats a good "Oh"."
Xander searched their faces, confused, while Tara rested her head on Willows shoulder and Anya looked hopelessly at Buffy. How could she explain what Dawn had done without getting some of the blame?
"This is the book of Talom-Talomufna. Dawn summoned a very dark and a very powerful former vengeance demon. Now, for whatever reason, whatever she wished for, it was big. Talom, if I remember him correctly, and I do, he deals in the big items. He, he only deals when he gets something in return." After a moment, Xander rose from his seat and stood beside Buffy, he wove his hands around as he tried to put it together.
"Ok, big things. What are we talking about here? Blood rituals? Sacrifices? Uh, are we talking objects? Or does he specialise in people?" Anya nodded and smiled; Xander was pretty fast on the up-take.
"Demons. People mostly, he does it for the sheer thrill of it, isnt that nutty? But theres something else-Dawn, what did you offer him?" Xander clicked his fingers in realisation.
"Oh come on! Buffy was suddenly attacked by an unrecognisable foe, who happens to be a former vengeance demon, and says, "Its only fair that I keep my part of the deal." Isnt it obvious? Dawn offered Buffy, she offered her sister, her, her blood kin. The only thing that I dont get, and keep in mind, this is me talking, is what she could have possibly wished for."
Tara sat up and placed her hand over her chest where the bullet had entered, and almost killed her. Almost. She looked at Dawn and asked, without even saying, "What did you do?" Dawn looked Tara in the eyes and quickly looked away as the tears welled up. Giles mouth gaped open, as he understood; he walked away from behind the counter, and knelt down in front of Dawn.
"That day, that day when Warren shot Buffy and Tara, what happened?"
He handed her his hanker chief and stood beside Buffy as Dawn wiped away the tears. She looked up at them, she looked over their faces, and after a moment, she recalled the terrible events of that day.
"I-I dont know a lot, but what I remember is coming home, I was h-h-happy. It was a good day and I wanted to spend it with my family. So, I walked into the house and yelled, no one was home. I looked around, still no answer; I felt certain that no one was home. That was until, I walked into Willows room, at first I thought, I dont know what I thought. But I went in there, and there was Tara, she wasnt moving, she wasnt breathing, and then I knew, I knew she was dead, that she was-"
Buffy knelt down and hugged her sister. While Xander shook his head in disbelief, he sat back down. The room became utterly silent, everyone in the room looked from Tara to Dawn in wide-eyed disbelief. Buffy stopped hugging Dawn and stood back beside Giles. Moments had passed before another word was spoken.
" Oh, Dawn. You, you didnt? You did that for me?"
"For you both."
Anya and Xander still shook their heads, unable to process what theyve heard. Tara stumbled over to Dawn and took a seat beside her; she glared at Dawn. Giles took a step back and muttered softly into Buffys ear.
"Well, that explains a lot." Dawn shifted in her seat, very uncomfortable with Taras glare.
"I know your intentions were good and I know you must have missed me, but didnt you take in account what I taught you? Magic and selfish reasons dont mix. There are always consequences. Always. Its just; you have to ask yourself, when will it end? Joyce, Buffy, me. Death is only the beginning, not the end." She hugged Dawn as nimbly as she could.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." Buffy took a seat beside her sister and ran her fingers through her hair.
"Ok, what do we do? How do I kill him?" Anya jumped out of her daze and shook her head.
"Well, see, thats the thing. You-you cant kill him. Hes immortal."
"So are vampires. Stakes. Crosses. Be-heading. Surely there must be a way to kill him? Vampires are immortal, but I can still kill them. There must be a weak point? Something for me to work with?"
Buffy shook her head and looked away hopelessly. Xander and Giles were aghast; they kept asking themselves, why? And how? But the hows and whys were hard, and they could only help the only way they knew how. By being there, by being their strong selves. Dawn tried to compose herself, recalling what had happened was hard, and something she didnt want to do again.
Willow and Tara shared grim looks while Anya rested her elbows on the table and her head in her hands. She sighed deeply, and remembered the truth, she was only looking out for her mentor, but now that she thought about it, she didnt have to, nor did she need to.
"There are a few ways in which you could dispose of him, but see, youre not going to like a portion of it, all messy and all hard. The first, you could incarcerate him; lock him in a fiery cell. The problem with that is, the spell is linked to him, the pain he feels. Tara would feel."
"What else?" Willow urged Anya to continue.
"Offer him a trade of some sort, he is the gambling type, but hes also a cheater, so youre better off not doing that. Give him something he wants, but in this case thats a no-no, he wants Buffy, and were not giving him that. Um, you could try to take his power centre. But, I dont think freelance vengeance demons carry those. I guess, thats pretty much it, well, there is one thing-"
"Which is?"
"Well, you could try to link the spell to another source, and, uh, then incarcerate him. Or destroy his power centre? Whatever works, but to be safe Id incarcerate him."
* * *
Talom uplifted the bed against the wall in a fit of rage.
"That Anyanka will be the death of me!"
He glared at a silver portal, a portal in which he could see whatever he wanted without being known. A portal, which was the size of a football, he looked at the small group assembled in the magic box, he enjoyed his power, and would do anything within his grasp to get what he deserved. He smirked as he looked at his granted wish.
"Well, if I go down, Im taking another with me!"
* * *
Tara drew her arms around herself and shook violently; Willow hugged her.
"Its ok, well find a way. Actually, now that I think about it that last one was pretty good, I know a good spell that might work." Tara shook her head.
"Oh, come on! I think I showed you I could deal with it, I mean, at least I didnt kill Warren. No, I didnt-well, maybe in that other reality I did, but here I didnt. I caught them, sure they had allies, being magic and all but I tied him up, him and the others. Without magic. Theyre all in jail because of me, a-and, look, Im still here. Its just, please consider it."
Willow tried to prove that her addiction was over, and that she only wanted to help in one of the only ways she knew how, Anya leaned across the table and added her two cents.
"She does have a point, and to be honest, I dont think youre up to it. You dont look to well."
Tara angrily got up and walked away from them.
"Why does everyone keep saying that? Im fine!"
Taras eyes drew into dark pits; she fell against the counter and screamed an inhuman scream. Willow ran over to her lover, and played the role of a crutch, she carried a limping Tara over to a small pile of cushions that resided in a corner, the both sat on them, Willow worriedly tried to comfort Tara.
"Its ok, its ok baby."
* * *
Talom clicked his fingers and the silver shimmering portal disappeared, along with the last of his strength. He fell onto the mattress against the wall, and breathed deeply, this wish was killing him, but how?
"Why do you pull away? You are close; I can feel it. Like a bug crawling beneath your skin, you try to claw it out, but the deeper it digs into your black heart. But soon, you win, you defeat it. They have power over you, and just like that bug, you will die. Unless-"
Talom bounced off the mattress and smiled as seductively as he could at his profit.
Talom grew impatient and began shaking Drusilla violently, she laughed happily at his power.
"Unless you take something else, something of theirs that they cant live without, a trade, the sister for the slayer. Beautiful really."
Talom frowned and released Drusilla, what did she mean? Was that little girl worth all that trouble? He paced back and forth, the plan was simple, but how was he going to execute it? Surely, they would keep her safe. They wouldnt leave her alone to get hurt, she knew his face, although she didnt know his human face now that he thought about it, and he was certain that Dawn would know Drusillas for that matter.
"Yes, I see it. But what I dont see, is us getting the girl. Impossible really-"
"No, no. You dont see, its all in the sky, the star music calls to me, it tells me dreadful things. Do you want to know what they say?" He took a step closer.
"A lonely one will help us, hes been watching, waiting, and now
The door to the motel room burst open, a man covered by a blanket ran in and quickly closed the door behind him, he took off the robe and grinned evilly.
"Hes come home."
* * *
Tara gasped for air as she began to lose consciousness; Willow held her and tried to hold back the tears. The others looked at them hopelessly. What was happening? Willow frowned and yelled at Dawn.
"What did you do?"
Xander and Giles looked back and forth fearfully, not wanting a fight between the two. Tears formed in Dawns eyes, she walked up the steps, and looked down at Tara and Willow, she shook her head.
"I beckoned him, Taras here and this must be the consequences that shes always talking about. But given the chance to do it again, I would. A million times over, I would. I was thorough with my search, and I am one hundred percent certain that he had the power, he could un-do what had happened, and I made sure, that he couldnt re-undo them. That I am certain of."
"How can you be so sure? With everything, Joyce, zombie. Tara almost dead. Again. How can you be so sure?"
Willow yelled angrily, as Tara murmured in gibberish. Buffy walked up the stairs and grasped Dawn gently by the shoulders, she gave Willow a stern look, as if to say, "Back off!" Anya frowned as she pulled things together; she yanked herself away from behind the counter and walked over to where the group was now huddled.
"Shes right. He cannot re-undo what he has un-done, its not within his capabilities. I should know." Anya tried to comfort Willow, which, as usual, only enraged her further.
"Then why is Tara like this?" Anya shrugged, for that she hade no answer for. Giles knelt down beside Willow.
"Keep in mind, she was just shot." He began absently cleaning his glasses, when Tara jumped out of her shock, and uttered something, again in gibberish.
"Tara?" Tara shook off her dizziness, and looked at the group in surprise.
"Xander, get her a~" Xander appeared from behind the others and handed Willow a glass filled with water, it was as if he read her thoughts.
He nodded and smiled, he took Dawn by the arm and gently pulled her from the small group, they both sat on the stairs, Xander patted her on the back.
"Its ok, what you did, it was good. Willow knows that, and once this is all over, shell thank you for it."
He said in a hush, Dawn smiled and thanked him for his honesty; she felt she didnt deserve a friend like him. Tara gulped down the water and placed the cup onto a nearby shelf, after a moment she spoke.
"Were linked. He and I. Its as Anya said. Hes weak now, I can feel it. But theres something else. Before when I fell, there was something about it, he must have drained his strength and tapped into mine. B-but, just before that, he was watching us
" The group looked around the store, dumbfounded. Tara smiled.
And cursing Anya." Willow smiled and got up.
"Yeah, I would too." Anya glared at Willow.
"You gave away trade secrets. Can you get up?"
Willow stopped smiling at Anyas perturbed face and looked down to the ground where Tara sat, a white flash ran through Willows mind. She looked at her hands and became wide-eyed; her hands were bloodied. She shook out of her daze and helped Tara up. Buffy gave Willow a worried look, Willow shook her head, as if to say, "Dont ask."
"Ok, ok, this is good. Um, well split into two groups. Giles, Xander and I will do the heavy research; find out what we can about this guy. Although I think that big black book over there will tell us all we need to know."
Dawn sighed; she knew Buffy would never let her help with the research. Buffy still coddled Dawn from the world; she would say she wasnt when Dawn accused her of doing just that. But that didnt explain why Buffy had let her read that demon text in the first place. Maybe Buffy just felt guilty about leaving Dawn alone.
"And Dawn, could you help Anya, Tara and Willow with the magic stuff?" Dawn smiled; maybe Buffy had changed.
"So, whats the plan then?"
Spike threw his blanket onto the oak table, he watched as Drusilla started prancing around the room, as if she were a schoolgirl. Talom frowned at Spike; he wanted to see how Spike would react, especially considering the last time they spoke. Spike just glared right back at him, and in that moment, Talom let out a belly laugh.
"Well, Spike my old friend, its good to see you again. I guess youre here to help us with that little slayer debacle." Drusilla ran her fingers through Spikes hair; she began singing.
"Run and catch, run and catch
" Spike ignored her playful tune and nodded for Talom to continue.
"Its simple enough, you kidnap the girl, the slayer goes after the girl, we kill the slayer. And if all goes well, you can have the girl. And the rest of the miserable town."
Drusilla took Spikes arm and led him to the centre of the room; he wrapped his arms around her and they began to slow dance. Spike wondered how he could have lived without her for so long. He ran his hand across her face and kissed her passionately. She pulled away and grinned, she then ran away, begging him to chase her.
"Oh how Ive missed this. Nightfall, when the sun sets, well take the little key."
He smiled as he raced around the room trying to catch Drusilla, she laughed happily. Drusilla ran around Talom and hid behind him, Spike tried to snatch her, but she moved to the other side of Talom. Talom grasped Spike by the shoulders and glared at him.
"The key? The little girl, the one that summoned me, she is the key?"
"Syeah, I was there when the lil bit found out. Poor thing, great big ball of universe destroying energy in the body of a girl. Thats like finding out youre gods son or something."
In that instant when Drusillas guard was down, Spike grabbed her around the waste and held her tightly. Talom waved him hand in front of them, as if to say, "Stop." Which they did, he looked them over and smiled, or at least Spike and Drusilla thought he was smiling, is certainly didnt look like it.
"New plan. You two kidnap the girl and bring her to me, when the sister comes she will watch me kill her sister and gain her essence, and with that childs power, I will kill the sister and then, nothing will stop me." Spike raised his eyebrow, Drusila laughed giddily as he ran his hands across her body.
"Sounds good to me." Spike kissed Drusillas forehead, while Talom walked over to the door.
"Ah, mate, whatre you doing? See, daylight out. Youll stop traffic."
Talom turned back to Spike; he smiled and wove his hand across his face. He now looked human, his face was tanned and his hair was a light brown, you would sware that he was human just by looking at him; he put on his robe and winked at Spike.
"Im going to need a few ingredients for the ritual, Ill be discrete. And with any luck I could find out what theyre up to, without them being the wiser."
Talom exited, slamming the door behind him. Spike waited until he knew that Talom was out of earshot.
"Great prancing poof. I sware I dont know what youre with him, why are you with him? Never mind that, this, this is just infuriating, I say will kill them ourselves and then suck the marrow out of his neck." Drusilla put her fingers to his lips.
"Tut, tut, tut, all in good time."
* * *
Anya sat at the table near the stacks; she stretched her arms as the others made their way towards her. Giles piled up all the weapons he could find, as did Willow and Tara with their spell ingredients. Buffy stood by and waited for them to focus on the problem at hand. Dawn yawned as she took a seat next to a snoozing Xander.
"Poor guy." Dawn nudged Xander.
"I do! I mean, uh, Scooby Doo! You know the cartoon
shoot me."
Anya pushed Xander so hard that he almost fell on the floor; thankfully, he got a grip of the table before he fell, but he almost took the table with him.
"I will! Giles get the gun." She looked at the others. "Im kidding of course. I mean if I had a gun, which I do now that I think about it, I would have shot him a heck of a lot sooner
please continue."
The door to the magic box opened and a brown haired man passed the threshold. Buffy sighed, this meeting would never happen. Anya bounced out of her seat, and slowly made her way to the man. Buffy took Anyas vacated seat and rested her head on Xanders shoulder. Dawn groaned and rubbed her stomach.
"Can I go get something to eat? Im starving." Buffy was about to say no" when her stomach rumbled. Xander stood up and took Dawns arm.
"Ill take her, Im a bit hungry too. Well get everybody something." Buffy began pulling money out of her wallet.
"Its on me." They smiled at each other, Dawn took Xanders arm, he unlocked the front door and they walked out of the shop, just as Anya approached the customer.
"Welcome to the magic box; how may I be of service?"
"Well, maam, I would like two of the following ingredients. Honeysholes. Clamdephicxs and Styoke. I sure do hope you have them, Ive been looing everywhere and no one seems to have them."
Talom had hoped his Texan accent and kindness would fool Buffy and Anya, which it did. Anya smiled and nodded; she led the man over to the counter, and took the ingredients from the shelf. Talom looked the room over, his gaze then rested on the centre table. Tara sat bolt upright and looked at him, he winked at her. Tara lowered her voice.
"Willow, cover up these ingredients, but make it natural. Do it now."
Willow nodded and took the ingredients away from the table, she placed them into Dawns bag, she then covered up what was left with Dawns teen magazine. Tara silently thanked her as Talom payed for the goods and left the store. Anya followed him and locked the door. She flipped over the closed sign and took a seat next to Giles.
"He was nice, and familiar. Oh, crap, that was him wasnt it?" Tara nodded.
"Well, at least he didnt see much, I think." Buffy smiled and shook her head.
"You said you knew him."
"I did, I do, its just, its been a while."
Buffy stood up and put her hands firmly in the air, as if to say, "Its ok." She paced back and forth and looked over her friends faces. She wondered whether it was a good idea to let Dawn help them, and she wondered whether any of it would work in their favour.
"Ok, heres the deal. Tara does a location spell to find this guy, and then Giles, Xander and I will hunt him down, I may need help out there. But Talom, hes mine. Ill fight him off as fast as I can, which means you three should be onto phase three. Do you know what youre doing?"
Willow, Tara and Anya nodded, reassuringly.
"Yep, but, uh, theres gonna be a little bloodletting, its ok, Im just warning you-and Anya."
Giles put the weapons into a black sports bag. Anya nodded and smiled at Willow.
"Ok, just warn me before you do that. Im a bit squeamish." They all, except Anya, laughed.
"A vengeance demon thats squeamish to the sight of blood. God, thats rich."
Anya glared at Giles, he raised his hands as if defeated and took a seat. It took a few moments for the laughter to die down.
"Uh, Id hate to be the one to point this out, but Xander and Dawn have been gone a while."
* * *
"So, Dawnster, howve things been with you? I mean, you know, post spell casting wise. Im proud of you, you were willing to do that, risk so much, Im sure the others will thank you later, let it settle in. But you also did something that you were taught was wrong, I think its safe to say you are defiantly a Scooby. And, uh, Im yammering on again, I think Ill make this a quiet time."
Dawn nodded; she knew Buffy would most likely ground her for her antics. She stopped walking along the path and re-gripped the plastic bags in her hands. Xander stopped by her side and smiled. He knew she wouldnt let him carry them; she wanted to prove that she was just as strong as her sister was. After a moment, they continued walking down the street, passing The Sun theatre.
" Thanks Xander. Uh, I hope Buffy doesnt mind that we bought Chinese food, its just, Im kinda sick of the Double Meat medley."
Xander smiled, he knew Dawn was right; being given the same food repeatedly must have been hard for her. Just as it had been for him when he was younger. Xander looked upwards towards the dark sky, Dawn did the same. They then looked at each other for a moment and were about to walk along the path again when Spike stepped in the way.
"Great googily moogily Spike. What are you doing here?" Xander clenched his fists, Dawn looked from Xander to Spike, she expected a fight to break between them. Spike put his hands in front of him and backed off.
"No, no, please, I dont want a fight. Thats not why Im here." Xander raised his eyebrow in disbelief.
"Then why are you here?"
Spike looked down to the ground, Xander wondered whether it was a defeated look, which was until he was grabbed from behind. Soon, his mouth was covered, and no words could come out, Drusilla bit into his neck, Spike looked up, his mouth gaped open.
"No!" He then looked Dawn in the eyes; she had frozen stiff. "Dawn come over to me, now!"
Dawn ran towards Spike, once she had reached him, he pushed her beside him. Drusilla then let go of Xander, having taken what she needed of him, he fell to the floor, semi-conscious. Spike then rushed at Drusilla, he punched and kicked, but she was too fast, she got in heavy blows and he fell to the ground, badly beaten, he looked up at a dazed Dawn, he was defeated, his only charge had been to protect her, and he couldnt do that, his head hit the pavement and his eyes closed.
"All alone." Drusilla knocked Dawn over the head, and Dawn fell to the ground, unconscious. Spike jumped up, and took staggering steps towards her; he rubbed the blood from his swelling face. He then grabbed Drusilla by the waste, the y both looked at the snoozing Dawn.
"You didnt have to hit me so hard." Drusilla took Spikes hands from her waste and faced him.
"They bought it, didnt they?"
Finding a way
"What if theyre hurt? What if theyre in a ditch somewhere? I cant bare it, we have to go find them, I cant loose him again." Buffy shook her head, it hadnt been that long, but what if they were hurt? What if something worse had happened to them? What if this Talom guy had them? Buffy got out of her seat and took the iniative.
"Uh, ok, Giles, you help Willow and Tara with whatever they need and Anya and I will try to find Xander and Dawn. Hopefully theyll just be around the corner." Giles nodded in agreement. Anya left the shop in a rush with Buffy closely behind. Giles smiled and looked over to the only two that remained.
"Oh my, she has changed over the year. Ive never seen her like this, its as if shes turned over a new leaf, and did you see? She didnt even ask for my opinion. She has grown." Tara nodded.
"We all have."
* * *
"Heres your girl." Spike dumped Dawn onto the oak table; her feet and arms had been bandaged, along with her mouth. It hurted Spike to look at her the way she was; she was helpless.
"Good work. Now go, I will send for you when and if I need you. The night is still young, you could get a few killings before the sun rises." Spike took Drusilla by the arm and led her out of the motel room. After they were out of Taloms earshot, Spike let out his frustration.
"Why the hell are we helping him? He is such a mindless, infuriating trash heap! I should have killed him a long time ago, when I had the chance!" Drusilla glared at him.
"You should have got lots of things when you hade the chance." Spike stopped in the middle of the street and sighed.
"Not the Buffy thing again. I sware the next time I see her she wont be so lucky." A car honked, the driver had obviously lost patients with Spike. Spike ignored it and kept his eyes on Drusilla, she walked over to him and grinned.
"So, you want to know why are helping him." He nodded. "There is a greater purpose, my lovely. Talom is just a stepping-stone. You see, they dont know about you, that my boy has his wits about him. You could use that to your advantage and finally rid the world of its prized fighter." Spike frowned, until he understood. The car horn honked again.
"Im going to make them believe that Im fighting the good fight, and when they least expect it
BAM! Very clever, except for the part where they dont trust me!" He yelled into her ear, she didnt flinch. Instead, she drew herself closer to him and pressed her lips on his neck. She whispered.
"All in good time."
* * *
"Oh my god, Xander!"
Anya ran over to Xander and sat down beside him, she rested his head on her lap, a tear streamed down her face, she then felt his neck for a pulse and sighed with relief when she found a strong beat. She slapped him across the face. "Wake up!"
Buffy knelt down beside them and picked up an envelope, which had been addressed to her. She looked it over for a moment and opened it, she frowned as she read the note, and while doing so, she heard Anya slap Xanders face again, harder this time. She finished reading it as Xander roused when Anya hit him again.
"Anya! Stop it! What is this, a new wake up call?"
He then shook his head and remembered that he and Anya were no longer together. He smiled sheepishly as Anya tried to help him up. He staggered at first, but soon found his footing. Anya took out a tissue from her pocket and placed it over Xanders neck, he took it from her and smiled, he then looked over to Buffy, and soon, he saw the note in her hand.
"Whats that Buff?" She handed it to him, after a moment he looked back at her.
* * *
Giles groaned; he hated waiting, that was the worst thing about being a watcher, the longer Buffy was gone, the more he seemed to worry. He then stood up and pulled out a short sword from the black sports bag, he thrusted it around as if he were fighting another person, but he was only getting ready for what was to come. Willow and Tara sat on a small pile of cushions, which were in a corner near the basement in the magic box. Willow heaved a sigh and rubbed her hand over her eyes, Tara smiled as she watched Willow. She knew things were hard, but maybe theyd get better soon or maybe not. Willow then fixed her eyes on Tara.
"What?" Tara then became serious, What if this doesnt work, she thought.
"If this doesnt work~"
"It will work."
"if it doesnt. I want for you to promise me something."
"Anything." Tara then smiled sadly, she knew what Willow had said was true.
"The spell is linked. If I die, he dies. If this doesnt work, if the spell were going to do doesnt work. I want for you to stab me with this."
Tara handed Willow another family heirloom, an atheme, the handle was black and was tipped with gold. There was an inscription along the blade. Nothing English, of course. But Willow knew what it had said, it read, "For those who chose the path, and follow it with their hearts." Willow looked intently at Tara, she didnt know what to say or do, Tara continued.
"It will kill me of course, but at least Im taking him with me." Willow began to cry.
"No, Tara no. This will work. I will make sure it works. I am not going to let the powers that be dangle a second chance for them to take it away like this. A-and then after this all works out, you and I can live long and happy lives away from all of this death and destruction, together, forever."
Tara took Willows hand and placed it over her heart, she looked intensely into Willows eyes.
"Promise me."
"I promise."
* * *
Buffy and Anya took the role of crutches and took either side of Xander, he limped as they slowly made their way into the magic box, they walked down the staircase and plopped Xander into a chair.
"Gee, Xander, lay off the fried foods." Willow and Tara got up out of the cosy corner and walked over to where the others sat, Giles did the same, they all looked Xander over.
"What happened?" Buffy kept still, she put her hands to her face.
"Long story." Xander tried to open his eyes, but had found it hard; it still hurt when he looked at bright things, especially lights, but soon, he opened his eyes.
"Got attacked."
"Apparently not so long."
Giles knelt forward and inspected the bit marks on Xanders neck.
"Anya get the~"
Anya dropped the first aid kit onto the table, she smiled happily at Giles; she knew it must have been frightening when she was a few steps ahead of him, but that wasnt often, hence the frighten. He nodded and walked out of the way; Anya took bandages out of the kit and began dressing Xanders wound. Tara took Willows hand and held it tightly; they then took a seat on the steps towards the upper level of the shop. Giles smiled as they passed him, he then took a seat beside Buffy at the counter.
"And Dawn? I gather shes at home." Buffy shook her head.
"No, she isnt. Talom has her now." She handed him the note. "And at midnight hes going to kill her at that address, that is, unless I show up and stop him." He finished reading the note.
"Quite the conundrum."
"Yeah, whatever that means."
He put his hand over hers and gave her a reassuring look, just as the door to the magic box burst open and Spike staggered in. His face was bloodied and bruised from his fight with Drusilla. Buffy and Giles jumped from their seats, Buffy immediately walked over to him, she was about to put her hand to his face when she remembered why he had left in the first place, she pulled herself back. Anya glared at him, as did Willow and Giles.
"What are you doing here? And what happened to your face?" Spike tumbled down the stairs, he soon sat himself up.
"Well, uh~"
"Its ok, he tried to help me and Dawn out. I honestly thought Drusilla and Spike were in cahoots, that was until he fought her off, I guess he didnt win, but he tried to help us, and Im thankful he did, otherwise I wouldnt be talking to you all right now." Spike stood up and regained his footing.
"What he said." Xander then got up and punched Spike in the face.
"Now I feel better." Spike staggered back but didnt bother to retaliate; he could do that some other time.
"Im sorry you feel that way." Buffy frowned, when was Spike ever sorry about anything? Spike than gave Buffy a lost-puppy face, she looked away.
* * *
"Where-Where am I?"
Dawn whispered in a barely audible tone as her blurred eyesight became clear. She shivered uncontrollably as a gust of wind blew into her face. She wondered where she was, it was dark, but a strange blueness emitted from somewhere in the distance. She tried to squirm her way out of the bondage that kept her in place, which was all for nothing; the harder she tried; the more the rope seemed to burn her wrists. She yelled with all her might for help, but was suddenly stopped when a white cloth was put in place over her mouth.
"Now, now, therell be none of that."
She gave her capture an accusing look, she didnt like this one bit. She had called for him, without her, he wouldnt even be in Sunnydale. He took a step closer to her, and grinned. There was something in his hand, Dawn couldnt quite see what it was, until he raised it to her face, she then recognized it as the goods he had bought from the magic box earlier, she found it funny, that such an evil guy would even buy them, instead of stealing them, or even killing the others. Perhaps he didnt intend on killing the others, but Dawn knew that he wanted Buffy more than anything. Why did she offer her sister?
Talom then mixed the ingredients into a bowl and squished them into a watery mix, when he was satisfied with it; he dipped his hand into the bowl. And smother Dawns forehead and cheeks with the mixture, leaving a grey residue, he then began chanting something in which Dawn he found familiar, but couldnt quite put her finger on what it was exactly, perhaps it was a language Willow and Tara knew, or possibly Giles.
As Talom stopped chanting he drew his hand across Dawns face and a loud spark emitted from her, and then all Dawn knew was darkness. For the longest moment Dawn had thought she had gone blind, but soon her sight returned to her, and the first thing she saw was the slimy demon glaring smugly at her. He then saw that Dawn wanted to say something and pulled down the bit of cloth from her mouth.
"You-you wont get away with this! My sister will come, and she will kick your arse!" Talom threw his hands up in the air and laughed at her.
"Thats what Im counting on!" Dawn looked at him from the corner of her eye.
"What do you mean?" He began walking around Dawn, as she had been cleverly tied to a rock formation in a cave, near the coast. He began stirring-up Dawn with his keenness to kill the slayer.
"Simple, she thinks she coming her to save you. When really, shes coming here to die. She will stand-by and watch as I kill you, and then her. If anyone gets in my way, they will also die."
A shocked gasp escaped from Dawns lips. The piece of cloth then covered her mouth again, and not another word was uttered from Dawns lips.
All is said and done
"I want to help Dawn, It my fault that she was taken in the first place, if I had tried harder to beat down Drusilla, I think that she would be her right now instead of with that guy, uh, Talom." Buffy raised her eyebrow in surprise, Xander walked over to Spike and stood nose to nose with him.
"We dont need your help dead boy."
He then pushed Spike over. Spike was about to retaliate when he remembered the plan, he let the anger boil inside and gave Xander an angry glare, he then stood up and looked resigned, he gave Buffy another puppy-dog look, he then sauntered over to sit on a stool at the counter. Buffy shook her head and placed her hands firmly on Xanders shoulders.
"I hate to say this, but we really could use his help. If I dont win, he is the only person that could stand a chance against Talom. So just bare with me here, ok?"
Xander then composed himself and took a weapon out of the black sports bag, he began duelling with Giles, he hated Spike for a lot of reasons, but he also knew that Buffy was right, if she failed Spike was the only other person strong enough to kill Talom. The only way Xander could help, was to get hurt, he wanted to be stronger, and was frustrated with his human strength.
Buffy was crestfallen, there was little time left. A myriad of emotions crossed her face as she realized that something was left undone, she hurriedly walked over to where Tara and Willow now sat, she looked them over with a grin. She couldnt believe that she didnt think of this before. Tara gave her a calm look, which as Buffy knew by now was a resounding look, as everyone in the room had it on their faces. Perhaps it wasnt calm at all, perhaps it was fear. Willow then frowned at Buffy.
"Before when Anya was babbling about Tara being linked with Talom. And then you said that you could feel him, do you suppose~" Words were left unsaid as Willow interjected.
"Its ok Buffy, weve got it covered. You better get going." Buffy nodded and gathered the black sports bag filled with weapons, she motioned for Giles, Spike and Xander to follow her, and over her shoulder, she replied.
* * *
"Ok, now, wait a minute."
Buffy instructed for Giles to stop the car, he pulled over immediately, a huge grin appeared on Buffys face as she realized where exactly Talom was, she got out of the car, as did the others, Giles made sure it was locked out and then gave Buffy a confused look. She patted Spike on the chest and looked up at him, he gave her a baffled look, as did Xander. Spike then looked the map over; a shot of realisation covered his face. Buffy was certain he understood, she then turned to the others.
"This, this was Spikes old digs, when he and H-harmony
" She tried not to laugh. "
Were together. I bet he knows all the ins and outs. So, hes gonna go in the back way, while I take the front, and you two take either side of the cave, and make sure you stay out of eye-shot, we could use that to our advantage."
They each bobbed their heads in understanding, Buffy unzipped the black bag and took out an axe, she put it in her right hand, she then took out a long sword and put it in her left. She looked at the others, and they took what they thought was needed. Giles looked at his watch.
"Weve got a few minutes." Xander and Giles then leaned on the car, and Buffy and Spike stood beside it impatiently, as they waited for Giles to give the go ahead.
* * *
Anya closed the shutters to the magic box and walked over to where Willow and Tara sat. Anya soot just outside the pentagram, which was centred in the room, with Willow and Tara sitting across from each other inside it, she gave the women worried looks, which they returned. Willow then nodded for Anya to take a seat, which she did, on the cushions in the far corner of the room. Willow painfully stared Tara and the eyes, and after a moment, Tara nodded in compliance. They then joined hands and began chanting.
* * *
Giles pulled out his pocket watch and nodded, they all went their separate ways, with Buffy yelling at the top of her voice for Talom to come out and fight her. She stopped outside the front of the cave.
"Who-hoo, hello? Ollie-Ollie Oxenfree!"
She began tiptoeing her way deeper and deeper into the dark recesses of the cave, when a murmur stopped her dead in her tracks. Buffy whirled around and tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness, when suddenly she was lopped in the arm with a sharp object, she recoil in pain, and raised her weapons in expectance, she whirled herself around, expecting another attack, when a fireball lite up the entire cave, and almost threw Buffy completely off balance. Still he foe was unseen.
"Youre early!"
She heard an all too familiar voice echo from deep within, but still she could not see him, instead, she saw her sister. She ran over to Dawn as fast as she could, she dropped her weapons and untied Dawn; she slapped her face and urged her to wake up. A single tear ran down Buffys face, she had thought she was too late, when Dawn roused and her eyes became wide, Buffy had thought it was relief, that was until Dawn screamed.
"Buffy! Look out!"
Buffy whirled around, just in time to get a punch in the face, her body was sent reeling into a nearby rock formation, she got up dazed and looked around the cave, he was gone, whered he go? She quickly gained her footing and began walking away from Dawn and deeper into the cave, she had thought she saw a shadow, and followed it, she was about to attack when she realized it was Spike, she backed away.
"Oh, come on! Im right here! All you have to do is take me! What are you waiting for?"
She began whirling around the cave, getting a good view, but still Talom wasnt to be found. She sighed, what exactly was he waiting for? Then she knew he was waiting for her, the perfect little lamb. Buffy felt the full force of a kick to the mid-back area, she practically flew into another rock formation, sending bits of rubble onto her, she breathed heavily in pain and hoped that Willow and Tara were finishing their spell by now, she couldnt take much more of this.
* * *
A white, purifying and blinding light surrounded Willow and Tara. Their backs arched and they looked upwards, as more white light escaped from their mouths. They both screamed in pain, as their essences escaped them. The light soon faded, and they both looked each other deeply in the eyes, Willow knew then what she had to do. Tara nodded with what strength she had left, and Willow pulled the athame from her knapsack, tears streamed down her face as she drew the atheme over her head. She whispered.
"I love you."
* * *
Spike quickly sprinted over to Dawn and untied her; he fumbled with the rope, and after a moment, she was freed. Within a few strides, he was on the other side of the rock formation facing Dawn, he looked at her sympathetically and took her hand, she didnt pull her hand away, but nodded at him happily.
"Are you alright?" He asked looking her over, she bobbed her head.
"All right, you?" He smiled.
"Never better."
He smiled broadly; they then ran out of the cave, and into the centre of another battle. Xander and Giles were fighting off over a dozen red decaying demons. They were tired, Spike could tell, instinctively, he pushed Dawn behind him and began fighting off the demons, with Giles and Xander on either side of him. Xander threw Spike a log, which he had used to fend them off.
"Thanks!" Spike knocked a demon down, and thrust the log into it. It squirmed for a minute, and then died, its body vanished. Leaving nothing behind.
* * *
Tara nodded and Willow plunged the atheme into Taras chest, they both screamed in agony and fell to the floor. What Willow had done came from a place of love. A red and green cloud swirled around them and finally mixed into a violet. The light spread out and light up the magic box, it spilled out onto the street. Anya gasped and got up to look at the two, but had to cover her eyes from the light. What had happened?
* * *
Buffy put her hands up in defence as Talom threw an all-powerful punch; her left arm took the full force of the blow, and snapped at the force. She screamed in agony and tried to inch herself away. Talom smiled and laughed gleefully at the sight, and then abruptly stopped, he clenched his hands to his stomach and pulled away from her. Buffy frowned, confused. Until she realized what it could mean. She kick flipped up and gave him a smug look. His eyes widened as she began attacking him. First with a skull crashing blow to the head, and then a series of kicks and punches to the stomach, and when she was sure, she kicked him in the chest, a cracking sound came neck, and then Talom gave her a heated look, she had destroyed his power centre. He gritted his teeth and tried to fight back, but she seemed to know his every move before he did.
Finally, the last blow, she knocked him down to the ground, picked up her forgotten sword and thrust it into his heart. He looked up at her, and gave her an accusing look, how could she have done that to him? He then fell to the floor dead. Buffy grinned, she picked up the axe and left the cave, she then walked over to where the others sat, dropped the weapons and hugged her sister.
"Thank god youre ok." Dawn tightened her grasp around Buffy.
"Im sorry, Im so, so sorry."
Buffy pulled Dawn away from her, and looked her reassuringly in the eyes.
"No, no, its ok. Dont be sorry."
Xander and Giles inhaled deeply and sat down in the sand on either side of Buffy, they had had a rough battle. They didnt expect Talom to be out full on force, and they certainly didnt expect other demons to be watch guard, something Buffy hadnt told them about. But it was over, and they survived with little to no physical damage. Spike stalked back and forth a little restless and disappointed that he got in when the fight was almost over. He stopped pacing and looked over to the horizon, he felt it was time to go; he couldnt stay much longer anyway. He spoke up.
"Well, uh, I guess Id better get going." He nodded down at them and left, they watched him leave, and soon disappear into the darkness. Buffy shook off her thoughts off him, when Dawns voice chimed in her ear.
"What happened back there? Where is Talom?"
"I killed him."
Giles stood up and walked over to the car, Xander took notice; he smiled at the women, collected their weapons and made his way towards the car. He jumped in and took a seat beside Giles in the front. Buffy smiled as she helped Dawn up, they leisurely made their way towards the car.
"But how?" Buffy got into the car and squished over to the other side, she winced when she leaned her weight on her left arm, apparently it was still broken, Dawn then got in and slammed the door behind her.
* * *
Spike smashed the door to his crypt as he opened it, he then stalked in and looked around, he had expected to see Drusilla there. He went down into the lower level, but still no Drusilla, perhaps she was out on the hunt, at least thats what he thought, until he found a letter at his feet, he opened it.
I thought you would come back to me, but now, I have seen the error of my
ways. You are no longer the boy that I once knew; she swims around you, taunting you
and me. I can see clearly that you do love her, just as you did before, possibly more now. If only my Spike would come back to me. But alas, as time changes, the moon tells me, that we do so too. I think, you just outgrew me, just as I did you. Perhaps one day youll remember your true path and come back to me. Goodbye for now my sweet
Eternally yours,
Spike sighed and discarded the note, he had wanted to be with her and find his path again, just as Angel did when he had his soul restored, but why hadnt Drusilla seen that? Perhaps her love for him had clouded her judgement. He took a seat.
"Goodbye my sweet."
* * *
Anya walked over to Willow and Tara with a fearful look in her eyes, what had happened? Sure, they said there would be a bloodletting, but that did not prepare her for what she saw. She knelt over Willow and pulled her up, Willow gasped in her breath, she looked gratefully up at Anya and thanked her.
"What happened?" Anya sat down beside Willow.
"Simple, you said it yourself
" Willow tried to imitate Anyas voice. "
"Well, you could try to link the spell to another source
" And thats exactly what we did." Anya frowned, not understanding, she lost herself in thought and jumped with fright when Tara awoke with a start, and appeared in front of Anya instantaneously.
"Sorry to frighten you." It took Anya a few moments to breath normally, and then she finally understood.
"You, you, that spell, you linked together, didnt you?"
Both Willow and Tara stood up.
"Yep. Now well defiantly be together forever."
Willow took Taras hand and led her out of the store. The night was still young, after all.