Photo Gallery - Angel gallery

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acker | alex | alexis | alyson | amber | amy | andy | angel | angelus | anthony | august | baby | baywatch | beast | benson | benz | blucas | boreanaz | borenanaz | borenaz | brendon | buffy | by | calling | carpenter | caulfield | chance | charisma | charmed | chase | christian | city | connor | cordelia | dandelion | darla | date | david | dawson | denisof | director | dog | doyle | dramatic | drusilla | dushku | ed | elisabeth | eliza | emma | eve | faith | father | fred | gellar | giles | glenn | green | groosalugg | gunn | gwen | hallett | hannigan | hannigan, | harmony | head | heap | hero | holtz | i | illyria | into | iwry | j | j. | james | jane | jasmine | jason | jeff | joss | julie | juliet | kane | kartheiser | kate | kill | knox | l. | landau | lax | liam | lilah | lindsey | lobby | lockley | lorne | lornette | lutz | malibu | mark | marsters | match | mcnab | mercedes | merl | michelle | miss | moon | morgan | mr | nicholas | nikki | oz | priestley | puppet | purpose | quinn | remember | richards | ricketts | riley | roger | rohm | romanov | roseanne | sarah | schwartz | scott | sea | see | seth | shores | slag | smile | son | soul | spike | stephanie | stewart | supernatural | the | thompson | time | tom | trachtenberg | tru | unleashed | unsaid | vegad | vincent | voodoo | welcome | welling | wesley | west | whedon | will | willow | wood | xander | you | you're
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Angel, its characters, and the Angel logo are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB Television Network, and Twentieth Century Fox. This is a fan site, by the fans for the fans. No copyright infringement is intended nor implied. Images are the property and ©, ®, ™ of the distributor of films and the studio. Gallery Credits Stalkerazzi