Fanfiction: April 2004
Below are all Fanfics added on April 2004.
Five by Three
Rated: R
Added On: April 08, 2004
Summary: The final in the Auld Acquaintance Series : Transmission loud but not clear. Xander's on the mend, but the First is not through with him yet.
Three Fights
Rated: R
Added On: April 08, 2004
Summary: Part 3 of the Auld Acquaintance Series: To her surprise, Faith learned something new in prison about fighting. Now she brings it home. - Faith was never on S4 Angel. BtVS up to 'StoryTeller' then veers into AU
Five Conversations
Rated: R
Added On: April 08, 2004
Summary: Part 2 of the Auld Acquaintance Series: Xander has his own homecoming. Revelations and The Revelation - Faith was never on S4 Angel. BtVS up to 'StoryTeller' then veers into AU.
Sunnydale Calling
Rated: R
Added On: April 08, 2004
Summary: Part 1 of the Auld Acquaintance Series: Faith's released from the joint and Xander's going to get her. Anything to prove? Only to himself. - Faith was never on S4 Angel. BtVS up to 'StoryTeller' then veers into AU.