Bloody Awful Poet Society


Welcome To Bloody Awful Poet Society
The Bloody Awful Poet Society continues to champion the redemption of the character "Spike" on the television series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." We believe that Spike's humanity eventually will triumph.
Members communicate through a Yahoo mailing list. It's free and open to anyone who shares in our hope for Spike's redemption. If you'd like more information, follow the link below. You must sign up for a free Yahoo membership in order to access the area.

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"No character's journey from the dark to the light has been more poignant or frustrating than that of Spike, the vampire in love with Buffy; he went out and regained his soul, but at a hefty price. As Spike, the ferociously versatile James Marsters emerged as the show's undisputed romantic hero and leading man. And if there's any justice, he'll earn Buffy's first acting Emmy nomination for his efforts."

-- Joyce Millman, Dec. 2002, Boston Phoenix newspaper


James Marsters
Episode Analysis
Wendy's Spoiler Zone Site
BAPS Merchandise


Updated - 3 March 2003

Would you like to see a spinoff featuring Spike? Vote in the poll this week.


BAPSters have voted on their favorite Spike moments in the first half of the season for the Golden Spike Awards.

What really happened to Spike's Duster

Short parody starring Spike and Xander as the Odder Couple.

Episode Analysis

Sanguine's reviews of
Storyteller,Get It Done,First Date,Killer in Me,
Potential,Showtime,Bring on the Night,  Never Leave Me. Sleeper.Conversations With Dead People. Him.Selfless.
 Help.Same Time, Same Place.Beneath You.Lessons

Leoff's summaries are current through "Storyteller."

macha's review of Bring on the Night

Redemption News

James Marsters was a guest on "The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn" 21 January. During the interview, there was this exchange: 

CK: Are you good or bad? I can never figure out?

JM: Uh, reformed. Seeking forgiveness. Actually, whining a lot right now. Yeah. They're spending a lot of time making Spike feel really bad for killing all those people so they can then redeem him. 

The  129K WAV of this Q&A

James Marsters talks about Spike's journey  in a New York Times interview.

In November, BTVS Executive Producer Marti Noxon was interviewed The Warp Zone, a radio show on a Kansas station (Real player required). The interview occurs 20 minues into the program. She talks about the "major redemption tale" for Spike.

Marti Noxon says in a September interview that Spike is "heroic" in the Buffy universe.


Ariana on The 'Seeing Red' bathroom scene: Why ME went there, gender relations in the Buffyverse, and the future of Buffy/Spike

Barb Cummings shares her thoughts on Season Six in Review: A Letter to Mutant Enemy

Lisa explains Why I Believe Neo!Spike Is And Is *Not* Old!Spike

Serina presents her argument on why Of Course Spike Would Get A Soul

BAPS Remembers Tara

Convention News

James Marsters and his band, Ghost of the Robot, will be appearing in Chicago at the Buffy Fan Event for the May 10 weekend. 

The complete list of his convention schedule is on James' official site.


Learn how to make your own William doll

Musical CD

Order 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling' Soundtrack! 

The soundtrack for the acclaimed Season 6 Musical -- including Spike's solo "Rest In Peace" -- has been released. Just CLICK on the photo to order it from Amazon.

The Musical also has an accompanying Script Book. It a "must have" for fans of "Once More With Feeling!"


Order these items through

Order the Season 1 'Angel ' DVD


Pre-order a new 'Buffy' novel featuring Spike


Order the Season 3 BtVS DVD

The Bloody Awful Poet Society site is free to use but not free to run. Donations through PayPal are appreciated.

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