:: The Language ::

New to Fan Fiction? You are going to be *so* lost. I was. We all are. It's an entirely different language. It's even different from one fandom to another! 

So, here are a few translations for some of the more common phrases/acronyms out there for the Buffy fandom. Hope this helps! Oh, and if you know of one that isn't on here, because I'm *sure* I didn't get them all, let me know, ok?

Phrase Normal Person Translation
Fandom A fan fiction genre, IE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer as opposed to Highlander
WIP Work In Progress
IWRY I Will Remember You - Angel Episode, S1 (for more episode names, go here)
S1, S2, S3 etc Season One, Season Two, Season Three etc
S1.1, S2.2 Season One, Episode One; Season Two, Episode Two etc
ATS Angel, The Series
BTVS Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Joss Joss Wedon, Creator of BTVS and ATS
CWC Curse? What Curse?
PWP Porn without Plot
FB Feedback
Shipper Relation-shipper. Believes in a certain relationship
Zeppo Xander
Cordy Cordelia
Spuffy, S/B Spike/Buffy Story/Shipper
B/A Buffy/Angel Story/Shipper
B/C Buffy/Cordelia Story/Shipper
B/W Buffy/Willow Story/Shipper
B/G Buffy/Giles Story/Shipper (you get the idea, now, right?
Spoiler Something that spoils a new episode for someone who hasn't watched it yet.
Beta Reader Someone to proofread your story
fic, fanfic A fan fiction story
A/N Author's Note
AU Alternate Universe. There are Vamps and Slayers, but stuff happened differently
AR Alternate Reality. No vamps or slayers
X-over Crossover. More than one fandom.
Challenge Someone has an idea for a story, but can't write it. You can! :-)
List Mailing list. Usually a Yahoo or MSN group
Button Usually a graphic 100 pixels wide by 35 pixels high for linking one site to another
Affiliate Sites that link to each other and have an agreement
Het Heterosexual relationship or sex
Slash Same-sex relationship or sex
NC-17 Adult content. Erotica etc.
M/M, MM Male slash
F/F, FF Female slash
Angst Not a happy fiction. Probably painful, or upsetting
Fluff Just a happy story, probably not a lot of plot
POV Point Of View - "Buffy POV", Buffy's voice talking
The Babble Board Ducks Babble Board (it'll come up more than you think.)
UC UnConventional Relationship, IE, not shown on the show
Cannon Shown on the show.
Lurker Someone who reads but does not post to lists/message boards
quest Question
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (Just in case. You never know...)
DB David Boreanez (Angel)
SMG Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy)
CC Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia)
ASH Anthony Stewart Head (Giles)
UST Unresolved Sexual Tension **Sent By Dawn**


Something a fan created that some confuse for canon (i.e. that Buffy's real name is Elizabeth Anne Summers instead of Buffy Anne Summers or that Buffy uses vanilla scented perfume) **Sent By Dawn**
AI Angel Investigations **Sent By SalinaH20**
PTB The Powers That Be **Sent By SalinaH20**


Fiction specifically written badly...that doesn't mean no punctuation...it means, ridiculous plot, stupid idea, wierd setting....for example, "Spanked" by Echo is centered around Cordelia spanking Spike with a plastic spatula.

Now, I know for a fact that I'm missing a bunch, but this was all I could think of. If you know of one, send it in, and I'll add it! :-)



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