:: Buffy Love ::
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Buffy loves the way she lives her life: hard, fast and completely. She doesn’t shirk, and she always gives the benefit of the doubt. She trusts the same way: totally. If you’ve earned her trust, almost nothing you do can break that.
Because she has the constant threat of dying hanging over her head, when she gives herself, she gives herself completely. To be loved by the character of Buffy Summers means to be loved completely, no matter what your flaws, no matter what your mistakes.
Her love manifests itself in more than one way. The good is always someone else’s doing, and the bad is always her fault.
<i>"In her mind, everything’s her fault... Buffy doesn’t think about the ones she saved, she dwells on the ones she couldn’t." - Willow, "Cindy Lou Who" By Gibberish</i>
Because of that, she has a tendency to not stand up for herself unless the point is made to her in no uncertain terms that she *is* worth it.
In fact, in Checkpoint, it had to be made twice before we, the viewers, were shown that she *got* the point. Why? Because the observant among us know how her mind works.
<i>BUFFY: You're the ones tried killing me.
KNIGHT: No, we were fools, three alone. But if it takes a hundred men, we send a hundred men, and if it takes a thousand, we send a thousand.
BUFFY: A thousand?
KNIGHT: So long as you protect the key, the brotherhood will never stop until we destroy it and you. You are the Slayer, and we know what we must do. Now, be done with it. Kill us, and let legions follow.</i> - Checkpoint, season five (transcript from http://www.buffyworld.com/)
<i>"Glory ... came to my home today.... Just to talk. She told me I'm a bug, I'm a flea, she could squash me in a second....Only she didn't. She came into my home, and we talked. We had what in her warped brain probably passes for a civilized conversation. Why? Because she needs something from me. Because I have power over her."</i>- Checkpoint, season five (transcript from http://www.buffyworld.com/)
It took making the point *twice* that she wasn’t worthless before we saw it seep into her brain. Why? Because she’s humble...and not in the "Oh, I’m so low" fake way. In the "It’s my fault because I couldn’t save her" way. She thinks the world’s problems are her fault because, in a way, the world rests on her shoulders.
Therefore, when she loves, she gives herself over completely.
Because she knows she could die, and you might never know how she feels.