:: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer -
*An excerpt from "The
Watcher's Council - A History"
Written By
Dulce One
Born in 1981, she is the Slayer who fell through the cracks. Not found by the Council until she'd already been called in 1996, Buffy Summers was a unique case.
A troubled teen, she did not follow the Council rules, and managed to, within months, get her watcher killed and herself kicked out of her L.A. high school. Her destiny took her to Sunnydale, California where she was sent a new Watcher, Rupert Giles, in the hopes that his colorful past would help to keep her in line.
Alas, it did not work. Ms. Summers continued to break the rules, working with friends and having an affair with a souled vampire. When said vampire lost his soul, she was unable to kill him. We do not know how Angelus was re-cursed or how he was returned from Hell. See Appendix C - Unexplained Phenomena on the Hellmouth.
Ms. Summers was killed twice, yet did not stay dead, the first time resulting in a second Slayer being called. Council records fail to note whether the second death resulted in same. Kendra, The Vampire Slayer was killed when assisting Ms. Summers with an apocalyptic problem. The next slayer called was named Faith, who turned rouge and had to be subdued.
The second time Ms. Summers was killed was during a battle against the Hell-God Glory (Glorficus). She was faced with a choice of dying or killing her 'sister', though the girl was in fact the Key, sent to the Slayer for safekeeping. The Slayer chose death.
There are no records of how she was returned, nor are there further records of her life at this time.
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* This is a fictitious title. There is no "The Watcher's Council - A History". There are no Appendices.