Title: It Worked For Dallas
Author: Miss Witch
Email: misswitch@qwest.net
Rating: PG
Summary: What if Buffy only dreamt the events of season 6 and 7. (wish we had.) 
Disclaimer: Everyone who thinks I own anything in the Buffyverse raise their hands. *looks around* Yeah, that’s what I thought. Oh, wait, you, in the back… get a clue. Do I look like Joss?
Spoilers: Season 7, up to and including Lies My Parents Told Me. 
Distribution: If you’ve had my permission before, knock yourself out. If you don’t have my permission, you’ve just to ask.
Feedback: Feedback feeds my Muse. A well-fed Muse is a happy Muse. And a happy Muse means that I write more. So, the more feedback I get, the more I write. 

Author’s Notes: This is just a little ficlet based on Daien’s “It never happened” challenge. There’s a real fic coming based on the coma challenge, but it’s currently being beaten into submission.

For Giles Fan, who once again inspired me with a stray comment and graciously agreed to beat the other fic into submission, thereby saving my sanity. 

Buffy awoke with a start, blinking as she tried to take in her surroundings. Sighing, she dropped her head back down to her soft pillow, shutting her eyes. [God, what a horrible dream.] she thought to herself. Buffy tried to think of some happy things to wash away the disturbing images of Giles leaving her, of Willow going bad. [Ew! I slept with Spike!] Buffy thought in disgust. 

Rolling onto her back, Buffy stared up at the dark ceiling, thankful that she’d been able to wake herself up. Her dream self had just slammed the bedroom door in Giles’ face. Buffy shuddered. There was no way that dream was going to get any better after that. Buffy looked around the empty room and sighed again. Sleep was not going to be forthcoming after this dream.

Throwing back the covers, Buffy climbed out of the bed and pulled on her robe. Yawning, she padded down the stairs to the living room. Buffy started towards the kitchen to make herself some hot chocolate, when the sound of running water distracted her. Detouring toward the bathroom, she paused outside the door for a moment.

Making a decision, Buffy pushed the door open silently, slipping into the tiled room. Steam had filled the room and fogged over the mirror. Smiling, Buffy reached out and pulled the shower curtain back. Startled, Giles whirled around, clutching the soap to his chest. 

“Dear Lord, Buffy.” he said admonishingly. “You nearly scared the life out of me.” Buffy smiled as she unbelted her robe, letting it slide to the floor.

“I had a bad dream.” she murmured stepping into the shower behind him. Giles smiled as he slipped his arms around her, pulling her under the spray.

“Maybe I should kiss it and make it all better.” he whispered. Buffy smiled, pulling Giles’ lips down to hers.

“Maybe you should.”


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