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What would you call yourself? Heterosexual Hetrosexual without a doubt Homosexual without a doubt Bi-sexual Metro-sexual Asexual Demon-sexual Sex? What's that?
When faced with a life threatening situation do you? Stand your ground Come out swingin' Check your arrow supply Consult your books Look for a logical course of action Run Run AND hide Work a little mojo
An ex-boyfriend/girlfriend comes into town. So you? Freak because they should be dead Wonder if you'll have to tell the gang another story about your impetuous youth Say "Step off Tramp!" Can't remember their name Check for a full moon Ask how they found you at this address Ask how their Vulcan costume is coming along
What mostly likely appears in your shopping cart at the grocery store? Protein drinks Twinkies Garlic Back Bacon A lovely chocolate silk pie with chocolate shavings accenting it's beauty Breakfast Tea Coffee Lucky Charms