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On the actual date, what are your first impressions? Bookish but charming Cute and sultry Firecracker Timid but sweet Wild Cold Cute Geeky
What do you talk about on your date? Anything Slaying How much you have in common Books, music, demonology Books, Where you grew up Cartoon Characters, Army stuff The latest game they've acquired Magic, Books
The night's not over yet, so where do you go next? For a walk A new jazz club or a pub Anywhere Their room Stop off at the local club for a few casual drinks with their friends. Back to the Council To window shop for the latest comics and games so that they can buy them early tomorrow
As you say goodnight, what is your final impression of them? Cute and sultry, but funny as well Cute with a sense of humour and a lovely smile Wild Cold but has promise Adorably geeky but very sweet Charming and wild Firecracker Beautiful, bookish and cute