Title: The Query Series
Author: NyxMne Chaosis
Email: magmyr@umailme.com
Distribution: SFA
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in parts for character death)
Setting: Post-Lover's Walk (Season 3)/Pre-Harsh Light of Day (Season 4)
Summary: After his drunken fiasco in "Lover's Walk", Spike returns to Brazil to woo back Dru.
Disclaimer: Joss owns all.

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Oz's Query

It was an hour after the Dingoes' last set. The Bronze had kicked Oz out, but not after a final sweep through the bathrooms and backstage areas. Oz frowned as he scanned up and down the street in front of the Bronze. He couldn't find Willow anywhere, and it seemed unlikely that she would just take off without a good reason.

There was no precedent for her sudden departure. They hadn't had a fight. Oz reconsidered that. They had never had a fight. Sure Willow got upset sometimes, but he knew her anger wasn't directed at him. Granted, lately, their interests seemed to be diverging, but that was expected considering how long they had been together.

The band kept him busy now that they were getting exposure playing the circuits in L.A. Combined with his school work, his schedule was often booked. Willow was also busy being immersed deeply in her Wicca and in her school-related studies. The time they did spend together was usually time spent exploring each other physically.

Oz smiled, as he recalled their last time together. He had developed a new found respect for walk-in closets. It was the only way they could get any privacy since the lock on his bedroom door was busted. The lock on the closet door, however, worked like a charm.

Oz sighed deeply. Something was definitely wrong. He recalled Devon's comment during the set break about her just vanishing into thin air. He also remembered the shiny new amulet Willow showed him... something about a gift from a shop she frequented. Maybe Devon wasn't seeing things. Maybe Willow had disappeared before his eyes. Something was definitely not right.

Across the street, Oz spied a telephone booth. First he would call Devon, find out more details about what he said to Willow and what he saw. Then he would go to Giles's house and try to find some answers about the nature of her disappearance. There was no sense panicking about Willow's disappearance. Panicking solved nothing.

Yet, an unsettling feeling pervaded Oz, as he dialed the number to the band's house. His conversation with Devon was brief... something about mayonnaise on her lip, a silver amulet, a spoon, and spiked java. Oz couldn't complain. It was more information. Now that Devon was no longer under the influence of caffeine, the singer could think more clearly.

Oz hastily zipped his jacket. A cool wind chilled the air as he walked briskly in the direction of Giles's house. "I should call the ex-Watcher," Oz thought. "Don't want to barge in on anything... personal." Strange images flickered in his head, but Oz quickly shook them off. "This is important. He'll understand."

An empty taxi drove leisurely by and Oz flagged it. As he climbed into the back seat and told the driver the address of his destination, he could not shake his pondering thoughts:

"Where are you Willow?"