Title: Protector
Author: Serendipity
Email: trekchic@usa.net
Distribution: Y'all know me. I say yes. Just ask beforehand so I know.
Disclaimer: the characters belong to Joss Whedon
Rating: PG-13 (language, violence and content)
Author's Notes: Oz doesn't exist...again (I'm SORRY!!!) and uhm..Oh, this is my take on what fourth season would be like for 'Buffy' and for the new series 'Angel'. (meaning, all of the previous seasons are fair game. I haven't seen Grad2 yet, though, so don't worry about that type of spoilage. Angel is in L.A.) Only difference: (big one) the Scooby Gang is still in high school. So, the events of season 3 took place their junior year. Oh, and lastly, for those who have read it and are wondering, this is totally unrelated to one of my other stories, When Stars Collide. :) Feedback is, as always, adored, highly appreciated, very motivational and always responded to.
Dedication: to everyone who's ever wanted to have something dedicated to them but never has, this story is wholeheartedly for you.
Part 8
Pacing as calmly as possible, Whistler had just made his 32nd turn around the living room when he heard the door softly click open.
Looking up, he stopped at the sight of the black-clad figure that quickly slipped in.
Turning to face him, Willow gingerly pulled off her hood, revealing her flushed face and tired expression. She raised her gaze to his and looked him straight in the eyes, her face serious.
“So, how much trouble am I in?”
“Excuse me, the lipstick is Chanel. Hands off. And you, the skank in my skirt?
Give it back. Now.” Death stare firmly in place, Cordelia set about yanking teenage girls out of her closet, away from her mirror, and off of her bed.
“But don’t you think it looks good on me?” Hilary wailed plaintively.
Cocking her head to one side, Eliz shrugged, “I think Cordelia’s right, you sorta look like a ho, Hi. It’s way too short. Even for you.”
Emma tried to be helpful, “Try the other one on. The silver shiny one. I like that one.”
“No.” Cordelia cut in harshly, “There won’t be anymore pawing at my things tonight. Out! Everyone get OUT of my room! Now!”
It was at that precise moment when they heard someone sneeze.
The room fell dead silent as the girls all looked at each other carefully.
“I think I saw someone outside,” Carrie bounced over to the window.
“That sounded like a guy.” JR said softly.
Laura’s eyes narrowed, “And it smelled like a vampire.”
“So, basically, every vampire in about a ten mile radius knows that Angel has a Protector?”
“If we’re lucky. It could be every vampire in the state.”
“Oh boy.” The redhead sunk into her seat. “How did everyone find out?”
“I’m guessing it’s the freakin Watcher’s moronic Council. You’ve killed every vampire you’ve come up against, so there’s no chance it spread that way.” Whistler growled.
“Do you think the Council did it on purpose?”
The demon paused for a moment, contemplating the question,“No, I don’t think they did. I think they did it because they’re incredibly stupid and indiscreet. You should have seen them lined up outside of Cordelia’s house.”
“Yeah, they’re all sleeping over there.”
“S-so they’re camped out in her living room?” The redhead stared at him, incredulous.
“About 20 of them. I thought that cutting off their funds would send them back to Sunnydale and buy us some time. Unfortunately, it didn’t.”
“You cut off their funds?!” Willow looked mortified, “Oh, poor Giles!!” She could just picture the shocked look on the librarian’s face when they sliced his credit card. He’d never trust technology again. “Oh, does Cordelia have tea? Giles must need some tea after today. Is there any way we can send over some tea?”
Whistler gave her a strange look, “I…what…?”
“I can’t help it. I just feel bad!” She exclaimed, standing up.
Grinning, Whistler tried to calm her down, “Don’t worry about it he’ll be fine. He’s at Cordelia’s with food and a roof over his head and….all his fun Watcher friends.”
Willow shook her head, “I just wish I could let him know I was okay…”
“Speaking of which, how’s Angel?” Whistler’s voice took on a dull and deadly tone.
“He’s…uhm..he’s w-well…” She stammered.
“Where’d he go?”
“Back to Cordelia’s place, I think. Look, Whistler, I’m sorry, I really am. It just kinda happened and I swear I didn’t say anything to him or take off my ho-,” She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw the demon shaking silently. “What is it?”
Unable to stand it anymore, he broke into full out laughter, “Angel’s going to Cordelia’s place?”
“Well, yeah. I don’t think he’ll go in, though, once he figures out the Watchers are in there.”
“N-no, I don’t think he’s going to even get near that place.” He gasped.
“Concentrated tweed.” Whistler smirked, “He’s allergic to it.”
Xander Harris had just climbed into bed when the phone started ringing.
Quickly, he pushed back the covers, bounded across the dark room and picked it up, “Xander’s house of love, the Love Man speaking. How may I help you tonight, Miss Summers?”
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Wild guess. Cordelia’s in LA and Willow isn’t back yet. That kinda narrowed the list down.”
“Actually, Xander, that’s why I’m calling.” Buffy replied, her voice tense and strange
“What’s up?”
“It’s Willow. I’m at her house right now. I forgot my trig homework that she was helping me with so I used my spare key to get in and get it.”
“Xander, all her clothing and stuff are gone.”
Buffy paused, “Uhm…Xander, doesn’t that sound weird to you?”
“She’s with Giles. What do you expect? They’re on some Watcher retreat thingie. Who knows how long THAT’S gonna take?”
“Xander, her bedsheets are missing.”
“I wouldn’t want to sleep on Watcher sheets either…tweed itches.”
Exasperated, Buffy sighed, “Xander, you know Mr. Gordo?”
There was a moment of silence as he considered her question, “The stuffed pig I gave her? The one she always leaves at home because he gets carsick?”
Nodding silently, Buffy glanced around the empty room again, “It’s gone too.”
Not missing a beat he started to pull on his sneakers.
“I’ll be right there.”
Angel stood in the shadows next to one of the local ice cream places. The sickly sweet scent of pistachio mixed with coffee was making his stomach turn, but he stood his ground. Back at the apartment, Cordelia had stuck her head out the window and whispered that she’d meet him there. < Besides, I’ve waited in worse areas >
He was, however, entirely unprepared to see the brunette come strolling down the walk, herding a huge group of young girls in front of her.
“Heather, you KEEP your ass in line, do you hear me? The ice cream place is right up ahead and if you go into another alley, I swear, I’m going to leave you there." She snarled impatiently, “Teri, stop looking at the guy, he’s at least ten years older than you and looks like a pimp,” pausing, she sniffed the air, “Tracy, are you wearing my perfume?!”
“That him?” Carrie pointed directly at the vampire in the shadows and Angel’s mouth dropped open.
“Angel?” Cordelia called in an exasperated voice.
Cautiously, he held back.
“He’s just standing there.” JR murmured.
“Angel, you can come out, they’re fine.” The brunette prodded impatiently.
Slowly, he emerged into the light, trying to ignore the collective gasp from the group in front of him.
Although he didn’t yet know it, they all knew who he was. Most of them had read direct accounts of his history, some of the others just knew him from reputation. Either way, one thing was clear. This was Angelus. He was legendary.
He was one of the most notoriously evil and brutal vampires.
He struck fear into the hearts of mortals and demons alike.
He was standing in front of a Dairy Queen.
Gazing out the window, Willow couldn’t help but think about how she fought with Angel. She’d never felt so powerful in her entire life. Even when she’d been captured by the Mayor, staked the vampire about to ‘taste’ her, stole pages out of the Books Of Ascension and stood up to Faith all in the same night, she hadn’t felt like this. For once, she wasn’t just ‘Willow the friendly hacking helper’. It wasn’t necessarily that she was something better or different; she was something more now. Grinning in spite of herself, she released the blinds and stalked back over to the couch where Whistler was sprawled on his new cell phone, making yet another phone call.
Eavesdropping unintentionally, she realized that he wasn’t speaking in English.
She wondered mildly what he was saying but after a mental shrug, pushed it out of her mind.
< Angel looked good. > The initially innocent thought soon brought a blush to her face. It was true. The vampire looked healthy. Well, more than healthy, really.
It was strange. She felt like she was seeing an entirely different side of him. It was somewhat like the night he had come to her room a few years ago and asked her to look up information on one of Buffy’s former boyfriends. The thought that HE’D be coming to HER for help had been an intimidating one. She had been entirely unnerved by his sudden arrival but had somehow managed to blunder through it.
< I hope I didn’t sound like TOO big a moron. >
Shaking her head at the thought, she absent-mindedly picked up her black leather gloves. He needed her now. More than he ever had before and for some reason, it felt right. Instead of being paralyzed by fear like she would have when she was younger, she felt oddly at ease with the situation.
< I wonder if Whistler’s people…changed me somehow. > She couldn’t be sure of their motivations or capabilities. In fact, she hadn’t really seen Whistler do anything strange or utilize magic even though she was fairly certain he could. Putting down the phone, the demon silently left the room and Willow sighed.
More than anything, she wanted to be able to talk to Angel again. Besides Cordelia, he was one of the few people connected with her old life and it was important for her to cling to that. < Besides, Angel always knows what to do. He comes through all the time. > She snickered < Old Reliable. >
Buffy had called her that once. It had annoyed her at the time, but now she saw the compliment for what it was. It made her feel closer to Angel.
In her own way, she had always felt a silent kinship with the vampire. They had both lived their lives as outsiders of sorts and were both somewhat withdrawn. They were also both highly intelligent. < Ooh, and now we both sorta have secret identities! > She bounced at the thought. Of course, though, there were a few differences.
< He’s strong and never afraid of anything and really good looking. > The last comment was less of a conscious thought than a scientific observation. Although Willow wasn’t necessarily suffering from low self esteem the way she had in high school, she didn’t harbor any delusions about her own appearance.
< But sometimes being really pretty can make you mean. > Briefly, Cordelia, or ‘old school Cordelia’ as Willow now thought of the brunette, came to mind.
< Angel isn’t mean, though. > she amended. Underneath the broody and guilt-ridden exterior, she knew how good he was. Even though he was technically in love with Buffy, he had saved all of their lives enough times for Willow to realize that he harbored a certain amount of love for each of them.
< Even Xander. > She smiled at the thought.
For all of his growling and emotional isolation, she was well aware of the vampire’s warm personality. < And his hands were warm too… > She frowned slightly as she recollected their encounter. < I thought vampires were supposed to be cold. > Even when she had brushed her fingers against his lips, she’d felt the warmth penetrate through to her fingertips.
Startled, the hacker looked up to find Whistler standing over her. Looking down, she realized she had been subconsciously brushing the black gloves back and forth lightly over her own lips. Mildly horrified, she threw them on the couch and stood up.
“Oh hi!”
Studying the guilt-stricken look on the young girl’s face, Whistler paused. “Hi. Guess what?”
Tucking an errant strand of red hair behind her ear and trying to calm her unexpectedly rapid heartbeat, Willow shot him a nervous smile “What?”
“We have a new game plan.”
It was nearly midnight when the phone started ringing.
One or two of the Watcher huddled over their ancient texts paused to glance up at it, but most simply ignored it and continued with their research.
After a few more rings, the answering machine dutifully clicked on: “Hi, you’ve reached Cordelia’s apartment. I’m not in now, so leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Megan, if this is you, I need my red velvet clogs back for the dinner thing next Friday so just beep me, k?”
Giles tried to hide a smile as a few of the older Watchers rolled their eyes at the recording. “…..Hello? Cordelia? Are you home? If you’re there, can you pick up?”
The effect of the unmistakable voice on the other end of the phone was instantly sobering. Several men started choking on the tea they had been in the process of swallowing. A few of the others broke the pencils they’d had clutched between their teeth while reading.
“Giles….? Are YOU there? It’s Buffy. Please pick up the phone….”
Slowly, Giles put down his book and took in the stares directed at him from all sides of the room.
“Cordelia, it’s Buffy. I’m calling because I’m looking for Giles and I called Council headquarters and Wesley said he might be here. It’s VERY important that I get ahold of him, so can you have him call me?”
“What are you waiting for, man?” Patrick finally broke the silence with his gruff voice, “She already knows something is going on, so you may as well pick up the phone, Giles. Your Slayer needs you.”
Having received approval, the Watcher’s barely restrained energy kicked in. He quickly shot to his feet and grabbed the receiver, “Buffy?” He asked, slightly breathless.
“Giles.” She sounded relieved, “Giles, can I talk to, Willow?”
“Oh…she’s….,” He glanced up helplessly at the other men, “She isn’t here right now.”
“Giles, where is she?” her voice took on a firmer quality.
“She’s…it’s…well, it’s a long story, Buffy, perha-,”
“Giles?” The Slayer interrupted.
“Start talking.”
“They’re proxy Slayers? Cordelia are you nuts?” Angel looked ready to bolt.
“Hey!” Insulted, the brunette pulled herself to her full height, “It was the only way I could get out of the frickin house this late at night without about 5 Watchers following me.”
Shooting a look at the awe-struck girls still gathered in front of him, he grabbed Cordelia’s arm and yanked her aside, “What’s the Council doing in your house anyway?”
“Like I have any idea. They’re on some Watcher’s questy type thing.”
“And they brought almost every Slayer-in-training with them?”
“Do I CARE what they’re doing?” She burst out. “They’re sleeping over for one night. Giles needed a place. They’ll be going tomorrow.”
“What if one of them reports the fact that they’ve seen me here with you? Giles will want to know what’s going on.” The vampire furrowed his brow.
Cordelia burst out laughing, “You think one of THEM is going to tell a WATCHER that they saw you?”
“Why not?” He stared at her.
“Do you know who the head of the Council is?”
“Patrick Mann?”
“Yeah, that Patrick guy.”
“What about him?”
“See that one?” Cordelia turned to point at one of the teenagers, a particularly striking raven-haired one who was in the process of scowling at the pair engaged in private conversation. “Homegirl over there pantsed him about two hours ago.”
“P-pantsed him?”
“Pantsed…it means to pull someone’s pants down. She was bored so she just ran past and pantsed him. Believe me, be glad you weren’t there. I never want to see a Watcher’s tighty whities again.”
“You’re kidding.”
Cordelia shook her head, “Her name is Laura. She is fear worthy. They all are. AND none of them have remotely any respect for the Council.”
“Except for maybe Giles.” Emma offered from the side.
“Yeah, I think Buffy cooled him out.” Hilary nodded.
“We kinda dig him.” Tracy reaffirmed.
“So what did you need to talk to me about?” Cordelia asked, returning her attention to Angel.
“Oh…that.” Still slightly uncomfortable, he paused, “I just wanted to tell you to warn….my friend…that somehow word’s hit the underground about her.”
“Excuse you?” The brunette shook her head, “Repeat that for those of us who don’t speak cryptic fluently.”
“The computer, Cordelia. I wanted to use your computer. To send an email.”
“The vampires in this area know about his Protector.” JR translated quietly.
“Yes, exact-What?” Angel looked over at the tiny girl with long chestnut hair who was standing unobstrusively at the edge of the group. “H-How did you know about my Protector?”
“Word travels fast.” Cordelia shrugged and started to try and herd the girls away before anything else was accidentally revealed. “I’ll tell her as soon as I can. Come on girls. We’re outtie.”
Unfortunately, the phrase didn’t work as well on people who WEREN’T Harmony and her group of sheep.
Firmly, the slayers stood their ground, ignoring Cordelia.
“We know about your Protector cuz she’s our Immortal Watcher too, moron.” Laura responded loudly, rolling her eyes.
“Damn.” Cordelia muttered.
Angel opened his mouth briefly before snapping it shut again. Over 200 years of training couldn’t prevent the shock and horror that flooded his features.
Stopping at this strange show of emotion, Laura smiled sheepishly, “Aww, crap, did I say something wrong?” she looked confused. “Fuck…sorry.”
Standing several yards away, Spike’s icy blue eyes sparkled.
“Protector AND Immortal Watcher, eh?”
Smiling, he melted back into the shadows.
“This is going to be so much more fun than I thought.”
Next Chapter