Title: Ms. Rosenberg Goes to WashingtoncAuthor: Malana
Email: Malana@mac.com
X-over with The West Wing
Pairing: Willow/Sam
Disclaimer: I don't own a single character. Don’t sue, I'm poor. Kind of
Distribution: If you want it, just ask
Feedback: Please, this is my first fic.
A/N: This is AU, but age wise probably 6th season. Willow is a junior in college. Tara and Willow broke up, but Tara never died. Willow never got addicted to magic. Oh, there is also no Spuffy.

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"Do you have a name picked out yet?" President Bartlet, asked.

Willow smiled. "Yeah. Jesse if it's a boy, Joyce if it's a girl."

"Those are lovely names."

"Thank you, Sir. So you know about the Spike situation. But that couldn't be from the Initiative's files could it? I mean, they aren't in Sunnydale anymore." Willow was a little confused.

"As I mentioned, I have received information from the Watcher's Council as well. I also know that your friend Angel is in Europe looking for Spike."

Willow was shocked. "No offense, Sir. But this is all a little creepy. I mean, I knew that Giles made reports to the Council and everything, but I never thought that my whole life would be on file somewhere. I guess I know how someone like Angel must feel, with all of his life being in the Watcher's Diaries."

"Ah, the Diaries. They are interesting reading aren't they?" Bartlet stood to get himself a drink. Willow started to stand, but he motioned for her to remain seated. "Would you care for a scotch? Wait, never mind. You're pregnant. Abbey would have my head."

Willow nodded. "Thank you anyway, Sir. Yes, the Diaries are fascinating. I haven't been able to get my hands on many of them, unfortunately."

"I've only read a few of them myself. Look, Willow. The reason I brought you in here; I know that telling Josh and Sam was probably unavoidable. But you broke some pretty high security levels doing it. Don't worry, nothings going to happen to you because of it. But you absolutely cannot tell anyone else. If anything happens, were you think you have to, you come to me first, all right?"

"Of course, Mr. President." Willow was abashed.

Bartlet felt the need to lighten the mood a little. Willow was young enough to be his daughter. In fact, she was younger then two of his children. As unprofessional as it was, he had some fatherly feelings for the girl. "Hey, did you know that the Evelnenz demon will explode if they ingest milk?"

Willow smiled slightly. She liked the bits on inane trivia he offered people, although if you were stuck with him when he felt like giving a hour long lecture of the history of the typewriter, it could drive you crazy. But most of the time she found the trait endearing. "In fact I did know that. Did you know that the Nekelvan demon, which looks almost exactly like the Evelnenz demon will grow much stronger if it ingests milk?"

Bartlet paused of a moment, "You'd probably want to be careful about that then."

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, Toby probably wants you to be working on the speech. So, if I don't see you before you leave, I just want to say, be careful, and good luck."

Willow stood, "Thank you, Mr. President." She left the room, and went to find Toby, knowing that he'd want her to work for the rest of the flight. She would be glad to do it. It would give her something to think about, other than what would happen when she got to Sunnydale.

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